—• - •'■ ■ ^’ ' ■ ^•> '■ r' «f j 6 SYLVAN VALLEY NEWS If vour cough is still hanging on it is evident that you have not taken 01,.: Comp. J-yr. White Pine and Tar. When a cough has run along for -'ev^-fal weeks without Ijeing stopped it becomes chronic. Then it takes a true oas $1.GO—the amount of his purchase on the lucky day was $3.20. We note that residents on Whit mire street extension beyond the railroad have christened it “3Iaple” street. It remains to be seen wheth er they can make the name,“stick.’’ W. vfc.- Carmichael, for a long time a Brevard merchant, was in town Friday and Saturday of last week, advertising a special sale to begin in Hendersonville in a few days. J. W. Kennet of Wnynesville has been in the j^elica section several days buying white oak timber. We learn that he contemplates cutting Mnd shipping his purchases in the near future. The masquerade party at the Mc- Minn House last Thursday night was A very enjoyable function for those who participated. Miss Hattie Max well of Henderson county won the cake as her identity was not discov ered. Elzie Cox came in from Seattle, Washington, last Saturday to spend a few weeks with his home folks. He says the west is the place for him. Since leaving Brevard he has worked at a number of places in California and Washington and s{iys he left an eight hour five dollar a day job to visit home.^ Tke residence of Ed Poor of Da vidson river was destroyed by fire last Sunday evening. It is sup posed the fire was caused by a de fect in the chimney, and started in the roof of the building. Practi cally all tlio household goods were saved and we understand that a few of the doors and vrindows in the building were taken out. The house was about an 8-room building, a nice 2-story structure, and while we have not learned what the loss was, it must have been a good deal. H. C. Gill(Spie has staked otf a b(,undary surrcmnding the Gillespie grave yard located on the hill just beyond his home and proposes or ganizing a company to buy said boundary and to whom lie will make a deed sliowing that the place is to be used as. and only for, a public burying place. Jii?^ what Mr. Gil lespie’s plans are and how he would make the deed we do not know’ but hiS idea, seein}»- the need of a public burying place for the tow‘n, is to put the property in a shape ihnt it will always be used and kept up for that purpose. It would be expected of course, that parties burying there would pay a small sum for their jdats, which would o-o to the compa ny who pays lor the property. Jim Zachary of Lake Toxaway was in Brevard W^ednesday, Pastor Elsom will fdl his regular appointments at the Baptist church n^t Sunday. Ferdenan Nicholson is putting down the foundation for his cottage near the Industrial school. Miss Flora Newton has gone to the Mission Hospital where she will spend 3 years in learning to be a trained nurse. Miss E. H. Egerton of Warrenton, N. and Mrs. Dr. Tom Egerton of Hendersonville, are visiting the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Eo;erton o!i Maple street. Read the new road law on 1st and 8th pages. Every man in the coun ty is intetested in this law, and if it is not just what you want let the framers know before tiie legislature acts. Dess Young has, for the present, a ruii- jis mail clerk from Asheville to Murphy. The schedule of liis run is such that he can run up to Brevard and spend every other night with his family. Miss Osie Miner will give a Valen tine Social Thursday night Fei). 14, after our paper is printed. It mny be worth mentioning next week. Sne has “set the pace” b^^ having her invitations printed. , ITor some time the court house tower has been leak in? and on ex- anunation it was found that the tim ber in the tower was decayed and that the roof was beyond patching, ihe commissioners are preparing to make tl;e necessary re]>airs. Last Sunday morning Miss Belle Burrell, one of Brevard’s best known young ladies, and Mr. Vernon John son, of Greenville, S. C., who came to Brevard last week, took the train tor Hendersonville^ where they were united in marriage. After the cere mony they started for Greenville where they will make their future home. The best 'W’ishes of many friends go with them. The following has been received from Rev. P. G. Elsom, who is at present holding a meeting at Ridge- land, S. C.: “Please announce that I will be home this week to preach next Sunday. My subject at night will be the ‘Model Children’ in the series on the ‘Model Home.’ Ask parents to come and bring their children. You can say we have a fine meeting here—?rowds coming and many professions. Stores close for day services.” While the graveyard question is being talked, would it not be a wise thing for the Town of Brevard to look into the matter and consider the advisability of buying a plot of ground in some suitable place and opening a public cemetery? This is one thing that we most surely ni3ed, and the town is the only au thority to own and control same. The day is coming, and is not far distant, when the town will be com pelled to do this, and it looks to us as if now was the proper time. Such a thing would be in the end a a good investment for the town financially, and a_ public cemetery is equal in interest to her citizens to a public park. It gives them a desirable place to bury their Gead where they can feel assured that the time 'will never come when they will have to be removed or be under some man’s barn or chicken house. Liocals continued on pag-e 7. Business Locals. T. M. Mitchell. Phone 60 for coal. Barb wire.