the above- itihe above r knowledge !. Cashier. me this 3rd iry Public. t .$124,257.77 f TraDsyl' the above- lit the above kuofv ledge E, Gaohier. ae, this 1st SXl Our County—Its Progress ard PmpmtyjiM tUsh^Buty of a Lo<ki^PiipePp-i Dxli J. J. .ii I ?.i 'OK Transyl^v^ iLodj^ Knights of Pythias ^ ,Respular. convention ■ 6r^2riiesdfl»y{Qigiit in' some HaU.— V i s i^ Knights are cordially in vited 16" att^ia:" Trir/wiimiiR’r c. tr METROPOLIS Of IMTEBEST TO MEWS REAPERS. urrCi’j® * • '»«:ii!- pA hours: ■ rDaily—7 a. m. to 10 p. m. LTiSunday—8 to 10 a. m., 4 to 6 p. m. fef 'm ^ • Central Office- -McMinn Block. ijjr ■ I .p n|; ProfeS^iiial wm>m m m m m'ikm-m m m m m m mm m m « W. B, DUCKWORTH. A:TTO RN E Y-AT-L A W. •f' .‘*T £t6oms 1 and~2, Pickelslmer Building^ ZACHARY &. BBX£S£ ii AtTO RN EYS-ATtLA W L‘ i p Offices in McMinn Block. Brevard. JN. C. , * t 4. CASH A GALLOWAY. LAWYERS. iWill practice in all the courts. •Rooms 9 and 10, McMinn Block. U K' I' D. L. ENQLISH , LAWYER Rooms 11 and 12 McMinn Block, BREVARD, N. C. -rtr iOMAS A. ALli, DENTIST. , N. C, (Bailey Block.) HENDERSONVILLE, - A ‘'tieautiful gold crown for $4.00 aod up. Plates of all kind ait, reasonable prices. " > . All work guaranteed;* satisfiictibn or DO pay. • Teeth extracted without pain. Will be glad to have you call-aiid inspect mv oflSces, work gnd p|ic«iii:' i*rhe ^thelwold Bjreva^d’s ,Ne\^" :H0teI4—Md($ernC A!ip- poiigtments-~ aU the y^ar ;■ Ti^e patronag-e of the travelin^r public as well as summer tourists is solicited. Opp. Court House, Brevard, N.C. HOTEL BEE / j ^' Cor. Main and |^Mwell Sts..j;=.| BREVAEDr isr <1^ Remodeled and newly furnished. Under manajrenaept of experienced hotel cateffer. :*! Central fo^itiqhf widej verandas, livery connected. The Best at reasonable rates. Write for particulars. ; . .; v ^ i„ : r r K^P-A-NrS Tubules. ' Dottofs find ' -~ A good:pre«cripjtipu - n; „ For mankind The 5-cent packet is enough tor usual occasions. The family bottle (60 cents) contains a supply >or a year,: AJX drugfilste ee.lJ th.ein; .■: .; ^ r; , From Our Begnilar Correspondeni. April 22d has been decided fpn as the day to move the United ’^tates,:Ji|terr)«J, Kevenue ofiice of %|,is dj^lrji^ to Slatesviile, N. -C. Ten clerks who have resided fcere for ye^^s will go from this city to Stat^- ville; the only one remaining-: 0f the pre^^nt C.-iB. Moore, who will act as a sta-fiip deputy in Asheville: - ' ' ' -• •; ; ’ Th^ people of Buiicomfcre cot^h- ty ha<ve for^y^rs. p^st taken afl- vantage of the leniency of Couiity Tax^ Collector Oh am b by s al lowing tax, assessments to stajod on the books of the county ugtil the time- should arrive ^ wHeti they .tiiid it a: matter of policy/,if not convenience, to pay them/ They iiow have at\"akened to tHe fact that things haive changed, and in fact some of them ha>te discovered that they do not owh as much property as tlie^ t?boi’ght^ihey:Jdi^; " Tix^ (^lect'(|r CSak m Wr I Has‘re peatedty gi vep notice ,1;o .delinquent tax pay^Vs CHat' h'^’’ Was going out of office shortly and that back taxes must be paid up at once or the proper ty would be advertised in the d^ly^^pei^ jpf thisiounty aiid the property would be sold, if they failed to comply with his re- q " -pt^ttipt s¥ttlament. Mr. Chambers did advertise tHib property but little heed was patd to ji^s: app^l for settlement df back taxes, so he enforced the law to jhe letter, by selling at the jC^urt hduse door, a large amount vi property ^n - whiph the taxes still remain unpaid. As a resujt- of Mr. Chambers close enforce^; meot of - t|^e,-law-; thei^: is^i-busy. ti&es now at? the "county tak col^ •. ..