SYLVAN VALLEY NEWS Brevard Real Estate Has a lot of good values to offer you in Farms, Vacant Lots (sizes 1-4 to 7 acres) and several Houses and Lots* We Have some real good bargains to those wanting to put a little tnoney into a paying investment. What our town needs is to get real estate to moving fast, and to do this it requii‘es more real estate dealers and a company who has the money on hand to pick up bargains and let bargains go* Don't ask too much for your property and we will buy or sell it for you* more property we sell the more people comes here, and that is the way to build up our town. If you have any property for sale or rent call and see our managers, Bell and Whitmire. Office over Whitmire & Verdery's store. Also have a very fine Hotel Site (Mt. Surprise) 3-4 mile from court houee; 13 3-4 acres in boundary; prices reasonable. Brevard Real Estate Company. FINDS RIBS BROKEN. Gratefully Appreciated. Accident to Celebrated Sky Pilot in j t^ditor Sylvan Valiev News: the Beautiful Sapphire Country Oc- ! ill you allow mo tlirongli yonr curred Several Days Before He Knew I t^olnmns to express iny hearty ap preciation and warm thanks for the IL—Unique Mountain Character. [S])ecial.[ Lake Toxaway, N. C., Sept. 27. —Joe Diinn, the eelclmited “sky ])ilot” of the “Beautiful 8ap])hire Country,” has just made a diseov- ory—he has found that lio has three hrokc'n i*ihs. The accident occurred hist Saturday, hut Joe didn't learn of the (>xtent of his in jury till today, Dunn doesn't come hy his title of “sky ])ilot hecaus(‘of an> leligious I from other denomi- iprocHvitics, Imt )H-ransoiillhislit« Toilav this sort of thins; 1 ne ^ iiiloti-d tourists and n'sort- j,, (>rs throu^-h tlie ])ictur<‘sqiw moun-; tain wiUls of the 8ai,].)iir,^ a raid was made on onr ],ro!n. trv—the “sky hind” of North Car- very cordial -svelcome that I have received from the Transylvania ])eople on my return to make my ahode with th('m after sixteen years of exile from the “Land of the Sky.” Tliis welcome has been em7)ha- si'/ed not only hy words hut hy most substantial deeds. Time after time we have hei'n the rt'cipients of vegetables, provisions, hay, corn, etc., not only from Davidson River a rci^ular cyclon('. and I wi're out vis- olina. He is tall, lean and wiry, with a shi-ewd eye and typical mountain wit. His fame has spread through the stati'inent of tho.>^e who know him that he can carry a man of average weight on his back all day over the mountain trails. When the iishermen and hunters go out, Joe makes a pack- ' wagon for traps, ]>rovisions, etc., ’ on his bac*k ; wlu'u they dro]> a deer 1 Joe comi's into camp with the ani- ■ mal across his back, no matter the I si/e of the animal or the distance I through the mountains, i Last ises, and when we rcturu(‘d we fouTid the house ])ilod up with ])ro- visions. Prominent in th(^pil(‘ was lbs. of Hour with plt'nty of lard to season it—sugar, coffee, cereals, prescu'ves, jelly, ]>ickles, soa]), corn, a])])les, ])otato(‘S, cabl)age and nu merous and sundry otht‘r thiiigs, ail of which will make us inde]H‘n- dent of millers, groc('rs, vegetable! dealers—and tlu'i‘(' w(‘re cliickens enough to cnalile us to dodge tlu‘ butcher for some time to come. Such kindn('ss makes a man feel young and kindles a warm flame A-IKTGN & SMITI-I (Successors to Aiken & English) Fresh Meats Ic c Groceries about his lu‘aT-t that radiates liaj)- Saturday he was hel])ing to ^ through his system. The ])ut some laige blo(*ks of ice on «i ])raying for th(‘se ])cople wagon to be conveyetl to the foK'st wishing for then\ all home of E. M. Ba(*kus, the Bra/il- rubber king, of Brooklyn, N. Goods delivered promptly. Fresh