Sylvan ikj State Library ws Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper, J. J. MIIjfEE, Manager.- • BREVAED, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY^ N. C., FRIDAY. MARCH 1.1907 VOL. III-NO. 9 Transylvania Lodge No. 143, Kn'ihts of Pythias Resrular convention ev ery Tuesday night in Ma sonic Hall. Visiting Knights are cordially in- Tited to attend. T. W. WHITMIRE C. C. Brevard Telephone Exchange. hours: Daily—7 a. ra. to 10 p. m. Sunday—8 to 10 a. m., 4 to 6 p. m. Central Office—McMinn Block. ProfesMonal Cards. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Rooms 1 and 2, Piekelsimer Building. ZACHARY &. BREESE ATTO RN EYS-AT-LA W Offices in McMInn Block. Brevard, N. C. CASH «a GALLOWAY. LAWYERS. Will practice in all the courts. Rooms 9 and 10, McMinn Block. D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER Rooms 11 and 12 McMinn Block, BREVARD, N. C. Miscellaneous. THOMAS A. ALLEN, Jr., DENTIST. (Bailey Block.) HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. For the month of November and December only I will make a first class set of teeth (best rubber) FOR $7.00 guaranteed to fit or no pay. All Dental work reduced in proportion for that time only. Teeth Extracted Without Pain. The Mthelwold Brevard’s New Hotel—Modern Ap pointments—Open all the year The patronage of the traveling public as well as summer tourists id solicited. Opp. Court House, Brevard, N.C. R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 5-cent packet is enough lor usual occasions. The family bottle (60 cents) contains a supply k)r a year. All druggists sell them. YOW 5VSTEM !f BANK SAFELY 6B NORTH CAROUMA’5 0LX>EST TRUST , CO/APAMY STROA4GEST BAMKING ^IMSTTTUTIOM wiTM CAPITAL and SURPLUS o^.QV£R »725.000.00< AOOPeSS-ASHCVM_Lfe, N.C. ro» INFORMATION acNO roarr tdoav 4% »*aio on ccmririCATt I AMP 4% IN SAVINGS OEIPAHTMCNT.-' The Yonng People’s Society of Christian Endeavor meets in Bre vard Presbyterian Chnrch Tuesday evenings. Song service 7.45 to8.00, Prayer meeting 8.00 to 8.30. All are inivted. tf Asheville Letter NEWS NOTES FROM THE MOUNTAIN METROPOLIS OF INTEREST TO NEWS READERS. From Our Regrular Correspondent. News reached this city last week from Limestone Township to the effect that Miss Althea West, daughter of Mr. aed Mrs. William R. West, had committed suicide by taking an overdose of strychnine. Up to the present writing no cause for her rash act has been discovered. It is re ported that the West family were entertaining some friends the day that the young woman took her own life and she appeared in good spirits during the day. Shortly after the guests had de parted she told her father that she had taken the poison. Phy sicians were hastily summoned but the woman was past medical assistance when the doctors reached the West home. The registration books for the bond election have closed and the books show that there will be 3,000 eligible voters. In the case of Francis Sumner being tried for the killing of Charlie Powers at the Arden de pot last December th»? judge or dered a mistrial as it was found that one of the jurymen was a distant relative of the dead man. The ease will be brought for trial g,t the next term of court. At a recent meeting of the board of aldermen former Chief of Police Jordan appeared before the board and made the request that the $500 reward offered by the city for the capture of the negro desperado Harris be paid to Mr. Rankin, custodian of the fund, so that the fund would be complete and turned over to the’ widows of the patrolmen who lost their lives in an effort to effect the arrest of a negro. The application of the Asheville Telephone and Telegraph Co. to the city to allow them the privi lege to turn over all of their in terests in the local plant to the Bell company has been rejected. The committee who had the mat ter in charge reported at a recent meeting^that they did not deem it wise to allow the holding of the old company to be turned over to the Bell people at any time, and there the matter rests at the present writing. For a week or ten days the whole police force have been on the lookout for a small negro boy who has been working a smooth game on a number of Asheville people. The negro would call at a house and sav that he was sent by one of the many, pressing clubs in the city to get some clothing. The people at the house thinking some member of the family had requested the ne gro to call for their clothes, and the rest was easy. The negro’s little scheme worked to perfec tion and a number of gentlemen lost one or more suits. The po lice have been unable to capture him. The 7-round boxing contest 'tt & Personal Recollections of a Dollar * ¥ I am a dollar. A little age worn, maybe, but still in circulation. I am proud of myself for being in cir culation. 1 am no tomato can dollar—not 1. This town is only my adopted home, but I Ijke it and hope to remain per manently. When I came out of the mint I .was adopted into a town like this in another state. Bv.t after a time I was sent ofi^ to a big city, many miles away. I turned up in a Mail Order bouse. For sev eral years I stayed in tbat ,city. Millionaires bought cigars with me. I didn’t like that, for I believe in the plain people. Finally a traveling man brought me to this town and left me here. I was so fla« to get back to a smaller town that I deter mined to make desperate efforts to stay. One day a citizen of this town was about to send me back to tbat big city. I caught him looking over a Mail Order Catalogue. - Suddenly I found my voice and said to him—he was a dentist, by the way: “Now, look here, doc. If you’ll only let me stay in this town I’ll circulate around and do you lots of good. You buy a big beefsteak with me, and the butcher will buy groceries, and the grocer will buy dry goods, and the dry goods merchant will pay his doctor’s bill with me, and the doctor will spend me with a farmer for oats to feed his buggy horse, and the farmer will buy some fresh beef from the butcher, and the butcher will come around to you and get his tooth mended. In the long run, as you see, I’ll be more useful to you here at home than if you’d send me away forever.’ 