Sylvan Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper, BKEVAril), TKANSYl.VANIA COUNTY, N. 0., FRIDAY, SE]^TK311iE]? lOOO. VOL. XI-NO. 39 J*'ansy!vama Lodge No. 143, 0 < 0 ' ^ Knights of Pftiiias: Congressional Campaign Brevard Board of Trade. Ueirular et)nvontion ov- erv Tiu‘tiday ni^ht in Ma- sonio Hall'. V i s; i t i n Knijrht:? are ^'ordiallv in- ' itcHl to attend. T. W. WHITMIRE C. C. Brevard Telephone Exchange. HOUKS; Haily—7 a. in. to U* p. m. ^^uiuiay- S to U* a. in.. 4 to (> p. m. <-'entfal onU'o—Mc-Minn i^lock. Professional Cards. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTO RN EY-AT-LA W. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty. iiooni!^ 1 and l2, 1liiiildin; ZACHARY &. BREESE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAVV Offices in McWinn Block. Brevard, N. C. A Dignified and Fair Report of the Joint Debate—Written Specially for Readers of the News. Permanent Org;anization—Elec tion of Offfcers—Selection of Committees, etc* GASH GALLOWAY. LAWYKRS. Will ])raotIi*o in all tlio courts. Iloonit; U and 10. McMinn l>lock. D. L. ENGL5SH LAWYER llooins 11 and lli Mi-Minn Hloi- I'.r.KVAr.l). N. Miscellaneous. DENTIST. ( )p|)o^ite < >i)ora Hon.-'.' HKNDHRSONVILLK, - - N. C. (loltl Crown, r.ridjio Work and l’orc*‘lain Work sj)i*c‘ialt ios. All work ^uarant(‘(*(l and prii'O'; r. a sonablt*. i’ainU-s !-',\ira( lion. The JEtkelwold Brevard's New Holt--! Mo'l’-rn Aji- pointinents—('piMi :i!l tli*' year Till' pa’.ronaizv <>f tin,- l ra v>'li ii-- iinhli-- as wt‘11 r.s sniuHK'r loin-is!> i.-'s<»lii-itL'd. Opn. C’oin-t 1 louse, llruvard. N.( . IM-P-A-X-S Tnl.iiles Doctors liiul A li'oo'l |)rcs(‘rn)tiou For iiiankind The is oiio\i-li l.'r u-ual nrca«ioiis. 1 lit* liiiniiv Ixitilc (tlO ('».•.it^: fora year.' Ail dru:4Ki>t^ thini. R. W. NORTOF4 Wo3(!work Gi Every D3SGrip!ion Wagon E.epcirs, Etc. Can b3 Found at T. L. Sne'.sori's Shop. If there is anythin;:' you want built of wood call and let me estimate its —1 can save you money. Snelson's Sho)). Hrevard, X. C. R. W. NORTON iiELP is OpiFEREi) TO WORTHY YOUNG We earnestly request all younff persons, no matter li*vr limited their means or edueation, who wish to btain a thorough business training and goodposi- tioh to write by mail for our preat half-raite offer. Success, independence and probable fortune a*e guaranteed. Don’t delay. Write today. Tbe Ga*»Ala. Business Colleget Hacoa* G«. Hditor .Sylvan Valiev Xews: A ])leus:int and aniiiiiited cam paign has so far attended th(' congressional candidates of this tenth district, and so far ^vlessrs. Hritt and Crawford have llnn^^ no tnud and indul^'ed in no in sulting and bitter words. Good crowds hist week attended and enjoyetl the s]>eaking, free from any disturbance. At Bryson City about J>r)0 per sons wer(‘ in attendance. In the splendid >^40.000 court house with marbh.' steps, in the nice town of Ahirphy, witii electric lights, two rivers, two banks and two railroads, there were ov(*r DOO persons who enjoj’ed the speak ing and applauded both speakers. Tlie next speaking was on la^l Saturday at Hayesville. in the litth' county of C’lay, named after :i big man. This county is on deorgia line, lias more siip than cattle and its rivers How into tlie Mississippi. The s})eak ers W('re wek-omed with a brass band of ten pieces, a crowd ot 1")0 well dressed ladies and :ir)(> men, tind the incense of flow»M’> rh(M‘red thf' Wi'ary sjiealoM-s. 