Groceries at lowest cash prices. Country Produce bought and sold. When in town give us a call. Concrete buildino:. Phone 62 'Brevard, N. C. THE NEW FURNITURE STORE Furniture of all Kinds. Organs, Trunks, Suit Cases, Shades and Hammocks. Cash and Easy Terms. Compiele Line of Fine Goins and Gaskets ARTHUR KILPATRICK Main Street Phone 89 BREVARD, N. C. lan Y., who is always lien^ in the au-! turn for relic'f from hay fever and i for the sho()ting and fishing. While j lifting a two-hundred ])ound chunk ; I of icc! he slip])ed and fell, his right | j side striking the edg(‘ of it. i i During th»> wcM‘k Joe n'marked ' that his side hurt him some*, but ; last night he went out as usual with a 7>arty of fishermen from I , Philadel])hia and Baltimore. Wliile ht> was throwing som(‘ ln'avy logs | ^ on the canipfire at flight, lu' dis- I cover(‘d that all was not right with ; his sid('. “Just put your hand here : and feel my ribs,” .said he to one of I the party. “Can't you feel three of I them loose and sort *o broke like?” I i The fisherman, aft(*r his exainina- ti(m, agreed that tlu' guide ]iad good ground for his snrmi.^t?. This morning Joe c*ame down the trail at his usual gait, bringing in a basket of trout and the fishing a])- paratus. Dr. H. H. Gtirner, the res ident ])hysician at Toxaway Inn, found tliat throe of Joe's right ribs had been broken, but the guide would not submit to bi*ing plasteivd up, and startl'd out again Avith a party in searc-h of plu'asants. sorts of blessedness and hap]nness. With best wishes for th(> success and usefulness of your ]>aper, sin- cerc^ly yours, W. H. Davis. Sept. 24th, 190(». It is very much feared that some of the Cubans, after trying })eace, have concluded that they do rot like it. Senator Foraker is out against reformed spoiling’. It is the gen eral o})inion that neai'ly every thing Koosevelt does will have to undergo very critical scrutiny bv Mr. Foraker. Union l^lesting. REMOVAL. BALTO Mi i Peace will come in Russia, per- i : haps, when the police haveexter- ' minated the people, and the peo- I pie have slain the police. I Representative Longworth thinks the nation's support of j .President Roosevelt should ex-; j tend to the entire family. | I I i The Cleveland high school is to ! I graduate “trained wiyes,” but| ; there is no diploma that can guar- i j an tee immunity from the bargain I ' counter harjiy. ' I I ! ]\Ir. Moody hopes that it will; ' not be necessary for Mr. Roose-^ ! j velt to take the presidency again. | Ditto Shaw: ditto Fairbanks; ditto ] “Uncle Joe Cannon.” ' W. E. BISHOP, tiie old rellaljle PLUMBER, Is now-located in his new building, one door west of the old stand, ■on West Main street. PeopMe wanting work in his line should con sult him before contracting. PHONE 15. When you have a cold it is well to be very careful about using anything that will cause co!istipation. He par ticularly careful about i>reparations containing opiates. Ur^e Kennedy’s Laxative Honey and Tar, which stops tiie cough and moves the bow els. Sold bv lirevard Drug Co. THE GH161N.AL LAXATIVE . ..... t(i8 Dewais f 'l &jr { Best for Cliil^rGn GOUGH SYRUP m s ^ Rad Clever Blossom cn Evsry Botila .lifccrly all ccueh ciires are cor.stipatinc. especially those contc,inia2 Opiates. Kennedy’s Laxeiiive Honey and T«ur moves the towels, coi.tains no Opiaiss. Sold by BFXVAKD DRUG COMPAFY. The next Union Meetin g of the , Ti-ansylvania Association will be I held with the Enon Baptise ; church, Sei)t. L'8-30. j I'lfinAV. j 11 a. m.—Sermon by P. G. Elsom. . 1:80 p. ni.—The work of our Union I as it lies before us. ;00 p. m.