SYLVAN VALLEY NEWS 3 IMSURAMCE! ^ _ Many a oiaii has put off* insuring his house too loii^ and has seen same go down to ashes, Wliy do YOU take the risk when we have SIX'FEEN of tlie BEST COMPANIES in the country that are willing; to take the risk for you? We would be glad to have you call so that we can talk the matter over with you, giving you the rate charged for one, two or three years* You can select from the following reliable companies: WE PROTECT YOU IN Aetna with assets over $10,000,000 Home 15,000,000 Ins* Co. of North America 15,000,000 Glens FaUs 10,000,000 Hamburg-Bremen ** ** 10,000,000 Fireman^s Fund ** 3,000,000 Niagara Fire Ins. Co ** ** 500,000 North River ** ** 500,000 North Caro ma Home ** ** 200,000 Virginia State ** ** 200,000 Piedmont ** ** 200,000 GALLOWAY & SHIPMAN Real Estate For Sale. Visitors or residents of Brevard looking' Ibi- lots on which o l)iiihl lioines, will be interested in property which I ■ller lor sale. 1 also have some )>iisiness lots—as line as the town allbrds. You will conserve your own interests by consulting me tetore buying. W. W. ZACHARY. U. S. Mall and Mnking Bankinjr ^>y mail has beoonie very i)o]>ulai- and com mon. Send iis your suri)lus money and let it be earn ing you !;umeUiiiij4'. Wc solicit accounts ot . . . . ONE DOLLAR AND UPWARD w\Tay 4 Per Cei\t. Mterest>' Compounded Quarterly. ASSETS OVER $4,250,000 Wachovia Loan & Trost Co. «heville, n. c, Matting ! Matting! We have just received 100 rolls (;;:ina Mattinjr that we will sell while it i,ts at :2L’Ac i>er yard by the roll (40 yards. ) It is j-e<iular ;{()c mattinff. and it ,11 pay you to come early, as it will soon at this ])rice. Wa also have .;U)aaese Matting at 2.‘>c and .‘{Oc i>ei‘yard. Go-Carts. .1 list received our sprinjr stoek. which we boutrht lo per cent, below the nark<-.-t price, and the Ijenelit of v/hich we jj’ive to tliu jjurcliaser. Write us foi‘ •;italo>;ue and prices. A larj^^'e aad select line of Parlor Suits XI low li'^ures. Also T'-on 15eds. Springs. Mattresses, Kitchen Cabinets, in •ift a full stock of everyIhiiijr in the house furnisliin^- line. We invite you to .•'all and inspect our stock v.hen in the city. You will saye money by doinj,'- so. McCorkle-Donald Company 35 N. Main St. Asheville, N. C. Government Ownership Abroad. Th(* ;ii;itatlon of tlio raihvaj' rate bill in this country has been turneil to account by I'oreiirn frovornments ^vhich aim to acquire all the private railways in their n'spective countries. It has been said that the attitude of the United States in the matter of .wvern- ment rc'.uulatiou of railways caused the enjperor of .Japan to take over thj cutire system of private niilways iu Japan. (Jermauy, it secuns, is also i.ient ■ upon a <-omph‘te nationaliz.-ition of rail- waj’s. Says the semiotlicial court or- : gan of Iverlin, the Continental Corre- spoudent'e: Germany, which h:is the most oxt»-ii.^ivo system of railway.s of all Kiiropi-an coun- I tries, hii.s docidcd at last iipoii inakiii;; an end of the remnant of private railways. r>y tho law of Dec. 7. lix.iri, thi- purchase of the l^alatlnate raflw.iys, loO niiicH in j li nt^th, by the kini^doni of Havaria has ■ bvcn provided for. There now I'l-mains ; only the railway from I^c.beck to liiichen, I which is but .soveiity-livt! miles in len;;th j and whose! acqid.sition for the sake of a ! unified system of railway man;u?ement i.s ' Very desirable. Rumors relative to the ; purchase of this line have been afloat on the Geinian stock exchanges durinir the pai^t year, but they have been mostly de void of foundation. Austria Is aiming' in the same direc tion, and Italy Is nejj:otiatin;^ for I’ur- Iher linos to coini)lete her system of .state railways. Holland, Bel;rium, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden and Nonvay already have practically com- pleti‘d the uationalizatiou of niilways. France offers an excei)tion to the gen eral movement for nationalization of all railways, and the French govern- ment seems to be indifferent in this matter, althouirh the representatives of the nation would not seriously op pose the purchase of the lines remain ing in private control. American tour ists note a gradual improvement in the accommodatious for pas.sengers on the railways