-.rv; t nr* •? *' ^ 4m. lector's office and money lon^ due the county and long w^ith*, held .from*-'its,, proper resting place'*'in ■‘tiiB ctJuhty treasury i'^ now rolling in in an astonishing man^&r, I; 4 ' C. L Hi: 6. DHiyLi^ CORRECT SURVEYS MADE Maps, Plots and i“< Only the fiiiesf^'Mj'ttstfed instrn- nients used. Absolut^ acejtunicy/t P. O. Brevard, iW. C.’ ^h^ re^iula?? term of the Unite^l^ Stat&§ Clrcuirald District courtv due to convene here in May, ha^ pqist^dned Jikht& ihe Ar^i Monday in June, by order c^- Judge - Pritchai^d actioi? was taken because both Judgi J^tchardl'ahd ^Judg'e ^Bdyd wiif; be, engaged in the ^ w^rk; of the^ Circuit Court of Appeals, to bfe helS heriB in May^^ahd therfe is no:; othei^ Judge^ayi^b^ aft’ ter the Circuit and District courl session for that month:- ' 1.^ V ' -Profes^r'E. P: Childs was iaj the city last^. week - toi^spect his new charged the Normal and Colli legiate Tnstltutft and to mdke ar^ rangements tq^assuna^e of that institution some time in June. Proft^^r Childs ^ilFsuc^ ceed; P^V/^Thomas Law^rence a^ principal of the schooL DrI * ATrn:. ti s:=?5 g» r La^j&^ce |^4|charge of the s&ooP S)P ^eSt^^ast, is^‘ r^jp^iy^dv^ in year^l Ij’&r^als "done Inuch toward th0^ advancement of education sinije" his^ strperttrteiadeney t)£- the Nw maj aqd.Cullt^iata In^i^ :He is' Vedbgnfeeti'" as^'brii^ pf^lbG fbi^ie- most educators of the ^uth. . It is learned that since he tendered his recognition, which 'wA^‘-i*e- ceived with - regretj^-.tbat^i- Dr. Lawr^nce has decided,tp r^j^ain in Asheville and make this csity^ions and such, his perma^tieht tesfd&^^ l)r. LawrenCe^s decisioti to rb'main'in Asheville has Vbcetved wiW much [gratilicati-on by; th^se ,Who know him‘, andhpid: him atfd his* work? in suich high rega^di ; - a ' The -Araericaii'-Ijiibr^ry ciation vvill^hold .a contention .‘in this-city May 28d- ^ -Judge J. ► Ol^ Pritchard, who is the pre&ident? of the Asheville Libi’^ry Associa tion , has yielded to the request of the executive board of-that body and.will make an address to the visiting delegates. , Judge Prich ard has w'ritten Governor Glenn asking make the .welcom ing addres^s^ , TWs convention, Isj of national imfJtprtan.ce^/and ;as. Governor Glenn is deepjy inter ested in educational work of all; kinds, the opinion is .expressed that the governor will accept the invitation to deliver the address of welcome. The Battery Park Hotel has established a new./autQ to meet all trains and convey patrons to and from the hoteland deppti The. Asheville,. Electric Company’s car, fur years known as '‘The Battery -Park Special,’^ has been done away with; ^ Police Captain Taylor and Pa trolman Adams captured" Ben Taylor, a negro, who had broken into a store ori North Main street iihd. who was discovered in the act of making his escape by two white men, GiVs'Garren and Earl Hall. The negro’s capture was effected only after an exciting chase of several blocks, but the of ficers demonstrated their sprint ing abilities by overhauling the fleeing negro in short order. Biltmore road was the scene of a runaway one day last week and W, Nettles, the • drive,r... a young .white man, was painfully but not seriously injured. Young Nettles had his wagon, loaded with slopv’and'when the horse ran away and the wagon upset he w^s not only hurt but well drenched With tHie swill. Coqn- Hands of the ^iia¥ijy CoiwiwiyjrTT The case of Mrs;' Susan H. Cretshaw VS; The Asheville Elec tric Co., which has been pending in- Buncb'mbe‘ courts for years,^ has’ at'last' been settled. "Mrs^' Crenshaw, who was run over~ bv ons of the icdmpany’s cars, lost both: of her. legs as the result of the aiccident,' atid- clainb^ dam ages^ ^ on’ the^rbunds of negli- getic^; btit the decision’ bf the conM ruTSd otHferwis^: Two negroes of this city fought a iduel with i^zors one day ’last week.' Th4 rules of "the fight were uniqiie,'is no cutting Was allowed’ above t^e belt. The result of the fuMou4 dnsJau'glii of the two cpni* batan ts is that they cut one an: other’into ribbons and both raen I-.