Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. \ J. J. MHjfER, Manager. BREVAED, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. N. C., FRIDAY. MARCH 8.1907 VOL. XII-NO. 10 Transylvania Lodge No. 143* Knights of Pytiiias Regular convention ev ery Tuesday night in Ma sonic Hall. Visiting- Knights are cordially in vited to attend. T. W. WHITMIRE C. C. Brevarii Telephone Exchange. hours: Daily—7 a. m. to 10 p. m. Sunday—8 to 10 a. m., 4 to 6 p. ni. Central Office—McMinn Block. Profesdonol Cards. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Booms 1 and 2, Piokelsimer Building. ZACHARY & BREESE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices in McMinn Blocic. Brevard. N. G. gash « CAIXOWAY. LAWYERS. Will practice in all the courts. Rooms 9 and 10, McMinn Block. D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER Rooms 11 and 12 McMinn Block, BREVARD, N. C. MiscdUoneons. THOMAS A. ALIEN, Jr DENTIST. (Bailey Block.) HENDERSONVILLE. N. C. For the month of November and December only I will make a first class set of teeth (best rubber) FOR $7.00 ffuarauteed to fit or no pay. All Dental work reduced in proportion for that time only. Teeth Extracted Without Pain. The JEthelwold Brevard’s New Hotel—Modern Ap pointments—Open all the year The patronage of the traveling public as well as summer tourists id solicited. Opp. Court House, Brevard, N.C. R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 5-cent packet is enoufjfh tor usual occasions. The fainiiy bottle (60 rents) contains a supply lor a year. All druggists sell them. A BANKyour Kl yOO a\/t* S/STEMSf k: EH M ^TO ^ANK SAFELY] AHO^ V/aCHOVI A |OAH‘4^RU ST (p NORTH CAROUMA’5 OLDEST TRUST j CO^VR^MY ^ STRONGEST BAAtfUNG 'iMSTmmOH wiTM CAPITAL SURPLUS or OVER •7Z5.000.00 [AOOPtSS-ASHCVILX^:, N.C. «>• INFORMATION 3CM& FOR IT TOOi^ 4% WMO ON CefiTjriCATt I AND 4% IM SAVING5 DCPARTWCNT^ The Yonng People’s Society of Christian Endeavor meets in Bre vard Presbyterian Chnreh Tuesday ovenings. Song service 7.45 to8.00, Prayer meeting 8.00 to 8.30. All are inivted. tf Aslieville Letter NEWS NOTES FROM THE MOUNTAIN METROPOLIS OF INTEREST TO NEWS READERS. From Our Begiilar CJorrespondent. G. C. Beal, a carpenter who was injured at Canton last week and later brought to this city and placed in the Mission Hospital, is reported to be on the road to re covery. The injured man was employed on a building being erected by the Champion pulp mill at Canton and in some man ner fell a distance of about thirty feet alighting on his face on a hard cement floor. Nearly all the bones of his face were crush ed, the bones of his nose and up per jaw being completely dislo cated, the lower jaw bones were broken in the middle and in addi tion to the Injuries of his face the man sustained a compound frac ture of the left thigh. Another distressing accident befell two carpenters at the Canton works last week. The men, Terrell Flynn and Frank Chestman are both expected to die. It is stated that a brick wall which was erected temporarily fell without warning and they were caught and crushed beneath tons of brick and.morter. It; is under stood that both men had their skulls fractured and were hurt otherwise internally. Flynn’s home is said to be in Old Fort but the-home address of Chest man is not known at the present writing. As stated in this correspond ence the Asheville police force have been w^orking up the case' of the ‘‘Pressing Club Flim Flam Game.” Here a small n^gro calls at a house and states that he is sent for clothing from one of the city pressing clubs and when he gets the clothes he and the clothes both disappear.” The police through their untiring ef^ forts think they have landed one of the suit stealing gang who is a small negro boy, namely, Sid Corpening who has been bound over by Police Judge Jones under a bond of $100 for larceny and will be tried at the next term of Superior court. The police say that the clothes steal ing scheme has flourished in Asheville and that there is evi dently an organized gang of young negroes who are profiting through the loss of clothing of some of the best citizens in Ashe ville. They hope that the arrest of Corpening will result in the capture and breaking up of the whole gang. The case of Alvin Owens and Wise Williams, two Asheville youths, will be called for trial at th,is term of Henderson county court. The boys will be tried for burglarizing a dwelling house belonging to a man named Shep herd in Hendersonville some months ago. These are the same two boys who are said to have put up such a stiff tight when the officers tried to arrest them, and who afterward made an ef fort to break jail. The reading of “dime novels” and trashy lit- © © © © # A New Aid Fable. s This is not a George Adc fable, though it may sling some slang. It is a Home Aid fable. Once there was a Geezer, who sat around and cut Kindling ^ too small for Cook Stove purposes. He Whittled against Time @ and Flabbergasted against his Tx>wn.' The town was No Good,^ ^ he said—strictly on the Blink. Yes, it was N. G. Why, ^ hadn’t he lived Here since ’84 and found that the Place was Punky? Sure, Mike! Look at that town over in the next County. Grown like Jonah's Gourd. Must be a Jonah here. We’ve grown some, but I don’t see that .we’re knocking any particularly Big Per simmons. That’s the way this Gazaboo knocked his town. One day Sarcastic Strangrer floated into the Town that was Knocked from the burg that had Blossomed like Jonah’s Gourd. He Heard some of the Flabbergrastlng and Dropped to the sit uation. “Look here, you.” he remarked to the citizen who was Handing: Out the Knocks. “What do you do for this town? Are you doing: your part to put this Burff on the Upgrrade? What’s that hefty Bunch of litera ture sticking: out of your Cl<^hes?" “That’s a Mail Order Catalogue from Chl> cago—a town that Is a town," replied the Gce- *er. “So I thought,” said the Ipipertinent Arriv al. “Kow let me hand you out a nice little Wad of common sense. . For the past ten years you have been sending your money to the Chi- " cago Mail Order houses