SYLVAN VALLEY NEWS 5 TRUSTEE’S SALE. \oitli { aiolina—Tran^ylv -nia Co.inty. ^ flic of :>o\ver ve•^tod in the under- ' * W Z icUdrv, 51" Trustee, ill a certain $i5“r':- tnmt beaniiK aaie the Htn dny of Aprij, ’vivutfii bv WiiUain Will mue and wife, Iflfii'.vhitniire, lo the siiid Trustee, to secure 5>5j.u'J to W. H Kaiilkiier, which till* jinj mid mnpaul, and having been re- described m me said tni't. f r the puri)Ose of coliectiiiK the ‘ i iM(lebt.'<ii‘Oss. 1 will, on Monday, OeC. oOi.h, it 1.’o’cloi’k m., at the court how-ie door, ’ ‘ lo^vii of Brevard .'•eli lo the highest bid- cash, the following des-tibed tract of and being in Hosback Town-hip 1‘'‘‘ Joiintvof Transylvania, iidjoining the lands ML'rriai’i Wliiiniire, Runsey Whitmire, Mark uhi.iii K' other', being the same land , I C. J. H-'udfison ai.d wife to William ^vniti'iite :ni<l wiie. byoeed dated Feb. the 18th, "I, mid refolded in Kook 8, }' ge 476, 'ftic'e-'f Ueg.sierof -Deed.N of Transy Seiica Items. in the uj,.!*,.! iiif 1 ivania 1 Mtv. refore ce to w'hich deed hereby made r I fii’i scripiioii of the saia land. TlV" proceeils of ihe said sale u’lll be av>piicd; "to tiie O't and expanses of the said sale; (is toihe discharge of ihe .‘^ald indebted- "a'mi ii» rerminder, if any, to be paid to Uifsaid \v Ilham Trustee. MOTi&E OF SERVi&E OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. North Carolina—Transylvania County. In the Suptrior Court—Before the Clerk. Catherine Lyda et al. vs. R L. Revis et al. Votice of Service of Summons by Publication. Xhe defendant', R. L Revis, J. H. Revis, Elvira Nix and her husband Robert Nix, Elmira Siiulers and her husband J. L. Sanners, Ljzzie Holecmbe and her husband John Hoh ombe, J. V, Revis, Jr E. Revis, jr., J C Revis, W. M Bro'viiaiid Harriet Revi>, in the above entitled ji tiou, will tJifce notice that an action entitled as above has been cou;raenced in the Superior Court of Transylvania county, befoie the Clerk thereof, to sell certain lands belonging to the fdiiteof J. K Revis deceased, which lands lie in Hogbac k Township, in Transvlvania County, .N’orih (,'arohna, and to divide the proceeds of th^ sale of said lands among the plaintift's and liefeiKlants, who are owners of taid lands as tenant.' in common. Aiul the said defendants wdll further take no tice that they are recjuired to ai'pt'ar before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Transylvania plmnty, at his ottice in the court house in Brt*- viird, on Tuesdav, the 10th day of Dcceraber, 1907, at 11 o’clock a. m., and answerer demur to ihe r-etition and complaint of the plaintiffs in sai(i action, or the ph.'intjfis wiil apply to the court for the relief demanded therein. Tliis the .5th day of Noveraher, 1907. T. T. LOFTIS, CJei fc Superior Court. Gaih & Galloway, Attorneys for Plaintiff's. Executor^s Notice* North Carolina—Transylvania County. Having rjualitied as executor of the last will and testament of Mrs. C. ShUfoni, deceased, late of ihe said county of Transylvania, this is toriotify all pen-ons having claims against the e:«taie of s-aid deceased to exhibit them to the undersiuned on or before the-first day of Nov., 19 :8. or this notice will be plead in bar of their recoveiy. All persons indebted to said estate will please mane immediate payment, I'his the 12th day of October, 1907 C. A. SHUFORD, * Executor of Mrs C C. Shuford, dec’d. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. ILivuig qualified as Mdiniiii'trator of Elizabeth Powier dec ease d, laK‘of f he county of I ransyl- vaiiia, N. ihis is lo notify all pe/'-ons having claims against the estate' f the said ciecea'^ed to exhibit them to the undersi.irned on or befr-re the 10,h day of November, 1908. or this noti< e niJl be plead in bar of their recovery. All p< r- ,‘oiis indebted to said estate will please make immediate pavmen:. ihis 2nd day of Novem ber. IOC‘7, ‘ G. WILSON. Administrator. NOTiCE. Having ciualilied as executor of W R. Moore deceased, late of Transylvania county, N- C., this is to notify all persons having claims again t tlie e tate of the said deceased to ex hibit them to the undf'rsigned o;i or before the 10th day of October 1908, or thi^ notice will be plead in bar of their ri covery. All per ons in debted to the said estate will please make imme diate payment. September 30th, 1907. . V. C. MOORE, * Executor of W. R. Moore, deceased. Entry No* 25II* F. 0. Thomas enters and claims -10 acres of hnid ni Eastatoe Township, 'I ransylvania coun ty, on the waters of the North Fork of Frenc*h Broad river, adjoining the lands of G. H. Moore JUKI F. O. Thomas Ksguming on a stone in the line of grant No. 14873 t ' F. O. Thomas and runs v.'rious courses for comj) cement. Entert-d Sei t 2S l'K7. M. W. GALT.OWAY. Entry Taker. Entry No^ 2512* North Carolina—Tiansylvania County. G. W Heece enters and claim-s .'jO acres of ln”tl i’ll Ka'tatoe T.'Wiiship. said county, on ih«- wa ters of ulady Fork of Ka>t Foifcc'f French Broad ru'LT, adjomins the lands of M. Bornshine, (». Koece, and bordering on the South (’arolif a hue. Begitniiiig on the “EHieott Kock” on the south Cur)iii\a line a^i'i juns with the Sonth tiuvdiiia line S 72 cleg W to a s one. Bornshine’s C'inu'r; tijen« e vations cour>es for- comp ement, '0 :=s to include iill vacant iand. Entered Oc.. T, lOur. M. W. GALl.OWAY, * Kntry Taker. Entry No* 2513* G. H Moore enters arcl claims 25 acres of la d tnorcM.r less in Gloucester Township. Transj 1- Vauiii (oiinty. on the wsiters of Diamonds creek of the North For!c of the Frenc h Brcvici rive r, *’dji)i;iiiig the latids of F. O. Thomas and G II. ?.Iuoro Beginning C)ii a white oak, tlie begiti- iiiiig corner of (irant No. to G jlT. Moorj atid hi ^ ho'K^e ii 'Oiith-east dir ction with the line F 0 'i'homas to iJie liin- between (ilonc^esler Kastatoe Townships; thence w'ith said town- line a northeast direction to the mouth of |*iiitnom^s ereek; thersce with the lines of Gra'>t 55 to the beginni!!g. Entered O t. 2(5, 1907 * M. W. GALLOWaY, Entry Taker. Entry No* 2514* North Carolina—Transylvania County. A. H Owen en.ers and claims 3153.< acres of l^iid lii (il()uc('ster 'I c»v* i;ship. >aid tdnnty, on thc‘w( St fork of French Broad river, adjtiinii’.g laiuis of John 0wen->’ heirs and others. W);iiining on a st->kc^ in the* south l)Oundary line yisi:-.te(irant N<>\ io''74 to M. L. Ow'en for 2::0 *^<rcs, on t!ie nort'iea^t s de of Shelton’s I'i-gah. '^’id run< tliciice various c-ourses for comple ment. Entered Nov. 9, 1907. M Vn'. (iAI.L'..)WAY’, Entry Taker. I, M. W. Gal’ov.-^y, Kntry Tnkei for Transyl- 'ania<tuuty, <-.-nify that t.^e foregoing i- a t:*ue ■opy of entry made. r^sv. Ui appear by reference w the entry book in mv ofQc-e. M.W GALI.OWAY^ KiUrv Tcker Loea' rrp crjent'tttve for PjTvard and iiit-iciiJ e snb.-c: iis- oi a '-'Mient niCiiiihly ni-,igi,/!■•<•, o • a yal^rj' ■ r.d ''iniiv.svioii Exierienv‘<‘ di sirab e, but i ' ^‘^''^iiry Gof>d opponunity for risht per- Vd. Fublisher, Box hO, Station u, *^e\v>,ork. 1,12t The sn’oscription price of the v-s wiil h3 increased to i?1.25 per yo:jr after January 1- All who pay advance hofore that dfite will .r^et paper a^' present price. The in- (rousted ^cost of eYcrything coniiect- j irdntini? business this step neces::i-iry. tf Editor Sylvan Valley IS'ews: Hello, Captain, I was just in fnn. Say ! Yonng man, please pay that boy. Davis says the farm is worth $50,000. Even a fool is wise if he holds his peace. Robert Miller at T. H, Grogan’s \ again Sunday. Many of our people were in Bre vard last V7eek. Laura Fowler was in Brevard last week after medicine. Joe