Our County--^It8 Progress and Prosperity First Duty of a Local Paper. j. J. MIITER, Manager. TRANSYLVANIA LODGE No. 143, K. of P. Meets Tuesday evenings 8.30., Castle Hall, Fra ternity building. A hearty welcome for visitors at all times. R. L. GASH, C. C. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. N. C., FRIDAY. AUGUST 80,1907 VOL. III-NO. 35 Brenrd Telephone Exchange. hours: Daily—7 a. m. to 10 p. m. Sunday—8 to 10 a. m., 4 to 6 p. m. Central Office—McMinn Block. ProfesMonal Cords. \ W. B. DUCKWOB.TH, ATTO RN EY-AT-L A W. Rooms 1 and 2, Pickelalmer Building. gash GALLOWAY LAWYERS. Will practice in all the courts.^ Rooms 9 and 10. McMInn Block. D. L. ENGLISH lawyer Rooms 11 and 12 McMinn Block, BREVARD, N. C THOMAS A. AUEN, Jr., DENTIST. (Bailey Block.) • HENDERSONVILLE, - A beautiful gold crown for $4.00 Pla£» of all kind at reasonable ^ All work guaranteed; satisfaction or DO PAY* Teeth extracted without pain. Will be glad to have you call and inspect my offices, work and prices. The Mthelwold Brevard’s New Hotel—Modern Ap pointments—Open all the year The patronage of the traveling public as well as summer tourists is solicited. Opp. Court House, Brevard, N.C. R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind for a year. All druggists sell them. H. G. BAILEY, C. E. CORRECT SURVEYS MADE Maps, Plots and Profiles Plotted. V Only tlie finest adjusted instru- ments used. Absolute accuracy. P. O. Brevard,>N. C. GOOD ROADS INSTITUTES. What Mr. Crawford Has to Soy Con- cerning Letter Fron^Mr. Pen- nypadcer. ^ Ekiitor News: 1 enclose here with a letter from the director of public roads, agricultural depart ment of the United States. It will be seen that the department proposes to send an expert road builder to this district, and that he will deliver an address in each county on the subject of road building and the value of good roads. I had hoped to induce the department to bring road ma chinery and construct sections of road according to approved metb> ods in different communities of the district as an object lesson. We can hardly hope for it this fall, but I feel sure that it will be done in the near future, if the people desire it. Practical les* sons in road building of the char acter the government gives would be of great value to thoge who are interested in better roads. Transportation, by rail and the public highway, is one of the absorbing questions before the people throughout the coun try. It vitally touches all, in an economic sense, producer and consumer alike. I sincerely hope that the peo ple will avail themselves of this easy opportunity to hear a mas ter of the subject discuss the dif ferent’ phases of public road building. When the details have been arranged, due notice will be given of the appointments. Very respectfully, W. T. Crawford. Aug. 12, 1907. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE STUART McGUiRC, M. D*, PwcaiPgNT. TMm College conformt to the Standards fixed by law for Medical Education. Send for Bulletin No. 11, which tells about it. Three free cstiUogueM—Spedty Deparimeat, MEDICmt-DENTISTRY “FHARIWACY In “The Land at the Sky.** M«ar the Bappklre Qeontsy. OtdMt in the State. Bn«l- neM, Shorthand, Typewr^ ting, Penman8hlp,a*d English courBea. 1800 nuauatefl In positions Half or more of yx)ur rail road fare paid. ^len^of good board at W-W to •S.W per week. No vacatlo^ I^ter any time. Specie coarse mail If yoa a»k for It. PrinelpaL ABUnUB|V*0» United States Department of Agriculture, OMce of Public Roads. Washington, D. C. Aug. 8, 1907. Hon. W. T. Crawford, Waynesville, North Carolina: bear Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of August 6, enclosing, .letter from the acting secretary of agri culture, relative to a proposed lec ture tour of your district. We can arrange for one meeting in each of the thirteen counties in your district as you requested, pro vided the tour begins after Septem ber 19. In regard to the construc tion feature of our work, it might be possible for us to undertake something of this character in sand clay or gravel roads this year, but I am afraid the season is too far advanced for us to give you much encouragement as to our co-opera tion in the building of macadam roads. All of our road building machin ery is now in use, and will proba bly not be available before the be- ^^nTiTTig of the ^Vinter season. How- ever, the exi:>ert from this office can explain the whole plan of co operation, thoroughly, during the lecture tour and can, at the same time, ascertain the most suitable time and places for road construc tion, and ‘we can then determine to better advantage what course to pursue. Very respectfully, J. E. Pbnnypacker. Acting Director. * * * In a private letter Hon. W. T. Cra-wford says: • “I am trying to get'the T>»nartment to send an ex- pert on agriculture*ilong -witli tne road expert. I wiU send out de tails in posters in a few days. Will appreciate it if you will keep it be fore the people so.'.that we may have a good crowd at the meeting. I hope to be present.