CONGRESSIONAL GAMPAIGN--CRAWFORD vs. BRITI-at the Court-house Tomorrow (Saturday) Octolier 13, at IhOO e. m. Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. MINER. Manaurer. BKEVAlil), TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. N. C., FRIDAY. 0CT015ER 12. 1906. VOL. XI-NO. 41 ADDRESS OF WELCOME TO TIIK North Carolina Bankers’ Association Delivered at the 10th Annual Convemion at Lake Toxaway, June \9f J906, by Welch Galloway^ Esq. [There have "been so many inqni- ru's in rehition to the Address of ^Velcome at the Bankers’ Conv('n- tion at Lake Toxaway last June that we have decided to ])nhlish it as ])rinted in the rt'port of the Bankers’ Association, a co]>y of ■which came into our hands thron^h the Brevard Bankinf^ Co. All Transylvanians are interested in knowini' when her citizens ac- qnit themselves with credit, and this addr(‘ss hy Wi'lch (Calloway will Ix? read w'ith interest hy all.1 Mr. Lddk.'t (itui (^cnlh men <»/ .. the Xitrth Ca rolina J>ank( rt^' Assoc'n: Sinw Moses walk(‘d aJtd talkt'd with Ger that l^iiikers are always looking for somethin*; of interc'st, and that they are accustomed to “takini^ notes*’ when there is any “interest'’ fortli-comini;. I hardly tliink, gentlemen, that it would ]>ay you to take any notes me. and I am sure you Avon't take any from my speech. There is one thinir I cannot un derstand, and tliiit is. why hankcM-s. who have all the numi^y, .should ever call upon a lawyer, non<' of whom ever have any mont'y, to ad dress them on any subject or on any occ;usiy not having “sense” enoni^h now, I fear the same result on tliis occasion. Xow it is alvaiys for th(' person who has l);‘('n si'hH'ted to deliver th»‘ addi-ess of vrc^lcome on an occasion of this kind to be<^in by sivinsj that he is dt'lii^hted to h-ive such a ])l('asure thrust upon him, but I trust ladies and jrontle- mon, that you Vvill ])car v.'ith me. and not think i ni('ri‘ formalitv for me to say that I do fet‘1 ijroud to have conferred upon me the distin guished hoiKU' of extending to this si)l;'ndid body of s])l(‘ndid Xorth Carolinians, yea, Iniii^ht say Amer- ic-JH!^, the Vv'ords (>f wi'lcoine on this occa-ion. Ai;d it is a pec-uliar ]>leasnrp. becaus(‘ so many others better fitted and lav luort* hi>rhly entertainini? than I.mi^ht have been selected, and further, ])ec*ause I liave the privile!X(> of wclcomin.i' you to one of the most beautiful I spots in the ])rettiest county in ! North Carolina. Some of you mav not know it, but it is a fact, nevertheless, tluit Transylvania county can boast of that which no other county in no other state in all our glorious coun- ; try can ])oast,—the largest and most beautiful artificial body of i water anywhere f(nind. ’Tis here ! three thousand feet above the rest- j less waves of old Atlantic, in the 1 very garden of the gods, that wo c*an j show you a miniature! sea, covering I an ar<‘a of fifteen hundred acres, and havinu: a shore front of sixteen mih's, and ])ermit me to say that 1 this child of the S(^a had its conc(*p- tion first in the mind of a banker— I a man who has done more for the : u])building and development of the wonderful country than any other one man living—I refer to Hon. J. ; F. Hays, ])re.sident of tlie Brevard I Banking Company, who I am very i sorry is not with us on this occa- ' sion. I W(^ are told that seven cities of j Greece vied with, each other in i claiming the honor of being the i birth-])lace of Homer, the blind old ; poet of Chios, who sang of the siege ; and destruction of Troy, and I dare : say that if this body of noble men I and wonu'n could scale the Al])ine i slo])es of Old Toxaway that stands i at our back as an everlasting senti- int‘1, and could, from that grand . panoramic^ scene, behold all the I bt*auties of (Tod's eternal handi ■ work as dis])layed in the cloud-isles i of gorgeous snn-sets, in hill and dale, in mountain and valley, that ! you and each of you would be glad i to claim this as your natal county. I wln're we are so close to nature and to nature's God. Majestic moun tains whose foundations were laid in (’reation's dawn and whose breasts have d('fied, unchanged, the storms of cycling centuries; ri])])ling streams bursting fro7n their sides, iind like a silv(*r tliread, hurrying away to ocean home; s])arkling riv<‘rs in whose linipid veins float innmnerable armies of i the sp(‘ckled linny tribe—meat fit ! for the gods ; ■|)eaceful homes far from tlie busy liauiits of men and tlu‘ rush of marts and exchanges, ' wlK're vestal fires