Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. 't' N. J. J. MUSTER, Manager. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. N. C., FRIDAY, MARCH 1907 VOL. XII-NO. 12 Transylvama Lodge No. 143, KnigMs of Pythias Rearular convention ev ery Tuesday night in Ma- sonio Hall. Visiting Knights are cordially in vited to attend, T. W. WHITIIIBE C. C. ''Brevard T^phone Eichange. hours: Daily—7 a, m. to 10 p. m. Sunday—8 to 10 a. m., 4 to 6 p. m. Central Office—McMinn Block. .-Profesdonol Cards. W, B, DUCKWORTH, > ATTO RN EY-AT-L A W. Rooms 1 and 2, Pickelsiiner Building.' ' ZACHARY &. BREESE ATTO R N E YS-AT-L A W dfficBS in McMinn Block. Brevard, N. C. CASH GALLOWAY, - LAWYERS. Will practice in all the courts. Rooms 9 and 10, McMinn Block. ,D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER i K.ooins 11 and 12 McMinn Block, BREVARD, N. C. NOscellaneous. THOMAS A. ALLEN, Jr., DENTIST. Asheville Letter NEWS NOTES FROM THE MOUNTAIN METROPOLIS OF INTEREST TO NEWS READERS. (Bailey Block. ) HENDERSONVILLE,. -. N. C. For the month of November and D<?ceinbei* only I will make a first class set of teeth (best rubber) FOR $?.00 guaranteed to fit or no pay. All Dental work reduced in proportion tor that time only. Teeth Extracted Without Pain. T/re JEtkelwold Bi'^vard’s New Hotel—Modern Ap ' [ pointments—Open all the year. The patronage of the traveling piiblic as well as summer tourists id solicited. Opp. Court House, Brevard, N.C. ' K-I-P^A-N-S Tabules - Doctors find I A good prescription For mankind The5-cent packet is enough lor usual occasions. The/famiiy bottle (CO oeiits) contuirisa supply lor at year. All druggists sell them. yO^ ov/R 5Y5TEM Sf Va vCO" TO [BANKSAPELVl AND — COWVCAUENTPJ^ • .91' < rVi > NORTH CAF^0UMA*5 OU>t5T TRUST ,COMPAMY^» STR£>4G£ST BAAWING ^i/HSTiTurm wiTMCAPITAL vs SURPLUS or.oVER »7£^000. AOO»ESS'ASMCVn_LC. N.C. r<f" INFORMATION «>lt> FOR IT TODAY 4%»*AJ£> ON CCiaTlFICATC. [ ANP 4% IN SAVING^ 0£PART/^ENT.^ Oldoot in the Statteu Busl- cess, Shorthand, Typewri- tintf, Fe nm a n« li i p, and. E n gr 1 i 8 h CGurses, 1800 graduates i|| positions. or more of your rail road faro paid. Plenty of ^ood board at S2.60 to83.50 per week. No vacations. Knter any time. Special course by mail l^>you. aak for It. From Our Regrular CJorrespondent. At the present writing the Asheville police are going unpaid for the lack of^funds to pay them their salaries. For some time past it has been 'the custom of the’ city treasurer to draw, the money from the Battery Park bank semi-monthly and place it in the .pay envelopes-'-for; the officers. This was done^lastjSat urday, biit when the warrarit for the money.: was ..presented .to Mayor Barnard for his signajtur^ he declined to sign it, st^tin^ that the city dj<i/notx^hHve- ffie ready funds to pay^tbe offibet^s semi-monthly, this being only ti courtesy extended the fdrc^ fiJr sometime past. He said farthW that he would' be. compelled to hold up the \;^arrant' |or: money until the first of ; the month-, which was-the legal .pay day for the .police force. Some of the officers are greatly emlb^T- rassed by the action of the m^iyor as they had promised paym|erits on back bills they owed and ^also hoeded tKe mo^^ y ,'or corrent expenses. The mayor expressfe^ his^regrets for- the^ st?,nd«ihe ‘ bad taken^ but saiS that he had no other course to pursue as the city did not have the money, and' for that reason the payment would be deferred .i^ntil.;tfbe tirst of the month. Announcement has been madi^ that there will be anotb^r- nevC electric railroad built in thi^s county. The new road will rui> from Mon treat to Biltniiore and be .parallel With tht3 .Swannanoli. ri VerTIre suiive.'^ for J,he ne road is completed and the capital is ready to defray the expenses of. the building. The- r-ight of ways 'must be given -to tbe com* 7 pany gratis or they w^ll not build.f It is Srtated that they can not aff ford to pay for the right of waj^; privilege, as the patrofiage'of the ro^d. for. yeajrs to GomQ vWOul<y hardly be sufRcient to defray the. expenses of operation. For thi§! reason' they do hot feel jdstified to lay- out ‘ a -largB amount of mpweyi for the right .of ;way-privi^' leges. The road, if built, w^ould naturally help the section through wbicih iti^, ran' and enhance the'; » . ' V- A valu^ of/i the pr^Dperty on botK’ si^e^bf^thfe right of way. Little^ oppositibn is expected when the road requests the right of way from the property owners. Accor ding'toa state law passed by th6 lftf§‘t^legislature the'^ ‘‘Jim Crow’’ w’ill be put in effect here in Asheville on the street cars and separate apartments on all the cars wiir be furnished for the whites and-blacks.-’ The law will apply to all public car riers throughout the entire state of North .Carolina. Isn’t This Town Pretty Good Town? If Not, Why Not? How do you like the town you live in? Pretty fair, sort of place, isn’t it ? Otherwise you’d move to some c^her to\vu, wouldn’t you? But you don’t think much of this town, you say ? Well, what’s the matter with .this town? If there’s anything let’s all wrong, get to- ite book?. The Mail Order thought! . gether and right it. All of us live here, and we ought to pull to gether. i^obody living in !Rew York or Chica go or St. Louis or San Francisco is going to do any pulling FOR us. On the contrary, %j w some of those cities are doing a lot of pulling FROM us. They not only pull away some of , - our besji. young men a? . the boys gro^y xip, but they pull away many of our good American dol lars, which ought to be spent right here, where they would do the most good. What is your favor- Catalogue? Ah, so we Now suppose, just for a change, you read your local