** $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science hss been able to cure in all its stages, ^nd that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only positive <*ure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis ease, requires a constitutional treat ment. ball’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous aurfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foun dation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building constitution and assisting In doing its work. The propi^ore have so much Calth in its curfittive powers that they offer one hundred dollars for any case tbat it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take HalPs Family Pills for con stipation. Still They Drink It. shudder at the taste of whisky,” laid a man to his friend. "‘I dislike it. t don’t know why it Is I ever drink ft.” The other slapped hts hand on his kne«. “I am glad to hear you say that/* he cried. “If most men would tell the honest truth they would say that they disliked the taste of it, too, and shud dered at it” ‘‘What a lot of shurld«ring the men l)e doing all ov«p New York,” re marked the woman who sat quietly listening.—New York Press. ’ SUNDAY SCHOOL MASS MEETING. Supplementary to the morning exercises in the new. Baptist church, there will be a Sunday school mass meeting at 3 o’clock p. m. on the same day, Sunday, September 1, prox. The following is suggested as the line of talks: “What shall we do with the Sun day school?”—C. Henderson. “The Mission of^ the Sunday school; whence, what, to whom.” —^Ex-Pastor Newtouv Promiscuous talks by the pastor, and Bros. Gallamore, Whitmire Osborne, Faulkner and -visitors. Good music prepared by Mrs. Elsom and Miss Gallamore will in tersperse the talks. All are| in vited. P. G. Elsom, Pastor. J. M. Hamlin, Supt. ,‘We never repent'of eating too lit tle,” was one of the ten rules of life of Thomas Jefferson, president of the United States, and the rule applies to every one without exception during this hot weather, because it is hard for food even in smalljquantitles, to be digested when the* blood is at high temperature. At this season w e should eat sparingly and proper ly. We should also help the stom ach as much as possible by the use of a little Kodol For Indigestion and Dyspepsia, which will rest the stom ach by digesting the food itself. Sold by Brevard Drug Co. — The subscription price of the News will be increased to ^1.25 per 'year after January 1- All who pay in advance before that date "will get the paper at present price. The in creased cost of everything connect ed with the printing business makes this step necessary. tf “Kegular as the Sun” is an expression as old as the race. No dobt the rising and setting of the sun is the most regular performance in the universe, unless it is the action of the liver and bowels when regu lated with Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Guaranteed by T. B. Allison druggist. 25c. BREVARD INSTITUTE A Training School for Boys and Girls Various Departments Experienced instructors Low Expenses DEPARTMENTS: Graded SchooL—Primary School, Elementary School, Grammar School, High School. Business School.—^Business Arith metic, Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting. Music School.—Piano, Voice. Industrial SchooL—Domestic Sci ence, Drebsmaking, Millinery, Carpentry. Bible School.—Chapel Talks, Bi ble Classes, Mission Study, Chris tian Association Work. Special attention is called to the course in Carj)entry for boys of ]ffigh School grade. Other industrial classes for boys will be organissed if justified by the demand. For catalogue or other information address, 0. H. TROWBRIDGE, A.M., Principal BREVARD, N. C. Art and Souvei^ Goods Post Cards and Views Novelties and Fancy Articles \ Stamped and Finished Goods ]Pi?esli Caiid.ies We have the special agency for SCADIN’S HAND-PAtNTED PHOTO SKETCHED These make beautiful souvenirs for people who appreciate ARTISTIC PICTURES A fine line of Combs and Barrettes, Leather Goods, Souvenir Spoons. Souvenir Post Cards. Brevard Pins and Fobs. Your patronage is solicted. M. WAVE LONG, Art Parlors THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industiial College tt^gular CourM9M trading to of BtteHotor of Pmdtigogjf* Bmchotor of J§rtM, Bachoior of Selonco, and a now coureo touding to tHo dogroo of Baehmtor of Muele. . Board, laundry, tuition, and fees for use of text books, etc., $170 a year. For free-tuition students, $125. The Mormal Department gives thorough instruction in the subjects taught in the schools and colleges, and special pedagogical training for the profession of teaching. Teachers ana Graduates of other colleges are offered a one-year special course in Pedagogy and allied subjects. The Commercial Depfirtment Offers practical instruction in Sten ography, Tvpewriting, Book-keeping and other business subjects. •J'fie Departments of Manual Jtrts and Domestic Science provide instruction in Manual Training and in such subjects as relate directly to the home and family. * The Music Department, m addition to the degree course, offers a cer tificate course in vocal and instrumental music. To secure board in the dormitories, all free-tuition applications should be made before July 15. The fall term opens September 18, 1907. Fortjatalogue and other information, address, J. I. FOUST, President, Greensboro, N. C, UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. I789“’I907 Head of the State’s Educetional System. departments CoUege Engineering Graduate Law Medidne Pharmacy Library contains 45,000 volumes. N^ew water works, electric lights, cen tral heating system. New dormito ries, gymnasium, Y. M. C. A. build ing, library. 732 StudenU 74 In Faculty The Fall term begins Sept. 9,1907. Address FRANCIS P. VENABLE, Pres. CHAPEL HILL. K. C. College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts Practical education in Agri culture; in Civilt Electrical^and Mecnanical Engineering; in Cotton Manufacturings Dyeing and Industrial Chemistry* Tui tion $45 a year; Board $10 a month* 120 Scholarships* Address PRESIDENT WINSTON, West Rakiiiib, N. C.