f ^ ■ i»i^ iSi'A ^ ^ s3 I ?•%! s ^ fe-s,& s « S I \ i .; i:. i nuoH . rivvv ^Wi^Qwuty^lts^Progress, and Prosperity the First mty ^f A — :.... ,...■-. -.. ,. . ^ . ■ ^ : ^. : ■ £s a • i i?g S * a stf vS: a ••5 *•5 .^v «•:• :•:<• s J. J. MJJS'Egi JVl^p^ger.- r.t TT SiH orjO MJprAp, mpSYLTANIA f=f . K,-Co FEIDAI. SEPTEMBER, 6.1907 3S«^' VOL. Xll-m 36 ■■iirjTjrv TRANSYLVANIA 40D6E No. 14J;4CvWP4 Meets^ijiesday 8.g0:fP^stle --ter nity.-bull Aunt Sally’s Peddler. t. Newspaper, P’ndi^a! ,.»K AV>K-. Tb 4f» R^L. GASH, C. C. ^ ■ ''~~^,'gff;7— Brevard Telephone Exchange. Daily—7 a. m. to"^0 ' Sunday—8 to 10 a. m., 4 to 6 p. m. Central Office—McMinn Block. =5? rTs: QiHi . . w. B. DUCKWOR.TH, ': r:,'‘ -'1 '■'■(.•'►•'iCf tr; r. ATt’o RN'EY-At'-LA'W." ■ ' Rooms 1 and 2, Pickelsimer goods she looked him in the facfe. in- V;ff4!Uj-^r^ told* e day a peddler camefe'1^ whom oked in the face and s^3: are the only houestJt)ieddler 1 have seen in ten years. YoijJ ^n bflns' me in^ix wilk pajfts-” : ‘ know "iP^t I'fim man, .-pondering if .she was making game of >]f|jQi. „'V “By your looks.” Ajl .vlin ^^Ij^dlerfe Uuj" yieepskiua. Aunt*^ally' liifd one uailedSL|b on the GASH’(® ft ■•tAWi^EFS.-'TS'jc-i'j Will practice in all the courts. Rooms 9 and 10, McMinn Block .J?w:ui4pof^.au4 of .-iphaffering “albbut‘{lie price slie Weiil oirt:io get^'ltT th,e ^ajfi pn-^e piai'^.i(. When- slTe ^eturned'th^ exchange wa’s effected ^and tJUe j)eddlw departe^. thanked fVf ‘c6inf)iimel&ts i^iid confi- , D. L. ENQUSH LAWYER ftbbms iran¥-i2 MtWiini Blo^) BREVARD. N. C w T‘ 0‘V' 't (.^ailey Block.) HENbERSOTNVILLE, ^ iBe^titul gt)ld crowrr for $4.00 and up- prices All work guaranteed; satisfaction or iK> Teethr ex^'act • %ill j)e aM ^ r j: ^ A.inJc. l^in re yOu^ c orkj^ii a^d ^ A hearty welcome for - c>uii> >varuer w'as a pliysio.s^o* J- Mjjtet.-* - a -ped^tep - ©S-ewd •• hisr ruction until aboyi^-r suiido^s. Thjea &M’-lSali:y^dl^o'v^red that ^flverware, cutlery and other things weift. missing. "ItA;, Iiad^ntakeii- MeY llbdut f^0en lufn-- utes to get tke sheepskin, ddjgng ^vil^Gh l?fiiie!:‘lhe "pediil^t- WiLs: alG^|‘ on the piazza. She figured it out l^'^her'owil mind thatelse" Ci5iild &ve taken the stuff, and she vowed t;j^ &ave. him. pursued to the ends of the c,i^th. ei:l^eles^,.^h£u the Ujred a^’e^d to;-:a|d said'’ i|\was f cr straight ' ca^ sB'6 ibtf^tled lip rei>.i%d: • •' “Jim Davis, you are a fo(Jl! That peddler*never took ’em. I’ll fi^ager'my |£&me;,Que. must have climbed into a wtodow and' '* K ”* • li ■• • ' Tobbdd. thSa.liause.’Jr'C/’tx,^ ^'l:. '^he~gc>t ap \vfth a-smile on her face and a song HI. hep he^, but that benign state didn’t last long. First ’^caim’e a; coastatile --with; thenews that he had TQCoxex^ the. plunder^ ^ 11 had b%eii fpj^d in 4!ie hay mow .of the fa'riher’s barn wlier^ tEe 'petldfer had lodged t&e rfgiit the ^ robbery, ■ 'Was followed by. a mee „ jgep.from :the. - Jijsti^e- of^;tlae peace., that th^^honest^ P<^d4er hq.d maUe a .confession. third partjf called ‘10" announce that^*‘^ priso^r with" hOTW stfealte^ fih^rodged la jati the before., b^d ^ file^ off the bftrs of hiiS oell a^d regain ed .his liberty,leavlj^ the. .gl<^s ^.behind. •[irfiere^ .was oiie more“ iihiubffncei^ffih^;^.^ it? '‘^nie' fi’om"'^lni'' BaVI'sv liredr- mail. He had beW down tb'Ifee Ws- ture:to,;salt'*thefind .caine’ bacfi^'^ to exclaim.':,... “Aunt Saiiy, ome oiie stole out^bay^;. hoi’se during last night!'’It'*^« pr©b- ablj^ ittte; felto;^ ^ ' YMS^'her bedrooiii A JU illU'ii €^J W. ’J^X i. Ji \ ^ V./ «ik. Jh V/* ^ A Training School for Boys and Girls ' I I / C-f _£lx>eri§n^d Inslnfectdi^ « , li^w Expenses DEPARTMBNTSt - and ,sat-j(jswft,,for.,Ait hphr'to fhink", thiiigs^over. 'Xt"tltfe’^d" of^ that time- sb6 rose up and-saldfto herself: , - “I^itl nfever give nt> that l ivas wrong, but I guiffss ri!-devote more time.tb ©e^ving carpet raga- and putting up pickled, peaches after thisT/?;^ . Sad. ■Si s The hired man smiled pityiligly ana pmtW‘’W-sitEfetei*a4;i<«*4S^^ further without a hint to Aunt Sally, he set a country -e#»8te.ble-tia,Uv—iwes4;^--aid»niH:Sp^ without a word to him, the widow went The Mtffebs&M v<» Hotel—Modern A.p- ic Brevard’s New pointments—Open^all the y^J' *' ^He %atrbhapoftlf^"^ra^eHtit^«bl as well as summer tourists id solicited Opp. GdnH%b^‘iis^, Brevard, N.C. ■ A A>g;‘ood:pi^scriptioii _ jnankind ’ry.cxK r>Ant r^aoket Is enough lor usual occasions. tfom-yeaT. All iHi Gii BWlEYi i(ki,E« * CORRECT SWVEVSWftOE Plots Profiles Plotted. '•• -, -■; ■ ^ c, -. i.X,- \ ^ u • j ^ V’"\ S5\ Otiiy^tiie finest adjusted instru- inieiits jused.v F. C. ERStTir GOLL^ mmi about Sp^ify Dep TB»-PH ^ ’i # 4" ^ ^ P'W prdsecuti'ng at^orney'^agree'd'^’^nth The hired man. They pointed out the fact 3th^t it-'W'0ttl(|;; hayC T)een- uttefL-lj^ im^ \J-t)Gtesiblei fsr. ajjy^ one else-'to icoknmit the crime. In her heart she thought so, too, but her-rei>utation as a physi ognomist and she turned on them witEi -t *‘You are a -coupl^ of idiots to talk as you do. The^ pedxller is as innocent as a babe. ‘ you want to do is to look fqr.Ji'iSeette man with a straigji^; lio^e ;^n<i 4 we^^^phin.” Tliey look^ed ioT the pi^^ler instead, and they f6und iii&i/ He was brought back ill tear^ Th^iir goods on him, but a&oij^;confessed to^ erime. He wott^^ quite but fo-r Annt r.^lfejJ' She re fused to prosecuted S%: lnsi||^ that lie <S!