{ / STLYAN VALLEY NEWS DRUGS! DRUGS! And Pure Drugs Mt prices as cheap', if not cheaper, than any place in ^orth Carolina. Come and see us. ^ Brevard Drttg Co., or Pickelsimer Bldg. ^ T. B. ALLISON, Cor. Main and Broad. LBOAL PAIGRIPHS. be Glover’s Photo Gallery will open next Monday. See ad. . Mrs. F. L. DeVane is visiting her father in Statesville this week. The Jr.ne Delineator is on our table, and as usual is filled with in teresting matter for the ladies. Ml*, and Mrs Vanderbilt made a visit to the Pink Beds in automobiles this week and found the roads fairly good. We are glad to state that Mrs. J. W. McMinn is at home again and iri able to be up and, about after her recent iJiness, The Skating Rink will occnpy ad simce in the News during the sea son. Watch it for announcement of special features. Mtij. W. E. Breese started yester day to Lawrence co. to audit the ac’cts oj two large corporations thpre and devise a new cost-accounting system for one of them. Rev. Tnrner Briggs of Candler will preach at Hamlin’s Rock Pile, near the residence of Judson Corn, on Sunday, May 26, at 11 o’clock. Subject, “Prayer.” Don’t forget “The Old Maids’ Convention” at Little River Baj)- tist church next Saturday night. This entertainment is given for the benefit of the church. Let every tody come. Admission 10c. " We resp»?ctfnlly call the attention of the Road Supervisors to the wretched condition of the road from ’\Vils<)n’s bridge dow’n the river to the extract plant, it should be work ed at once. It is reported that some peculiar kind of black worm is prevalent in parts of our county, on the Tener place they are very numerous and are eating up all the grass and other vegetation. What are they? The man> visitors fron nearby towns were pleasantly surprised and impressed with the Fraternity Build ing and it was the universal opinion that few towns in the state have so nice a lodge room as has Brevard. Will Aiken, v/ho is almost one of “our folks,” vras a member of the band which furnished music for the K. of P’s Tuesday night. It was a real pleasure to see him among our people shaking hands vrith old fiiends. If it is expected that our people should attend the Baptist church the town authorities must build siidewalk crossings at the corner of Broad and Jordan streets. After a shower it is an heroic undertaljiing to cross either of these streets with out a boat. Mr. Mets, who is Superinlendant of Railway Mail Clerks, was in tow’n the first of the week and stated that our new postoffice was the best in any town ot this size in his territory and was a credit to the community and to the postmaster. AA e understand that Mrs. Alexander wife of the lessee of Toxaway Inn aind of The Franklin, is to be in personal charge of The Franklin this summer. It is fortunate that sucJi a very capable and experienced hotel manager as is Mrs. Alexander will run Thfi Franklin, for she is known to the public as one who con ducts a hotel most satisfactorily to the guests. ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller went to Asheville Wednesday for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Silverstein came down from Rosman to attend the Pythian house-warming Tuesday night. Several invitations have been re ceived by Brevardites to attend the opening ball at the Atlantic Hotel at Morehead, which is under the management of the genial Frank P. Morton. A certified copy of the Transylva nia road law is published this week on pages 1 and 8 of the News. Those who are interested should preserve this issue for future ref erence. Mr. Jennings left on Monday for Fairfield to prepare for opening Fairfield Inn. The hotel will be in charge of Mr. Stamps, Vv^ho is a ho tel man of rich experience and has a large circle of friends among the traveling public. We predict a suc cessful season for this charming hostelry. The News force is this week struggling with the annual cata logue of Brevard Institu^\ It will make a pamphlet of nearly 40 pages, and is quite an undertaking for a country print shop. If our part of the job is done creditably it Vv'ill be a nice advertisement for this popular home school for girls. Tell Brovrn, eldest son of W, A. Brown, and Miss Corrie Hogsed were married last Sunday at the home of the bride’s j)arents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hogsed, in Dunns Rock township. Both the contract ing parties have many friends in the county who will be pleased to hear of the hapj)y event. The New^s extends congratulations. 'We saw one of the Asheville band members make an effort to view the new graded school building Wednesday morning. At the cor ner of Broad and Jordan streets he turned back—there was not sutfi- cient attraction to overcome the repulsiveness of the muddy cross ing, Our street overseer should remedy this condition. If nothing more can be done at present a few loads of gravel would help amaz ingly. E. Augustus Glazener and Miss Nannie Whitmire, both of Rosman, were married Wednesday morning at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. Zeb. Burrell, on Depot street. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Wm. P. Chedeater.