Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. j. j. MmER, Manager. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. N. C., FRIDAY. OCTOBER 4.1907 VOL. XII-NO- 40 RAILROAD !! In the Order of Election published herewith the county com missioners set forth their reasons for believing that the building of the South Atlantic Trans-continental railway will be a good thing for all the people of the county. Believing this they desire to subscribe $3,000 per mile to the capital stock of said road, but cannot do so unless sustained by our people. In order to find out whether the voters will sanction their subscription an election is called for Oct. 31. If we wish to assist in building the road from Greenville, S. C., to Knoxville, Teun., (the old C., K. & W.) this county must issue bonds to pay for the stock. No bonds shall be issued until the road is built and in operation at least 10 miles in this county, and then oaly issued to cover the actual number of miles built and operated-^in 10-mile sections. The construction may begin either at the countyMine between Brevard and Greenville, at the county line between Brevard and Knoxville, or at a point within one mile of the court house in Bre vard. but must be equipped and ready for operation for 10 miles in the county before the first $30,000 in bonds is issued, , The construction must comply with the contract submitted to the Board for their inspection—“under no circumstatices shall the bonds be issued except upon the conditions set forth above”—read and study the order published herewith. The chief engineer who certifies to the commissioners that tne road is completed according to contract, is t o be selected by them and will safeguard the interests of our people—can any proposition ;be fairer ? ' The county gets in place of its bonds $3,000 per mile in the cap ital stock of the road, besides the roadbed and equipment valued at $50,000 per mile on which taxes will be levied and collected. At the present rate of taxation this property would bring in ^500 per mile each year. Interest on the bonds at 4 per cent would be $120 per annum—or a clear profit to the county of $280 on each mile of road built in the county. ^ But suppose this road is listed for taxation at ^SO’OOO per mil^, and there is no probability that a smaller valuation will be placed on it, and deducting the 25 mills of state tax, it still leaves the county a net income of $105 per mile. Suppose the road to be 35 miles long in the county (the more miles the better) it leaves the county, after paying interest on the bonds, a yearly income of $3,675. Is it any wonder the commissioners consider this a good proposition ? TRANSYLVANIA LODGE No. 143, K. of P. Meets Tuesday evenings 8.30., Castle Hali, Fra- ternity building. A hearty welcome for visitors at all times. R. L. GASH, C. C. Brevard Telephone Exchange. hours: Daily—7 a. m. to 10 p, m. Sunday—8 to 10 a. m., 4 to 6 p. m. Central Office—McMinn Block. Professional Cards. W. B. DUCKWOR.TH, ATTO R N E Y-AT-L A W. Rooms 1 and 2, Pickelsimer Buildins^. GASH (Sb GALLOWAY LAWYERS. Will practice in all the courts. Rooms 9 and 10, McMinn Block. D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER Rooms 11 and 12 McMinn Block, BREVARD. N. C THOMAS A. ALLEN, Jr., DENTIST. (Bailey Block.) HENDERSONVILLE, - - N. C. A beautiful gold crown for $4.00 and up. Plates of all kind at reasonable prices. All work guaranteed; satisfaction or no pay. Teeth extracted without pain. Will be glad to have you call and inspect my offices, work and prices. *The ^thelwold Brevard’s New Hotel—Modern Ap pointments—Open all the year The patronage of the traveling public as well as summer tourists is solicited. Opp. Court House, Brevard, N.C. R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 5-cent packet is enough lor usual occasions. The family bottle (60 cents) contains a supply for a year. All druggists sell them. H. G. BAILEY, G. E. CORRECT SURVEYS MADE Maps, Plots and Profiles Plotted. Only the finest adjusted instru ments used. Absolute accuracy. P. O. Brevard, N. 0. UNSVERSITY COLLEOE | OF MEDICINE | STUART McGUIRE. M. P.. PWESIDtNT. | This Colleipe conforms to the Standards I fixed by lav/ for Medical Education. Send for S Bulletin No. 11, which tells about it. a Three free catalogues—Specify Department, ■ medicine - DENTISTRY - PHARMACYB HELP IS OFFERED To WORTHY YOUNG PEOPI^E We earnestly request all young persons, nomattCT limited their means or education, who wish to obtain a thorough business training’and goodposi- twn, to v/rite by first mail for our great half-rate offer. Success, independence and probable fortune are guaranteed. Don’t delay. Write today. The Gsu»Ala« Business Colleges Kacon» Ga« In addition to this increase in property for taxation, the county has “swapped dollars”^—it gets $3,000 per mile in stock in the railway, and if the road ever pays iny thing above running expenses this county will get its pro rata divide in the profits. Before the road is finally completed this stock will be at par and a good investment. The proposition is almost too good to be true. With the experience our coun ty has had in losing its first 160,000 stock in the old H. & B. railroad we have a right to look with suspicion on a proposition which offers’ more than two dol lars for one, but in this instance there can be no forfeit of our rights—the governor, attorney general and all the