Sylvan Yalley News Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of d Local Paper, BREVAKl), TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20,1906. VOL. XI-NO. 43 Transylvania Lodge No. 143, Knii'ntsofPftliias ) IveiTulaf convention ev- y Tui'siiay in Ma sonic Hall. \'i s i t i 11 ^ Ivui^hts are i-ordiallv in vited to alteml. T. W. WHITWIRE C. C. Brevard Telephone Exchange. r.OT'Ks: Daily—7 a. ni. to 10 i>. ni. Sutuiay—S to lo a. m.. 4 to C> ]>. ni. C'onti'al Onioe—MrMInn iJloek. Professiosicl Ccrds. W. B. DUCKWORTH. ATTORNEY-AT LAW. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty, liooras 1 and 2. 1’iekel^iniei- Bui Id in; ZACHARY &. BPvEESE ATTORNEY^'-AT-LAW Offices in P^G?<^inn Glcck, Brevard, N. C. GASH GALLOWAY. LAWYKRS. Will practice in alltlic court.-, llooms 1) and ](•. McMinn IJUick. D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER lioonis 11 and liiyjcMinn Uioc-!:. JllIKVAKi). X. Misce!Sa:iecus. N. C. ' I DENTIST. (BaiU'v IVloek. ' HENDERSONVILLE, Tov the month ot' X<)V<‘nilx‘r ;m<: l).‘cest rul)l)(‘r) FOR }X itiraiiteed to fit or no pay’. .Ml Pental work reduced in ]*rojio!tion tb: time only. Teeth Extracted Wilhout Pain. The JEthelwoLd Brevard'.s New TTotel—Mftdi-i-n Ap pointments—C)pe!i all the year The ])atrona^e of the ti'aveliny- piililic as well as summer tourists i.-> stdiehcd. Opp. Court House. Brevnrd. K-I-P-A-X-S Tul)uiet. Doctors liiid A good pi'Cseript ion For nuinkind The5-rent pj<-ket is |i oocasifws. Tho luiiiiix' bottle (liO c<)!itain> a .•'Uii]>ly for a year. All >(.■]! tlioin. To T ax-Payers, I willlte at tlie lo!i(»\vii:L!' pl;i<*<-s (»r, the days uaetitioncd loi- tli-- 5)uri»osi‘ ol eolleetinii' ta.ves due on thu ]i>t now itj iiiy hands: ^ Hunns Il(»e!-:- Kofl;l>rook Stoi'e. Monday. Oct. 'I'l. Little Uivcr —A:M\vorlh‘s .Store. Tuesday. < K-t. 'S-\. Boyd—T. K. ])uut-ah‘s Store. Wed nesday. < H't. J4. (iloueester — Ivlaeedotiia Church. Tliursda.y, (Jet. 2-). Hogback—School House. Friday. (X*t. -<». Kastatoe—Zion Chureli. Saturday, Oct. 27. East Fork—Ba])tisf Clniich, Mon day. Oct. I’it. Catpeys ('reek—Sehc>ol ]’ou.-5e. Tues- d;iy. Oct. oO. Brevard—Court 1 louse, Wednesday. Oct. (y'edar Mountain. 1 ;is’.■>p's Store. Friday, Nov. Boy’^d, Knot! Chui-eh, i.’onday, Nov. 5. Very re ;ne •rfull C. C. ini.l'./nilCK. Sheriir and T;i:; ( ’uHect< r. Congressional Canvass. The Fallacies of Republican Prosperity De molished by Crawford^s Able Arguments. m •iiSt Tho.s(‘ who have wiliiesst'd the discussions of tin' political isstn^s involved in this ca)n))ai^n by Me-^si’s. Crawford and l^iitt. deuiocratic, and re])ubli(*an can- dis i‘()2- a seat in tlie r>Oth conirress. mast in all candor, ad mit that Ml-. Crawford has liter ally torn into shreds 0V(‘i’V iii’irn- niei't advanced by his oj-ponent. Mr. Britt makes a stron.g do- lonM' ()i tho ))(liicii'.s. if stieh tlniv m:iy be called, maintainod by his pai’ty. blit tho shuUre-hamni(‘r blows ad minisl(.*)-ed by the dhov> him t<» i>o a man ot allairs and one t}u>r on^dtly conversant v.'ith the ])o- iitic;*! histr)i-y of this coiintrv’ ti'om tlu‘ foundation of the'^'ov '■I'limont to tho ])reseiit day. llis roview of the past rt'coials of the h.Mnocratic and republican par- tif's js superb and insjiirintif. and ■ienioerat.s who liear him cannot .’•eirain from i’(‘joieit!ir in th(i fact that their cause is l)einai'ti(‘s met in joint debate at l->i-“Vtii d on Sai- irday and at Columbus on Mon- iiy ol last ^^■(,'ei^. In these dis cussions. and former ones. Mt‘. i,;{ritt conte!ids that Mr. Ci’aw- ford s exiH)sition of the conduct of certain i-e})ublic:in leadi'rs in Xorth Carolina is not an issue and calls it “.silly twaddle and chip ti'ap." Ml*, (,’rawford replies that they are ofticej-s of the ^ov- *>rnment and tlieir conduct is therefore a le;^itimate subject for discussion: that tlie I’ecords of Federal oftice-holders contribute in making' the records of the I'e- publican party, which must be jiid,Lre:i by the men who make its history. He quotes from the re cent speech of Secretary of war Taft, at rhe (Ireensboro convt'n- tion. Hlackburn's news[)apers. Judge Bynum, and others, in <^s tablising his contention that the I’einiblican party in this state is coiuUnnned by the evidence of its own members, and in his own original way presents the case most strongly. Mr. Britt and his suppoi'ters Sfjuirm, while democrats aj)}>laud,us ?iJr. Cravr- ford lays bare the unseemly con duct of many republican leaders in Xorth Carolina, u'hose ins;i- tiable desire for pie lias eclipsed every other considei-ati(jn. He calls attention to the fact that the republicans have only one repre- -sentative from this stale, and by the assistance of Mr. Britt, they tried to })ut that one in the pen itentiary. So you see, says Mr. (,’ra.wford. that it is a danir(*rous thing for a re])ui) tol)t' eh'ct- ed to congress from this state, and th(' poople will ]>ut an end to the ti’onble on the ()th of X"ovom- ber. by »decting ten democrats to represent them. Mr, Crawford dwells upon tho theory of democrats founding :ind organizing- tho g-ovoi-nment and slates that Tlionias Jt'fcerson, the* father of d(}mocracy. was the au thor of the Declaration of Indo pendcuc(‘. and one of the fi-amcM s of tho constitution, and that the democi-atic l)arty establislK.-d *;v- ery institutif)n of this grc'at gov ernment. classilying t’ne powers into the ex('cutiv(‘. judicial and log. islati\'e; d e J >a r t ui on I s: orji-ani/, .‘d the state governments, fixing the rcia! ion between statt^ and nation: establishing relations with all otiier count ri(\s; ])rovided svs teuis of taxation for tlie support ol the .‘Zox-ei-nment e\ on c-i-eatin-j the tariff: creatc'd linanciai sys tem: oi-gani/ced and pi-ovided foi tlie navy; e.-itablished tlu; nii'r chant mai-in.(>, which carric's per cent of onr ))roduce to a! P'orts of th(' c'arth; fought th( wars and provided for ])eace, ah before' the republican party v.:;> I'orn. H(' (.-hall<,‘nge(l AJr. ]>riti 10 name a. single institution es lablised by the t-epublicans( which tiie latter is unable to do)and savs instead of establishing any. the\ have abused thf/se found('d b\- dcMi'.ocrats lor the people's wel fare in the interest of rich ma.u ulaeturers, trusts. moiu*y gam biers, and bond jobbei's. The great issue in this cam- p:ii,gn, AJ r. Cr;iwl'ord maintains, is tho (a i-jff or Ft'd(*i-al taxation. The first levy under the constitu- tion If) percent. In ISl!.''). it was rtiised to Hl’ per cent, thro' the inlluence of manufacturers who advocated protection for American industries. It was called the tarilT of abomination. Mr. Clay, in advocating a com promise by which it was reduced to L’() per cent. st;ited in a speech on the floor of cong-ress tliatif the* American ])eo])le W'ould acquiesce in the proposition for nine years. th(,' manufacturers would be able to compete v.-ith all the world. Seventy-live years have lapsed and still these itifant industries are clamoring for more protec tion. Aft(?r they have acc^uired hundreds of millions from the sweat and toil of the people by reason of these excessive tax laws, whicli give to them the markets cd the L nited States, the Dingley law. which Mr. Britt says has brought all the prosperity to the country, as an intensified tar iff. as compared with the old Clay com])romise levies the largest tax on the American peo})le that they have experienced in the his tory of the country, being an av- era«-e of HO per C(.'nt. In illpstrating the workings of the Dingley law, Mr. Cra\^ford says; “tak(^ for instaiH^e. wo( 1 biil throuirh cong-r<‘ss cloth, of which th(,'law’ of nature lie reads from th.t'spsJ'i'r-h- and tVie l;iw of man requires ])eo- i‘s of Keed and Sh(;rman. two pie to wear. I hold in hand a great i-f'pulican l('ad(?rs in the copy of t he Dingley law, w’hich house and senate, u lio (*ont<,*nd- hnakes its own calculations. On,edthat it was a linanciai j»anio a suit of clotiif's weighing five which had its origin in tlie l>ank pounds, and (‘osting six dollars of England and sw(>pl over the in Manchest(M-. Fitigland. six dol- entire civilized world: that the lars tax is recjuirod in oui’ ports ! gold was drawn out of the 1 r«'as- befor-(i it can Ix; t.'ntered for sah^. , ury to supply th(i flemand for it SI*. 10 on account of any wool it I in foreign countries and b(d'ore might contain and in addition ()0 ; M r. Cleveland secui’r*(l the [>r('s- pei- cent on the dollar of tiie orig- ! idtmcy in L'-'lio. the treasury w;is iual cost which malces banki upt and Mi-. IIarrisf)n had Furthermort'. t he importing mer-1 deinamhMl an issu(' of ('.'h),C00.O(J0 chiint adds his com mission, which i of bonds to defray curre:il ex- is the intluctMni'iit to the t ransac-1 penses. Senator Sherman, the tion; then Ik* sells it to the retail ! great republican linaticial lea(h'r. im th(' panic declared ‘Concluded on Pa;ro 8.) Si ate ot'()luartn(M- o: tlu' tirm of K. 1. Cheney vv ('<).. doiu*,'l.'U'^iiH-'-'m tl>e City of Toledo. County and Stat <* aloresaid, and that said lirtii will pay the sum of ().