Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. J. J. MFXEU, Mauii”vr. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. N. C., FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 2,1906. VOL. XI-NO. 4-t Ml t Transylvania Lodge No. 143, Knigiits of Pythias lle*ruhii‘ conveution ev ery Tuesday ni}rht in Ma sonic Hall. V is it in j; Knijjhts are (.‘orcliallv iu- vited to attend. T. W. WHITMIRE C. C. Brevard Telephone Exchange. iiorus: Daily—7 a. ni. t»> i>- ni. Sunday- -S to 10 a. m., 4 to 0 p. in- Central Otlice—MoMinn Hlook. Professioivol Cards. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTO R N EY - AT-L A W. Investigation of Lard Titles a Specialty. Uooms 1 and 2, 1 Mckelsinier Buildinjr. ZACHARY &. BF.EESE ATTORN EY:'-AT-LAW OKices in McMinn Block, Brevard, N. C. GASH GALLOWAY. LAWYERS. Will practice in all the coin’t;?. Iloonis 9 and 10, McMinn lilock. D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER Jloonis 11 and 12 McMinn Block. Bm:vArvi). x. c. Misceila£ieci3s. mmi A. DENTIST. (iiailey Hloc’.t. ■ HENDERSONVILLE, I'or tlie niontli of Nov<‘iMiK‘i- amJ only I will niak<‘ a first of teeth (best rulihor) N. C. ‘;rud to tit or Jio ]iay. .Ml Dental work reduced in propoitioii lor that time only. Teeth Extracted Without Pcin. The JEthelwold Bi'evard's Xew TIotcl -M<»(k*r‘n Ap pointments—Open all tin- year The patronage of tlx- t r:i ])ubli<' a.s well as suniniei-toi'.i-ists i,-. soIii-itLMl. Opi). Ctturl House. Urevard. X.C. JM-P-A-X-S Taldile.s ])('t<‘lors iiiirl A i^'ood ]>resci'i{)t ion Fo.i’ ijiaiikiiHl Th'?.'i-cc»t packer, is t'lioiii;!) v r (i-ntil Til'* fiimiiy bottle i(;ii cr t' a .•'Uiifil.v 111 for r u yeur.' All sell them. ToT ax-Payers. 1 willhe at tlu- t<-liowinu' ]>laces oi, llie days nientioniMl tor ’!>.> uurpose (\: coileetinj:’ taxes due on the list now in jny 5iands: Duniis Itock ! loi'lcl>rook Stt>re. Mondtvy. Little irivcr -Aor:li's Store. Tuesday. Oct. II.'). lioyd'-T. 11. Dunean's Store. Wt-d- nesday. < >'‘t- --!■ (Jloucester — :‘rareil;)'',ia (’hui'c)). Tluirsflay. Oct. 2->. Ho^ibacK—-School llv>use. Fi-iday. ()et. l!<). Kastat()e—Zion rhui-i'h. Sjitui-day. ()jt. l!T. 1‘^ast fork—l>a])ti~t t'l,arrli. JSIon day. Oct. 2!». ('atbeys ( reek—S* ilout^e. ^'ues- day. Oct. ‘U>. Ui-(*vard—Couft \V<-dr,e.-^dav. Oct. ;n. (,'edar Mf>unta;;;. r.i^-’iop's Stot-j. Friday. Xov. J. I^oyd, Knon ( h;;i< '. Monday. Xov. o. Verv re ;’>0"tf': IA-. ‘ U. IvlLi '.\T!II(’K. iflicvi:!' i!.;;.! 'I'.v;. roHeut’. r. I Next Xuesdayt Nov* 6, is election day^ and every voter should come out and vote for the tickct of his choice* It is a pleasure to vote for one^s friends, but that is not the greatest reason for your presence at the polls. It is a duty you owe our country to vote for the principles your party espouses. There is no safety for your liberties if you stay at home and allow some one else to do your voting. Ii you are democrats be on hand early, h^Ip to preserve order and decorum at the polling place, and vote and work for the nominees of your party. See that the following names are on your ballot: Democratic Tickets For Con^re.ss—10tb District W. T. CKAWFOKI). of Haywood count\\ For Solicitor—latii District, GUY V. KOUERTS, of Madison coujity. For the Senate—oN(h Disti’ict W. II IJREESE, Jr. of Transylvania county. Transylvania Ccunty Ticket* liCpresenfdiicf^—T. H. ('.^\LLOV\’AY r/r/7.'—T. "A Lof^J'IS I!v{/fs/rr—M. W. (Jaf.LOWAV ShcrijT C. C. IviLPATRiriv. Trr((st/rrr—AY. H. Drc'KwoiiTii. ('oi'oitcr—W. »T. Sitrvrijor—A. L. HAuniN. \Y. Bi.*OOKS, W. M. EIknky. .1. C. Deavfk. BREVARD TOWNSHIP E. T. 1Ji:nn]X(;. J. J. ShIF.MAX, .)- .1. ]\\TTOX. Cni/sftth/r—,). ]). Al.LIsOX. W. U. Millei’. wlio has been 'A’iili Crawford ai.il liritt dui- inu: tiieir coiiirressional canv^ass. writes us from Uutherf.)rdton as follows; “After visiting tK^iiiy every <-o;nity in this district and from others on both sides. I can safely preilict ('rawford’s election is '•ei’tain anil the majority will ai)- proximate; l.oOG—a ilemocratic LCain of 4l’0 over two years a^'o. ‘•The counties of Haywood, Hut her ford and Buncombe- three most popiilous counties— will ^^ive Crawford (>ver lI.OGO majoi'ily, aiul this trif) sc^cui'es :iis 1‘lection beyond a doubt. Three otlier deviiocratic counties will irive him oOO more, thus ,i,nv- in”- at least il.rJOO total majority for Craw’foi'd. Rutherford un der tlie able and a^^ressive democratic chairman, John C. Mills, is the b('st or^^anized .