Sylvan Valley News Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. J. J. MrXEE, Mun;i,uvr. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY. 0GT015ER 19. 1906. VOL. XI-XO. 42 Transylva vania Lodge No. 143, ^ Knigfits of Pythias i v-^ongrcssiOllM C. ni. Sunday—S to U) a. ni.. 4 tt) 0 p. m. C’entfal Ottice—McMinn liloek. Professioi\cl Cards. W. B. DUCKWOR.TH. ATTO R N EY-AT-L A W. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty. Rooms 1 and 2. l’icleciallies. All work j^uaranteed and prices rea sonable. Painless Kxtractioii- The ^thelwold Brevard's New Hotel—Modern Aj)- pointments—0])en all th<‘ year The ])atronation For niiinkiiid The 5-ociit p:K'ket is oiioiiiili lor usual (X’oa^ioiis. The fainiiv botth^ (00 rontaiiis a supply for a year.' All dru;ii;i>t.s sell iheiii. To Tax-Payers. I will be at tlie following- pljices on the days mentioned f(3i- tiie i)ur})ose of rollectinj:' taxes due on tlie list now in luy hands: Duniis Rock—Rockbi-ook .Store. Monday. Oct. '-1. Little River—Ashworth's .Store, Tuesday. Oi^t. lioyd—T. R. Duncan's Store, Wed nesday. Oct. lI-4. (Houcestei* — 2vIacedonia Chui-ch. Thursday. Oct. 2.‘). Hoiiback—School Ht)Use. Friday. < )ct. 2<). Kastatoe—Zion Cliui-ch, Saturday, Oct. 27. East Fork—T^ai)tist (,'hurch, Mon day. Oct. 2!i. (’atpeys Creek—Scliool House, Tues day. Oct. ->0. Brevard—Court House, Wednesday, Oct. -‘n. Cedar Mountain. Rislioi)'s Store, Friday. Nov. 2. Boyd, Enon Chui’ch. Monday. Nov. o. Verv I’espectf'iillv. ‘ C. ('. KUJ’ATRTCK. SheritV and Tax I’ollector. Chamberlain's Oougii Remedy Cures Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. Oi’^Lwfoi'd and Bi-itt Good Crowd—Good Feeling—Good Order— Good Weather—Last Saturday Was a Great Day in Brevard. Never in the history of political! A correspondent in tlie Char- ^Mllierin^''s in Transylvania conn- lotte Dfiily Ohsoi’ver. Oct. 9, sa\^s: tv has tlu.M'e been a more att(‘nt- C'rawloi-d kno\vs all tlu' p7*oini- ive, thouKhtruhuul orderly nuun- I’™!''™l.'vovkcvs in tt,i8 ,lis- trict, calls their luniK'S at si;j:lit and in^ than that which gathered toi i^iyos them an (>nthnsiastic hand- listen to tlie conj^ressional candi 'shake and sonu'tinii's .'■to])s hy the dates in the court house last Sat urday. There was not a light, nor a street brawl, nor any bois terous conduct on liie sti-eet or in the hall during the entire day, and both .“^iieakers were listened to without interference of any kind. There wasn't even a re mote indication that any one had found a jug. and whisky, th(‘ great disturber, was not in evi dence. How dilferent from the old regim(^ of a few years agol It certainly pays to have a dry town. Mr. Britt had the opening siieech, and he made a very fa vorable impression. He is a smooth, ])leasant speaker, and were no one pi'esent to call him down on his pro[)ositions his ar- gunuMits might be convincing, but with Crawford to follow him he seemed ratlier doubtful of his soundings and was ajiparently backwai’d in launching any ag gressive propositions. He con- ^ tented himself wiih platitudes ; th(^y were received. In this dis- roa:h and W(*ii?hing 190 ]K)unds avoirdnpois. Britt is small- t‘r, v.'ith a sallow coni])l(*xion. a.LT- gn'ssiv(' and live fi'et t(‘ii inch es hiirlt, and 44 y(>ars of age, or .six Y(‘ars yonng(‘r than (’rawford. It a])])oars stran.i^e to many vott'rs that a r(‘V(*7ine nuin, skilh'd in tlu' art of cutting np “stills,” should bo thi> stiindard bear<‘r of this the' t(‘nth con^r(“ssional district, yet the ri‘V(‘nu(‘ men and ])ostmast(‘i's dom inate the ri‘])u]>licjin ])avty. Did th(‘ r(‘V(‘nu(* mi'n have a hand in nominatinij: Britt':' One of the most beautifying and pleasing incidents of the speaking h«*re 'vas the shower of