SYLVAN VALLEY NEWS 7 C. B. McFEE ISe Reliable Jeweler will give 10 Per Cent in Cash back on all purchases of $1.00 or more paid in Certificates. You can buy a $10.00 Watch and get $100 back in cash for a $10.00 Clearing House Certificate M. FRED will introduce the French Dry Cleaning Process at his Brevard store. Ladies’ and (Gents’ garments Cleaned, Dyede Pressed and liepaired on short notic, And at reasonable prices. YOUR OLD CLOTHES WILL LOOK LIKE NEW AFTER OUR SERVICE OBITUARY. COME TO Kilpatrick &Loftis FOR YOUR Stylish Millinery See their line before buying. Prices reasonable Over Jenkins' Store. Important ! My new line of Fall and Winter DRY GOODS NOTIONS and SHOES have arrived. My prices can’t be beat in town. It will pay you to call on JIM AIKEN WELDON REID. Jan. lOOo—Nov» 1907. Until brought to the stern reality of facing death how we shrink* from the words: * ‘Life is but a day at most, Sprung from night in darfcness lost; Hope not for sunshine every hour. Fear not, clouds will always lower.” With perfect resignation and trust in Him who shapes our destinies, fond parents watched the ebb and flow of life in their little darlins:, watching for the faintest sign ot hope in little Weldon, then finally bowing to His will who had decreed that the little sufferer should be numbered among: the angels bright and fair around His throne. Wiih hearts trying to say “Thy will be done,*’ Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Reid watched by the bedi»ide of their little boy until God said, “come up hiffher I have need of thee.’^ Was it not giving back to the Father in Heaven what was^his own? Are we not all children of the Heavenly King given into fond keeping until He has need of us? We can say: “Savior I follow on. Guided by Thee; Seeing not yet the hand, That leadeth me. Ciushed be my heart and still. For I no farther ill, Only to meet Thy will My will shall be.” And yet in the circle that was once complete, there Is left a vacancy that can never be filled. Little Weldon was just on the verge of emerging into childhood, babyhood being left behind, entwin ing his little life around the fond hearts of his parents when the sum mons came from above. For the p»ist two years his life had been as a little rose-bud emitting tiny rays of love, light and fragrance into tlie home that was lighted by his pres ence just ready to emerge into a rose that would have carried volumes of love, sweetness and sunshine in its pathway. Hi« illness was of about a weeks dur.ition, every attention was given the little one, all that medical aid could do was clone, all that parents and loving friends could do was done in the sufier^s relief, yet none could arrest the death angel’s hand. Dear bereaved: ‘ ‘Weep not for him who dieth. For he sleeps and is at rest; And the couch whereon he lieth. Is the green earth’s quiet breast. ’ Can we not think of the word death as but another life? One that is free from care, toil and pain. Everp though cut dowfi at the beginning of his sweet innocent childhood, think, even now he is singing with the angels ‘‘On that bright and beautiful shore, whe»*e all must meet to part no mere ‘ ‘No parting or sorrow, To day or to-morrow. Where all is singing. And melodies are ringing; That is the land for which the weary are sighing, The land for all eternity.’ ’ Our hearts go out in love and sympathy to the bereaved parents, sisters and brothers. In parting we leave these vvords as a comforter: “Street to the soul the whisfpeiing. Of hope and promise when soft voices sing; We part to meet again.’ ’ A FbIend. Main St. Brevard, N. C ' Gtierryfleid Items. Editor Sylvan Valley Mews. Many bird hunters in our bnrg this week. Prof. C. R. Sharp has moved to Calvert preparatory to taking charge of O, L. Erwin’s store at that place. We wish him great success in his undertaking. We notice that a number are still gathering corn, although the prin cipal part of the crops are already stored. If the “money” is a fail ure our people will not realize it as there are abundant farm products to carry us for another year. Charlie Morgon, Gladstone and daston Whitmire, Lincoln M. Hamilton and others attended a quilting party at John C. Whit mire’s Thanksgiving Day. They report a nice time. True, ■ I prjB- stmie as there were a number of young