instead of spending it among your home mer chants. What would have happened to Chi cago fifty years ago if all the Flr^ Settlers . had shipped their Loose ‘Coio to, Ne^v^ on catkloiSle inducem^tsft Why; youfd have to use a sand dredger now to And the Original Site of Chicago. Now, In the Burg from which I have Just Blown in we got over all this Bum Business years ago. We passed Resolutions that we would trade at home and help our own town to Spread out so that you could Sight it on the map without using Opera Glasses, But you and a Bunch of other folks in this town have wasted your Substance In Riotous Expenditures in Chicago by mail and let the sheriff hang out the ‘Nothing Doing:* sign in front of some of your own town’s mercantile Emporiums. Look at our Town and then look at yours. What makes the Differ ence ?” Whereupon the Whittling Gaaaboo threw a few well cho sen Thoughts into his mental makeup and went down to the village store to Annex a linen collar in place of the Paper Circles which he had bought from Chicago at Two Bits a Box. MORAL: If you want your town to grow, patronize home enterprises. ft > © €' © & 0 0 © erature it is said was the cause of the boys going astray. R. S. McCall of this city wall look after the interests of the defendants when the case comes to trial. Frank Carter has been elected Substitute Judge of Police Court by the board of Aldermen and it is stated that Mr. Carter will ac cept the place. He was elected by a unanimous vote of the board. Since the defeat of the Bun combe county Good Roads bond issue by the “stay-at-homes” in the rural districts, the “anti- ites” are now talking about in creasing the direct taxation for the improvement of the roads. The bond issue was defeated be cause every one of the registered voters who did not vote was counted against ttie issue, and the result was greatly due to the fact that a good per cent of those who did hot take the trouble to vote were in favor of the bonds, but their failure to vote resulted in casting their strength to the “anti-bondites. ” The, Asheville police force are again on a campaign of extermi nation against the notorious houses of ill fame in the “Red Light” district of this city and e number of drag net raids have been made recently with the re suit that the inmates of these “unsavory joints” and the pa trons thereof have been tried in open court for their numerous unprintable offenses. All of those given a hearing before Police Judge Jones are out on ^bond ranging from $25 to $100 and their trial will come up at the next term of Superior court. The police raid these places from month to month and year to year but the fines usually imposed are paid with good grace and the in mates return to these houses and continue their nefarious traffic unmolested until the next raid, when they again appear befora the bar and pay their fines. The result is that these places con tinue to exist and thrive right under the eyes of the law and leave open an inducement for the youths of this city to frequent houses of shame and degradation, where mingle together in drunk en carousal those who can not resist the~ temptation to tread the wide but crooked path that leads to broken lives, broken health, broken homes, broken hearts and mote often broken pocket-books and broken heads. A raid every night or two, jail sentences and heavy tines could be resorted to with good results, for there are more ways to keep a city clean than to flush the streets"in the day time when the traffic is the heaviest. A record run was made through the Asheville railway yards one day last week by a light engine with the result that said engine is now out of com mission in the repair shop and Willie Brown, Frank McGhee and “Judge*' McMahan, three small negro boys are under ar rest on the charge of trespassing on the Southern's property. These three little imps of dark ness visited the yards on a tour of .investigation and seeing an engine standing on the track un attended, with steam up and ev erything in readiness for atrip, they clambered aboard, threw open the throttle and away they rushed, faster and faster, past strings of freii^ht (a;’s and puf- ting engines. Everything was running smoothly and the little darkies were in high spirits but they, had not calculated that oth er engines ran sometimes on the same track and a very sudden stop was tnade when their speed ing engine collided with, another light ^hgibe. Tfie boys , were thrown from t:he open cab to the ground, the engine was smashed and the estimated damage to it is ^ibout one thousand dollars. There is at present three badly frightened little negroes in the city lock-up awaiting trial for trespassing. L. R. D ss. State OF Ohio, City of Toledo, | Lucas County f Frank J. Cheney makes oath that hels senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doinj? business in the city of Toledo. County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use ot Hall’s Catrfirh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of De cember, A. D. 1886. (Seal.) A. W. GleasoNi Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally,! and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of (he system^ Send for testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. “Building materials are still ^oing up”, says the trade ^ournM. Well, there’s one consolation. So are the buildings. Faster and faster the pace is set, Bj" people of action, vim and get. So if at the finish you would be. Take Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea. Brevard Drug Co., Z. W. Nichols. The horses at the New Orleans race track still continue to live up to their names. Whisk-Broom won four out five events almost making a clean sweep. Found at L<ast. J. A. Harmon, of Lizemore, West Va., says: ‘-At last I have found thp petfect pill that never disappoints me; and for the benefit of others af flicted with torpid liver and chronic constipation, will say: take Dr. King’s New Life PiJIs.y Guaran teed satisfactory. 25c at Z. W. Nichols, druggist.

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