leading attor neys of the state have been inter ested in framing the charter for this road, and it safeguards the people as no other charter ever written. Does any man believe that with our highest state offi cials on the permanent Board of Directors, the counties can in any way 'be swindled? Should any competing line get possession of a controlling interest and take this road out of competition, our county bonds would be cancelled and we should never have them to pay. We are voting for a com peting line and it must always remain in competition with other roads. As to the amendment which was asked [by our people, that the wording “from a point at or near Brevard” be changed to “a point within one mile of the court house in Brevard,” you will note the certificate of M. W. Galloway, clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, in the Order of Election herewith, that the same “will be duly published as a part of the contract prior to date of election.” The wording of this order is copied from the charter, and money to build with has been secured on the charter require ments. Last Saturday a paper containing this change, signed by the president and secretary and sealed with the seal of the South* Atlantic Trans-continental Rail way Company, was before the commissioners for their approv al. There w^as no objection by the company to this amendment, as they hope to get much nearer than one mile, but changing the wording of the charter is a mat ter for the legislature, not the railway company. Any change in the wording might give an ex cuse for capitalists to withdraw their support, but you may rest assured that *‘at or near Bre vard” means within a mile of the court house. The question of constitutional limitation came up last Saturday for discussion—whether the road in the county might not belong enough to exceed the constitu tional limit of 10 per cent, at $3,- 000 per mile. As Col. Jones said, this is not a question for our peo pie to discuss. If capital is will ing to invest $13,000,000 to secure bonds which are unconstitutional and therefore void, we will have added $500,000 to the taxable value of the county before the first $30,000 in bonds is issued. There is no danger that we shall exceed the 10 per cent limit by voting the bonds. Railroad Election Order. Office of the Board of County Commis- sioners of Transylvania County, North Carolina: At a meeting’ dulyi legally and regu larly called and held by the Board of Commissioners of Transylvania coun ty, in the court house in said county, on the 9th day of September, 1907, it being made to appear to said Board that a large number of the citizens of said county have subscribed to the capital stock oi the South Atlantic Trans-Continental Railroad Company, and have been engag’ed in an effort to build a railroad through Transylva nia county in a way by which said railroad will be independent in its operations, thereby securing the best rates that competition will make for our people. And whereas a petition signed by fifty citizens of the county has been duly presented to this Board in ac cordance with the charter of said South Atlantic Trans-Continental Railroad Company. And whereas the best interest and prosperity of Transylvania county depends greatly upon the construction of said railroad. And whereas, the construction of said railroad will bring directly into the county taxable property of several million dollars, to say nothing of taxable property that will flow into said county by reason of said rail road. And whereas, the wisest financial policy for the county will be subserved by extending to the construction of said railroad material aid by said county. And whereas, the subscription here- inbelow mentioned is necessary to aid in the construction of said railroad, in which the citizens of the county have an interest. Therefore it is ordered by the Board that the question of subscription to the capital stock of said company in the sumof THREE THOUSAND DOL LARS per mile of railroad for each mile constructed within the county, which amount this board proposes to subscribe to be paid in county bonds to mature in not less than thirty years with 4 per cent, interest coupons at tached, payable semi-annually at the place provided for in said bonds, the interest on said bonds and the bonds themselves at maturity to be paid by taxation as provided by law, shall be submitted to the qualified voters oi said county, as provided bycharterol said company and Chapter 61, Vbl. 1, of the Revisal of 1905 of North Caro lina, on the 31st day of October, 1907, which election is hereby ordered for the purpose of voting for or against the proposition to subscribe the said amount of stock agreed on by the Board of County Commissioners, at which election the said voters shall vote a ticket as follows: Those favor ing the subscription shall vote a tick et upon which shall be written or printed “For Subscription,” and those opposed shall yote a ticket upon which sliall be written or printed “Against Subscription,” and if the majority of the voters of said county shall vote for subscription, then the Board of County Commissioners, through their chairman, shall sub scribe to the capital stock of said company the sum of THREE THOU SAND DOLLARS per mile of railroad to be constructed within the county, to be paid in bonds as specified above, which said bonds shall only be issued upon the conditions following, viz.: The said bonds shall not be issued and delivered to the said company or any one else until after said company or its assigns shall have Completed and equipped for operation a stan dard gauge railroad, in compliance with construction contract submitted for inspection of the board at this date, from the northerly or easteily boundary of the county, the southerly boundary of the county, or from a point at or near Brevard, following the routes provided by the charter, in sections of ten miles each, until the entire railroad shall have been com pleted, it being understood that ten miles of railroad shall be completed in accordance with the construction contract and certificate of the chief engineer as to such completion filed in the office of the Board of County Com missioners before any payment shall be made' upon this subscription, and thereafter in the same manner for each succeeding ten miles; and provided further, that when said conditions have been complied with, then the said Board of Commissioners shall issue and pay to said railroad company the said county bonds in exchange for the same amount of the capital stock of said South Atlantic Trans-Continental Railroad Company, at par. Provided further, that under no cir cumstances shall the bonds be issued except upon the conditions set forth above. Office of the Board of Commissioners of Transylvania County, Noiih Carolina: At a meeting duly, legally and regu larly called and held by the Board of Commissioners of Transylvania coun ty, in the court house in said county,, on the 27th day of September, 1907, it appearing to the board that the regis* tration books for election to be held on October 17th, 1907, as ordered on September 9, 1907, upon questions of subscription to the capital stock of South Atlantic Trans-Continental Railroad Company, were not issued to the registrars in time to comply with the law as to said election, It is ordered by the board that the date of said election be postponed to Thursday, October31, 1907, and that said election be held under the same terms and conditions, and that said order be amended by striking out October 17th, 1907, as the day of elec tion, and inserting October 3lst, 1907, as the day of election. Said order in all other respects be ing affirmed and approved. By order of the board. L. W. Brooks, Ch’n. B. C. C. M. W. Galloway, Cl’k B. C. C. The railroad has approved an amendment to the foregoing call of election requiring construction of its road to or within one mile of the court house at Brevard, and said amend ment will be duly published as a part of the contract prior to date of elec tion. M. W. Galloway, Clerk B. C. C. To the Shereff of Transylvania County: You are hereby notified that the County Board of Elections have ap pointed for the bond election for the South Atlantic Trans-continental Railroad Company, which election is to be held on October the 31st, 1907, the following persons as registrars and judges for holding said election, and you will so notify them according to law: Brevard Township—E. T. Henning, registrar; J. M. Kilpatrick and W. H. Grogan, judges. Boyd Township—E. B. Clayton, registrar; T. R. ,Duncan and A. J. Beck, judges. Catheys Creek Township—J. M. Southern, registrar; Jos. A. Bryson and R. L. Hogsed, judges. Cedar Mountain Precinct—J. M. Bishop, registrar; Wm. McCrary and Geo. Bishop, judges. Duns Rock Township—Wm. Max well, registrar; Walter Hogsed and A. C. Landreth, judges. Eastatoe Precinet—E. M. Whitmire, registrar; W. E. Galloway and L. M, Glazener, judges. East Fork Precinct—Milus Garren, registrar; J. F. Hays and John Gar- ;-en, judges. Gloucester Township—James W. Owen, registrar; W. M. Bird and W. E. Hall, judges. Hogback Township—Flem Gallo way, registrar; I. S. Fisher and Al fred Collins, judges. Little River Precinct—Lad Hart, (•egistrar; P. S. Shu ford and H. P. Nicholson, judges. , This 27th day of September, 1907. Frank L. DeVane, Temporary Chairman. D. L. English, Secretary. That the said registrars at said voting precincts shall revise and cor rect the registration books so that they will show a truthful and accurate list of the qualified voters in his pre- cjinct, and register all such as may apply under the law to be registered who have not heretofore registered. That the said election be advertised for thirty days by publication in Syl van Valley News at Brevard, N. C., and by posting a notice at said voting precincts, and that said election in all particulars shall be held by said judges and registrars as provided by law. L. W. BROOKS, Chairman. M. W. GALLOWAY, Clerk Board of . Commissioners for Transylvania Ca T. T. Patton, Frank L. DeVane, Board of Elections for Transylvania county. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitution al remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ing, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result, and unless the inflamation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal con dition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Nine cases out of ten are Caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the^ mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by Catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall’s Cattarh Cure. Send for circu lars, free. b\ J. Chexey & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for con stipation.

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