boquets of roses which fell to Mr. Crawford as he clos^^d the debate, and his pleased facial ex oression as he returned thanks to tlie ladies from whose hands for the republican party which, as he })ut it, has brouglit the country its wide prospm-ity by its tariff protection to industries. In rej)ly Mr. Crawford showed that m; law can make })rosperity for any save t!ie i)rotected class es. It is labor that makes gen-j conve^’ance. They claim (,'ral prosperity—-those wdio delve j tliat Southern otlicials in Ashe- in tlie mines; weave and spin in J ville promised to hold the Toxa play of appreciatioti Mr. Britt was not remembered. * * * A failure of the schedule on the Mui'j)hy branch left the can didates to make their way from Hendersonville to Brevard bv the factories; build the engines; make the steel bi-itlges and farm machinery, as well as those who follow the plow and raise the bumper crops of wheat, corn, cotton and hay, who bi'ing to ev ery country its general prosper- way train for them but failed to do so. This made them more than an hour late, but the crowd was good natured and waited without grumbling. According to the Citizen report about 400 were present at the speaking— ity. This year nature has inter- jiind it was a Crawford crowd by fered with the general [)rosperity ! large majority, by an extended season of con tinuous rains, and in spite of the Dingley tar.ff or any other law there will be hard times and suf fering foi- the necesraries of life in some localities. So far as the prosperit}" of Transylvania county is concerned every citizen knows that the Transylvania railroad is respon sible for it. By bringing the Toxaway tannery, the Brevard Tannin ])lant, a larger influx of summer visitors and a home market for everything the coun ty produces, it has brought pros perity—and the Dingley tariff has had nothing whatever to do with it save as it increases the pi'ice of clothing and other neces sities which we buy. If anybody can show’ that paying more mon ey for what we purchase can make a county prosperous we may be induced to believe that the republican party is in some V.ay responsible. It does not take a fortune teller to ])redict that the name of the next Governor of New York will begin with H. Now that the Spanish Court of Claims is getting short of work it can change its name to the Ca ban Court of Claims and the work Will last it another century. A Voiiiis: M~41ier at 70. “My mother has suddenly been made youus Jd 70. Twenty years of intense sufl'erin^ from dyspepsia had entirely disal)led her, until six months a^o, when slie began taking Electric Ritters, which have com- plet(‘ly cured her and restored the strength and activity she had in the prime ot' life,’’ writes Mrs. W. L. (i ill)atrick, of Danfbrth, ]\Ie. Great est restorative niedieine on the globe. Sets stomach, liver and kidney.s rij^ht, purities the blood, and cures malaria, billiousness and weakness. Wonderful nerve tonic. Price oOc. Guaranteed by Z. W. Jsichols’ drug store. G. W. Wilson Wiihdraws From the size of the fleet which has been sent to Cuba the world II n • • .1 1 . ; is undecided whether the i)resi- Harmony Reigns in tliB Ranks of dent wants to wipe the island oft ; of the map or tow it up to New (York harbor. Trans’'lvania Democraoy, and Increassd Meloriliss Are Cer tain to Result. I Congrf'ssmen who are looking j after tlu^ir fences in their politi- I cal districts may be in fav'or of labor organizations but they think nothing of working more than eight hours a day themselves. One man has accused candidate iJughos of look'ing liico a Russian uTfMieral. \<*s, and canditlate Hearst is begining to look lilce Field Marshall Oyama. You know what Oyama did to 'em. This is the