Sylvan Yalley News ^ ^0 ■ State Ltibtary- ® Out County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local. Paper, j. J. Mll^ER, Manager. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C.< FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 15.1907 VOL. XII--NO. 7 Transylvoiiici Lodge No. I43« Knights of Pythias Regular convention ev ery Tuesday night in Ma sonic Hall. Visiting Knights are cordiaUv in cited to attend. T. W. WHITMIRE C. C. Brevard Telephone Eichange. hours: Daily—7 a. m. to 10 p. m. Sunday—8 to 10 a. m., 4 to 6 p. m. Central Office—McMinn, Block. Professional Cords. W. B. DUCKWOR.TH, atto r n ey-at-l a w. Booms 1 and 2, Pickelsimer Building:. ZACHARY &. BREESE atto RN EY S-AT-L A W Offices in McMinn Blocli, Brevard, N. C. CAMi A CALLOWAY, LAWYERS. Will practice in all the courts. Rooms 9 and 10, McMinn Block. D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER Rooms 11 and 12 McMinn Block, BREVARD, N. C. Miscellaneous. THOMAS A. ALLEN, Jr., DENTIST. (Bailey Block.) HENDERSONVILLE, - - N. C. For the month of November and December only I will make a first class set of teeth (best rubber) FOR $7.00 guaranteed to fit or no pay. All Dental work reduced in proportion for that time only. Teeth Extracted Without Pain. The JEthelwold Brevard’s New Hotel—Modern Ap pointments—Open all the year The patronage of the traveling public as well as summer tourists is solicited. Opp. Court House, Brevard, N.C. R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 5-cent packet is enough lor usual occasions. The famiiy bottle (60 cents) contains a supply fc)r a year. All druggists sell them. ONE COPY OF A SONG BOOK FWe Will mail free one copy of REVIVAL ECHOES No. 3 -a book of 80 pages of the best music for E Sabbath Schools and Revivals. A book of which we have sold nearly 100,000 copies in the past year. It Eis free to any reader of this paper who will send us the name and ad dress of three (3) or more leaders Eof music. Just send us the names today and we will mail you the Song Book at once. We will also mail you, free of charge, copies of The Musical Million, the most popular music journal of the south, and sam- i^le T>a,ires of onr leading musical pub lications. Address The Ruebush-Kieffer Co., Dayton, Virginia. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy Cures Colds, Croup and Whooping Cojigh. AiN ^CT To Provide for the Working of the PubllG Roads of Transylvania County Following is the bill for work ing and maintaining the public roads of Transylvania county as prepared by Geo. W. Wilson, D. L. English and W. W. Zachary, the cammittee appointed by the mass meeting held at the court house on the First Monday in January, 1907. The committee has submitted a copy of the bill to the Sylvan Valley News for publication and has forwarded the original to our representative and senator in the general assembly. The committee has asked that this bill be published in order that every citizen of Transylvania county may acquaint themselves with all the provisions of the proposed law, and make sugges tions as to any change that they may desire before it is enacted into law. The committee realizes the great responsibility placed upon them by the mass meeting, and will appreciate ^ny sugges tions from citizens of the county as to any proposed change in the bill. Respectfully submitted, W. W. Zachary, Chn. Com, D- L. EiVGKjjII, * 4f The General AssemUp of North Carolina do enact: Section 1.—That the Board of County Commissioners of Transyl vania county, shall, in order to pro vide for the proper working and amending the public roads of said county of Transylvania, at their regular meeting in June 1907, and at each regular annual meeting thereafter, and it is hereby made their duty to levy a special tax on all property subject to taxation in said county under the State law of not less than ten cents nor greater than twenty cents on the hundred dollars worth of property, and not less than thirty cents nor greater than sixty cents on the poll, the constitutional equasion to be ob served at all times; Said taxes to be collected as all other taxes are, to be kept separate in the tax books of the county, to be set aside as a spe cial road fund, and to be used by the township from which such taxes were collected in the maintainance, improvement and amending the public reads, culverts and bridges of said township; Provided, the sheriff or tax collector, collecting the said taxes shall only retain three percentum of the amount col lected of the said fund for collect ing and paying the sarne over to the overseers of the various town ships from which said tax was col lected upon order of the board of supervisors of said township ; Pro vided further, that if the citizens of any township so desire they shall have the right at each general elec tion for members of the general assembly to elect a tax collector for said township, whose duty it shall be to collect the taxes above pro vided for in this act and disburse the same according to the provis ions of this act hereinafter set out, said township tax collector not to receive the said tax list until he shall have executed a bond in the sum of at least double the amount of taxes to be collected by him con ditioned for the faithful collection and paying over all the taxes con tained in the said list and any dis coveries that may be charged to him. Said bond to be approved by the board of supervisors of said township and also by the chairman of the board of county commission ers, which bond shall then be filed for safe keeping with the register of deeds of Transylvania county, said tax collector not to receive over three per centum for collect ing and paying over the said funds. Sec. 2.