■jit t 'T- J. MTXEH, Transylvania Lodge No. 143 r-xiy if- s and Prosperity the Fir LVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY, NO I U (teli sc StI mine, verton. A terril the pariich^ hands unmc the sick man placing hini on a :heir sev(n-mi!e jo seven hours to ma« vviien they reached thi c(j m p i (.■ I e 1 y e xh aus t o( I. was placed in the hospital tors stated that he is sutt pneumonia. Diccovers Ancient Tomb Theodore M. Davis, an Amerl( Egyptologist, has discovered a roy tomb in the neiglihorhood ot l.uxor. Egypt. The tomb is Cilled with valua!;lo antiques, including intact san :)[.!iagi. X beautifully preserved chur;;)t. lurni ture and numerous other valuable roJ of a past age. n 110 Reirular convention t ery Tuesday ni^ht in Nd sonic ITall. Visitjfn*; Kni^^hts Hi-e cordially in '■ited to attend. T. W. WHITMIRE C. C. Brevard Telephone Exchange. iiouKs: Daily—7 a. ra. to 10 i>. m. iSunuay—S to 10 a. m.. 4 to r> p. m. Central Otliee—McMiim lilock. Professional Cards. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Investigsticn of Land Titles a Specialty. Kooms 1 and 2, Piekelsimei’ Buildinj; ZACHARY 8c BREESE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices in Mcii/iinn Blocl(, Erevard, N. C. GASH CALLOWAY, LAWYERS. Will practice in all the courts, llooms 1) and 10, McMinn lilock. D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER Hooms 11 and 12 McMinn Block, BliEVAIII), X. C. Miscellaneous. DENTIST. (IJailey 13 luck.) HENDERSONVILLE, For the Tiionth of Novoinbor :iih) only I u ill mako a tir.-l eloss t«ot of teeth (l>er5l rubber) iruaranteed to fit or no .Ml D^'ntal work n'dneed in piopoi tioii lor tf'.at time only. Teeth Extracted Without Pcin. The JEtkelwold Brevard's Xew TTotel—^todern Ai)- pointtnents—0])en all iht; year The patrona^>'e of tlie ti’avelin;_>- ])ublir as well as summer loucisls i.- s«»licite<]. Opn. Court Hoiise. Hrevard. X.(’. K-I.p.A-X-S Tabules Doctors find A good i)i*es(M'iption Foi’ inankiiid TheS-ccTit packet is pnonuli ii^r usual oc(Msions. The liuniiy bottle (CO ce-it-;) co ittiiii.-. a sui)i>ly fora year. All dnijigists sell therii. In this county there was a feeling of security in the triumph of the Democratic party which came near being disastrous. There ha^ been no effotts made by the dem- crats to get their supporters to the polls, and this lack of energy was discovered only by the alertness of their opponents. The whole republican strength at this pre cinct was voted by 12 o’clock, while at least 25 demo crats failed to show up. The same condition prevailed at several other precincts, and should be a lesson to our party—Republicans never fail to vote. The latest election nev\rs, up to the hour of going to press, will be found on page 4. Here is our condensed opinion of tI\M Original Laxative (’ou>_di Syrnp. “Nearly nil otlier (•o^^^•il siiriips are constipatinii,- especially thos«* con taining opiat es. Kenned’s Laxative (€ontainin*;) Honey and Tar moves the bc)\V(‘Is. ('ontains no opiatt>>. Conforms to the Xiitioi.al Pnr(‘ and Dru;^ Law. Sold by JJrevard Drnir C’o. Thanksgiving Day Set. Says No Nation Ever Had Such Prosperity. One pair of youn^ mtdcs nnrt wa”On. One cow. Seven head of yoinij? cattle'. All of nriy farniinj? tools, n, {jood cook stove nnd other thing's too nu merous to mention. Apply to HENRY W, TINSLEY. The president\s Thanksj^ivinp: Day pioelaination was made public ;it the state dep.irtment. It is as follows: “The time of year has come when, in accordance with the wise custom of our forefntliers, it become.s my duty to s(*t aside i\, special day of thanksjj:ivin<? and praise to the Al mighty because of the blessings W’e iiave received, and of prayer that these blessinj>[S may be continued. Yet anatber year of widesjiread well-bein^ has passed. Never before in oui- history or in the history of any other nation lias a people en joyed more aboundinjj material pros perity than is ours, a prosperity so at that it should arouse in us no it of reckle.ss pride, and least of a spirit of heedless disrej^ard of ou;* responsibilities, but rather a sober sense ot‘ onr many blessini!S and H lesolnte purpose, under Provi dence, not to forfeit them by any action of our own. “^Literial well b'Mnir, indispensa ble though it is, can never be any- thiuji' but the toutidation of true national f^reatness and happiness. If we build nothing iipon this foun dation, thnn our national life will be as meanin»;less and emi)ty as a house where oidy the foundation has been laid. Cpon our material well-being must be built a superstructure of in dividual and national life lived in accordance with th(‘laws of the hijjli- est morality, oi- else our prosperity itself will in the loiit; run turn out a cur-e instead of a blessinj;. “We should be both reverently thankful for what we have leceived and earnestly bent upon turnii j; it into a means of y;race and not of de struction. ‘•Accordiiigy, I hereby set apart Thr ' uv, the tvveuty-nintli day of N . ; l>«. f !i. ' t, as a day of thaid'is- <>ivj!,i^ • -upoHcation, on which the peop. me ' in their homes or their ciiw . . -iv-voutly to ac- knowledj^e ali » ’t ? •» * i ijiven thi'Mi, and to ; ra; a. they may in addition receive - r to use these f?ifts ari*;ht. “In witness whereof I h > s > ! unto set my hand and caused . fi i of the United States to be a >. '■ Done at the city of Washintrtoii . • •J2nd of October, in the year ot i; Tjord, 190G, and of the Independen of the L'nited States, the oiiO hun dred and thiriy-tirst. ‘•Thkodoke Roosevklt. “i)y the president: i “i'^Linu Koot, j “Secretary of State,” | A year a^o Thomas Watson] was wondering how Bryan could make money on a “bum paper like the Comniotier.” Bryan hiis tlie last laugh, however. In Nortli Dci:;oia liu'y useaiUo- m.biles to run down criminals. But in the East th(\v li'^e tliem to run down any one wiie does not get out of the way. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has been nsinjj: fo;mal- deliyde to keep th.e milk b'.it the result was to lose ciistotners for the diniuir cars. iitnvarc ot OintnuMits for catarrli that contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely de- ran^^e the whole system when «*nt(H'- in^ it through the mucous suiiaces. Such articles should never be us 'xcept on prescriptions from reputi !e physicians, as the damay:e th A 11 do is ten fohl the *jood you c ■ly derive I'rom them. Hal < . h Cure, mauufactnred ney & ('o., Toledii . ’ ) mercurv, and i acting dii’ectly i an^h|^j||y^^urfaces ' su k

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