Sylvan Btate library Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. »/* J. J. MIJTEK, Manager. BREVAED, TEANSYLVANIA COUNTY. N. C., FEIDAY. JANUAEY 111907 YOL. III-NO. 2 Transylvania Lodge No* 143, KnisMsofPvttiias Resfular convention ev ery Tuesday night in Ma sonic Hall. Visiting Knipjhts are cordially in- ■'^’ited to attend. T..W. WHITMIRE C. C. Brevard Telephone Exchange. HOURS: Daily—7 a. m. to 10 p. m. Sunday—8 to 10 a. ni., 4 to 6 p. m. Central Office—McMinn Block. Professioiiol Cards. ti m m m m.m m m » m mm m m m m mm m m m V/. B. DUCKWOR.TH, ATTO RN E Y-AT-L A W. investigation of Land Titles a Specialty. Rooms 1 and 2, Pickelsiiner Building. ZACHARY & BR.EESE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices in McMinn Block, Brevard, N. C. PASH eft GALLOWAY. LAWYERS. Will practice in all the courts. Rooms 9 and 10,' McMinn Block. D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER Rooms 11 and 12 McMinn Block, BREVARD, N. C. ' •• »• % n Miscellaneous. THOMAS L ALLEN, Jr., DENTIST. (Bailey Block.) HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. For the month of November and l>eceinbeB* only I will make a first class set of teeth (best rubber) FOR $7.00 guaranteed to fit or no pay.. All Dental work reduced in proportion for that time only. Teeth Extracted Without Pain. The Mthelwold Brevard’s New Hotel—Modern Ap pointments—Open all the year The patronage of the traveling public as well as sun^mer tourists id solicited. Opp. Court House, Brevard,.N.C. R-I-P-A-N-S Tabiiles Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 5-cent packet is enough lor usual occavsions. The family bottle (60 cents) contains a supply for a year.' All druggists sell them. yOt^ ov/t» 6Y5TEM f/ mm BANK 5Af=tLY north Carolina’5 oldest trust Pj COAAPAMY STFtOAGEST S.<\,HKING /QI |^l/^T!TUTIOM wiTM CAPITAL- SURPLUS o>^.OVtlR ^>7£5.OOP.CO r1 Hl[ GOOD ms MEEriNG. A Genuine Rally—All Sections of the County Represented. ■ — • • m VARIOL'S METHODS OF SECURING BETTER ROADS UP FOR ARGUMENT. A ROAD LAW RECOMMENDED WHICH INCLUDES A ROAD TAX FOR THE COUNTY WITH PERMISSION FOR THE TOWNSHIPS TO ISSUE BONDS. AOD«E-Sii - A6H" VIL.I_e. N,C. r.'i-i it I SE.n:> F0« !T today 4% P-Air* GM CEF. there w’as more talk than busi ness. > ^ , The meeting was organised .by electing J. M. Hamlin of ^Brevard, chairman, and Leo, Hogsed of Rosman and T. T. Loftis secre taries. About the only real business transacted was the selection of a comiiiittee, one from each town ship, to draft resolutions and to recommend a general outline for a good roads act to be submitted to the next genenu assembly. The committee made the fol lowing report, and after being amended in several particulars by the meeting reads as follows: Your corftmittee recommends for the consideration of the meet ing that your honorable body re quest the next general assembly to pass for Transylvania county a general road law embodying the, following fundamental fea tures, viz.; \ \ 1. That each male person now subject to road duty under the present law be liable for six days' work on the road each year, or pay in lieu thereof the sum of three dollars. 2. That the labor system as above set out be supplemented by a tax not to exceed twenty cents on the one hundred dollars worth of property or sixty cents on the poll. 3. That the said tax to be lev ied by the commissioners of the county as a township fund, and that each township have a right to elect a bonded officer to collect and distribute the funds raised in his township. 4. That each township have the right to hold an election on the question of voting bonds for the purpose of constructing, grading or keeping in repair the public roads in the respective township, but no election to be called unless at least one-fiifth of the qualified voters of the said township sign a petition requesting the calling of such an election. 5. That each township have a road supervisor or overseer w'hose duty it shall be to take charge of, keep in repair all roads in his township and to con struct all new roads laid off there in, his salary not to exceed two dollars per day. 6. The county commissioners have a general supervision of all public roads in the count3^ and it shall be their duty to order the laying out of all new roads and thie construction of new bridges. . 7. That .the road overseers of the various tow’nships shall have the right, ,and it shall loe their duty to meet together and make purchase of all road tools and im plements for the w4iole county. The justice of the peace of* each township'shall have a general oversight of the work of the over- seet^ in their respective town ships, and it shall also be their duty to classify the roads of their respective townships, their com pensation not to exceed one dol lar per day for the time actually engaged in such work. In Memoriam. ANNOUNCEMENT. Editor vSylvan Vallt-V ^ews: The following resolution in sub stance was adopted by the Good Roads Meeting held in Brevard on the 7th inst.: Resolved, That the chairman of this meeting be authorized to a.p- l)oint a committee of three whose duty it shall be to draft a hill incor porating the features passed ui)on in this meeting with such details as \vill make the bill operative and and forward the same to our repre- ssntative in the general assembly of North Carolina, assuring him that the said bill contains the wishes of the people of Transylva nia county as exi)ressed in a large representative meeting and urge upon him in the name of the iieople that it be enacted into law. The undersigned, by virtue of the above resolution, takes this method of announcing the names of the fol lowing gentlemen as constituting such committee—Hon. W W. Zach ary, Hon. G. W. Wilson, D. L. Eng lish, Esq. Respectfully, J. M. Hamlin, Chairman. Senator Tillman has called forth considerable comment by keeping quiet during the first month of the session, but no one seems to notice that the pile of sawdust around the desk of Sen ator Spooner has also been get ting pretty high. How’s TUis? We offer One Hundred Dolla^^s Reward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by HalPs Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and belivo him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obli gations made by his firm. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Ifairs Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. - Take Hall’s Family Pilis for con stipation. WALTER ALEXANDER WOOD. A^ the evening shadows were preparing to usher in the gloam ing of the last day of the dying year, 1906, a choice spirit passd out of the smoke and clouds, the pains and trials of earth to the clear, shining and blessed peace of God’s presence “where there is fullness of joy.’' After ming ling with the scenes and children of earth for twenty-six years, five months and two days, with out a groan or gasp he “laid aside his mortal coil” and his un fettered spirit, lingering not for the incoming ot the new year, sought a land where days and years are unknown but eternity holds sway. One year ago he was bounding in the energy and buoyancy of vigorous youth, the idol of his family, popular w^th the young people and a favorite with the older ones, but the miasma and debilitating influence of the low country where he w^as loboring undermined his constitution and laid him open to the attack of fa tal disease and month after month, amid much suffering, his strength gave way and disease gained deeper and deeper hold upon him and yet through it all he seemed to be unmindful of his own suffering and w^as thoughtful 01 the comfort of those around him. His generous, unselfish dispo sition blazed out beautifully to the very last, for when a friend came in to see him and remarked that the evening was quite chilly he said, “I have a right new overcoat and you must wear it home.” And then turning to his mother, in v/hispered, broken ac cents, almost choked by ap proaching death he said, “Don’t let him go without that over coat.” As this beautiful mani festation of the sweet spirit of Jesus bu,rst out almost with his last accents on earth, the w^ords that many of us love so w’ell came into my mind: “The souls of believers are at their death made perfect in holiness and do immediately pass unto glory.” On the morning of the 2nd of January after funeral services under the paternal roof, parents, brothers, sisters, ministers of the gospel, his friends of the fraternal order of Knights of Pythias and loving neighbors sadly bore him away to the spot where mother earth has heaved up her bosom between the valley of the glade and the valley of the river as if to form a resting place for her sons stricken and fallen in life’s battle, and there with the impressive committal service of the order of, K. P’s, and the sol emn ritual of God’s church, we laid him to rest. every eyidenc.e of unfailing faith and cheerful acquiescence in God's will and he departed leaving us all in cheerful hope as to his future. We loved him. We mingle our tears with those of his stricken family and ask you, Mr. Editor, to print this and send it forth as our heartfelt tribute to his mem ory. A Friend The following resolutions of Transylvania Lodge No. 143 K. of P. on the death of Knight Walter A. Wood w^ere adopted: Whereas, it haw pleased the Benevo lent Father, the Supreme Ruler of the Universe to take from our Or der, our friend and brother, Wal ter A. Wood; and ^ Whereas, in his death we have lost a member whose life was an exera- piitieation of those great cardinal principles of our Order, Friend ship, Charity and Benevolence; and Whereas, our ranks have not been invaded by the Angel of Death un til this sad hour, for which grateful favor our Lodge is supremely thankful; Be it therefore Rosolved: 1. That we bow in humble submission to the will of an All-wise and Supreme Ruler. 2. That in the death of our de parted bi other, our’Lodge has lost a faithful, conscientious member, de voted to its great principles which look toward the betterment of man kind. 3. That in his death the bereaved family has lost a splendid specimen of Christian manhood, whose pres ence was ever laden with joy, whose kindly acts ever made glad the hearts of father and mother, broth ers and sisters, and whose life, just verging on the frontier of useful manhood gave forth promise of a full snn-crowned man. 4. That while we deplore his loss, let us hope that his passing from ^his sphere of toil, care and disappoint ment to a land beyond the shadows will be the means of ^strengthening the . liope and rejuvinating the faith of those he left behind, and that Ce lestial, realm will be dearer to his friends because of his habitation there. 5. That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of our Order^ a copy be sent to the imme diate family of our deceased brother and a copy be printed in the Sylvan Valley News. Respectfully, W. H. Duckworth, Welch Galloway, W. P. Whitmire. ‘ 'Though a brightness has passed from the earth, Yet a star is new born in the sky ^ And a soul has gone home to the land of its birth. Where are pleasures aijd fullness of joy. And a new harp is strung and a new song is given To the breezes that blow o’er the gardens of Heaven.’ ’ Food don’t digest? Because the stomach lacks some one of the essen tial digestants or the digestiv^e juices are not properly balanced. Then, too, it is this undigested food that causes sourness and painful indiges tion. Kodol For Indigestion Hhould be used for relief. Kodol is a solu tion of vegetable acids. It digests what you eat, and corrects the defi- cieucies of the digestion. Kodol conforms to the National Pure Food and Drug Law'. Sold here by Bre vard Drug Co. ,Now that railroad passes are abolished, a new leather trust is being formed, and it will cost even more to walk, Tbe Right Name. Mr. August Sharpe, the popular overseer of the poor, at Fort Madi son, la., says: “Dr. King’s New Life Pills are rightly named; they act more agreeably, do more good and or crooked and delighting in what i ^^0 ^001 better than any other was kind, true and good. To j Jgx^^y0 n Guaranteed to cure bil- ministers and relatives who . jousness and constipation! 2Cc at Z. talked freely with him he gave w. Nichols^ drug store. Walter was a good boy, a big hearted, generous young man, | scorning what was little, sordid j