Our County-^Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. J. J. MIlsTEE, Manager. BREYARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. N. C., FRIDAY. FEBR UARY 1.1807 Transylvania Lodge No. 143, Knights of Pythias Regular convention ev ery Tuesday night in Ma sonic Hall. Visiting Knights are cordially in vited to attend. T. W. WHITMIRE C. C. Brevard Teieplione Exchange. hours: Daily—7 a. m. to 10 p. m. Sunday—8 to 10 a. m., 4 to 6 p. na. Central Office—McMinn Block. Professional Cards. W. B. DUCKWOR.TH. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty. Rooms 1 and 2, Pickelsimer Building. ZACHARY Sc BREESE ATTO RN EY S-AT-LA W Offices in McMinn Biocii, Brevard, N. G. GASH <a GALLOWAY, LAWYERS. Will practice in all the courts. Rooms 9 and 10, McMinn Block. D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER Rooms 11 and 12 McMinn BlociJ, BREVAtlD, N. C. fiiiiir a7 ALiiiirirM DENTIST. (Bailey Block.) HENDERSONVILLE, - - N. C. For the month of KoA'enibei* aiul I>eceiiiber only I will make a first cla^tS set of teeth (best rubber) FOR $7.00 guaranteed to fit or no pay. All Dental work reduced in proportion for that time only. Teeth Extracted Without Pain. *The JEthelwold Brevard’s New Hotel—Modern Ap pointments—Open all the year The patronage of the traveling piiblic as well as summer tourists irf solicited. Opp. Court House, Brevard, N.C. R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 5-cent packet is enough lor usiio 1 occasions. The famliy bottle (60 cents) contains a supply for a year.* All druggists sell thero. ONE COPY OF A SONG BOOK FWe will mail free one copy of REVIVAL ECHOES No. 3 -a book of 80 pages of the best music for E Sabbath Schools and Revivals. A book of v/hich we have sold nearly 100.000 copies in the past year. Ii Eis free to any reader of this paper who v/ill send us? the name and ad dress of three (3) or more leaders Eof music. Just send us the names today and we will mail you the Song Book at once. We will also mail you. free of charge, copies of The Music.al Million, the most popular music journal of the south, and sam- ple pajjes of our leading musical uub- lications. Address The Ruebush-Kieffer Co., Dayton, Virgmia. Ciiamberiain’s Cough Reniedy Cures Colds, Cr-^up and Whoopiag Cough. Asheville Letter NEWS NOTES FROM THE MOUNTAIN METROPOLIS OF INTEREST TO NEWS READERS. From Our Regular Correspondent. A certain traveling man by the nam© of Morgan who claims that he represents a Knoxville cloth ing house, was in the city last week, arid while in conversation with your correspondent told a tale concerning a recent visit of his to the city of Brevard that might be of interest to the News. The writer has been un able to verify his statement but will repeat it as it w’as told to him by Mr. Morgan. Mr. Morgan said: “I carry several sample trunks with me on the road and had them checked through from Asheville to Brevard one day last week. When I arrived in Bre vard and got in the bus at the depot 1 was accosted by the tow’n mai’shall of that place who placed me under arrest, demanding the keys to my trunk. I declined’to give up my keys. When I asked him if he had a w^arrant for me and what the charge was, he would give me no satisfaction but conducted me up tow a and locked me up. -‘I w'as not drunk and had committed no offence either on the train coming from Ashe ville to Brevard or on alighting on the platform and getting in the bus to go to the hotel. So I was somewhat mystified at the reception I received and was good and mad. I w^as not only locked up for over an hour, but ray trunks at the depot were broken open and searched. I was later released on a thirty dol hir cash bond which I put up out of my expense more/. The officer and the agent at the depot wanted to turn over my trunks to me after they had been broken open, but I declined to accept them, and I still have the South ern railway baggage check for them.” Mr. Morgan then con tinued: “I have communicated with my house in Knoxville and they are behind me in this mat ter. I have engaged attorneys and propose to sue the Southern railw^ay for turning over my trunks to the city officer of Bre vard, and I intend suing the city of Brevard for false imprison ment, damage of my character, and also for my loss of time and profits on a sale that I was going to make to one of the leading mer chants of that city.” When Mr. Morgan talked to your correspon dent he was still at a loss to know why he had been arrested and was apparently very much in censed over his treatment. Mr. Morgan did not make his state ment for publication, as he did not know^ that he was telling his story to a newspaper man and the correspondent of the Bre vard paper, but he did not mince his words and talked as though he meant business. His state ment was made in the presence of a gentleman who w’as a former resident of Transylvania county, and this gentlepan can verify the statement made by Mr. Mor gan to me. [We have interviewed all of our town anthorities and find that the story told by Mr. Morgan is without foundation, and is evi dently circulated toinjurethe rep utation of Brevard.--Ed. News.] As stated in this correspond ence last week the Buncombe county authorities -have been looking into the inatter as to where George Vauderbilt pays his personal taxes, as he does not pay them here at Asheville. The agents of Mr. Vanderbilt in New York city claim that'he pays his taxes at that place; but search ers there have failed to find any record pertaining to same. Mr. Vanderbilt telegraphed the fol- ing to parties in this'city: ‘’Have always paid and still pay taxes in New York.” But until Auditor Stokley of Buncombe receives an answer to his inquiry from the mayor of New York there is no official information to determine whether Mr. Vande-rbilt pays his personal taxes in New York or not. Since w’riting the above con cerning Mr. Vanderbilt’s taxes your correspondent has learned )n good authority that Auditor Stokley has received an official r3onimunication from*New York t3 the ellect that Mr. Vanderbili does pay his persona: taxes there and that the other information was an error. For a number of years a larg*^' >ot at the corner of Lexington riven ue and Walnut street ha.