Slate Library c Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. J. J. MINEE, Manager. BEEVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. N. C.,.FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 8.1907 VOL. III-NO. 6 Transylvania Lodge No. 143, Knieiits of Pythias Reefular convention ev ery Tuesday night in Ma sonic Hall. Visiting Knights are cordially in- Tlted to attend. T. W. WHITBIIIE 6. C. Brevard Telephone Exchange. hours: Daily—7 a. m. to 10 p. m. Sunday—8 to 10 a. m., 4 to 6 p. m. Central Office—McMinn Block.' F^fessionol Cards. W. B. DUCKWOB-TH, attorn EY-AT-LAW. Rooms 1 and 2, Plckelsimer, Building.; iACHARY &. BREESE atto r.n eys-at-la w Offices in McMinn Block, Brevard, k. C.'' gash €t GALLOWAY, LAWYERS. Will practice in all the courta. Rooms 9 <and 10, McMinn Block, D. L. ENGLISH LAWYIA' ■ t Rooms 11 and l2 iloMjiili Blcw^, BREVARD; N.^. .; - MJsodlanMus. THOMAS A. ALLEN, Jr., DENTIST; N.C. (Bailey Block.j)». HENDERSONyiLLE, For the month of November and Diecember only I will make a first class set of teeth (best rubber) - FOR guaranteed to fit or no pay. All Dental work reduced in proportion for that time only.. Teeth Extracted Without Pain. The JEthelwold* Brevard’s New Hotel Modern Ap pointments—Op^h all the year ^ The patronage of. the traveling public as well as summer totirists is solicited. Opp. Court House, Brevard, N.C. R-I-P-A-N-S Tabiiles ‘ Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 5-cent packet is enough lor usual occa.siGii8. The family bottle (60 cents) contains a supply for a year. All druggists sell them. OKE COPY OF A SONC BOOK We will mail free one copy of REVIVAL ECHOES No. 3 -a book of 80 pages of the best music for Sabbath Schools and Revivals. A book of which we have sold nearly 100.^ copies in the past year. 1\ is free to any reader of this paper who will send us the name and ad dress of three (3) or more leaders E of music. Just send'us the names today and we will mail you the Song Book at once. We will also mail you, free of charge, copies of The Musical Million, the most popular music journal of the south, and sam ple pages of our leading musical ’pub lications. Address The Ruebush-Kieffer Co., Dayton, Vir^nia. F B E Asheville Letter NEWS NOTES FROM THE MOUNTAIN METROPOLIS OF INTEREST TO NEWS READERS. Gbamtierjajn’s Gough Remedy Cares Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. FromO\ir Begrular Correspondent. In all probability Buncombe county will shortly be the scene of another hanging, as the negro James Rucker, who is confined in jail awaiting trial for crimi nally assaulting his 7-year old step-daughtar, stands little show of acquittal, for the child has at last admitted that Rucker was her assailant. The circumstan tial evidence in the case was very strong against Rucker, and no doubt he would have been con victed without the aid of the girl’s testimony, but with the child’s statement to strengthen the case there is'no doubt but Rucker "will forfeit his life for the crime. In addition to the present charges peiiidi^g against him he has been identified as the man who attempted assault on a yoiing 'nluiatto not long ago in Vl^ctoria^ind was frightened away by ' her cries, . Rucker claims that" he : is Innocent. His trial will take place at this term of court. 1 The board of a’dp** . of this city have decided to ask the st^e legislature to amend the city charter so that the board may raise the saloon tax from one to two thousand dollars per year. All of the firemen who were hurt recently when the tire truck struck a telephone pole at the corner of Patton and French Broad avenues, have recovered ffom their injuries. The truck is badly smashed and the esti mated cost for repairing it is about $200. The members of the tire company have asked the city board to buy a new truck, as they say the old one is too heavy for this hilly country and that it is very hard to handle, which makes it dangerous for the firemen to ride on it when they are making a fast run to a fire. Up to the present writing the board has not taken any action in the matter. Police Captain Taylor and his brother, who were fined in police court for assault on ex-Police Judge W. P. Brown, have been given a hearing before the city board, and both of them have been suspended from duty for thirty days withpul pay. The Toxaway Hotel Company has filed a plea in an effort to keep from being adjudged bank rupt and claims that it is not such a corporation as could be forced into bankruptcy, as the company is not in trade. The claims of the creditoirs Of ^the Toxaway Company, it is understood, amount td about $12;000, and it is stated that no matter what‘the decision of the judge may be con cerning the petition of the Hotel Company about “not being in trade’’'will not alter'the plans of the creditors, as they intend pushing their claims so as to get a settlement of some kind. The famous 6 acres of land and world over as “the house that Vanderbilt cannot buy,” has at last passed into the hands of Mr. Vanderbilt. The present con sideration was only $2,000, but statements have been published from time to time that the negro has been offered prices ranging from $5,000 to $75,000 lor the property. L. R. D. THE PEOPLE’S LOBBY. Washington is watching with much interest the working out of a distinctly new idea in public af fairs. This is the People’s Lobby, a non-partisan organization, de signed to foster a wider knowl edge of national legislation, and to indorse or oppose such bills as affect the general welfare of the people. The basic idea is that, if the people know the facts on legisla tive matters, public opinion will find such wide expression that it cannot be disregarded. Chan nels of publicity are' not lacking. The People’s Lobby has the sup port of a large number of leading new’spapers and of such publica tions as “Success,” “Collier’s” and “Ridgway’s.’’ An important branch of the work of the organization is the careful compiling'of'the public record of every senator and rep resentative. The people have a right to know froM.'ran unpreju diced source what their legisla tors are .doing. The influences brought to bear on members of congress will also be examined into. This means a history of the “third House”—the secret lobbyists who are so successful in influencing legislation for the benefit of the “special interests” which employ them. The plan seems broad enough and practical enough to augur great public good if intelligently carried into effect. The person nel of the governing committee and of the men in charge of the bureau in Washington would seem to promise this result, and the willingness of the people to indorse the project and to sup port it with their subscriptions is attested by hundreds of commu nications received from every state in the union and from Pana ma, Hawaii and the Philippine islands. Enthusiastic letters are still being received daily, and the organization continues to make its appeal for subscriptions for any amount from $1 upward. Henry Beach Needham, whose experience as a journalist in Washington led him to suggest the formation of the People’s Lobby, is the secretary in charge of the Washington bureau, lo cated in the Munsey building. Neighbors Got Fooled. “I was literally coughing: myself to death, and had become too weak to leave my bed, and neighbors pre dicted that I would never leave it alive; but they grot fooled, for thanks be to God, I was induced to try Dr. King’s New Discovery. It took just four one dollar bottles to completely cure the cough and restore me to good sound health,” writes Mra. Eva TTncapher, of Grovertown, Stark Co., Ind. This king of cough and cold cures, and healer of throat and lungs, is guaranteed by Z. W. Nichols, druggift. 50c and $1. Trial bottle free. Morgan’s Stoiy Not Tine • * <> Chief Galloway Denies in tbto t>he Sensational Story print ed in the Asheville Corres pondence Last» Week. The following was sent to the Asheville Citizen last Saturday for publication. Editor Asheville Citizen; As marshal of the Town of Brevard, N. C., my attention has just been called to an article printed in the Sylvan Valley News at this place, under the head of “Asheville Letter” writ ten by the regular correspondent “L. R. D.” in which it is stated that a Mr. Morgan, representing one of the wholesale houses in Knoxville, Tenn., had been used upon a recent trip to our town. That he, upon alighting from the train and entering the bus, was accosted by the town marshal, placed under arrest, carried up town and locked up for an hour. That his keys to his trunks were demanded, that he refused to de liver them but his trunks were broken open and searched. That he 'was later released on putting up a thirty dollar cash bond which he put up out of his ex pense money. -That the town marshal and the Southern Rail way requested him to accept his trunks after they had been bro ken open, but that he had de dined to accept them and stili had the railroad’s duplicate check for them. That he had communi cated with his house in Knoxville and that they were standing by dim in the matter. That he had employed attorneys and was go ing to sue the Southern Railway for turning over his trunks to the town Marshal, and also the town of Brevard for false im prisonment, for damage to his character, loss of time and profit on a sale that he was going to make to one of the leading mer chants of the town. This was about the substance of the matter, and replying to same, because I do not w’ant bad impressions to go out from the town, or reflections on my con duct as town marshal to go broadcast ov^er the country, un challenged. I desire to say that I do not know this ‘*Mr. Morgan.” I am informed that he went to one of the hotels and was put to bed on account of his condition (not duly sober) and left next morning on the train and never attempted to sellany goods—nev er as much as took his trunks from the depot. He was not mo lested by a single person, his trunks were not touched, no one attempted to arrest him, and why he should circulate broad cast such slanderous reports that are nothing but lies out of the whole cloth, I am unable to say. I would advise Messrs. Smith, Neill & Co., of Knoxville, to ex change him for a man who has some regard for truth, and who will not go about slandering of ficers of the law, railroad compa nies, and towns and communities. A word of warning!—This “Mr.- Morgan” would do well in other fields to peddleijiis wares hereafter. The good people of this town and community will not tolerate such uncalled for and slanderous statements that are without the shadow of truth. Very respwtf ully, J. A. Galloway. Town Marshal. Nothing will relieve indigestion that " not a thorough digestant. Kodol digests what you eat and allows the stomach to rest—recuperate—^row strong again. KODOL is a solution of digestive acids and as nearly as possible approximates the digestive juices that are found in the stomach. KODOL takes the Work of digestion off the digestive organs, and while performing this work itself does greatly assist the stomach to a thor ough rest* In addition the ingre dients og KODOL are such as to make it a corrective of the highest efficiency and by its action the stom ach is restored to its normal activity and power. KODOL is manufac- tured in strict conformity with the National Pure Pood and Drug Law. Sold by Brevard Drug Co. It has been said that the action of congress in adding $2,500 to the salaries of representatives and senators, is a recognition of the increased cost of living. But the republican party and the ad ministration have denied that the cost of living has increased. They issued official bulletins at public expense to deny this, for campaign purposes. $100 Keward^ ^J.OOf^- Ther^ders^of thiis paper be pleased to Uarn that there is at least one dreaded disease that scienfce has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. HalPs Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity, ^atarrh being a constitutional dis ease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is-taken iuternally, acting directly upon the ^lood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foun dation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer one hundred dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. Cheney & Co , Toledo, O Sold by all Druggists, 75c Take HaiPs Family Pills for con stipation. A South Carolina contempora ry has discovered that the legis lature of that state contains very few married men. The Columbia State “looked the legislature over” and announced that it didn’t blame the girls. That’s what we call the limit of mean ness. A, tissue builder, reconstructor, builds up waste force, makes strong nerves and muscle. You will real ize after taking Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea what a wonderful benefit it will be to yon. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets.—Z. W. Nichols and Brevard Drug Co. Senator Forraker has had as many changes of mind about the discharged negro troops as Mr. Roosevelt had about the rate bill. It’b the highest standard of quali ty, a natural tonic, cleanses vour system, reddens the cheeks, bright ens the eyes, gives flavor to all you eat. Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Ten will do this for you. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets.—Z. W. Nichols and Brevard Drug Co.

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