—That all able bodied male citizens of Transylvania county be tween the ages of eighteen and for ty-five years, except ministers of the gospel and residents of incor porated towns, shall work on the public roads of the said county for six days of nine hours each in each and every year, at such time and place, and in such manner as may be designated by the road overseer of the township in which said per son may reside ; Provided, that the said township overseer shall give to each person in his township who is subject to road duty, at least three days notice by personal warning or by leaving a written,or printed no tice at the home or residence of such person, specifying in such no tice the time and place, when and where, such work as is to be per formed, and also designating in such notice the tool or implement with which such person shall be re quired to work; Provided further, that in case of washouts, or other unexpected obstructions to travel, the three days notice shall not be necessary and any person liable to road duty in the township in which such obstructiontravel may oc cur, shall, upon ' being properly summoned by the said jtownship overseer of roads, respond to such summons with reasonable promj^t- ness, but the time put in by any road hand in cases of emergency on account of the obstroctions to trav el caused by freshets, washouts, or other unforeseen obstructions, shall not be counted as against the six days liability to road duty provided for in this section, but in no event can one person be required to work on the public roads more than ten days in any one year; Provided further, that any person may in lieu of working six days on the pub lic roads pay to the overseer of his township on or before the first day of May in each Jand every year three dollars in advance for the succeeding year, or may on or be fore the first day of May, Aiigust, November and February of each *year pay to the said overseer one dollar and twetoty-five cents quar terly in advance, or may at the time he is summoned and before the time at which he was sum moned to work, pay the said over seer the sum of one dollar for each day for which he has been sum moned to work, but the foregoing payments shall not relieve such per son from such road’ duty as may be made necessary on account of fioods, storms, or other nnforseen obstructions to the public travel; Provided further, thaf any person physically unable to work on the public roads, may be exempted therefrom by order of the board of county commissioners. Sec. 3.—That the board of super visors of each and every township of Transylvania county shall meet at some place in their respective townships, to be designated by them, on Saturday before the first Monday in April, July, October and January of each and every year for the purpose of transacting such road duties as is provided for in this act, and for such meeting each member of the board, who shall so meet, shall be entitled to one dol lars per diem for such time as may be necessary to transact the busi ness that may come before said board concerning the public roads of their said townships, said amotint to t>e paid out of the pnblic road fund of their respective town ships. Sec. 4.—That it shall be the duty of the said board of supervisors of each township at their regular meeting on Saturday before the first Monday in April in each and every year to elect a road overseer for their respective townships for the ensuing year and prescribe the amount of bond which the said overseer shall give, conditioned for the faithful performance of his du ties as road overseer for said town ship and for the faithful collection and paying over all moneys which by the provisions of this act he shall be required to collect and pay out, and for the faithful working of the hands of said township who may be placed under his charge by the provisions of this act or by the order of the board of supervisors. The amount of said bond shall in no event be less than double the amount of funds which the said overseer may collect or be placed in charge of: Provided, however, that if the voters of any township shall decide to elect a township tax collector, said tax collector shall, by virtue of his office be the road overseer-for said township. Sec. 5.