paper carefully, watch the advertisements, and if you don’t . . see what you want ask the home merchant for it. Suppose all of us trade at home a little more regularly. That ought . . . to help make thi^ a better town. r .: And maybe if we’d keep more of our money at home to ' -biiild-up the town we’d keep more of our boys at home. ment of the Biltmore estate to protect the forest and game on the estate of George W. Vander bilt, in the Mills River section of Henderson county. Dr. C. A. Schenck, head of the forestry de partment, has deposited a check in the Commercial Bank of Hen dersonville for the sum of $120. The check is made payable to the township of Mills River, to be used for a charitable or public purpose; providing that by No vember 1st, 1907, no trespassing has occurred on the lands of George W. Vanderbilt, in Mills river township, from the date of deposit to November 1st. 1907. Payment will not be made if the woods are fired or there is any fishing'or hunting done on the estate by the people of the Mills River section. The Forestry de* partment hope by this unique method of offering a prize to the people of the township to secure their co operation and protect the property from trespassers. L. R. D. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County ss. In “The Land of the Sky.” ^^ JJear t!a© SapjHiir© Coozxtij. Principal. ASHEVIIXE, K. C. Wise.WilWams and Alvin Ow[ ens, two of the three Asheville boys who were arrested for burg lary in Hiendersonville and con victed there at this term of court have been given a sentence* of eighteen months each. Owing to their Render years they have been coni mil ted to the county home here in Buncombe county and in this'way will escape a jail sentence. , ; * , Noah Walker, a young white man,, an employe of the .Hans Rees tahhery, who \yas arrested last week by Police Sei’geant Jackson, of Spartanburg, S.' ‘ C.] on the cbargel bf . niurdering a woman ih_T^n.nessee.has been re leased from custody. It has been, proven conclusively that he was not the HQarl'wanted. It is now statad ihat-^allier will s\;i_e Jack son for $3, QpO false imprison^ ment and damage to his charac ter. -.Later developments show that the only reason the officer had for arresting Walker was the fact that the murderer and Walk er w^ere.both named Noah, • It is reported that Sam J. Tay lor, of this city, the alleged biga mist, who married a young girl by the name of Clontz residing-in Canton, N. C., and who hg^d a wife living at the time, has been lo cated. The couple eloped sev eral weeks ago and went to Spar tanburg where the ceremony was performed. Shortly after' the marriage the girl returned to her home in Canton but Taylor-dis?- appeared. The authorities' all over the country were notified of the occurrence and it is said that they have gotten track of Taylor and that his capture fs expected at any time. A gentleman who is prominent ly identified . with, .the Farager Company, who built the structu ral work of the Miller concrete hotel in this city, will be among the'^ bidders for the property when the court places the hotel on sale at public auction again. If the Farager company succeed in getting the hotel they will com plete' it and then lease same. In this manner they hope to get •out of the hole in which they are in. ' It is stated from the same source that the Farager company ha'verat.least $60,000 tied up in* the’building as it now stands. To buy in the hotel and complete it . would be the only way that they could get their money back. A novel plan has been insti tuted by the Forestry depart- Frank J. Cheney makes oath that heis^?eniorpartner of the firm of F. Cheney & Co., doing: busines.s in the cit;y* of Toledo. County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that . cannot be cured by the. use ojt HalVa - Catarrh Cur^. Fb.'NK .T. rHEXFY?''"'' Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of De* cember, A. D. 1886, ... » (Seal.) ^ A. W. Gleason, Notary Public. , HalPs Catarrh Cure is taken intern?- . ally,I and acts directly on the blood- and mucous surfaces of (he system. ' Send for testimoViials five. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take HalPs Family Pills for constipaticm. The Roosevelt Cabinet is a reg-’ ular moving-picture show. To remove a cou^h you must at the cold ' which causes the cough. There is nothing so good for this as^ Kennedy’s Laxative Cough Syrup. The liquid' cold relief that is most ' quickly effective, that stills and quiets the cough and drives out tiic ' cold. Sold by Brevard Drug Co. ' ” 0 Wheri bur new battleships are finished, we wont be kept awake, at nights by the Japs whetting their swords . How to, Keniain Young-. To continue young in health and strength, db ./^« Mi*s. N, F. Rowan, McDonoughj ,Ga., . did. She says:. “Three bottles of . Electric Bitters cured me of chronic liver.and stom ach trquble, .complicated with such an unhealthy condition of the blood that my .skin ..turned red as flannel. I am now ^practically 20 year^ younger than before I took Electric Bitters. .'I <3aa now do all my Work with ease and assist in my husband’s store.” guaranteed at Z. W. Nich- ' ols’drug store. Price 50e. ' It seems that .only a Jew Sena-, tors die, and only one has re signed. You should be very careful'of your bowels when you have a cold. Near ly all other eough syrups are consti pating, especially those containing opiates. K^nnedy\s Laxative though Syrup moVes the' bowels—contains NO opiates. ' Conforms to National Pure Food' aiid -Drugs Law. ^ Bears the endorsement of mothers every where. Children like its pleasant taste. Sold by Brevard Drtfg Co.

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