Dunn of Lake Toxaway was in this section last week. S. J. Tinsley and J. A. Bryson were killing hogs recently. The door, so Sis says, could not be opened in time of trouble. Who’s on the warpath? Why not refer it to the Hague Tribunal? Luke Osteen was breaking his oxen last w'eek He had a tough job. Hattie Grogan went to Lake Tox away last week, but she could not stay. Mrs. Van Putnam of Brevard vis ited her aunt E. J. Fenwicke last week. Van Waldrop called at T. H. Gro gan’s Sunday night and enjoyed himself. Mrs. P. C. Hamlin and Davis Bar ton were at the carding machine last week. J. A. Johnson, has returned from Jackson where he has been teach ing school. Mary Ellenburg spent a few days last week w'ith her daughter Mrs. S. Grogan. Kay King and his friend of Bre vard were at Seiica on Thanksgiv ing hunting. Sam Osteen sj^ent last Sunday at Lake Toxaway with his nephew John Tinsley. M. R. Gleason has “Grooves” to undergo in Jackson since he talked law to the boys. Little Jim Bracken, of Brevard will start for South Carolina to the factory this week. On account of the cold weather there w^ere but few at our Sunday school last Sunday. Mrs. W, H Nicholson visited her father and liiother Mr. and Mrs, Eli Ilamlin Saturday. Misses Flora and Florence Tins ley were^visting their grandfather S. J- Tinsley last week. Russell Sharj) has moved from here to Calvert section where he will clerk for O. L. Erwin. We will not hear from John Jap soon. He is staying with the old man at Calvert at x>resent. Vv^ill some one please give them a free subscription to^the^News and save them time and trouble? H, C. Barton sa,ys ^he ’ can’t talk j on ‘Hhese telephones” and he is not gMng to try any more either. Fayette Osteen started for Pisgah Forest Sunday. The train left him so he spent the day at R. R. Deav- er's. John D. Archbald, vice president of the Standard Oil Co., silent one night last w'eek vrith J. C. Whit mire Jr. Baxter Hamlin says as soon as the i^anic is over he is going to build a “subscription” bridge over the river. Uncle John Whitmire of Calvert made a quilting and a big dinner on Thanksgiving. The visitors report a jolly good time. Lon Johnson Vv^ll leave us this week for South Carolina where he expects to make'his future home. We vrish him well. C. M. Dunn and Burgin Ma.ssa, two more experienced miners, are to be here soon to assist the pres ent force that is now at work in the Seiica gold mine._ I wonder if the Bird that C. M. Dunn, was trying to catch at Way- nesville last week is the one he tried so hard to catch in Brevard last winter. It seems that he has bad luck with Ducks and Birds. Crab Applk. Gailioiiii Jottings. Editor Sylvan Valley News: Farmers in this locality are busy gathering and husking corn. Mark Osborne is teaching near Cedar Mountain. Is getting on nicely and is well pleased with his work. William McCrary has bought the Calhoun property'and is occupying the house. He is running his saw mill on the premises. Miss Nor ah Ashworth is teaching at Grange in a cottage near her home and has an interesting school. She seems to have the good will of all her pupils. Miss Birdie McCail, of Calhoun, and Thomas Curry, of South Caro lina, were recently married. The ceremony was performed by Rev. F M. Jordan. May their life be happy and prosperous. Rev. F. M. Jordan recently held a series of meetings at little River church continuing two weeks, which was very well attended. He did fine preaching and accomplish ed a great work. The church has unanimously elected Rev. Briggs as pastor. He is an earnest and faith ful worker and an able preacher. He preached some fine sermons dur ing the series of meetings. L. M. O. He Fought at Gettysburjr. David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y., who lost a foot at Gettysburg, writes: “Electric Bitters have done me more ffood than any medicine I ever took. For several years I had stomach trouble and paid out much money for medicine to little purpose, until I began takinji: Electric Bittters. I would not take $500 for what they have done for me.” Grand tonit for theayed anti lor fe?i»ale weaknesses. Great alterativo and body builder, sure cure tor lame back and weak kidneys. Guaranteed by T. B. Alli son druggist. 