-2 -'J ■■ ■ — are in a serious condition.. Both . .>w - n:. 4. '• ‘ ' negroes were arrest^,, “is-a cow li'aWe' to a fine for trespass?”' This is the latest "S'y r ^ • C*'«* ^ in B u n CO m bef^"' contt? Tfife^ co in question is alleg^S^tfenhaJ^e been ^%Te toeing ^ros.7' "'su5“ con t ractors for ‘tife ScMJ theif n and inSd^ ^ ihifcn u faidttSrW ^ ^bi'ca'nf6 e rn p ’ A biasV billed* *.‘Bossy^*^ ownerwaiit s his cbw or the etjuiValent in ccild American dollars. A s' “Bossy”' departM this life jr^ithdf Sudden ly, a.ijd as her eStat^ih^orisiSts of only -one striall {c6w)-bell"valued at^boif,t, 2^ cents^-Y%ndle Bros. C3»n ’ t colle,c t a, ftn e f r om J.' Bos s y ’ s ’ • estate, i[but •.*they claixd)' that: she ought: tQ be: lined (for getting in ithe way of the biast^ ahVmped- ing; jbhe w^rk ofi the employes of t,he contractors. The; owner of the. cowf clai ms that' ■ she—said cow ^*Bossy” (ftaoied such ' for convenience by the writer)—was playing in her own babk lot And w^s not courtingi, death in . the man n er- jclaim ed by;: the - defen dr antsiin th© snit. -The case is Still i n the air (and pr<ybably the’ cow) ■ if iany ‘‘Brevardites’' or “Tra.n- sylvariiaVtes’^* the city . of Asheviiiej and should be accosted on the’ street and'dragged off a captive by sbme unkhown'persdri reSem blin^ ‘ *Shii’lock'.Hoi mes”^ . rr I r r. i K-.'; .•■’.‘■J - ' 'i or some Other sleutjvdoh’t get - V ■ c ‘ i • * V » * J I * ? I - * ■ * * ' " excited and put u p,a think; in^ thafypu ,are ^ch ng, 4;q be rob-, bed or kidnapped, for, you have been mistaken-for the world fam: ed “Mysterious Mr. Raffles” who is "doink stunts ’ in this city for one • of ‘theVlopJ|.l^,’papers and .the people residiing in Asheville and “Greater”, Biltmpre afe..hQt :on the trail of,- this: elnslve gentl|3^ maa.,; on whose head there ■ is a reward of fifty dollars offered by' his employers^ ■ Mr J Raffles is not a thief' oK a fugitive from jastice, so don’t get offended if you are=tdken for the manj but take it asah’ honor, as he is slickest {or alleged slickest) e’vad - er of ■ capture in these proud United States, who hires out to Newspapers to evad^■ capture by. th.e readers of the various papers after his picture has been pub- -lished» etc.. . ; = L;; R. D. - “ Beware Of Oilitments for Catarrh that contain Mercury, as mercury willi^’ surely.idestroy the sense or smell , and completieij de- rauge the whole system ‘ when enter ing it tbrougl|. Ithe,mucoiis surfaces. ■SuclTi, articles,should eever be usefl except on. prescriptions from reputa ble physicians, < as the damage they \vill«.dq is tep fold to the gopd you can possibly derive ff?oin them. HalPs G^ttarrh Gure, manufiictured by F. J.