*^. been used by the country people for hitching their teams, and in fact it is the only available loi corvenient to the business sec tion of the city suited for thih purpose. Recently this lot was rented and fenced in with the result that at the present writinj: the farmers who come to Ashe ville have no free hitching place convenient. They have to patron ize certain socalled hitch and feed stables at a cost of from 25 to 50 cents each time they visit the city. The farmers are mad because they are denied the privilege that had so long been theirs and a number of them con tend that the lot was leased by certain stable men in an effort to force them to use their stables The stable men say they had nothing to do with the leasing and fencing in of the lot, and that the parties who did lease it need ed the lot to put their own stock in. At any rate Asheville is without a public hitching place for the farmers, and the farmers say that the city should see that they are provided with one. February 21st has been set by the county commissioners of Buncombe for a good roads elec tion to decide w^hether the county shall issue bonds to the extent of §250,000; the money to be used to defray the expenses of immedi ately macadamizing the principal highways of the county. The bond issue has a strong backing among the most influential men of this county and the commis sioners, the Good Roads Associa tion and the people all seem to be in favor of the issuing of the bonds, it is stated that the bond issue wull not increase the taxes, as the present 15 cent road tax will be sufficient to cover the in terest. While responding to an alarm last Saturday afternoon the hook and ladder ran into a telephone pole at the corner of Patton and French Broad avenues, with the result that the wagon was badly smashed and several people in jured. Hooper Caffee, a Citizen reporter, who was riding on the truck at the time of the accident, was caught between the truck and the pole and had his collar bone broken and sustained other injuries about the body. Two members of the fire company were thrown from the fast mov ing truck and one of them had his hand badly mashed. Fire Chief Barnard was on the truck at the time and was thrown heavily to the pavement and bruised some what. The fire to which the com pany w^as responding was a small one and w^as easily extinguished. On the return of the company to the tire hall Chief Barnard dis charged the driver of the truck team, basing his action on negli gence of duty, to-wit: “Careless driving. ” At the present wanting nosum- Inons has been issued by th cred- it.ors of tlie Toxaway Hotel com pany to force the company into bankruptcy. ' The action has been deferred, so it is stilted, to enable other creditors to tile their claims. The creditor^want to wait until they can hear from the^ officers of the hotel company ind ascertain what they propose to do in the matter. It is certain that w’hen action is taken by the creditors that there will be a hard legal battle and it has been stated oy friends of President Burrowes that the company is not bankrupt ed as it still holds a lease on the hotel for eight more years at $30. - 0.00 per year which is a very val uable asset. r L. R. D. $100 ReAvarrt, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able, to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. HalPs Catarrh Cure is tlie only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a eonstitiitioiial dis ease, requires a constitution;jI treal- ment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blooil and mucons surfaces of tlse system, thereby destroying the foun dation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its w^ork. Tlie proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer one hundred dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send,for list of testimonials. Address F. J. Cheney & Co , Toledo, O Sold by all Druggists, 75e . Take Hall’s Family Pills for con stipation. ■ There is something almost hu morous in this talk of the under takers raising prices on account of the increased cost of living. A tissue builder, reconstructor, builds up waste force, makes strong nerves and muscle. You will real ize after taking Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea what a wonderful benefit it will be to yon. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets.—Z. W. Nichols and Brevard Drug Co. . VOL. XII-KO. 5 JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION. On the Southern shores of his toric Hampton Roads, eight miles from the city of Norfolk, the Jamestown Ter-Centennial Ex position is rapidly nearing com pletion. Every department of the work is being carried on with marvelous speed and what was only a year ago, an attractively layed out park, has become an Exposition, beautiful w’ith im mense exhibit palaces, state and government buildings, all under roof and for the most part, of permanent construction. The auditorium and'convention hall, one of the principal buildings of the Exposition, is entirely com plete and is being used tempora rily for the offices of the Govern or of Works, of the Exposition and his able corps of as^stants who are carrying on the work with such credit. The State’s exhibit palace, the most imposing structure on the grqunds, containing more than 350.000 square feet of exhibit space, is also complete and will be turned over by the contract ors in a few days to the Exposi tion Company, at which the in stallation of the various exhibits of the resources of the different states will begin. The Commercial pier of the Exposition, extending out into Ham pton Roadj, for ti .iist^ince »f some 2,000 feet w^as finished sev eral weeks ago, and is now’ being used to bring in the construction material for the many buildings now in the course of erection. The various , State buildings grouped along the water front of the Exposition are going up with remarkable rapidity, those of Rhode Island, New Jersey and Connecticut, being ready for oc cupancy; and those of Virginia, Maryland, Massachusetts and Ohio, almost as far advanced. The many attractions of the War Path, that v*ill correspond with the “Pike” or “Mid w^ay” of form er Expositions, presenting a live ly picture of activity., Push and progress are every where in evidence and the w^ork on the grounds and general land scape design, under the careful supervision of the architects in charge, together with the ad vanced state of construction of the buildings, gives every as surance that the Jamestown Ter- Centennial Exposition will be completed in every detail for the opening date, April 26th, 1907. Nothing will relieve indige.-ition that is not a thorough digestant. Kodol digests what you eat and allows the stomach to rest—recuperate—grow strong again. KODOL is a solution of digestive acids and as nearly as possible approximate** the digestive juices that are found in the stomach. KODOL takes the work of digestion off the digestive organs, an(J while performing this work itself does (greatly assist the stomach to a thor ough rest. In addition the ingre dients of KODOL are such as .to make It a corrective of the highest efficiency and by its action tiiestom ach is restorer! tt> its normal activity and power. KODOL is manufac tured in strict conformity with the National Pure Food and Drug Law. Sold by Brevard Drug Co. The New-s one year $1. Yon can not well do without it.

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