—Does the Hible teach that tlie chosen of the T.ord often sin j “and come short of the glory of 1 God?” i Twenty minute speeches. 1. Old l^stament teaching, P. G. Elsom. New Testament teaching, Jno. W. Ihiggs. SATUllDAV. 10:00 a. m.—lleligious exercises led i by the pastor of Enon churcli. ; 10:15 a. ni.—Our religious home life. I Twenty miiiutes speeches. 1. Tlie parents, F. M. Jordan. 2. The Hi- I ble in the home, Judson Corn. I Higii ideals for the home, P. Cr. I Elsoin. 4. Proper reading for the : home, Jno. W. Ih iggs. r>. Proper j topics of conversation in the home, J. M. Hamlin. 1:J:00 m.—Sermon by T. C. Iloltz- Cluw. 1:;>0 p. m.—Kind of mission work that should be done in our Associa tion. General discussion led by F. M. Jordan, 3:00 p. m.—How shall we train our church memb('rs, and especially the young, to meet the increai»ing deinaiids ami eulargemeut of our work in our state and nation, and to the ulniost parts of the earth? Led by E. Allison. sr.vDA V. f>:30 a. rn.—lieligious exercise.-s led by Jno. W. Ih’iggs. 10 a. m.—Sunday school mass me(4- ing. Three twenty njiimtes speeches. 11 a. m.—Sernmn by F INI. Jordan. Every church in the Associa tion should be represented in the Union. A glorious meeting is expected. The Committee. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE. By Virtue of tlie Yiowor of sale contaiiied in a certain deed in trust from W. S. l.ankford and Aife, Haute a. Lankford, to E. T. Heiinintr, Trustee, dated the 10th davof April, and duly recorded in the office of Uegi.ster of i>eed.s for Transylvania coumy, N. in BfKfc of Mortgatres and Deeds in trust Xo.2, on page to whiuli reference is hereby made, which said deed in trust was executed ]>v the said W. S. Lankford and wife, Hattie A.'Lankford, to tlie undersigned trustee to secure a promissory note executed by thesaiil l.ankford and wife’to W. S. Asiuvortli lor the sum of one thou>^and four huiiured and twenty-Mve oollars said note beint; ol even date with said dee>l in trust and bearing interest from uate at six per <;entum l>er annum, inteiest due and i>uyable annually, and default having been made in the pa.viuen!; of said noie and interest secured by said deed in trust, whereby the power of sale therein «-on- taii.e t has become oi.erative, and the suid W. S. Ashworth having applied to me, the under signed, trustee, for a sale of the property, 1 will therefore on Monday, October the l^t, l!>0'!, at 12 o’clock, n(K>ii, sell at public auction, for cash, at the court house door in the Town of Hrevard, rransyivania county. N. C., to the his'liest bid der, tlie following property to-wit : First Tract—Alljoining ihe lands of S. F. Mc- Carrel et al , beginning on a black oalc and runs with the Car-on line soutli Uo |M)les to a stake; thence soutii to deg east Ou po!c*s to a stake at Poor’s line; thence with the same north :'>0 deg east 90 }Mjles to a stake; thence the same couise DO poles to a stake at Ni«-hoUon’.s line; thence north .5'» deg west .'o poles to a stake; tlience west UKJ poles to the beginning. Second Trai t—Also aiiotlier tract beginning oa the same black oak, K. \V. Johnstone's. Itax- ter’s and !S. Nii-holscn's corner; thence west with Carson’s line 45 poles to a staKe, Carsc)ii's corner; thence witli the sanienortli l4i> i>oles to a stake; thein-e east '.in jniles to a slate at said Uaxter’s line; theni-e wiih his and said Nichol son s line south ;.o deg east 1 H pjiles to a stake; thence to tin; tx'ginning, wliii.h said tracts oi land were c inveyetl to the said \\. S. Lankford by deed daie.l December :*nd, iss4, and recorde'i in Hook .5, at page .VIV, of the deed lecords for Transylvania county. Third Tiact—Al.