99 Doc said it was a mighty stiff argument. He hadn’t looked at It in that light before. So he went and bought the big beefsteak, and I began to circulate around home again. Now, just suppose all the other dollars that are sent to Chicago or some other big city w^ere kept circulating right here at home. You could see this town grow. HONEST, NOW—AIN’T I RIGHT? that was scheduled to come off at the opera house last week be tween Kid Williams, a well known western .“pug,’' and Vance Guest, a home aspirant for fist ic honors, did not materialize, as the affair was nipped in the bud by Chief of Police Bernard who called the attention of the lighters to a state law which pro hibits boxing contests when one or both of the lighters receive any money for their exhibition. The law allows a fine of $500 and also one or more years imprison ment. When informed of the law the two fighters decided that they were not so anxious to fight after all. A deal was closed last week whereby O. B. Schoenfelt, the well known New Orleans wrest ler and athlete, bought fifty acres of land in West Asheville knowm as the Green-Thrash tract, and on which* is located the old Car rier race track. It IS understood that the new owner will have the property developed for racing purposes, andjfrom present indi cations Asheville will be the scene of professional racing in the near future. This new pui:- chase of Mr. Schoenfelt*s is close to his other property at Sulphur Springs which he bought some months ago, and on which it is said Mr. Schoenfelt will build a school for^physical culture and athletics. As stated in this fcorrespon- dence several weeks ago Detec tive Jordan arrested a young ne gro at Old Fort for attempting to wreck J passenger train No. 11. Your correspondent is informed that Lynch was found guilty of the charge at this term of Mc Dowell court and given three years’ sentence. Judge Cook signed an order last week whereby Gillian Stike- leather will be compelled to give evidence in the now celebrated Mills divorce proceedings. Mr. Stikeleather is a well known Asheville young man and it is claimed that he has important information bearing on the case that the irate husband is desirous of bringing out. L. R. D. Faster and faster the pace is set, By people of action, vim and get, So if at the finish you would be, Take Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tt a. Brevard .Drug Co., Z. W. Nichols. State op Ohio, city of Toledo, } Luc A s ^County f ® * Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm ofF. J. Cheney & Co., doing: business in the city of Toledo. County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case' of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Ha!Pa Catarrh Cure. Frakk J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6lh day of De cember, A. D. 1886. (Seal.) A. W. Gleason, Notary Public. HalPs Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally,! and acts dirictly on the blood and mucous surfaces of (he system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take HalPs Family Pills for constipation. Doctors still disagree. There is Dr. Osier w^ho thinks a man should do nothing after he is forty, and now here is Dr.. Wal lace—a different sort of a doctor to be sure—who thinks no man has sense enough to vote until lie is forty. .So many doctors, so many prescription?. Saved Her Son’s Life. The happiest mother in the little town of Ava, Mo., is Mrs. S. Ruppee. She writes: “One year ago my .son was down with such serious lung trouble that our phy^jician was unable to help him, when by our druggist’s advice I began giving him Dr. King’s New Discover5% and I soon noticed improvement. I kept this treatment up for a - few weeks when he was perfectly well. He has W'orked steadily since'* at carpenter work. Dr. King’s New ‘Discovery saved his life.’' Guaranteed best cough, and cold cure bv Z. W. Nich ols, druggist. 50c and ?1. Trial bottles free. The largest single advance in oil prices ever ordered by the Standard Oil Company has nat-. urally followed the largest single contribution of Rockefeller mon ey to public education. The effort to raise the pay of Government clerks, is being heartily seconded by the Wash ington boarding house keeper. “In 1887 I had a stomach disease. Some physicians said Dyspepsia, some Consumption. One said I would not live until spring. For four 3’ears I existed on boiled milk, soda biscuits and doctors’ prescrip tions. I could not digest anything I ate; then |I picked up one of your Almanacs and it happened to be my life-saver. I bought a fifty-cent bot tle of KODOL and the benefit I re ceived from that bottle all the gold in Georgia could not buy. In two nqonths went back to my work, as a machinist, and in three ‘months was well and hearty. May you live long and prosper.”—C. N. Cornell, Rod- ing, Ga., 1906. The above is only a sample of the great good that is daily done everywhere by Kodol For Dyspepsia. It is sold here by Bre- vai d Drug Co. The birth rate is decreasing in London. We trust that Mr. Roosevelt will take an early occa- ‘ sion to speak to Mr. Bryce about it. Found at Last. / J. A. Harmon, of Lizemore, West Va., .says: *• At last 1 have found the petfect pill that never disappoints me; and for the benefit of others af flicted With torpid liver and chronic constipation, will say: take Dr. King’s New Life Pills.” Guaran teed sat is t actor y. 2 c at Z. W* Nichols, druggist. * A

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