'This was a large and enthusias- j tie* crowd for a little county and i lh(“ candiilates were }>lc'asc‘d with I their r(’ception in a county wtiich iias a small democratic majority, and in which C’raw'fonl has many friends who were glad to se(‘ him. The candidates s[)ent Sunday at their j’espiect 1 Vi* homos and l('ft the train Monday at Diils- i)oro. took conveyances up the two I’ivers iTacU'aseiget' and Sa vannah). on and u[)ward to the l(»fty Cov*’ee mountain, enjoying fh(‘ magnilict'iit mountain sctui- ery and goi'gc'o\is pvirple, saltron and crimson clouds of fantastic shapes that heralded a.nd mad<' Lrh)ri()Us the sotting sun. tlu'n made their desc(‘iit to Rabbit's branch in a four-hor’se coach con veying eight passengers t(^ hYanklin. which they reached in the night. The drive over th(' mountains to Franklin was I’l miles long and 7 hours short. Franklin is a pretty mountain village situated on a hill that cannot be hid, and is laved by the beautiful Tennessee, a musi cal Indian name accenton the last syllable. It is tive miles distant from the Georgia railway. Its isolation militates against its rapid growth. Let me give you a pen-picture of the two aspirants for a seat in congress: Mr. Crawford is a fine speci men of strength—almost an ath lete—weighing 19;”) pounds avoir- idupois, is six feet high, with ! brown eyes, black hair and black i moustache; his age is .>0 years. jHe looks somewhat like the pic tures of Corbett, the California pugilist. Mr. James J. Britt, school teacher and internal revenue officer for eight years, also IMve Craw’ford, a lawyer, is.about 43 'years old, weighs about 15,") lbs. and less Hum six feet high. He : dresses in nice clerical black suit jwith standing collar, and gold ' spectacles are ever ])resent on an 'aggressive nose. He is dignified j and has a scholastic; air, yet hjoks !like the stiff Presbyterian j preacher who prayed: ‘‘Oh, Lord. ! show’ us the right way, for you • know’ we never change.’' j Neither one uses intoxicants or smokes or chews tobacco. Botii I are men of unimpeachable char- |acter and prominent members of the Baptist church. Each “wears the wdiite flower of a blameless life,” and is a worthy and able representative of the best element in tlie two ])ar‘iies. l>ritt is a good talker and mak'\s a logical speech innocent ! of anecdotes; Crawford is an ex- porienct'd and su])erb campaign- j ('r w’ho arouses enthusiasui in the rank's and puts Britt on the de- i fensi ve. Britt is polite and respectful to )iis opponent, is too dignified ; to indulge much in wit or sar I casiu. Crawford is aggressive. fnnd of ridiciih' oi‘ sarcasm, and I is as full of ant*cdot(‘s t’nat catch ! t!i(‘ crowd as is an egg of meat. ' He is an ade{)t in th(‘ use of ridi |culeand sarciism—two formida- ' ble weapons in debati'. Ife knows !the i)eoph* and is very popular I in t lie entire dist rict. I Th(! two [Kirtic's ar in<‘t ]mr- suant to adjournini'nt and ])(‘nua- nont organization was (‘fF(‘ct(‘d hv electing W. ^V. Zachary as Pri's- I i(h‘nt. J. L. B('ll Vic<> Prosid(*nt, A. j M. Y(‘rd(‘TV jr., Hccri'tary-Trcas- ! nr(>r. T]i(‘ follo’vvini^ uuMubcrs W(‘n* t'lcctcd to act as tin Kx('cutivi‘ ('oni- niitt(‘(‘: J. W. ^[c]SIinn. Dr. (loode (’]i(‘athani. T. II. Slhpiiian. J. A. Milh'r atid (). L. J!.rwiri. The Connuittee- a])])ointed to draft Constitution and By Laws made tli(‘ir r<'])ort. On motion tlu' r(*])ort of said coinniitt(H' vras adopt ed as a wlioh'. coNSTrri Tiox .