5Gc. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Intemational ^ iaiiorms ^o. i I i|Hi» ... The name International is al! you need to know about a suit, it signifies Correctness,, Digniiy and Vdlae and 2// tfiiit goes to make perfection in M'tdc-io-Mcasure Clothes* ^ A call is necessary to convince you of their enormous facilidcs to render you the ser'hice you are looking for. All the newest moces and the biggest line of samples are awaiting your incpection. M. J. GLAZENER & SON ROSMAN. N. C. Leaders in Fine Clothing BUY YOU EF ORE Trade Markss Designs Copyrights &c. Anyone sending a sketrh and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica tions f?trictlyconUdential. HANDBOOK on Patents Bent free. Oldest airency for secunnfj patents. P.atents taken through Munn «& Co. receive tpecial notice, without ch.arge, in tho Sdentiflc E^ericati* A handsomely illnatrated weolcly. liarprcst cir culation of any scientitic .iournal. Terms, $3 a '^ear; four months, f 1. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNM & CG.3G1Sroad.v.y, Ygf^ Brancu C'^flce. 625 F St., \\ asbinciu.*.;!'. .. Cfiambengin’s CGiEgh ^ Cures Colds, Cr^'up and Whoopiiig Ccujjh. Ads in t!ie Sylvan Valley News bring results See our display of Cutlery^ Scissors, Mani cure, Desk and Embroidery Sets THANKSGIVING AT— Vi -*sfM nf n F you want lower prices and better valuesf than you can obta;in anywhere else in Western Nort.h Caro lina, come to our Spot Cash Store at Cherry tie! d. Vv’e have just opened a brand new stock and are givinof the lowest possible prices. Eyery one knows that all merchandise is at a very hi^^h rate just now. Not considering- this, we have cut our per cent, of profit to the minimum, and ai*e g-ivin^- enormous values at very low lig-ures. Men’s and Boys ready-made Suits, $12.50 and $10 values, at ^'9 and $7. Men’s Hats from 48c to $l.‘i8—regular $1 and ^1.75 sellers. Men’s heavy $1.25 Jeans Pant??. 95c. Heavy work Shirts, worth 50c to 75c, for 38c and 48c. Men’s heavy Underwear, 75c values, for 48c. Fine laundered Shirts, regular‘30c and 75c values, for 38c and 48c. $1.25 Overalls 98c; 75c Overalls 48c: Bovs Over alls 43c. Men’s plain, fancy, fleece-lined and all-wool hose from 9c to 24c. Ladies’ Hose of best quality, lie to 23c. Ladies’ Vests, 50c values for 29c. Men’s $1.25 Gloves, 95e; Men’s 75c Gioves, -*8c. Men’s $1.50 work coats, 51.2S; Men’s $2 Pants to match. $1.48. Men’s $5 Overcoats for $2.88. Outside of these items we have a full, well assorted line of ^ Dress Goods, Notions, Groceries, Hardware, etc., 1 ALL at the same low flexures. Yes, we have a complete stock of the famous “Hub Shoes” which we are selling at 10 to vJ 3 15 per cent, above actual market cost, not considering freiorht, etc. Can you beat^thisy S We repeat, then, if you want good values at a lower figure than you can obtain elsewhere, come onr v/ay. It is a pleasure to show our goods whether you buy or not. "Corae, then, and investigate. W'c S know we can bear it. At these low rates our terms, of course, are cash—nothing charged. Clearing =: House Certificates taken in exchange for goods same as greenbacks. Give us a trial, cjhea you will be S convinced that we can save you money. Yours for fair dealing and low’^ prices, = "Wliitiiiire, &: Uainiltoxi | CHERRYFiELD, North Carolina =

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