s<>ason of deca\ and weakened vitality. Nature is being shorn of its beauty and l)loom. If you wouhl retain yonrs, fortiiy yi ("onuUj: At tlu* solicitation of many citi zens of both i)olitical ])arties I had agreed to mak(^ an inde]H‘7id(*nt rac*e for r(*])r('S(>ntatiV(‘ in tln' nc'xt GeiK'ral Assembly. My ])nr])ose in doing so was Ix*- cause I saw at tlu‘ time that ther(‘ was gri'at dani^i'r of what is known as tlu'i Zachary stock law hcnn^j^ re pi'aled Irr the next Geni^ral As.sem- hly which in my oy/inicni would have hcM'n vc'ry di'structivc; to the int(MH'sts of tlu‘ ciliz(‘ns of many S('ctions of tlu' county. I have b('en assur(‘d hy written agr(‘e7iient hy tlu* Execntive (.'om- mitte of the democratic ])arty of Transylvania r-ounty (a copy of which a])pears in this ])a])cr) that th(‘y will us(' (ivery t'ffort in their ])ower to prevent any l(‘gislation which will in any way modify or re])eal the Zachary law. I there fore* do not d(‘eni it ncnn'ssary in order to i)rotect my tVRow citizens stands in mortal dread of as.sassi- from the hardslii])s v\'hich the re- ])eal of the said lav\' would havi* hroutrlit u])on them, to pursue tlu‘ fight any further. U])on th(‘ faith I have in tlu‘ writt(‘n agr(‘enu‘7it I withdraw as a c*andidat(' for the next (ic-neral A.sst'mbly. I wish to thank the voters of Transylvania county for the many favors I have rec(.'iv('d in th(' ])ast at their liands and tlu‘ many ])ledi:('s of sup]iort in niy pn'sent candida cy. My motiv('s in announcing mys(‘lf as an indep.endcmt Candi da tt‘ have heen in ■irood faith and solely for the imr])ose of ])rotect- ing many of my friends from what I thouth of Oct.. 1;»0(). Respectfully yours. G. W. WiLSox. * * * (Quoted from T. H. (Calloway's let ter to the voters of 'PransyIvania county, published in t[ie News of Auirust IT: “I will say herc^ atid now that I will not enac*t nor ],tiss any law changing the present stock law of Transylvania county, and I lu'rehy authorize and recpiest my friends in the county to ])ositively conti-a- diet any and all rc^ports circulated nation. In otluM- words. Abdul Aziz fear.-'* that he may soon be known to fame, as Abdul Azizu't. President Palma loft fifteen milli.'n dollars in theC'iiban treas ury. Thus, in another respect, we find that tlie Cuban revolution is not of the Ssuth American variety. Slate ()i‘()hio, City of Toledo, ( f.ucas (’ounty Frank J. Cheney m.ikes oath th;tt lie is senior partner of the tirm of F. J. (’henoy Co.. doiny; business in the City of Toledo. County and State afoiesaid, and that said firm will pay tlie sum of ().\K Dol lars for each and every case of Ca tarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Ilall’is Catarrh Cure. FuAXK j. ClIKNKV. Swr)rn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this (5th day of l)e- cemlter, A. D. 1S^^(>. A. W. (Jl.KAsoX, Notaiy Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the s\stem. Seiul for testimonials free.— F. J. Ciii:ni:v Co., To'edo, (). Sold by Seal hy any one contrary to the fon'go-1 :dl dru<;trists, 7.-)c. Take flail’s Fam ing trutiiffil statem(>nt of my i ily Pills for coiistipijtion. tion on this subject.'' Basinu; their action (m the ahov(' statenu-nt of the I’t't^iilar nomin(H‘ of the ])arty the County Executive (’ommittee has authorized the pitb- lication of the following i)ledge : Headquarters Dem. Ex. Com. Transylvania (.'ounty. We, the undersiiined Executivi' Committee of the democratic ■])arty of Transylvania county, ])ledire our selves to G. W. Vrilson and the ])eopl(‘of Transylvania county that we will each use every ^‘ffort in our power and any influence that we may have to prevent the Lt'gis lature of 1907 from repi'alin.ijr, mod- ifyin.i? or in any way chan.