>nldii^{' be guiltys andv^he.' -wasn’t goliig ;tb; bit*e hira b^ldd^^d mak ing a, *ci^feBsion. r^^ef e|ioW^ lia^ dischargl^^^ so £aj/as Ttflje ;W th€i au- thorififes*;3aad . a suj5piJ^<?^i: that he w^as mixed ;ttp oa ano and it was decided ttofiiold a few days. Annt Sanijfe^e^t with her jaw She^ad s|iid peddler was thanest. ‘ShS^'ihad word to «tand ’by that the hiffed .man went % grin on his ifaee angered :)£% J^de her more »determjned ;^ij^ !S^ sl^t not lat *all thad: turned from :^ide io igide'llfe^fiE^lLe and per- ifeeted tbeiEu-i|^; I>iirliig the-3|^<aay'^ hunt ed ^nt: files the t)ara kad made ^certain other prepara- tiops, and nighty .as scw>n as tlie ||fi*d'’j)C(&3S[ £JtBiftd Sp a bo^se and drove into ^he village. She hafl pass^ the jail many^,times, and »b« prac^d^St ^i^p^|-)l^^^{.Qn. ^So “"lf2rir*'i^ti i^e *'thM*e'" wa^ only one prisoner there. She conldift^ tell np to one of the barred windows, ft was summer, and the sash was raised. As she softly called o«t a prisoned P; A O K £ R r% i. School,. " y Sck«^/‘ »^rammar School^ Hi^h. -School. ....Business, SchopL—Bi^iness Arith- ; .'^pieflc, Bookkeeping^ Shorthand, " Musie ScHGoL^Piano, VoiGie. Industrial School,-?-I>onie^c Sci ence, Dressmaking, Mil^neiy, • - Bibl^ SehooL—€hapel Talks, Bi- .T,, WeX)lasses, Mission Study,. Chris tian Association Work. ! ' Specmf attention is called .to,, the ,course in Carpentry for boys of gh School grade ':’ Ol-her !nd,ustriar. classes'f #ill he organized if justified by the demandl / V " ' ‘ ^ ' » For catalogue or other inf orroatieitt address, - . . WL f Principal :;BREVARfDv‘-N; j:.* • -il-feiiv ‘:!/ ■ ^ KUt^V "‘j.!: Post 43ards%nd Views rC, ^ Articles and ri ^ye have lh6'st>ecial agency for * Jt K g- •, » if' S ** 'rhe p<^“ klsse^ hlsP^w^tcp gdodby >iistv& t<;^*trcrck It,. For, though I’ve jingles in my heid, ^43^re are none in my pocket." . . . ««,.i —Harper’s Weekly. i J I. ^ How’s This? We oflQa^O?^ Hundred Dollar* Reward-fSM|^cJise of Catarrh t cannot b^xctft^'^ by Hall’s CataTrli Cure. F. J.^'^heney & Co., Toledo^ 0. We, the |pid^iiS|i^ have known F. J. 15 yeftrs^ and in all:...J:Ju9ihe^"* tral^^lpn.s, and obii- gati|^|^^fc:b^5^.ih^ ' " '•tfS J rW>Z'l ^ i These luake beautiful souvenir^ for people who appreciate * ; ;;arp§tic • A of Combs and Barrettes, Leather Goods, .SoiM^"' Spoons. SeuY«ijttr Post Gj^4s, , Brevard pv .. . > ^trona^ is'soiicted; -^ v : rli «t' THE NORTH ^CAI^tlNA ' ILY -i‘jL i nm nally<^ctini^^r^i^ blood and nitiiSo^ d^Jhe system. Testim|ihia|^vler]^:^|^ Price, 75c per bottle- Sold'-^jeffl druggists.. , Tgrkcr Pills fpr con stipation.’"