of contentment : forever ])urn ; green hills and smil ing valleys as classic as the myriad I liiils and vales of Greece ; shimmer ing lak(‘s, s(‘t like gems on the bos- i om of th(‘ hills and monumented ]>y ' God's etei’ual c*rags whose tops re ceive^ the fh-st kiss of the morning and bid the last f(md adieu, at close of day, to blushing sun-set. >^ot many y(‘ars ;igo this s])ot of (‘artli upon which stands this com- 7nodious Inn resounded with the howl and tlie blood-ciirdling cry of the ])anther coming down from tlie liills abov(^ ; bruin stalked undis mayed, monarcliof all he surveyed ; th(‘ tiinid har(\ cliased by hounds and hunter, panted for the water- brooks and thci drowsy herd lay in the shadow of the ])ines, and brows ed upon naturt^s green sward and longed not for greener fields or richer ])astures. This s])ot is very dear to me for I stand, as it were, upon my native li(‘ath. Ten years of my life wen' spent on the old farm that lies buried to-night in its watery grave, having for its shroud the beautiful waters of Lake Toxaway on wh(.;so sliores we stand. Just on the other side in an humble cottage wlu're I s])ent thos(> years, I like ('very youth whose blood was warjned by the spring-tide of life, had dreams and visions, but those visioTis were not jis significant of destinies and wondi-ous ev(^nts as those that troubh'd the minds and cons(denc('s of the Egyptian and Babylonian rulers. Mine were boyish visions, and across my youthful mind there fiashi'd not the thought that the dear old farm, its meadow, marsh, and graintield would be covered in a few short years by a lake as far- famed for scenic beauty as those of old Scotland’s liilLs, upon whose bos om Avould glide, to the stroke of the boatman’s oar, the swain and his lassie, “Wliose souls had but a single tliought, Wlu'so hearl-beats were but one.” England's bard could have found no more fitting ])lace to pen those bi*autiful lines that have thrilled ten thousand souls in (ivery clime, than on thi^^ old farm in ths quiet <;ven-tide when he said : “Now f:»itillness holds. Save where the beetle wlieels his droiiiiifj tii^ht, And orow.-y tinkiiiiys lull the distant folds."' I drt'amed not that the quiet, secluded, ])eaceful valley of Toxa way Avould, in the next decade, be the home of a beautiful little ocean sending its sparkling tribute back to the mother of seas, and on whose borders would stand a s])lendid lios- tt'lry where (n'ery comfort and con venience could be found. It oc- currtul not to me that this i)lace would become known and read of all, ••Krom Maine’s dark pines, her crnfrs aad snow To where magnolia’.s breezes blow," and that men of world-wide re nown would hear of this UtO])ian vale, and come from every quarter of this great country to behold its beiiuties, enjoy its freedom and swell the chorus of its praises. And now gentlemen, to you who dwell by the sobbing sea wlieres the storm god lashes to s])ray the break ers of bid Atlantic, I welcome you to our mountains that stri'tch away toward every quarter in billows of blu(' and green liki"; ])(‘ti'ified waves of the sea. To you who hail from the rich and progressive Piedmont section of the State where the foot hills of the Blue Ridge melt awav into undulating fields of cottim and tobacco ; the land where tlu‘ hum of s])indl(‘s and the not(‘s ])eal forth from a thousand factory whistles, breaking the still- of morning land, I bid you a hearty welcoTiie up higher ; to you who dwell in our own mountain section beyond the confine's of Tran sylvania, I cordially invite vou in to the nara.iron county of Western North Carolina ; to you who honor us with your presence from the lan aid and comfort to distress ed but AA’orthy enterprises that haA'e b(*(‘n such potent factors in deA'eloping communities, counties, states and nations. In AA’hateA’er community the bank is found, it is the financial heart-centre of that community, and as the heart in the human body should be kept cool and free from excitement and al- lo\V('d to p('rform its functions, sending the life-giA’ing fluid into eA’ery part thereof, so should the banking interests of the body-pol itic be guarded ’oy cool heads and judicious minds, that when th(* money of the rich and the poor leaA’cs the A'aults and coffers of the banks, it should be placed in heal thy A’eins Avhere it Avill find its Avay back to the banks, AA'li('nits mission is -[lerformed, AA'ithout loss and AAnthout interru])tion. Gentlemen, it is good for the ])ankers to come from the Eeast