\xi) uv-law’s. This ors.:ani'/ation shall lie knovrii as the Bn^vard Board of Trade. Il.s aim .-ind ]mrpose shall 1k‘ to fost'/r and ('ncoura.m' iniit('d action f>n th(‘ ]>art of its tiu‘ml)(*rs in furthi'riuL'’ ('Very ('nt('rpris(‘, both irdividu;:! and cor]xn‘at(' that huids to the di‘- vclopnu'nt and u]>ouil(ling <>1' our town and tlu‘ surronndinic com munity. It shall ht‘ gov(n'cn(‘d ])v tlu^ rul(‘s arid regulations s<“T out in t lie folio wing ('(-Tistitution a?i By- Laws. CONS riTl TlOX. Si:c'TTox 1.—Tlu‘ ol'ficiu’s of tiic Bri'Vf'.rd Board of Trad(‘ slutll con sist of a ])i‘csi(h'7it. vic{'-]>r('sidc7it. sccrctary-trcasurt'r and (‘X('ctiliv(‘ committee oi' not 1(“S^. than liv(‘and •)f such other ci)m7iiittc('s as may h;- :;]!]>oint(‘d fvoio time to time hy ilie preside.U (*]• other ])r('sidiu'_' otiicer n^Ktn authority ‘.rivt'n hi’n :iy .^ B.»ai‘d t»i’ Trade* in rc;.rua!r itr s]n‘cial sessioji. Sko. 0.—Pr(‘si(L>nt. A'icc- Prt'sident ^cc'y-Tri'as. and Ex*-'u- tive Committi'c' shall I'ach hohl their rc's])('ctivc oi'lices for twc'lvc m{)nths from tlu* dati,* of tlu-ir i-lcc- tion and iiulil tlieir successors art' duly eleC‘t»'d and (jualiiii'd. and c(.m- mittiH-s a])])oint<*d by th(‘ ]ir(‘sident oi- otlii‘7‘ pn'sidiiiLT oi’iic(‘7‘ shall hoi'l tlieir oiiici' for Hie liuK' and])urv.ose .s])('cifi(‘d i7t th(‘ t)7’dc7- a])])ointin,'-T them Skc. —Th(> duties of the ].T-esi- d( 7it. Vi<-(‘-Pi\‘si',h‘7'.t. ^^ec'y-'i’r. :is and Kxc'cntive ('oiimutti‘<‘ sh;i]l 1i.' sneli as are laid dowii hy ]:arliam('ntary 7T>:!g(' f(»r th.;> goverii- Tuent of th(‘ duties of s'vicli olhv’crs. S-t.—Any 'Fraiisylvania cor;ntys];all Ix' edi.u’i i;l; to active' memh(‘r."lii|) hi said irioard of Trade, aiul any white' <-iti>:.‘U shall hc' eliirihle to ho7U)i’ary nu'iu- b('7'shi]) of tlie said body. i;v-i,.v ws. Skctiox 1.—Xf) |)(“i’so7i slit']] hc' a uu'mhc7' of this orga7iizano]’. inih'ss his nanu' shall have h(‘cn ])resented to tlu>i l)ody i7i ri'iiuhi’’ or s'|K'cial session. ;vnd shall luive ri'reivv“d a 7najority <.)f tli(' votes of thi^ ir.t'm- hers ]'res(^nt and voting upon such a])|)lication. Sk(’. 'I.—Tli(' initiaton fee' shall b<' ce'nts anel the' inontlily due's of eac-h nu'7nhc‘r shall he 2.“) c*e‘nts pay able in advance. Sfx’. —The saiel Be'>ai'd of Trade' shall me('t in re'gnlar .sc'ssion on the third Fridtiy night of I'ae-li 7U07ith at 7.30 e)'e-le)ck. anel may 7ue'e't in .spi'cial session u])(m the' call of the' ]>re sident or l7i liis al).se>ne‘e' of the vice'-]n'eside'nt or u]>em thi^ call e^f a majoi'ity e>f the* exe'C'utive'co7n- mittee'. or of five; active ineinlH'rs of tli(‘ said oruranization. ►Sko. 4.—The tolle)wing sliall he' the orde'r of hnsine'ss at every meet ing of till' Board of Trade. Re'ading and a])])roval of the minutes of pre'ceeding niee'ting. 2. Comninnications. ?}. Report of standing ('’oniniitt('Cs in the ejrder in which tlu'.y are named. 