mm Sylvan Yalley News J. J. MIXl-:i!. -Mannji'or. TRANSYLVAiA LOOGE Vt.'. No. 143, K. of P. t';>-tU‘ ii;i!i. I’l-;!- ■•)ij loi-ni:y liuililiny. A 'i!>‘;irty wc'lcoiiii' I'of Visitiii's :\l nil tin;.'.-'. \[. I.. (iAsir. ('. Brevard Telcplions Exchange. ]i(.)i'!v’s: Daily—7 n. in. to U» p. in. buntiuy to ;(> :i. in.. 4 to 0 ]). m. C'enlral CXiin—Mc.Miiiii lilock. Professional Csrds. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Kooii) -: 1 and 2. I’idC'-lsiniL-:- l'>ui!(1in GASH m, GALLO¥/AY LAWYERS. Will ]>ractioe in all tlio courts. ]’ooTus ij aiul 10. McMin;i B’oolc. D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER Rooms 11 and 12 McMinn Block, BIIKVAIID, X. C 'HO! u DENTIST. (naiicy Hloc’-r.) HENDERSONVILLH, N. C. \v beautiful ^’olil crown for 84.00 aii’ill l)e ulad to have you call and insi>cct my offices, work and prices. The JEthelwold Bfovard's TTot-jl—Modern Ai<- pointiiiv-nts—Open all the yuar Tiie ])atrona'_i'*' tl'*-! travcunjj’ ])1i1)1k‘ as well as suiiiniui" t(.)urist^ id soli<.*.itt‘d. Opp. Court House, Brevard. jS.V. R-I-P-A-X-S Tabules Doctors find A good |)reseri}>tion For inankiiid The 5-ceiit p:ick<‘t is (‘MOiikIi usual oocfisions. Tiie faiiiiiy botcie (00 roiitaiiis u sui'l’^y for a year.' All dru};Ki^^t^ sell thoin. H, G. BAILEY, G. E. CORRECT SURVEVS MACE Maps, Plots and Profiles Plotted. Only the finest adjusted instru ments nsed. Absolute aeonraey. P. O. Brevard,'N. C. UHlVEBSrrr OF MEDISiHE RIC t-5 r« O N D VIRGSNIA STUART McGUIRS. M. D , PwESlorNT. This College conforma to the Standards fixed by law for Medical Education, Send for Bulletin No. 11, which tells about it. Three fi"ce catalogues—Specify Dep.Hrimeni, IB C 0 i CIH E-DENTISTBy-PH/iBtaACY Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. BREVAId), TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. N. C., FRIDAY. SEPTIOir.KR 20. 1907 VOL. XII-NO. :iS ii Cldoct !n the State. BubI r.C‘s.s, Shorthaml, Ty i ev. ri- tiutr. I’o 11 !!ianil' ip.and !i coufHi'H. l;.50 ia pcs’iloiin. course by mail i£ you ask for i In “Tbc I^aud of tlic ^ j, i;jur tlie uiPliiiire oouU.ry. ASH2VILLB, II. C. l-;ditoi- Svlvaii Valifv acws. W. F. lIoL'sed iias hay fi'vcv. ]\Hss Susie Jordon lias ndnrned to lu'i* school. Fit/,])atriclv (lallowjij' is visitini>: in South Carolimi. K. (t. ^hirr and his mother, Dor cas ]'vl., will locate at Selica. ?.lrs. L(‘on Tio.u’st'd entertained ?ilrs. L('wis at tt'a last Saturday. Fnch' Bill stiys he will have tv.^o ld;;«!i‘s of foddi'r to cousin John's (n'lC—y<‘S. W. S. r.l'dj'au of Ti'nnessiH* (lap was Jit our lionie tlu> ])asr weok en joy in.t^ life. Miss Xanrde Jordan iins ac;"v'])t(“d a ];osition as teac'iier in Tcujicssef- at a month. Ivliss Ard(‘lla B. (41eason ;ind Dor- . ;(s .Mrr-’v t-:ok luiicli witli ]SIiss Ma- l^yiiMS las: Tr ridar. 3iliss Myrtlo (lillespie ot Pii'd- mont, S. is visitinjjj with Miss .M. Lyons on F'.H'ncli Brc'.ad. Say. friend, if you vrill rc'turn my trunk keys you f(Uind in my yard I will reward you w('ll. Lowis says lu' ])aid for those tv\’o hens and a roostt'r. W(dl. lu' iri a >!et]i()d;st—(to;1 liclp ]iim. A. Tj. Br;scl-:('tt c.nd family of lh(‘ I'ldti d Stats's StsH'l (\).'s snrvc^y will b(‘ located at (,'rawford, on (’:irt(H):.rechau;e creek, in I\Iacon county. Who can beat tliisV C’ousin John s.nvi'd 4 acr(.‘s (ff rj’c (not whisky) last tVill a.nd last W(‘(>k threshed out ('ill busl'uds. *b>hn is an all-around farmer. Bi-othor Bowt'U says tln'rc' wr.s a mistak('. II<' i-^ not .irivin.u; sin('ck. TIu‘ ('a])triin may go slow, but l;n\uv b-odi('S move slow, and later the nionientum swee]>s all bc'fore. Baxtt'r Owens of Tennessee Ga]). s]H‘ut Saturday Avith C’apt. ^1. R. Gh'ason. Yes. ho has been a Re publican all his life, but he now iigrees to 1)0 a good Baptist and vote democratic. Frank Morgan lias been enrolled as a studt'iit at Cullowhee, and eom- menc('d his studies last week. In a letter he sa;,’s he has alrt'ady commenced to study the young la- di('s he is meeting there. Ben Cunningham is older, wiser and a better tax-payer. The baby born on the 8th of this month and weighed 7 i)Ounds. It is a gal—its name is . Mother and babj’ doing v.’cll. Ben is now a voter. Burton, of South Carolina, while