•ounJy in the whole fourteen .•ounties of this disti’ict. Of tlie 170 new voters recently I’e^is tered in Knthei’ford ll'Oaredem oo’ats who will go to tho polls, ind Crawford's majoi’ity is cor rectly estimated by the itiside woi'kers at i^OO, w'hile Haywood. Urawford's homo county, will ‘(lual if not surpass Kulherford vvith sOO or more. ••In the republican column Uands Ilonderson at the top with :i(Mi’ly 400 repuidican majf)rity. Swain and another republican •ounty with ::2r)0 each, making neai’ly OOO repr.\)lic*au majority. Add three other doubtful Repub lican counties with less than lOQ ^iacli majority. Then McDowell, claimed by tho whisky element. re))ublicans and democrats, with a majority of 75 for either side, is classed as doubtful and unknown. “Polk cjunty democracy is better or^anizi'd and more rior to the (,*onstitu ti()nal anuMidujeiit disfranchising the negi'o. H(3 is stronger today than m'er \)efore; he has dm’el- oped wonderfully sinc(; his first election, and is n)o!’e in touch With the common people, and is a better spi*aker and campaigner than during his tirst rat.’i*. We believe that in this election he will have a much larger- majority than has ever been giv{>n a dem ocrat foi’ congress, and \.e be i lieve the majoi'ity abov(‘ {>redict ed, I.oOO, is too low -b\it every democrat must come out. Don’i g(‘t un idea that lie will be elected without your vote and stay at home. Every vote counts and this county must give him 17)0 majority. * * * * A race which is all fading mucli attention is that for so licitor between Mark I5rown and (’ruy Roberts. Mr. Brown Vvill have a more solid j-t‘publican sup poi-t than any other republican candidate, and the fact that the ofiicii is t/ eated somewhat as ju dicial in natui-e helps him, but of course the main ri'liance is the re[)ublican mtijority in Madison. 13ut Guy Roberts, the democrat ic candidate, is showing great strength in all three caunties and Madison men say that Mr. Rob erts being a Mudison man is go ing to njake a big hole in that majority and if he gets what is coming to him in Buncombe will carry olf the prize. ]\Ir. Roberts and Mr. Brown have si)ent con siderable tim<; in Madison lately. They are canvassing here this week and our peo])le will have an opportunity > judge of their merits. As Buncombe county usually monopolizes most of the oftices and Mark Biown is fi'om Buncombe, our symi)athies are with Ml-. Roberts if there was no l)rinciple involved. As demo crats we must give Mr. Robei’ts a r(.»L’sing vote in tlie county. * For the state senate the voters of Transylvania should forget that there is more than one can didate in the field. Regardless of party attiliations every vote cast for a senatorial candidate should have on it the name of W E. Breese, jr. Our people know the light he has made before the Board of Commissioners to pre serve the [)ublic roads for the use of the people who made them, and they know that be made the tight without reward or the hope of reward. No man in the county jean afford to vote against him. I His comi)etitor is in every way a i nice man from Haywood, and Mr. Bi-e(^seis mentioning him as such at every precinct, but that doesn’t release the obligation our people owe to our own candidate —Transylvania’s candidate. The News would be pleased if the verdict of our people was unani mo us for \V. E. Bi'cese, jr. * -it We do not V)eliev(‘ in ])ersonali- ties in politics and are truly glad to notic-e that our county (-andi- dates are not indulging in any mud slinging or abuse of theii' o})ponents. A good, clean cam paign. fought out on the ])lat- j forms of the two parties, is what is enjoyed by the peo})le. i * * Owing to his physical f-onditioii Mr. Perry Moore, the re{)ublican nominee for the Legislature, is not *4ble to make the campaign and D. L. English is making Mr. Mooro’s speecii'^s for hinu Mr. English