^ . Caref^^-J^^rVie^ at Slains castksf recalls Ir^eyer |^:b^^rgotten tragedy. It - is ^^%in<^]o3p diamonds (hence called curse of ^ot- land^’) of Cumber^ laM for the butehery of v^^hlanders who were’ takej^^risott^" t rtj^rsfatefoJ bAttfe' ofS CuQoden.—l^ndon Woauan’-s Lifei State Normal and lud^^t' .•» ; •r:o;: _.."w Regular Cixarxes lectkiHs to desrjBfis ofjBachet JSrts» Bach,elor qf Sconce, and a new course „ , "o f Music. ’• Board/laiihdry. tuition, and fees for use "r ^ B\>r ;free-ti>ition students,j^$.125. The formal .Department ^give? th taught in the'Scliools and colleges, and fr p;*ofession .o^ .teaching. TeacAers otfered a ohe*year special course in P •, . ’:f=^ • i^eeial The Commercial Departme «? training ■ egraphy, Typewriting,fBook-keepi’- ' ^as'Qa-v antj oin„? , ,^.TheDepartmer^ofMant' instruction in Manual Trairiihg ^g^«nd other buxin^i la S home and family. ® .«^^ect!s: The Music Departmen ; ,an4an &uoh subW^^ ProvU bificafe fedursis ih*V^ocarl and -: . ^?f^.?^^frectJy to fch r:«. To iseeure. .bsoardag .the . • v « •addttio li to the deo-r^ « be made before July 4o. . *°^?‘^erttaI’B>usJc.' course, offers a cer - -'‘For catalogue and ^ f ' "> - ■ ,* • - ..i ’■ tettn opens ^bPhcations shnnir ,-Hher mfortnationfa^dd?es^^^^^ i' V . > il-v . -i; Kbots, et<;:|, ^ . " ' ■ ■ •; [f ’ii inStractioD in, the isDir OF !♦ v^w, o<uuress, N. c. A Humane ^ p f ? ■*•:? r* f't’ V ..«* " huBffafi# <?itizeh <jit IRdfchTnond,^ Ind., Mr. U. B. WMiams^ 107 West :,Maip 'tiO fill "‘son’s *with weak i«ngs to take Bfr. I King/s Xew Discov^ryyitlie 043 ly rem- / " Cr^whiate i'H CA-^OUNA. j ; ^. n t789..fgo7 ,.■': f. ..A;,■ <«a* «f ite Ste’s apartments Li..*';* ^sten. r:ifs ^ dAcI ic Arts In “The Kear the bSj€ or more i&(Sour - ^ . i. , , roa<j fare paid. Fientv of honest man to languish in prison. 1 board at 82.50 to83.60 wi+K wcjckj 1^0 vacation^ tO Ork AVltu *7»S!i li TQUE -WJ'S;” .:,, - ■; ^Wdman,rir*-nevfer- forget you’**^ whispered the man. “No blarney, bu^make thinj hum.’* withqui and-fully comes up. to the proprietor’s recom mendation,’^ It saves more liyes than all otU^ throat and Jung reme dies jpattiS|^er. Used as a cough an<l COM eu^^^e world o\^er. Cures ast*fi|^,^ W croup, whooping boi3rsenesfc( and phthJsle, $i|ajpnlij:ges of .the 1 ungs aH(d ^ps Guaran- teed at T. B* 50cB»xd Practical education & A»ri -- - P*>ai^acy ^ fl^ “tjbcarr eontafes 45^.00() voluiriek Medlcihe ~^»S*neering Law ew water works, electric lights cen- ries N««r dormito- MWPacuJty The F,a.il term begins “ jr .: <^Pt* 8v 1907. ‘Address FJ^ANCIS' p. VENABLE, "pres CHAPEt HiLL. N. C. and lndostrial-Chemistry. Tui «ott-$45 a y^r; Board $10 a 120 Scholarships. Address ., , nnopth, V • West Raieii^, *, C. .. • w

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