^ The hap py bride and groom left on the morning train, and after an ex tended bridal tour will return to their home at Rosman. The friends of the newly married couple wish them every rich blessing and much happiness and true success. The Rev. Mr. Chapman will offi ciate at St. Philips on Whit Sun day, May 19th. Morning prayer, holy communion and sermon at 11. Subject, ‘ The Quickening Spirit.” The Junior Auxiliary will hold their missionary meeting at 4—sub ject, “A Flower of the Spirit.’.’ Service on Whit Monday at 4:45. Service on Whit Tuesday at 4:45. Evening prayer with address on Friday at 4:45. The Right Rev: Junius M. Horner, D. D., will visit St. Philips on the first Sunday in June. Holy commnnion with ser mon by the Bishop at 11. Evening prayer with sermon by the Bishop at 5 o’clock. Another good democrat arrived in Brevard last Saturday—namely a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Galloway. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Duckworth have returned from a two weeks visit to the Ja mestown Exposition* Mr* Duckworth says the exhibits are fine and that the trip is well worth the price thereof. Life sometimes produces queer vicissitudes. We casually got into conversation with a member of the band which furnished music for the Pythians Tuesday, and a refer ence to “fishing” brought out the fact that he was raised at Garrett, Ind. When we mentioned that he mig^t possibly know our brother, E. W. Miner, who was in the news- imper business in that town some years ago, he replied: “What, Coxey Miner your brother? I know him very well. ’ ’ So the casual chat became something like the visit of an old friend. The band member to whom we refer was O. E. Voglis. Business Locals. T. M. Mitchell. Phone 60 for coal. . Doyle has nitrate of Soda. Lawn fence (fine).—Doyle. Aci(3 $1.75 Guano 5'2.45.—Doyle. A car of hay just in at T. D. Eng land. Monogram Vinegar, Sour and Sweet Pickles.—Jenkins & Bro. Best Jelico lump coar $5.50 per ton.—Brevard Li£ht & Power Co. tf Some extra nice Preserves, Jelly and Apple Butter at Jenkins &. Bro. New hats, flowers and ribbons just arrived at Mrs. J. Nortons this weefe. ^ Fresh Bread, Candies, Potatoes, Sodo Water, Bananas etc,at Puett’s Fruit Stand. Fresh fish. Strawberries and light bread Friday evening at Duckworth & Henryks market. Do you want something extra nice in coffee? If so try a can of White House.—Jenkins & Bro. Wanted—20 men for general work. Good wages—^apj)ly to Tox away Tannery, Rosman, N. C. tf See me w^hen in need of Watch, Clock and Jewelry repairing. Phon ographs and Records.—C. B. McFee, opp. court House. Fo]* Rent—Nine room house on Broad street with all modern con- veniences—Thos. L. W^alters. Ap ply to D. L. English, atty. tf Mr. Pinckney Sylyerter King, bet ter known as “Laughing Sallie,’' is behind the counter at T. D. Eng land’s and would be glad to see his many friends. Pressing Club Rates—Monday to Friday Night (1 to 3 suits per week) $1.50 per month. Your work solicit ed. Opposite McMinn House Main Street Phone 44.—Ed Flack. if. For Rent—6-room furnished house, orchard, milk cow, garden, etc. Nice location on R. F. D. route, beautiful scenery, good roads and exceptionally good neighbor hood ; $20 per month for the sum mer. Address News, Brevard, N C When your food has not been prop erly digested the entire system is impaired in the same proportion. Your stomach needs help. Kodol for Indigestion and Dyspepsia not only digests what you eat, it tones the stomach and adds strength to the whole body. Makes rich, pure blood. Kodol conforms to the National Pure Food and Drug Lavy. Sold by Bre vard Drug Co. No one has suggested that Mr. Foraker no"Uiinate Mr. Roosevelt. When your back aches it is al^st invariably an indication that some thing is wrong with your kidneys. Weak, diseased kidneys frequently cause a break down of the entire system. Dewitt»s Kidney and Blad der Pills afford prompt relief for weak kidneys, backache, inflamation of the bladder and all urinary troubles. Soldljy Brevard Drug Co. Lownejf’s Chocolate Bonbons / f y ■ ■ ^ " ■ » »' ■ We have just received a shipment of this poptilar Candy in bulk, which we are going to sell at a popular price* % ONLY 40c PER POUND MITCHELL The Grocer Cash Reserve Every big business—even the Unithd States government itself—carries a Cash Reserve. Each individual needs one just as much. But yo\i say, “It takes all my income to live,’’ or ‘‘I cannot spare any money from my business.’’ Both these arguments are fallacies. There are men with twice your income who say the same, and those with half your income who do save. You can save if you will. Open an account with us and it will help you. 4^ 'Ee Peojile’s Bank 4 BREVARD. N. C. T. T. PATTON, Pres. W. P. WHITMIRE, Cashier WEILT’S Spot Cash Store THE STORE OF FAIR DEAIIM The Quiet Argument of without any bombast or bluster. % We are doing the biggest ^spring business in our history just through the quiet argument of Excellence furnished by the goods themselves* . Our stock this spring is brimful of features that ladies and gentlemen of discernment are quick to ap preciate* * The styles are fine, the variety large and prices so reasonable and splendidly attractive. By all means put Weilt^s Spot Cash Store on your shopping list, where you will-always find a variety of endless bargains* Yours for fair dealing, WIVI. p. WEILT BREVARD, N. 0.