Our Countij-^Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. J. J. Mils EE, Manager. BEEVAKD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY. JANUARY 18.1907 VOL. III-NO. 3 Transylvania Lodge No. 143, Knights of Piitliias Resrular convention ev ery Tuesday niglit in Ma sonic Hall. Visiting Knifjhts are cordially in vited to attend. T. W. WHITMIRE C. C. Brevard Telephone Exchange. HOURS: Daily—7 a. m. to 10 p. m. Sunday—8 to 10 a. m., 4 to 6 p. m. Central Office—McMinn Block. Profe3sio5\£ii CcrcSs. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTO RN EY-AT-LA W. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty. Uooms 1 and 2, Pickelsimer Building. ZACHARY & BREESE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices in HUcfi/linn Blcck. Brevard, N. 0. GASH <a GALLOWAY. LAWYERS. Will practice in ajlthe courts. Rooms 9 and 10, McMinn Block. D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER Rooms 11 and 12 ^IcMinn Block, BREVARD, N. C. «l MB.E.B.S'IJ JHJ DENTIST. (Bailey Block.) HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. For the month of November L>ecembei* only I will make a first cla>s set of teeth (best rubber) guaranteed to fit or no pay. All Dental work reduced in proportion for that time only. Teeth Extracted Without Pain. *The JEihelwold Brevard’s Nevr Hotel—Modern Ap pointments—Open all the year The patronage of the traveling public as well a,s summer tourists io solicited. Opp. Court House, Brevard, N.C. R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 5-cent packet is enough tor usual occasions. The family bottle (60 cents) contains a supply for a year. All druggists sell them. yOv ov/R SVSTZfA ef Vj bank 5AFELY ANO — North Carouma’5 oldest trust „.COMPAMY AMO STROiHGElST BAMKING /g ^;7IMST1TUTI0M witm CAPI TAL and SURPLUS or. OVEIR g7?,5. QOQ.QO AODPESS - ASHCVILUE. N.C. JNFOr-VMAT»ON 3010 IT TOI>AY 4% PAtO ON C£,RX|FICATC ANP 4% tx SAVINGS DtlPAtTTMENT.^^- NEWS NOTES FRGMI THE MOUNTAiN METROPOLIS 0? INTEREST TO NEWS READERS. Cfjamberiain’s Cous!i Remejijf Cures Colds, Crcup and Whooping Cough. From Our Regular Correspondent. J. Luke Lancaster, a well known bar tender of this cjty, who for several days past has been in a very precarious condi tion, due to an overdose of some kind of opiate w^hich the attend ing pbysicians have as yet been unable to determine, is now re ported to be on the road to re- cover}^ P''or two days and nights Mr. Lancaster’s life was de spaired of, and through heroic and unceasing efforts on the part of tw^o friends and two doctors was the man’s life saved. Up to the present writing the sick man has made no statement as to the poisoning, and whether it was administered w^ith suicidal intent by his own hands or whether some one tried to murder him, still remains a mystery. The new telephone system is nov7 in full operation in this city, and it is a great im})rovement over the old one. All of the old phones have been put out of commission and carted away to the junk pile. The Bell company has sold all of the old apparatuses to a junk dealer in Atlanta and a car load shipment was made one day last week. The Asheville police force is again on the w^ar path against houses of ill repute, and an al leged disorderly house was raid ed last w’eek. All of the inmates were carted off to the city lockup. The woman who ran, the house was assessed §50 and cost, and all of the others received tines ranging from §10 to $25 each. Several men who were captured at the time of the raid w’ere also made to face the music in front of Police Judge Jones, and in ad dition to a lecture, w^ere heaviiy fined for their misconduct. The police have begun to awaken to the fact that if they keep their eyes open a number of gambling joints can be broken up. A raid was made on one of these places last week with the result that John Greenlee, Will Cone, Albert-Page, Kid White, Melvin Johnson and Albert Thomas w'ere rill captured and placed in the lock-up on the charge of playing a game of chance, to-wit: “craps.” Police Captain Taylor and ex- Police Judge W. P. Brown cre ated a little rough house of their own one day last w^eek at the corner of Patton and Lexington avenues, in front of the Berkley hotel, with the result that both parties were the defendants at a trial in police court the following morning. It is stated that the cause of the trouble was due to some remark made in open court during the course of a trial by Judge Brown, who was the attor ney in the case, and said remark was so construed as to cast re flection on the veracity of Cap tain Taylor’s testimony. When the two men met that day after court had adjourned, it is said that Captain Taylor made several swings at the Judge’s jaw and that the Judge retaliated by drawing bis pocket knife, but the affray was brought to a sadden close by the appearance on the scene of Patrolman Taylor, a brother of the Captain’s, w^ho placed the Judge,under arrest. Captain Taylor was fined §10 by Judge Jones, and there the case rests at the present writing. \ E. T. Roberts, of the real estate firm of Creasman & Roberts, of this city, has skipped the town, so it IS said—at least the much wanted man cannot be found by those who are most anxious to tind him. Several firms, it is alleged, have suffered financial loss due to Mr. Roberts’ methods of doing business, and w’arrants have been issued for him on the charge of embezzlement. It is stated that the man w'as to be found at Flat Rock, N. C., and w^arrants for him have been sent to that place. , Special Agent Prank M. Jor dan of the Southern Railway, has placed under arrest a negro boy by the name of Wm. Lynch on the serious charge of attempting to wreck ])assenger train No. 11 of the Salisbury division. Mr. Jordan was in^ Hendersonville when he w^as notified of the at tempt to wreck the train. He immediately, w^ent to the scene of the trouble and within a few hours, with the assistance of Special Agent McCanless, gath ered sufficient evidence to justify the arrest of the negro boy. The arrest was made at Old Fort by the officers, and the negro was taken to Marion where he w’as given a hearing before a magis trate and bound over under a §500 bond for trial at the next term of superior court. The new 10,000-ton capacity coal chute of the Southern rail way at this point, is nearing com-' pletion and is expected to be in full operation some time this month. The handsome