: News Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. J. J. MIIS'EE, Manager. BREVAKD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. N. C., FRIDAY. APRIL 11,1907 VOL. XII-NO. 15 Transylvania Lpdge No. 143, Knights of Pythias Rearular convention ev ery Tuesday nig’ht in Ma sonic Hall. Visiting Knights are cordially in- T;W.W4UTMmEC.C, vitedto attend. ' Brevard TeleiiVon^’Exiiiiange. HOURS r— Daily—7 a. m. to 10 p. ni. Sunday—8 to 10 a. m., 4 to 6 p, m. Central Office—McMinn Block, Profes^onol Cards. W. B. DUCKWOR.TH, ATTO RN EY-AT-L A W. Rooms 1 and 2, Pickelsimer Building^. ZACHARY &. BR.EESE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices in McMinn Block. Brevard, N. G. GASH GALLOWAY, LAWYERS. Will practice in all the courts. Rooms 9 and 10, McMinn Block. D. L. ENGUSH LAWYER Rooms 11 and 12 McMinn Blociv, BREVARD, N. C. Miscellaneous. THOMAS A. ALLEN, Jr., DENTIST. (Bailey Block.) HENDERSONVILLE, - - N. C. A beaiitilul gold crown for $4.00 and up. Plates of all kind at reasonable prices. All work guaranteed; satisfaction or no pay. Teeth extracted without pain. Will be }?lad to have you call and inspect my otfices, work and prices. The JEthelwold Brevard’s New Hotel—Modern Ap pointments—Open all the year The patronage of the traveling public as well as summer tourists is solicited. Opp. Court House, Brevard, N.C. HOTEL BEEYABB. Cor. Main and Caldwell Sts. BREVARD, N- 0. Remodeled and newly furnished* Under management of oxperienced hotel caterer. Central location, wide verandas, livery connected. The Best at reasonable rates. Write for particulars. K-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 5-cent packet is enough lor usual occasions. The family bottle (60 cents) contains a supply for a year. All druggists sell them. Hi Gi BAILEY; Cl Ei CORRECT SURVEYS MADE Maps, Plots and Profiles Plotted. Only the finest adjusted instrn- ments used. Absolute accuracy. P. O. Brevard, N. C. Asheville Letter NEWS NOTES FROM THE MOUNTAIN METROPOLIS OF INTEREST TO NEWS READERS. From Our Regrular Oorrespondent. The “Jim Crow” law in effect in this city since the first of the month is working without a hitch. The intermingling of the two races on street cars of this city was objectionable to Ashe* villians and visitors alike (espe cially on warm summer days. Before the law went into effect the negroes seemed to take a pleasure in taking advantage of their prerogative to sit with the whites and managed to occupy as much space as possible to the incoavenience of all of the pas sengers of that race. The law as it is now enforced compels a sep aration of the two races on the street cars and all other common carriers in the state and the writer has observed with satis faction that all parties concerned are trving to conform to the xj r J rules without any trouble to the conductors on the street cars. Another law that is a boon to suffering owners of flower beds and gardens has been effective in Asheville and Buncombe county since April 1st. The law as passed by the last state legisla ture, having been introduced by Representative Zebulon Weaver from Buncombe, and to be ex pressed in the language of the street means “let your chickens play in their own back yard.” Your correspondent has noticed In a number of state papers, in cluding the Sylvan Valley News, the efforts on the part of the ed itors to convince the people that it was the proper thirg to keep the chickens fenced in so that they could not run around pro miscuously and become a com mon nuisance by scratching up everything within reach of their claws. The new domestic fowl law is the first of its kind ever passed in this state and is only effective in Buncombe county, but it is a certainty that the law would be welcomed as a state law by* a majority of the people in North Carolina. The records at the Asheville post office show that during 12 months ending March 31st there were $58,707 worth of stamps sold from that office, and that for the same length of time last year the receipts from stamps were $51,889. These figures show a gain of $6,818, 6r 11| per cent, which is most gratifying to Postmaster Rollins, for it means that the increase will be figured in the allowance of the postmas ter’s salary in the future. Asheville has a number of sani tariums and hospitals, but the latest institution