ladies present among whom was our teacher Miss Davis. Capt. Gleason passed through .our burg last week on his way to inspect the famous gold mine re cently discovered near Selica. He claims that it will yielA 99 9-10 per cent pure gold. We hope that, with such a rich mine right at our door, the money question will soon show a brighter side. Captain is sure it will. Whitmire & Hamilton are doing quite a lot of business at their new store. They certainly have an up- to-date, new line of merchandise. It is reported that they have closed negotiations with the Railway Co. to put them in 2,000 feet of side track. We certainly long to see the day when this will be the cen ter of business and enterprise, and ou'r judgment is that it is not far distant. The school at Mount Moriah, un der the supervision of Miss Flor ence Davis, is progrc^ssing nicely. Every patron seems well pleased with her work, and every pupil speaks in the highest terms of their teacher. We congratulate her most heartily in being able to win the friendship and adoration of both patron and pupil, so soon, especial ly. It is not the case with every teacher. Ask Furman. American Citizen. - Cures Blood, Skin Diseases, Ccincer. If your blood is impure, thin, dis eased, hot or fiUl of humors, if you have blood poison, cancer, carbun cles, eating sores, scrofula, eczema, itching, risings and bumps, scabby, pimply skin, bone pains, catarrh, rheihaiism, or any blood or skin dis* ease^ take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) Soon all sores heal, aches and pains stop and the blootT is made pure and rich. Druggists or by ex press $1 per large bottle. Sample free by writing Blood Balm Co., At lanta, Ga. B, B. B. is especially ad vised for chronic, deep-seated cases, as it cures after all else fails. If* THE REV. iRL R. HICKS >4Imanac and Magazina A Real Wonderland. South Dakota, with its rich silver mines, bonanza farms, wide ranges and strange natural formations, is a veritable wonderland. At Mound City, in the home of Mrs E. D. Clapp a wonderful case of healing has late- ly occurred. Her son seemed near death with lung and throat trouble. “Exhausting coughing spells occured every five minutes,writes JMrs. Clapp, “when I began giving Dr. Kings New Discovery, the great medicine that saved his life and completely cured him.»» Guaranteed for coughs and colds, .throat and lung troubles, by T. B. Allison, drug. gi%t. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Should be in every homo in ^ the land. His weather predic tions canbehad only in his own publications. No other publish^ is permitted to print them in any form, either with or without credit. His 1908' Almanac ex cels all former editions in beauty and value, and sells for 35cents, postpaid. His monthly magazine, WOi^d and Works, contains his weather fore casts for each month, together with a vast amount of the best family reading and costs $1. a year, one almanac with each subscription. Every earthquake and serious storm for 20 years has been predicted by Prof. Hicks. You cannot afford to be without these pub* Nations. Address all orders to SYLVAN VALLEY NEWS, BREVARD Lets see! It was about ten months ago that J. P. Morgan permanently retired from finan cial activity, was it not? A, B. BENJAMIN Restaurant and Bakery Fruits, VegetableSt Candies, Cold Drinks, Ice Cream, Cakes, Oranges, Bananas, etc* Fresh shipment of fine assorted CANDIES. l08 Cream Every Evening Corner Main and South Caldwell Sts. I KILLthe COUGH km PURE THg LUMPS Dr. King’s lew Ofsewirjf IP Ir^OUGHS go?&^'f.oo. Trial Bolt!3 Free AMD ALL IKRCAT LUNG TROUBLES. THE HUB” STORE Grreat li?,ed.tiction Sale. THE BIG TEN DAYS SALE IS STILL GOING ON for Fall and Winter Goods. Right in the heart of the season we are giving great reductions in prk*es on Dry Groods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Cloaks, Jackets, Millinery, Ladies’ Skirts and Children’s Cloaks. ^ FOLLOWING ARE A FEW OF OUR MANY EXTREMELY LOW PRICES eereczTncc—TmtlKitACw iGUAKAK rSED SATISFACTOK: OR MOtTEY- UNiVERSSTY OOLLEOE OF MEDICINE 'MfirGW STUART MCGUIRE. Nl. P., PWESIDtNT. - ^Uege conform* to the Standards nxed by law for Medical Education, ^nd for | Bulletin No. 11, which tells about it. f^**togues—specify Dcpartmeat, WEDICIMi-DEHTISTRY - PHARMACY