new structure cost the Southern $50,- OOO and is said to be one of the most up-to-date chutes on the en tire Southern railway system. A proposition is now under consideration by the members of the Retail Merchants Associa tion to close their stores on Sat urday night at the same hour as on other nights and the opinion is expressed that this would be a good move for all parties con cerned—the merchants, clerks and customers. An effort is be ing made to find out the opinion of all the merchants on the sub ject, and the matter will be brought up for consideration at a meeting of the association to be held shortly. Some of the mer chants contend that early closing of all of the stores on Saturday night w^ould not be practical and would greatly cripple business in certain lines. M^ost of the merchants who favor early clos ing contend that the long hours of their clerical force is injurious to health, and also the fact that they are compelled to incur ad ditional expense Saturday nights by employing extra clerks, and that the amount of business transicted after the usual clos- I ing hour is not sufficient to justify them in keeping open. Robt.' A. Long, an employe of the Asheville Hardware Co., who was painfully injured in a run away accident last week, is re ported to be recovering from his injuries. Mr. Long is an elderly man and is one'of the best known hardw’are men in thecit}’^, having followed the hardware bus^iness for over 25 years. At the time of the accident Mr. Long w^as riding in one of^the company’s wagons on his way to the powder mills in West Asheville. In some manner the horse became frighteLed and ran away, with- the result that Mr. Long was thrown out on his head and shoulders, receiving numerous cuts and bruises. His injuries, while not of a serious nature, a,re very painful, and it is expected that he will be confined to his bed for some time. The Board of Aldermen of this city have at the present writing under consideration the proposi tion to purchase the auditorium, the same to be used for pubLc school purposes and for any con ventions that may be held in the city. Because the auditorium management allow^ed Sarah Bern hardt to play in their house the theatrical trusts who had black listed the Bernhardt attraction refused to book any of their plays in the futuVe al^Asheville’s PQpulair play house All this season the auditorium has re mained dark and dreary and has developed into a regular “white elephant.” B. F. Hawkins, a night watch man at the Southern round house in this cit\^ was found early Thursday morning unconscious and in a dying condition by soii:ie of his fellow w^orkmen. Mr. Hawkins, some time during the night, had suffered a stroke of paralysis and had lain in a dazed condition for hours before he was discovered. A doctor was hastily summoned w’ho had the unfortunate man removed to his home 'where he died Saturday afternoon. Mr. Hawkins was 55 years of age and leaves a family. L. R. D. The special features of the Jamestown Exposition will be the great military and naval displays, drills and parardes and reviews, but science and art, commerce and industry, agriculture and ed ucation, will all play important parts m this great celebration of the three hundredth anniversary of the first permanent settlement of English speaking people in America, which will open its gates to the public at noon, April 26, 1907. In dn effort to kill time the railroads haye managed to kill a great many people. The price of clocks is to be ad vanced ten per cent, but it is not to be expected that this will pre vent them from going on a strike. Clear up the complexion, cleanse the liver and tone the system. You can best do this by a dose or two of De Wittes Little Early Risers. Safe, re liable little pills with a reputation. The pills that everyone knows. Kec- m mended by Brevard Diug Co. Two miles of fence made of roses, honeysuckle and trumpet vines will enclose the Jamestown Exposition grounds. The Shah of Persia is said to have the best medical attention in the world, but that is easily ex plained. When he dies all of his physicians will be put to death. The great historical features of the Jamestown Exposition are so prominent and apparent that more interest is awakened in the Exposition for that reason than is usual at such an early date. In fact every department has its educational feature, ard the les sons taught will be many and valuable. The novel method of submer ged illumination of the harbor at; the Jamestow'n Exposition will be beautifully wierd. Secretary Taft says he would not decline a Presidential nomi nation. The national suspense would not be much releived if Bryan and Fairbanks would de clare themselves on the same snbject. The main auditorium in the administration building at tiie Jamestown Exposition has the seating capacity of 4,000 people. Three hundred years of educa tional, industrial and ai tistic pro gress will be shown at the James town Exposition. Thirty acres are Contained in the immense drill plain to be known as “Lee’s Parade” at the Jamestown Exposition. Hotw’s Tins? We offer One Hundred Dolhn’s Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and belivo him perfectly honorMhle m all business transactions, a’ld financially able to carry out any obli gations made by his firm. Walding, Einnari & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c per bottle. Sold hy all druggists. Take Hall’s Family Pilis for con stipation. “We grow old when we stop playing” says Mr. Waterson, but: it really depends on wiiether you are winning or losing. One million electric lights'will be used to illuminate the grand piers alone at the Jamestown Ex position. The Right Name. ' Mr. August Sharpe, the popular overseer of the poor, at Fort Madi son, la., says; “Dr. King’s New Life Pills are rightly named; they act more agreeably, do more good and make one feel betrer than any other laxative.” Guaranteed to cure bil iousness and constipation. 25c at Z. W. Nichols’ drug store. Mr. Bryce seems likely to be known here as the Ambassador from Ireland, but it is to be hop ed that his career will not termi nate so disastrously as did that of th3 Ambassadress for Ireland. That’s the house the Doctor built, The biggest house you see; Thank goodness hedon’tgetour money, For we take Hollister’s Rocky Moun tain Te I. —Brevard Drug Co. & Z. W. Nichols.

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