—C. M. Doyle. NortheiToi seed potatoes.—C. M. Doyle. For Rent—A 6-room house. In quire of T.^B. Crary. tf Call phone 89 for repairing of sewing machines and furniture.— Williams Furniture Store. Whitmire & Verdery have just received from New York City the nicest line of ladies’ novelties ever in Brevard. It will do you good just to look at the new line of ladies’ belts, bags, collars, combs, etc., at Whitmire & Verdery’s. Wanted,—-A good, intelligent girl for general house-work. Call or write Mrs. J. S. Silverstein, Rosman, N. C. tf All persons who have subscribed for the Life and Sayings of Sam P. Jones will please call at Whitmire & Verdery’s and get same. Our nev7 goods are coming in, to make room for them wo will give 10 to 20 per cent reduction on all of our winter goods.—Jenkins & Bro. For Sale-—Very fine red heifer fresh this month: extra fine full blood Jersey heifer now milking expected fresh in summer, also calves.—H. E. Tener, Brevard. The soldier, rough rider, miner or any follovver of the strenuous life are “eaj?y on sho€‘s” compared to the average boy or girl. Try “Eterni ty” shoes on them at O. L.Ei win’s. The Young People’s Society of Christian Endeavor meets in Bre vard Prestyterian Church Tuesday evenings. Song service 7.45 to8.00, Prayer, meeting 8.00 to 8.30. All are inivted. tf Wanted—10 men in each state to travel, distril)ut^ saniples of onr goods and tack signs. Salary $85.CO per month; $3.00 per day for ex*- penses. Saundehs (’o., Department P., 46 Jackson Boulevard. Chicago, Ills. j4tl3 Free—Send 12 names and address es of music leaders and sujxjrinten- dents and we will send you a copy of our new Sunday school song book for 1907, “Windows of Heaven No. 5.”—J. B. Vaughan, Athens, Ga. Wanted—Good man in each county to represent and a.dvertise co-oi)erative deT*artment, put out samples, etc. Old established,busi- ness house. Cash salary $21.00 weely, expense money advance, per manent position* Our reference. Bankers National Bank of Chicago Capital $2,000,000. Address Man ager, The Columbia House, Chicago 111. Desk No. 1. Neighbors ^ot Fooled. “I was literally coughing myself to death, and had become too weak to leav-e my bed, and neighbors pre dicted that I would never leave it alive; but they got fooled, for thanks be to God, I was induced to try Dr. King’s New Discovery. It took just four one dollar bottles to completely cure the cougii and rdstore me to good sound health,” writes Mrs. Eva TTncapher, of Grovertown, Stark Co., Ind. T^iis king of cough and cold cures, and healer of throat and lun^s, is guaranteed by Z. VV. Nichols, druggist. 50c and §1. Trial bottle free. Roosevelt, Tillman. Beveridge and LaFollet would be a team that would almost make the sen ate an efficient body. When the interstate commerce Commission hears from Chancel lor Day it will wish that it could have adjourned sine die. It’fe the highest standard of quali ty, a natural tonic, cleanses your system, reddens the cheeks, bright- en^theeyes, gives flavor to all you eat. Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea will do this for you. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets.—Z. W. Nichols and Brevard Drug Co. COFFEE. Something often said in our store; “That roasted coffee of yours that you sell for 17c for one lb. or 6 lbs. for $1 is the BEST I ever drank for that price and I iope you will con tinue to keep it"’’ miTCHELL The Grocer USTNU F ^iiiiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiH^ WATCH IIS GROW! THE PEOPLE’S BANK OF BREVARD Expresses its thanks to the public for evidences of confidence as shown by the following com parative statement of RESOURCES JUNE, I9Q£, . . - . $14,593.65 AUGUST, 1986, - - $26,312.38 OCTOBER, 1906, - $35,419.19 Oecenilier,’06, $47,315.31 and solicits a continuation of patronage. Wishing our patrons and friends a prosperons New Year, we are yours truly, T. T* PATTON, President. . W. P. WHITMIRE, Cashier. PR lie is un^ Prof. Cl American pl^ wit^ convulsi Prof. superior as a| Prof. Ch| mi audience Do You Want Big Bargains Our 1 4 Off UnloatngSaleofWlnltrMs is still on at Weilt’s One-Price Cash Store. It’s money we want. The prices we’ll slash; It’s money we’ll have To pay the spot cash. For our immense line of spring and summer goods soon to arrive Now for Bargains ! We have just one dozen Ladies’ New Long Coats and % dozen Ladies’ Short Coats left. Will sell all of these % ofl: from former low prices. A small lot of Misses and Children’s Long and Short Coats. Will sell all of them % off and a few of them 1-3 off from our former low prices. A nice lot of Men’s and Boys’ New Suits and Overcoats— our selling price % off from our former low prices. Also all of our other Winter Goods will sell at 20 PER. CENT OFF from onr former low prices. Yours for business, / W. p. WEILT G( Fr( Cot W1 Coi 'Phon Ri Visitors to build offer for si I also hi You wil betore bu^ Ar Stan