—At the regular meeting of the supervisors on Saturday be fore the first jNIonday in April, the said board shall divide up their re spective townships into road dis tricts, designating each district by number and cloarly gj^ecifying the territory to be contained in each district, giving the name of each person subject to road duty in each of said districts, to be spread upon a book to be kept by them and designated as the road docket for the said township. Sec. 6^-;—That it shall be the duty of the said overseer to take charge of, look after and maintain all of the public roads in the township for which he is elected overseer, and all such roads as may be here after established as public roads in his said township. He shall sum mon the various hands allotted to the various districts by the board of supervisors, and shall work the said hands in the various districts to which they have been assignee! for at least six days in each and every year, beginning with the first day of April of each year, and shall put in such extra work as may become necessary on accoun t of obstructions to travel, caused by storms, floods or other unforeseen causes. He shall also hire hands, and also plows, scraj)es or teams, and purchase such lumber and timber as may be necessary to keep up the public roads and bridges in his said township, with such money as may be paid to him by the vari ous road hands, and such money as may be turned over to him by order of the board of supervisors: Pro vided the said overseer shall not receive for his compensation more than two dollars per day when working five hands or more, and not more than one dollar per day when working less than five hands, but in no event shall said road over seer receive compensation as over seer when working less than three hands, and said overseer shall be paid such amount for summoning said road hands as may be allowed by the board of supervisors of his township, and said overseer shall in no case expend on the public roads of his township more money in any one year than is collected for said township for that year. Seo. 7.—That the overseers of the various townships of Transylvania county shall meet with the board of county commissioners of Tran sylvania county and advise with them as to what tools shall be needed for working the roads of the various townships, and it shall be the duty of the board of county commissioners to order or buy said tools in bulk and deliver to each township or the overseer thereof the tools that it was decided said township should receive; said tools to be paid for out of the pub lic road funds of said township. Sec. 8.—That all compensation the said supervisors and the over seers of the various townshij)s shall be entitled to receive for their ser vices shall be paid to them only after an order shall have been made by the said board of supervisors, and the same entered upon the minutes of the board by the clerk or secretary thereof. Sec. 9.—That the said overseer shall keep a book designating the districts in his said township with the name of each hand allotted thereto, and shall mark opposite each hand’s name the number of days worked by each hand and the dates such work was done, and the amounts paid by such hands, when paid and for what year, quarter or- day such amount was paid- Said overseer shall keep in said book an itemized statement of all funds received by him for road purposes, to whom the same was paid, giving name of each person and the pur pose for which the same was paid, and shall on Saturday before the first Monday in ^ April».,July, Octo ber and January in oach aed every year ren&r to the board of super visors of his township a verified statement of all his transactions and dealings as road overseer for i:he preceding quarter ; said report shall show in detail all amounts re ceived by the said overseer, from whom received, to whom paid and for what purpose, and shall also show which hands, if any, have failed to pay according to the pro visions of this act. Said report shall be verified by the said over seer, and if approved by the board of supervisors shall be spread npon the minutes of the said board and kept by the secretary of the said board open for public inspection, and the ' said overseer shall also make diligent inquiry as to what hands in his township are subject to road duty, and quarterly, at the beginning of each quarter, furnish the board of supervisors a list of ‘"'ame ; and if the said overseer shall fail or refuse to make the report hereinbefore specified or furnish the list of hands as herein provided for ten days after written notice served on him by the secretary of the board of sui>ervisors, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined and imprisoned in the discretion of the court, and shall be further liable to a penalty in the sum of two hun dred dollars, pne-half of which shall go to any i)erson sueing for the same. Sec. 10.—That it shall be the duty of the board of sui)ervisors to keep a close watch after the condition of the public roads in their respec tive townships, and to dilligently sui)ervise and inspect all the acts and workings of the overseer of their respective townships, requir ing him to perform all the duties prescribed in the preceding section of this act, and shall through their chairman or secretary make full report of their proceedings and of the workings of the overseer of their respective townships to the board of coxmty commissioners of Transylvania countv on the first Continued on pa^e 8.

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