4. Report of s])ecial Co»nmittees. a. Unfinished business. G. New’ business. 7. Has any one iiresent a siiu^es- tion to make* for tlio ge^eid of tlie or ganization. S. Adjoinainie'nt. SkX’. r,._The'se By -Laws i7iay }>e amenele'd at any ti7Jie l;ya majoi'ity vote* of the inenibers. Sec. n.—T(*n active' ni.'mlM'7-s of tlu‘ Boai-d of Tmele* .shall eM,;isti(utf* a (juorujn for the* ti-aii.sjictiiin of business. ih\ inotion the follov.inu* six'c-hil C‘ommitt('e's were a]>])e‘i7ite-d by the President: Advkrtisino—II. B. Brunot, J. J. Miner anel A. M. Ve'7-d<‘7-y j7-. MA X V F ,\('T r R1 \e i EX r 1:n;■ ai s T. W . \Vhit7)ii7’e', .L \\\ ?*Ic?>Iin7i and T. H. Shi])7nan. RAiLRe)AI) i-{.\'rHs—M. T)oyh‘, O. L. Ei-win and J. A. Miih'r. E.MieiRATiox—W'. P. Vv’!)itmir*>, J, L. Be'll and ^V. II. J)i;e-kv.'o7‘th. EXTKirrAlX-'VIKXTS AXi) C( vvHX- Tie)xs—Vr. E. Bre‘('se ji' . !)?■. Uoode* Che^itlunn and F. E. B. Je‘7ii:i7is. On motie)n it was e»ivl(>Tcd that tlie Exec'utivei Co7»nr the mee-ling e>f this be)ely be'fesre iht' 7i'vvt I’e'i^ular me'C'tintr. On motie)Ti it was e>r- (lere'el that the* s'*ci-etary and T?-eas- ure'T ])' the* ne“!H"«sary station- e'i*y fe>r the' Benirel. Adje)ur7ie‘el to me'e't r;'inda^-s(*s- sion third Fri;lay e-vening oi' Oe-to- be'i*—the* i'Jth. W. W. Z.\e i! \!iV, !^7-e'S. A.. ]M. \ KRDKiiv. .3 a.. ISiM‘ Trt'as. Th(* re'aders of this jtatx r will !»e pleaseel te> learu that tlu*:e* i- at e)U(‘ebeaelcd eli.scase* that srieiie-e has been able te> cure in ail ii s-tajies. and that is Catarrh. Hall s Citarrh (’ure; is the* only p('sitive* cur ■ now known te» the me'dical tV:'.{e*initv. Catanh being a cou-tituliona! ehs- e'ase, re'ejuirc'S a eojistitut; >:ial tie-at- ment. 1 bill’s ( atarrh < iir.* i- t ikeu internally, actii!^^ elii e-ctly up ui : ht* hloexl arid miicons surfaces of the system, there.'by liave* so muoli faith in itse-arative l»oue‘i-s that the*y e)ll‘er One irmulred Dollars fe>r any cast* that it f;.i!s te> cure. Send for list of tcsi imonj.ds. Address F. ,J. Chkx'kVi': ( 'o., 'fole- df), Ohie), Solel hy all dni -;ii-l>. 7.';C. Take flail’s I'amily Pills for i onsti- patie>n. If Mr. Bryan takes th!.* advie*e of int(‘re*ste'd fj-jcnds. he wii; eon- fine his reMnai-i\s to tlie inip-.-riled ''onstituiie>n, and the* cost <4 jiv ing. Some of tlio advocates 'if re vised s])eUing might now '.vrite it “Hi[)i)lecrit. Siiavhjj; to Because he-r .stomach w'as so weak ened by us(* drugging- that -lie could not eat, Mrs. Mary If. u’alters, oCSt. Clair St., Columl>us, (uas literally starving to eleMih. Sl;e write.s: “My ste)inach was s , v,%>ak from useless (h’ugs tliat I couid not eat. anel my nerves se> wreck- el that I e-ouid not sleei>; and not betbre I was ‘'iven np to elie was I indue..*d lo try Electric Bitters: with the won- derlul result that improvemeiu ijc*- iran at once, aiui a coinjilete cure fol lowed.” J>est healtli toni.- on e-arth. 50c. Omiranteed by Z. \V. Nichols, druggist. Cuba's comedy w’ar may ivill the rei)ublic. and that isn't the worst of it. Don't like the way Spain is laujxhing. Good for the cough, remove.s tiie^ cold, the cause o4'the cough. Tliat's tke work of Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar—the oritrinal laxa tive cough syrL^p. Coiitains no opi ates. >5okl by Di'evard drug Co.