Ready-to-Wear. Ladies’ Suits (p:uaranteed), in all colors, wortli $15, $18 and §20, p:o at this great clearing $ ^ Q Q sale at $^.30 Ladies’ Jackets of the finest qnal- ity, satin-lined garments, worth $12 and $15, go at this great CO QJ? clearing sale at Ladies’ Cloaks, worth $10 and $12.50, go at this great ^ clearing sale at ' 50 Ladies’ Skirts, very latest style, in extra fine quality, all wool, worth $4.50, to go at this sale at : ^ 125 Ladies’ Skirts, very latest make and shades, in mohair, broad cloth and panama, sell all over the world at $5 and $6, go at CO the great clearing sale a^ 75 Ladies’ Skirts of the very finest and best make that ever was brought to the state of North Caro lina, in all colors and qualities, worth all over the world $9 and $10, go at this great clear- CQ ance sale at Ladies, don’t miss this great bargain A big line of Children’s Coats, worth double the money, QO to go in this sale at Also a big line of Misses and Chil dren’s Jackets, worth $3.50 OOn and $4, to go at Oow One lot of sample Shirt Waists, worth $1.50 to $2, going in OQp this great clearing sale at.... OuU Shoes. Shoes. Men’s satin calf Shoes, QQ worth $2, at. ^ I .Oil Mann & Longuinier’s fine $4 and $4.50 Shoes, will go in OA this great sale at Ladies’heavy calf leather Shoes, guaranteed solid,at ^ I -Ou Ladies’ fine Sunday Shoes, worth $2.50, will go in this great clearing sale at ^ I .HO $3.50 Shoes at $2.24. Children’s fine and heavy Shoes at half i3rice. Men’s Clothing. Men’s Suits, worth $12, go at this great sale at $4.98 Men’s $15 Suits—clearing QO sale price ^U.30 Boys’ and Children’s Suits, in serge and other goods, sell all over the world for $4.50 and $5.00, go in this great sale at.... A big line of Men’s Pants from 98c up; worth dabble the money or your money back. Dress Goods. Las! Cali .to Taxpayers. I will be at the following places on the days mentioned for the purpose of collecting- T axes due on the list now in iny hands for the year 1907: Dunns Rock, Rockbrook Store, Dec. 10. Little River, Bishop’s Store, Dee. 11. Little River,V Ashworth’s Store, Dec. 12. Boyd, Tally’s Store. I)ec. 13. Boyd. T. R. Duncan’s, Dec. 14. Gloucester, Macedonia Church,, Dec. 16. Hogfback, W. B. Henderson’s Store Dec 17. Catheys Creek, O. L. Erwin’s, Ros- man, Dec. 18. East Fork, Baptist Church, Dec. 19. Brevard, Dec. 20. I will be at the above places from 10 o’clock a. m. to 2:30 o’clock p. m. This is my last call—please meet me, C. C. KILPATRICIt, Sheriff and Tax Collector, PIUM COCAINE AMO WHISKEY HftbitB cured at iny Sanatorium in a few weeks. Tfeii cd.6 return to your ho&e in 30 days '^rdl, free and happy. 1 baV0 lnad9 habits a specialty for 25 years afld cured tbouBanas. f BFF Book on Home Trea^ent sent i IiIbC Address DR. B. M. WOOUEY, 102 N. Pryor Street, Atlanta, da* Promptly obtained, or FEE RETURNED. 20 YEARS* EXPERIENCE. Our CHARGES ARK THE LOWEST. Send model, photo or sketch for expert search and free reptirt on patentability. INFRINGEMENT suits conducted before all courts. Patentei obtnJnod through us, AOVCR« TISED and SOZ.D, fre.p. TRADE-MARKS, PEN SIONS and COP' "' '<^TS quickly obtained. Opposite '^atent OfTlcOi WASi' D. C. We promptly obtain U. 8. and Foreign PAJENTS Send model, sketch or photo of invention for' freereport on mtentability. For free book, Patents and TRADE-MARKS Dress Goods, water proof, in double width, worth 50 and 75c, go at this great sale at uH’w Extra fine Panama, all colors, QQa double width, per yard Owb inery. An extra fine line of Ladies’ and Children’s Millinery, in the latest style, going at yonr own price. mmm, & The Holidays are coming-Don’t miss this great sale M. FRED, Brevard, N, C. ^thelwold Building Opposite Court House There are more McCall PatteTHS sold In the United States than of any other make of patterns. This is oa account of their style^ accnracy ana simplicity. McCall’s Maga*lne{The Queen of Fashion) has nore subscribers than ai>y other Ladies’ Mai;;tzin«. On* year’s subscription {12 numbers) costs 50 cents. Latest number, cents* Every subscriber gets a McCall Pat' tern ITree* Subscribe today. laodw AffSntf yVailMd, llandsome prei^ums or liberal cash commission, raltem Cntalogue( of 600 de. ■i|;ns) and Premium Catale<;ue (showing 400 premiums| ••nt irce. Address tH£ McCALL CO. New Yorb