[:<pHENEie><&; Co,v Toledo, Ov, contains no..mercury, and is taken in ternally,, ^ting; directly Mpon the blood and mucous surfaces of i the system. In buying llalls Catarrh Cure be siire yoa ^t the genuine. It is taken- internally and inade ih Toledo, Ohjo, by Fi:J./Cheney & Co. Testimonials free, i^jd by Drug gists. Pfice 75c per.bottle. Take n J'q| ypfet Friday contained the following bit of I |De\vs: which ^ interest the, people of Transylvania eounr- ty:' The Tpj^way JSotel.. Company will not""operate the hotels of the. Sapphire "Country this season as it. has for the past two summers, for the ri^asort ths^t it has lost i'fe’rights underi*^ the teti year'lease frohi’ tHe'* Toxaway ^athp^n^,^bWners of* tli^ 'hotels. ‘ T Ins^ad -it will have to meet.the clairns of; the Toxaway Qompasiy for rent dne, whicll is secaared -hy; it bond: ,;of $60,00© as well tis contest' with credito?:^, who are now urging ^ that it rbe placed in hangup toy lo calise of the^failiire to pay them the $l5,0p0/qr more they claim for.' goods fnrnishied last season, the. hearing . in whic^ proceeding- wiU he fe^^ in Atlanta ou, the. te^th .wlien the company will Seek to show that while it owes the debts it. is not liable to the bankrupt laws’ - operation ^ ^ ^ r The original ToSawayi Company^" at: corporation of great ^reso nrces\> will itself operate' the v hotels thiS' season with a high. , class manager/ ai^ the beautiful Toxaway Inn, ott'. L^e Toxaway, the Fairfield^Imf;^ the cottage ,at S^pphire^ th^ ^ Lodsre on Mt. Toxaway, and the Franklin at,.Brevard will opened in thp early simimer. ^ ^ ... These statements made on good ^ authority will he of more than or>.. dinary . interests to^the people of , the state as well, as the thousands who go each summer to the Sap-, Lphire Country, and . will also.jpQ-., casion surprise as it was the ex- pecta^tion that the hotel company would raise money to meet the :claims of creditors and operate the hotels,^ especially in view of the fact that tibe ? lease at $30,000 per year with eight years yet to run 'was considered : a valuable asset and still more for the reason that the company had given a bond for $60,000 to pay all rents and dama ges arising from failure to pay. Blumenthal and Bickert, largt^ whiskey dealers of Atlanta are on the bond, it is stated. They have b^n furnishing the liquors for the" “dispensary’’ which the Legislature allowed the Toxaway Inn to ope- rate for its guests only, liquor be-.. ing sold in ‘ package only;. In prac tical operation there was np^ differ- ,^ ehce since bottles were pro’saded holding but one drink and the at- . tendants did the rest. ... . . J J ". t-i Necessarily gr^t embarrasMnenjb. has resulted to the Toxaway Com pany (hot the liotel company) by,, reason of the ho tel' company’s not relinquishing" the hotels sooner since comparatively little time is left in.which to organize hotel man agements for the several hotels. ir? Hall’s Faririly’Pills’ for constipation. So far,Senator: Poraker -has not laid the-;,blame =on^ the-Presi dent for the Ghio floods^; = Thou^rids haive pronounced. Holl- isteris' jRocky Mountain Tea the great^i lieaUng power oil earth. Wheb m^.fcai science fails, jt suc- c«ed^.^, k^ps you weir. ^ c^hts. Tea or Tahteti. Ailisbh Drug Store; Brevai^ D^g law be ♦‘Pneiimouia’s Deadly Work had so sbriotisly affected my ';riglit ■ lung,” ’writ(is Mrs. .^hni6 Cdniiorj of Rural‘Route 1, Georgetown, Tend., " “that I coughed continuously night' and day and the neighbors' predic- ^ tiort-^ohsumption^eem<id incvi- 1 . t * table, until my husband, brought home a of Dt*. King’s New' Discovery, which in inv case i>roVed 1 to be the only re^l cough cure and re- . storef of weak, sore lungs.^’ ‘ When ^ all 6ther remedies fail, yoy may still win in the battle against lung and ^ throat troubled With New Discovery, "' IJie real cuPiji' Guaranteed by T: Bp AUii^n ‘ ddaggist^ . 50e and * , Trial bottle free. Allison If s,* >if 3 'X'iTi) . . -

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