and from the West, from the North and from the South and s('t down to.irether in this quiet, restful s])ot. away from the bu// and Avhirr and busy counting houses of congested centres, and discuss matters of mu tual and A’ital intert‘st to the bank ing institutions of this country, and I trust that much good Avill be Jic- complished hero, ahmg Avith tlie pleasant outing Avhicli I hope each and all of you Avill lun^e. May eA^'ry bank rei)resented hero maintain the confidence of its de positors, and may you and each of you repi'esenting those banks be as firm and as immoA’able in tlie right as the eA’erlasting hills of adamant that stand guard about you now. Take the admonition of tiie Apostle Paul to the Romans and be diligent in business. Let honesty and fair- dealing be your Avatch-Avords and always kee]) the man above the dollar. rememb(u-ing that no grand er truth AA'as eA^er uttered than that contained in those bi'autiful lines in that SAveetest of all ])oems, “The De.serted Village,” by OliA'er Gold smith : ‘ ‘111 fares the land to hrst 'uinsr ill« n prey. Where wealth aceuinulaies and men dei'ay ' ’ And noAA' ladies and gentlemen, in behalf of the b.inkers of Tran- sylA’ania ; in ])ehalf of our distin- guislK'd hosts, the Toxaway Hott'l Com])anv ; in behalf of all the good people of TransylA'ania county, avIio feel" honored to liaA'e such a body i of representatiA’-e business men j choose one of her most charming« spots in Avliicli to assemble ; in be half of one and and all of these, I extend to you and each of you, a AA'arni, hearty and cordial AA'elcome and bid you feel at home. Breathe the o/ione of the mountains, ’tis like the Bahn of Gilead. Drink from our bubbling springs th trickle through shady dells, A^-ery home of the nymphs, ’tis f?-ee to all. Ladies, pluck our sweett'-st, fairest flo\A'(U’s, tliey bloo7ned for you and aa'iII ])lush for joy at the touch of your gentle hands. And to one and all, I Avould gladly rurn qyer to you the keys of tliis beauti ful, this AA'onderfui country if I had tlK'm to giv(‘, but they httve^ ])e('ii lost in the Treasure basket of na- tiiiw I close by ng a fcAA' faA'ors at your liands. Hasten not away, come a.irain and tell all your neigh bors and fri('uds of the beauties of TransylA’ania and th«^ S'.i])]>]iire country and that they Avill need no keys to enter Avhen they «*ome. Tell them that this country is a stem-winder. Tills is tlie season of doca\ jind we.-ikencd vitality. Nature Is being shorn of' its beauty and blooip. If you would retain yours, fortify your sy.stein with Hollister’s Kocky .Aloun- tain Tea. cents, Tea or Tablets. —Z. W. Nicliols and Bre\'ard Druf^ Company. There has been an increased production of coal during the past year, but it has n.ot been al lowed to get so common as to les sen the price per ton. Atlanta will now await her chance to make sarcastic re marks about the next city under taking to reduce the colored pop ulation. Of course, Mr. Hughes would be greatly vexed if one of the big corporations should manage to slii) a good sized campaign contri bution into the cash box while his attention is div’erted. A V<»5!iig tliei* at 70. “My mother h:is suddenly been, m.ade young at 70. Twenty years of intf'nse suffering from dysj)epsia had entirely disabled her, nniil six months ago, when she begati takmg Electric Hitters, which have com pletely cured her and restored the strength and activity she l«ad in the prime of life,” writes !Mrs. W. I^. Gilpatrick, of Danforth, :\Ie. Great est restorative medicine on the globe. Sets stomach, liver and ki(hieys right, purifies the blood, and cures malaria, billiousness and weakness. Wonderful nerve tonic. I’rice oOc. Guaranteed by Z. W. Nichols’ drug store. To bring about the defeat of Speaker Cannon, Mr. Gompers would probably even be willing to violate the eight hour law from now until election day. Secretary Taft says that Cuba is like a tropical plant that needs pruning. A course of prunes will make the tiery Cubans as ine^-k as the delinquent inmate of a third-rate boa>'ding house in the presence of the landlady. State of Ohio, Citv of Toledo, | Lucas County [ Frank J. ('heney makes oath that he is senior }>artner of the th-m of F. T. Cheney Co.. doing busiue.-s in the City of Toledo, County and Stat(* afoiesaid, and that said fir/n will pay the sum of Oxe HrxDKKi) Dol lars for each and every case of Ca tarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hj^^i atarrh Cure. AXK J. ClIEXKV. ue and subscribed Gth dfiy of De-