of this kind to be talked of for this city is a branch sanitarium for the re nowned “Keeley institute” for the treatment of those addicted to the alcohol and morphine hab its. A representative of the Keeley institute of Greensboro was in the city last week looking for a building suitable for the es tablishment of an institution in Asheville, and it has been learned that he has secured a'" building suitable for the purpose and will shortly open up for business. The Keeley treatment is of well known fame and thc^sandsof ex patients cured of ‘I'Wit troubles vouch for its permanency. Ashe ville, with its excellent climatic conditions is well adapted for an institution of this kind, as pleas ant surroundings is one of the essential features of the Keeley treatment, so it is stated. The question of anew jail for Buncombe county has been set tled by the county commissioners and it has been decided to build a §40,000 jail on the lot on which stands the old jail, and to have it connected with the court house by a sub-way. '-It is understood that the commissioners will con vert the plot in the rear of the court house into a public park and have it enclosed with an iron fence. The ground around the court house will also be beauti fied. Your correspondent is in formed that since the Toxaway Hotel Co. has forfeited its right to operate the Sapphire resorts, that evidence is being taken in Atlanta by the Toxaway Hotel Company in the suit brought against it by its various credit ors. The Hotel Company, it is understoood, is fighting every inch of the ground, claiming that it is not subject to the laws in bankruptcy nor committed any act of bankruptcy. It is further stated that the Toxaway Com pany, owners of the hotels in the Sapphire Country, are pushing matters so that the claims can be settled and the hotels opened for this season's business. . L. R. D. APPAUCHIAN THOUGHTS. BY MRS. DORATHY M. R. GLEASON. The California grand jury might save time by simply enum erating the things for w’hich Ruef is not to be indicted and charge him w'ith everything left in one blanket bill. Thousands have pronounced Holl ister’s Rocky Mountain Tea the greatest healing power on earth. When medical science fails, it suc ceeds. Makes you well and keeps you well. 35 cents, Tea or Tabletb. Allison Drug Store, Brevard Drug Company. 1 Democratic Primary 1 S Notice is hereby given that a meeting of all = S Democrats of the Town of Brevard will be held at ^ S the Court House on Tuesday, April 16, at 4 o’clock S = p. m., for the purpose of nominating candidates for = S Mayor and Aldermen for the town. All Democrats = S are earnestly requested to attend this meeting. S S J. W. McMINN, ^ S Chairman Dem. Ex. Com. = The livelong day Marcello rode The mountain path that Dorathy showed, By glen and streamlet winded still Where stunted laurel hid the rill. They mig-ht not choose the lowland road For the heirs were all fibroad. Who, fired with hate and thirst of prey, Had scarcely failed to bar their way. Oft on the wandering heirs, from crown Of some tall clifT Marcello and Do rathy both looked down. On wing of jet, from his repose In the deep heath, the woodcock rose; Sprung from the laurel the timid deer Waited not for the hunter, near. Up the mountain-side our path began As old Dunn's Rock o’?r eyes did scan Standing out like a giant man. The shadow of the Tenessee Bald Fell across French Broad to Connes- tee falls. From the Double Springs down the northern way Big Bear Wallow creek goes splash ing away As Marcello and Dorathy sing their loveers’ lay. At present we are not living in a tower, But spending many a happy hour In our little log cabin in the lane. Spring has come with its Api-il showers, ’Midblossoms sweet anti laurel i)ovvei*ii. We do not dread to tell our ;ove Of husband and wife a d < lit Before our graced With rose and lillies tr- lu. .‘i Marcello R. Gleason .1- > t Our cabin here is nc*t ' v . ^ rude, With its cheerful fire ai* We welcome all to our 3own fri'm liis ttmi With cheerful voice rung; Soon by the chimney’s t Through our rude can], gaze To see wherein our nook rii.*'.!. The rafters of this soot\ r;»of Bears wealth of springtime cht*er. The Chicago News sugtrn^t Taft and Fairbanks as a hai liinny ticket. A sort of “streak o’lean and streak o’fat” pronosii lorj. “Pneumonill’s Dea