\K HrM»i:!;!» i.Aii- tor each and every c.iii'j. Hall’.s Catan h is lak(‘fi iiiter- ually, and acts dir.'ctly ou tla* 1iIoc. 'fakc' Hall’s Fam ily’ Pills for (ou^tipation. mfM’cduint.s of your town, with his I in discussi commission Jind the ta.x ]:)aid ihi; govei’nment and original cost added. The retail mmchant must necessarily hav(' his profit bej'ore selling to the consumer. b(i he democrat or r('{)ublic:!n. has to pay at least sL').QO for a six Jollar suit. ^Vho gets the bene tilV Th('governmi'iit. of conrsc'. into whose trc*asui-y tlu> tax goes directily. So it is upon the' va rious articles and products im ported from other countries aiul sold by our ini'rchants tothe])eo i)le s‘k")0.n00.0i'0 annually. J>ut if this was all. bad as it is tf> llie •oor. thert' woiiltl Ijc soirn' r( ason for tr)lerating- it. inasmuch as it goes to defray (,'xp(,'tises . f gov- 'rnuK'nt. But this is not th<> xorst. The wealthy manufac-t i!-(‘i’s. great combinations and lieartless trusts of t his count ry. who pay no taxes, agree among 'hemselves and lix the ])rico of h('ir iproduets so as to control 'he mark'et. And for ev('ry dol lar of taxes we get from import 'd merchandise, we pay a bounty () home manufacturers of s().O0. The conse(iuence is tluit tlie American ]>eople pay ev(>ry year for tlie goods and mei-(*handise )ought in stores two tliousand millions of dollars more than tlu' same artic-h's are worth and sold for in England. Ih'ia^ Mr. Cr.ivr ford (piotes from the best authoi- i'ty demo(,Tatic and republican in substantiation of his contc^itioiis. 'A’hich tire convincing beyond the shaddow of a doubt to reasonbU' thinking mc'ti in eith(.'r party. Mr. Crawford maintains that the only v.-ay lo regulate the trusts will be to }>ut their article.-, on the free list and force them into competition with the outside world: that the manufacturers •ire in favor of chea|) foreign la bor to take the place of our home [)(}ople in the great northern mills and object to a fair division of | Hearst has accepted tho nomi- their ])rotits with the operators j nation a cou[)le of times. 0;i. who are the real wealth ])ro | there is no doubt that lie will ac- Spea'.cer Canium is unloading some of his ti'(>ubles on tin* White House, and they will be much lieavier wlum he linds the major ity in the next House being led ijy .John Sharp 'Williams. But you can't deny that Mr. Liearst lias the Republican mana gers thoroughly scared. Many men ^ive lavishly of ^old. To V)uild brid^res and castles and towers of old: If you want everlasting- fame, a bene factor he, (; ive the poor and needy f locky Moun- tiiin Tea. — Z. \V. Xichols and Bi-evard Drug- Co. ll is safe to say that Senator Platt will vote for tiie retention in the Senate* of Senator iveel Smoot. Marric’d men ha\'e Platt's undivided sympihy. es[)ecially ihe ••much married" ones.- If there were no birthdays, Christmases or weddings, a man would have ti chance to gc't ahead a few dollars. ducers. They will |)ay so much, and no more until compelled by organized labor, in consequence of which disturbances are con tinually arising between employ er and employee. Mr. Crawford riddles his o])- ])onent*s theory so-called with cept the iifrlce if he is elected. A ;;1 7?>. ‘-My’ mother has suddc'nK’ been made young at 7i). Twenty’ years of intense sutrering from dyspepsia had entirely disahU'd her. until six months ago, v.'hen she began taking Electric Bitters, which liave com- reference to the Wilsor.-Gorman ' cured her and restored the bill and defends the democratic ; position u[.on tliat n;easure. Mr. Britt asserts that this bill bro’t prillle of IHV,’’ writes 3frs. W. L. j (;il|nitilck, of Dant'orth, 3Ie. Great- ^ , est restorative medicine on the globe, on tte panic-, Mr. Crawtoi-d, m i stomach, llvei-and kidney, reply to this, calls attention to purities the blood, and cures the fact that the par.ic was in full jbilliousness and weakness. blast during the summer t)f 1895,^^^Vonderful nerv * tonic. Price 50c, more than a year ])rior to th^ Guaranteed by Z. W. ? ichols’ drug passage of the Wilsoti-Gorn^n' store.