-uth ::o poles to a b.ack gum ; thence east I jxiles to a Spanish oak thence sontii deg west 100; poles to a stake; thence west loj iKiies to a stake; thence north poles n» a stake; thence west li poles to a stake in a branch; thence down the branch to the forks of the branch, a stake; thence north H deg west with the road \2 fnMes to a stak»‘; thence north (J deg east 3^ poles to a maple on the bank of the creek; thence down the creek to its mouth; thence down th(‘ river to the old line; thence south deg east 1S8 i«)les to the beginning, containing 410 acres more or less, which said tract of land was eonveyed to V.'. S. Lankford by A, S. Mull, <*om‘r, by deed dated Kebtu-.iry liith, 188.'), aiul recorded in the record of deeds for Transvivania county in Hook oi DeeOs No. at page '(.iS. Fourth Tract—a1m» 4 .i-4 acres of land adjoin ing the aljove laiiil-and which uas we,sconveyed to the .'■aid W . S. Lankfoni by a decree of court in a special pioceeding of W.'s. Lankford vs. the heiis of H;iriison Wiisyn, except sucli parts oi the aforc'aiii tracts as were conv.-yed by the said \\ . s. Lankford f»y deed i>rior to tiie loth day of A{)ril, IKoH, and duly recorded prior to said date, the amount to be sold under this sale being acres, more or le-s; the same being all the lands owi.ed by the said W. Lankfonl and wife Apiil lOtli, iyo3, lying on Car.-^oiis creek and Fr*^nch Hroad river. The aforesaid lands and premises will be sold sul-ject to a prior judgment leiii formerly held bv C. H. Ma>liburii et al. and duly assigned to a trustee f«;r the u-e and benelit of W' S. Ash worth. Said sale to satisfy the aforeiiK-ntioned Viromissory note and the accrued interest tiiere- on, costs, c(tiniiiis.'ions. I'tc Tiiis August'.i.'nd l!'oa. K.'1 HKNNING, Trustee. D. L. Enoi.i.-'II, Attorney. Is3 of Stock Law EieoilGn. North Carolina—Tn^iisylviinia County. Oflice of the board of County Coininissioi'Cr^, August Kill, mOt) Whereas, npon a petition oi one-fifth of the qualitied voters of a certain boundarv in Little liiver Township asking that a stock law election be held within the boundary hereinafter de- tined, and whereas said petition was heard at .August meeting of Hie board, and the election onlered to be held on M-jiiday. the 1st day o: October, 3!)0il, within the following delined boundary, to-wit; Heginning on the stock law fence north of the Surratt old lield : thence run ning south to the Sunatt ticM ; tlience with the road to H C. Landreth"s fence; thcuce with his east fence to the at Hutler Hunt’s place; thence with the road to W S Ashworth's fence at the southeast corner of tlie fence, on the east side of the niack Knob; thence thence the nearest an'. ad joining t he lands of Klom Galloway, ]ums(*lt and others, on the waters of Indian creek Beginning on a black oak on the Blue Ridge an»i runs .southw'ard with .1. Kizer’s line K) his cor- ner, then still with his line to another corner of his, thence various cour.'cs for complement so as to include all vacant land. Entered SenteiK- berS, 190'i, M. W. (CALLOWAY.* * Entry Takar. Entry No. 2481. J. A. Breedlove enters and claims ,50 aere?' of land, more or le^s, in Hogback Township, J'lansylvania county adjoining lands of the b’. U . Jireedlove estate and others. Beginning on the northeast corner of No. 57 and runs with th- line of No. .57 northward to its corner, ;ui*i thence various courses for complement so a:> to include vacant land. Entered Sent->mber'»’iul A. D., lOOt). M. W. GALT.OWAY-.” Entry Taker. I, M. . Galoway, Entry Taker fi>r Transylva nia countv, certily that the foregoing are” true copiesof entries made, as will appear bv refer ence to the entry book in mv otlice. M. W' GALLOWAY, Entry Taker.