at Capt. M. R. Gleason’s, said a fel low came down there and said he w’as an old fashioned ^lethodist. and tlien tliey h't him have 15 yv\' Eiiirland-Viri^inia-C’arolina | stock. aimm. Yes; Ca]>t. Gleason says Jim Wilson told Rev. Jordan ho had a bi'an vini^ that he had sold .s20 we.rth of bc'ans f om ; and Bro. Xicholson told Bro. Jordan that (Ui(‘ time h(' was hunting and ran short of bullets and put a nail in bis gun and .shot a deer fast to a tree by the tail. Sinc(‘ Br<'>. Jordan was told these two truths h(\ tlu' next day, informed liis (’atlieys Crecdc chur(di inemlH'rs that he would resign tin' ])astorate of tiie cliurch. By tliat Bn>. Jordan pri'aclicd his last sermon at (’atheys Creek on the l.^jth of S(‘])temb('r. TniK Exi’Osurk. 1^1 MRS. J. M (ILAZEXER. I’lditor Sylvan \'al!ey Xews: I wish lo siiy a few" words coo- cerning Mrs. J. M. Glazener, to the encouragement of her many bereav('d relatives and friends. With the stricK'en luisband I wish to say (:i.s she was a fi'ii'iid of mi tie also) onr inlei’est is v^'ideii iiig in the (/lory L:uid. f)ne more has entei’ed into victory and is sit dowQ with Jesus in his throne. ]\Iy tirst UK^cting with ]\ri-s. Glazener was tu'o years a^odn- i-iog a i-evival ineetiiig’at Glady i>ranch conducted by Kev. Jas. .PUmiiimo!!.-;. Several of the br(‘tli reii went to see her one after nof;n. We talked, sang Jiiu] pt-ayed with lier an hour or more. Slie (‘njoyed tlie occasion very much, biince that time I have had the pleasure nf ca!lin,g lo see her several tiuies. Dnring- my miaistry at Glady Branch I oft ten called at her Innne. Tliough con lined to her room she always seemed to be very cheerful and submissive. She did her service w’eH. Hers seemed, since I have known her. to be a work of patience. She htis been faithful over that which was committed to lier here in this ])ilgrim land, now her woi’k's are following. Her calm influ ence will never die. She has, by her example, set in motion a tidal w’ave of love that will effect every bark on the ocean of life that conies in contact with it. She is resting from her labors. As the eagle soars above the storm clouds and bathes himself ill tVie regions of sunshine unaf fected by the storm that is rag ing beneath, so she has entered into that glorious rest prepared for the children of God. The tetnptations which once harrass* ed her are forever passed. Pier days oF toil are done; her work OL love is finished. Her deeds of love a-’e all remembered by him who marks the spar-’ows fail. She is now seeing Him face to j’ace, telliiig the story, saved by grace. May the Lord grant to make us all w’orthy to bear H's name in our foreheads and walk with Him in wiiite when he ap pears without sin unto salvation. Wilh sympathy and love. Asheu O. AuLtsox. Chambsrlain’s Cough Remedy Cures Colds. Croup and Whooping Cough. Art and Souvenir Goods Post Cards and Views Robert, Lee Calendars. New Post, Cards. Novelties and Fancy Articles Stamped and Finished Goods Oanclies We have tlie special agency for SGffiiN'S HAr^l-PAlNTEO PHOTO SKETQHES These make heantiful souvenirs for peoi>l(‘ who appreciate ARTISTIC PICTURES A fme line of Combs and Barrettes, Leather Goods, Soiivenir Spoons. Souvenir Post Cards. Brevard Pins and Fobs. Your patronage is solicted. M. WAVE LONG, Art Parlors I THE EHODODENDRON LAKE TOXAV/AY. N. C. Write J, B. ^EJiL, Proprietor and Owner, for rates on Livery and Lodg^iiig. and visit “Th2 BiDailtlfu! Sapphire CoaMry.” The most licautifid drives and won derful waterfalls and views in the world. When once seen they are never forgotten. Parties of three or more given special rates. GLOVEE’S Studio IS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS. YOUR PATRONAGE IS SOLICITED Brevard Skating; Club. Kink Opposite the Depot, Brevard. N. C. RATES—Admission without skating, 5c. Skating 3 Hours 25c. Skating 7 Hours 50c. Skating 15 Hours 1.00. With your own skates, per hour 5c. Rink will be open from 9 a. m. to 12 m. and from 8 to to p. m. 25c, 50c and $1 Tickets Now on Sale at Transylvania Cotton Mill Store and at the l^ink. No Colored People Admitted. SOMETHING EXTRA AT RINK Every Tuesday mi Friday Nlglits. THE BREVJIRI} RINK IV. M, GOODE^ Manager