of the continent. In tlie case of Italy tJiere is still room for advance, and it is to be hoped that the govern ment experiment there in railway management will bring the Italian sys- fem up to the standard of the countries beyond the Alps. 1 really an appi*al to the l)ig polleenien ; theory of jx-act*. and ••lighting and war like blood” might object. To «iuote; j Spain ever was and ever will bo tho j most suitable nation on earth to arbitrate Justly. At least we woulil be treatiiij^ I with ct)untries that speak the same lan- j KUiiKc. countries that have lieri', in .Moth- ; er Spain, their niitural I'.omi*, in whose laws and hlst»>i'\’ tliere is that Vviiii-h can ' help to a proper understaiuling of tho rixhts of both nations in any struj?i;le, , Not in vain did we carry ac'ross the sea t our m.aiiiiers, our cui>tonis, our lawj and i 4)ur mode of living, and for centuries past i we have bei’U con<]Uering ancl civilizing j Anieriran soil. And that is v.'hy we feel intensely sore at heart to see two repub- I lies of SpaiJsh origin, Guati.-mala and Salvador, fe'ive full power to the United I States to end their stru.«:;f;le and acttlo j their diiriouities. In the last anaiy.-^is that ! act has a far greater importance than I people misht suppose. It raeaii.s the rec- I o;^nition Jjy those nations of tiie MonroJ ; doctrine ,'ind its ])rinciple, “America for the Americans,” or, mori; exactly speak- j inff, “America for tho North Americans.” i ()ltserv('rs of the pres(>;it tren{l of I Spanish thought have dete<-ted. as they believt*, a movement t>> re-establish the old inlluonce of the mother country in South America. This protest by a .Madrid journal of inlluenee clearly points iu that direction. (':ic;se For Spain’s Pride Kullled. Judging from the comments of the Madrid Herald, tlie ultra Spanish i>ar- ty is not happy over the recent peace making venture of the United States iu Squth America. “Spanish peoi>le.s tliat have lighting and warlike blood iu their veins” should only yield to a na tion having “moral authority” to be obeyed bj^ tlie combatants. This is t (Jirl (proudlyi-AIy face was Fir a lot dirtier than -wot yours was. Sec.iud ulitto»—Yi‘S. W(*ll, older.—Illustrated I’.its. lieports from Kingston, Ontario, state that tne great nwd for the Cana dian dairy iiuUistry is an “improved milkjiig machine.” The removal of the best Ontario farmers to the new north west is regretted, for tlie “advent of in experienced immigrants” does not solve the problem of milking Ontario's cows. Officers of Election. Xotico is ]i(*rc])y «i:iven that tlio Coniitv Board <,)f Elections for Transylvania connty. oon.'^i.'^tin.i; of . L. Aiken, T. T. Patton and. D. L. Enirlisli, met at Brevard, X. C.. and after dnly or<.^anizing a])point- ('d tho following regi.strars and jndires fm- tlu* (‘lection to ht' lield in Xovt'inber, 190t): Bn'vard Townslrii)—T. 31. Mitcli- ell, registrar ; J. M. Kili)atriek, W, n. Grogan, judges. Boyd—E. B. Clayton, rt'gistrar; T. R. Duncan, A. J. Beck, judge's. Catlieys ( reck—J. C. W]iitniir»*, jr., registrar; Jos. A. Bryson, R. L. Li. Hogsed, judges. Cedar Mountain—L. H. Alli,«^on, r(‘gistrar ; David H. Fowli^r, J. M. Bisliop, jiidgt'S. Dunn's Rock—William Maxwell, rt'gistrar; E. E. Batson, ^Valt(“r Hogsc'd, judges. Eastatoo—E. 31. WliitTnire. rt'gis- trar : W. E. Galloway, L. ,M. Glazc*- ner, judges. t.iisr i ork—Milu>s (7<irron, regis trar ; J. F. Hayes, John Garren. judges. (rJloucester—W. P. (:;alloway, reg istrar ; J. H. House, W. E. Hall, judges. Hoirhaek—Fl(‘m (Talloway, n'lris- trar ; I. Fisher, Alfred Collins, judgi's. Little Rivt'i*—Cluirl(*s Kilputrick, registrar: P. S. ^^huford, H. P. Xich(>lson, judges. Tliis *iittli. . L. Aikkx, Cliairnuin. D. L. Ex(iLi.sH, Si‘cr('tarv. Xoone would buy a s.iilhoat witii sails that could not be reefed. There is always that po.s.>ibillty ofa little ^0() much wind that makes a cautious man afraid to go unprovided. Tlie thinking man, whose stomach some times goes back on him, jirovides for his stomach by keeping a bottle of Kodol for dyspepsia within reach. Kodol digests what you eat and re stores the stomach to the condition 10 properly perform its functions. Sold by Brevard drug Co,

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