Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. j. J. MINER, Manager. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY. AUGUST 9,1907 VOL. XII-NO. 32 TRANSYLVANIA LODGE ^ No. 143, K. of P. Meets Tuesday evenings 8.30., Castle Hall, Fra- ternity building. A hearty welcome for visitors at all times. R. L. pASH, C. C. Brevard Telephone Exchange. hours: Daily—7 a. m. to 10 p. m. Sunday—8 to 10 a. m., 4 to 6 p. m. Central Office—McMinn Block. Professional Cards. W. B. DUCKWORTH. atto r n ey-at-l a w. Rooms 1 and 2, Pickelsimer Building. GASH GALLOWAY. LAWYERS. Will practice in all the courts. Rooms 9 and 10, McMinn Block. D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER Rooms 11 and 12 McMinn Block, BREVARD, N. C. THOMAS A. ALLEN, Jr., DENTIST. (Bailey Block.) HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. A beautiful gold crown for $4.00 and up. Plates of all kind at reasonable prices. All work guaranteed; satisfaction or no pay. Teeth extracted without pain. Will be glad to have you call and inspect tny offices, work and prices. The ^thelwold Brevard’s New Hotel—Modern Ap pointments—Open all the year The patronage of the traveling public as well as summer tourists is solicited. 0pp. Court House, Brevard, N.C. R-I-P-A-X-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 5-cent packet is enough lor usual occasions. The family bottle (60 cents) contains a supply ! or a year. All druggists sell them. H. G. BAILEY, G. E. CORRECT SURVEYS MADE Maps, Plots and Profiles Plotted. Only the finest adjusted instrn- nients used. Absolute accuracy. P. O. Brevard,'N. C. RICHMOND VIRGINIA UNIVERSin COLLEGE OF MEDICINE j STUART McGuire, m. p , PREstorNT. j This College conforms to the Standards I , fixed by law for Medicr.l Education. Send for | I Bulletin No. 11, which tells about it. Three free catalogues—Specify Department, MEDICINE - DENTISTRY - PHARMACY! B Oldest in the State. Busi ness, Shorthand, Typewri- tlug, Fe n m a 11K h i p, and English courses. graduates In positions. Half or more of your rail road fare paid. Vlouty o/ good board at 12,50to83.50 per week. So T*cstlon* Enter any time. Special course by mail if you aak font. Selica Items. Left over from last lueelc. Editor Sylvan Valley News: Mrs. Jim Mull of Selica Sjpent Tuesday evening with her daughter Mrs. Sharp. Miss Sallie Osteen of Selica was visiting Miss Minnie Johnson Tues day afternoon. Prof. T. P. Briggs of Candler N. C., is visiting R. A. Johnson and family this week. J. R. Tinsley and family made a trip to Brevard last week. Wasn’t you all glad to see them. John and Luther Waldrop made a flying trip to lake Toxaway last Wednesday and report a nice time. Misses Minnie Johnson and Ada Fenwicke and Messrs E. D. Jones and Harkless Barton went to Lake Toxaway last Sunday and had an enjoyable time. Adger Johnson is preparing to enter Mars Hill college. He has confessed his call to the ministry and goes there to better prepare himself for the great work. He has our prayers and sympathy. The Bryson girls and Mrs. Fen wicke have a skating rink at Selica station. The skates are good ma- t^ricil, they are made of tanbark They have a free ride every Satur day afternoon. All are invited to come. B. D. Pink Bed News. In “'Hie Land of the Sky.” 2ose of the farmers insti tute is to discuss just such ques- tios relating to corn culture and similar questions about all other crops and farming operations. If the farmers of the county will come out and discuss such questions with a view of increasing their knowl edge and improving their farming this institute may be of untold val ue to the county. Don’t think every man who carries a camera is a Japanese spy. A member of the British Parli- ment cannot resign. A member of the U. S. Congress can, but he never does. $100 Keward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that tiiere is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a consticutional dis ease, requires a constitutional treat ment. HalFs Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foun dation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. Tlie proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer one hundred dollars for any case that it fails to cure.- Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. Cheney & Co , Toledo, O Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Famfly Pills for eon- stipation. Colonel Watterson thinks that the Constitution e.overs the ills of the time like a blanket. Never theless, it has holes enough in it, for the mosqjaitoes to get through. “We never repent of eating too lit tle,” was one of the ten rules of life of Thomas Jefferson, president of the United States, and the rule applies to every one without exception during this hot weather, because it is hard for food even in small quantities, to be digested when the blood is at hia:h temperature. At this season we should eat sparingly and proper ly. We should also help the stom ach as much as possible by the use of a little Kodol For Indigestion and Dyspepsia, which will rest the stom ach by digesting the food itself. Sold by Brevard Drug Co.