is a lawyer of ability and experience, but we are truthful in saying that Tom (xallowa}" is more than holding his own and has Englisli on the run. * * * In fact it is bad politics for tlie re[)ublicans to discuss state or county affairs in Transylvania. The people here remember that when the republicans were in power in this county that they [>aid -'2 cents on the !?IOU worth of [)ro[)erty and 70 cents more on the poll tlian they do now, and that the taxes have been going down ever since the democrats ^ot back in power; that there is now in th(} hands of the County Treasurer a sur[)lus in evei'y de partment, with every debt paid up and this year’s taxes not col lected. * There is no use to try and get the people of Transylvania to j)ut in new’ men to transact the busi ness of the county when the present nominees or the demo- : cratic party have i)roved by theii- past i-ecords that t!i(*yare able and honest and the llnancial con dition of the countv and the j promptness with which all debts land claims are paid will insure I their election. j * I * I The republican nominees for I tlie county offices are good citi- Z'-*ns and nice men. one and all, I but the same can be said of the i democratic nominees, and still j moi-e, for they have already ! proved their ability to manage , the county much better than did j the former republican officers. I The people know who cut down Uhe taxes, who paid up the old ; debts left unpaid by the republi- icans. who j)ay all the school and i county claims ]>romptly. and they ' are iroinir to vote to continue the i democratic party in power. Ml-. English, who is doing all the speaking for Perry Moore, makes a great fuss about th amount of money that the demo- crats are spending in the state and county. Well, we do not -lony that we an. The state and county have both ?rown. the expenses have in creased and the receipts have in creased, but the taxes have been reduced, the .school t(;rnis ienirth- ened, the p(Misions incnvised.^^v- eiy de])artment made efficient, so there is no merit in his claim’ of irreat expenditure unless he can show where any tnoiu^v is st.den or wasted, and uf) to the presrk of the Court for eight years, and has provod himself a most conscientious, ca pable and obliging official and has leceivtMl the warmest praise from the various, judges hohiini. .^ourt here for the maniit^r in which he conducted his office. * liieie is little n»M*d ot .saying anytliin^-to the p.-op],^ of Tratr- sylvania about Bill Duckworth, our efficient County Treasurer’ He has proven himself a most: satisfactory official, ever pleas ant and always prom(;t and accu rate in his financial dealings with the i)eople and officials. u:,d his record is a cr(>dit to hiujselfand a benefit to 1 ransylviinia countv. ■» * And we say without fear of contradiction that there has nev- ei been an official in th..s ('ount\' who lias more endeareil hims<‘]f to the ))eople and wiio has ful- iilld the manifold duti~ tice of Sheriff and Tax Collc*ctor with more credit tlian has SlitrilT Ivil pat rick. He has seitled !'i-omptly with tlie state and county officials, lie is;-hvays cour teous and obliixing, he {x.M'forms the onerous and oftimes jjain- ful duties of Sheriff with as little iiarslin<‘ss as is possible a.nd hi> friends are {)roud (>f the record he has made and ho deserves the hearty su[»poi-r of the good pei- pie of the county regardless.)! politics. * -fc * It is but necessary togoi ito theotKceof the Register of Deeds Continued on Payre 4 15c\vari‘ (d Ointnieats toi catari'li tb:it contaiM .iVIert'urv, as mercury will surely de>troy the sense ot .mucll and completelv do- Ianjjje the whole .sy.'^tfr*m when t*nter- in^ it throuii^h the mucous surface.s. Such articles should lU'ver ho use ! except on prescriptions from reputa ble pliy.siciati.s, as the damat^e tiiey will do is ten told the jjfood yon can possibly derive from them. Hall’s (’atarrh ( ure, manufactured by F. J. C’beuoy »S: To., Toledo, O., con tains no mercurv, and is taken inter- nalily, a<-tiug directly upon the blood ot'tJie system, genuine. made in Toledo, ney Co. Testi- Id by druggists, itle. Take Ilali’s .'tipation.