Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. $4.98 ats from 98c ) money or Ladies’ and in the latest wn price. j. J. MIIN EE, Manager. BREYAED, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. N. C., FRIDAY. DECEMBER ^0.1907 VOL. III-NO. 51 No. !43,K.ofP. Meets Tuesday evenings 8.o0., Castle Hail, Fi*a- V'' ternity building. V' x\ hearty welcome for visitors at all times. R. L. GASH, C. C. Brevard Telepiicne Exchange. HOURS: Daily—7 a. ra. to 10 p. m. Sunday—8 to 10 a. m., 4 to 6 p. m. Central Office—McMinn Block. Profession^o! Cards. i ■».-m.-a ^ ^ ^'a « 'I m tan ^ ^ ^ m m m m a w. m ^ « W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTO R N E Y-AT-L A W. Rooms 1 and 2, Pickelsimer Building. GASH GALLOWAY LAWYERS. Will piractice In all the courts. Rooms 9 and 10, xsIcMinn Block. D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER Rooms 11 and 12 McMinn Block, BREVARD, N. C @ © 'V' © § © DENTIST. (Bailey Bioc’r.) HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. A beautiful <^ohl crown tor §4.00 and up. Plates of all kind at reasonable prices. All work guaranteed; satisfaction or iU) pay. Teetii extracted without pain. AViil be glau to liave you call and inspect my offices, work and prices. The Mthelwold Brevard’s New Hotel—Modern Ap pointments—Open all the year The patronage of the traveling public as well as summer tourists iri solicited. Opp. Court House, Brevard. N.C. R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 5-cent packer is enoujrh ior u'-ual occasion^. The famiiy bottle <60 rei ts) contains a supply for a year. All druggists sell them. BAILEY, In “Tlie Land of the Sky.” Kear tho Sapphirs Cooatry. % % c- Vrv © © tc^ *trr % % % % ist 4^ ■vsr % % % % % In a certain western town lives a gentleman whose name is William Dollar. They call him Dollar Bill when they get funny. But Mr. Dol lar is a dignified, enter prising, good citizen. Xot every Dollar Bill is a good citizen. Many of them are prone to ignore the claims of their own community and run av/av to a big %j o citv to be spent. Many millions of Dollar Bills have left the smaller towns for the overgrown cities this present year of our Lord. IIow many Dollar Bills have gone out of THIS TOWX — left home and gone to some big city, never to return ? Every time a Dollar Bill leaves tov.Ti it takes a two-cent stamp with it, for it goes to a Mail Order Store. That helps the postmaster a little, but it doesn’t help the local merchant. It means just so much less trade for him. -o Which means just so much less cash circulat ing in this community. Which means just so much more social and business stagnation, Which means the stunting of the town's growth just to that extent. If you could figure up the Dollar Bills that leave town in this secret manner, like taking French leave—which you can’t—you would know just how much the tov\Ti is stunted by indulgence in this mail order stunt. If these Dollar Bills were really good and enterprising citizens they would stay at home and circulate around, help ing things along. How many of YOUB Dollar Bills take the midnight express out of town on the Envelope Route ? if % % % % © % % © % © % © 45t *'.C» © C' CORRECT SURVEYS MADE Maps, Plots and Profiles Plotted. Only the finest adjusted instrn- ments used. Absolute aci-uracy. P. O. Brevard, N. C. VvMteat onee and learn why we secure best S positions, and best salaries for cur graduates. I Etigene Anderson, Pres. J He Sure Was a Man! When William Allen rose up in the earlj" seventies and surprised tlie couij- try by beiuj^ elected j'overnor of OLiio CD the Democratic ticket one of ri:-_ obstacles he triumi)hed over was char tain are learning the banjo. Oscar eats up) his books, so he keeps out of school. Use the mush paddle and send him to school. • Henry Garren left for California last week but will return later. No place like this old North State. W. Baxter Owen, of Jackson, was a caller last week and later sold two yearling mules for S165. W’^ade A. Henderson and wife, from the southwest, were visiting his mother in Macon county last month. Leo Hogsed at last has left, wife, babies and all. Gone to see the Golden Gate and will try raising oranges. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Galloway, of Jackson, spent several days with her daughter Mrs. Milford Moore last vreek. And next we will get the road when we need it. Then watch us vote and—well, that office must have a change. Our (not your) hustling cobbler Lanning is in Brevard to take the place of the other cobbler, but not Cherry cobbler. John Mason called last week > from Ninive, N. C. He claims all mineral on Mason’s creek also on Patterson’s creek. Rev. F. M. Jordan, D. D., organ ized a new church at Pine Grove Gap. The regular pastor will be Rev. I. Henderson. Milford Moore went hunting last week and got a mountain boomer. Boy, go over and see the red fox hide at the Captain’s. J. K. Lanning has opened up his shoe and boot shoj) at Brevard. We miss an honest, hard working man. Give him a trial. W. B. and Miss S. Owens, of Webster, N. C., stopped over night with us the past week. Come again, bring your friends. The man who is out on bail and sneaks off from the officers and law is guilty. Hunt him up, put him in jail and give him the road. Joe Galloway is to give n husking and in the evening a promenade with lunch to all who may come on Dec. 28. He specially invites all. We hear that Brooks, Erwin and Paxton are to open a store at Cher ryfield with Boren as clerk. Go in, boys, I love a Mississippi boat race. “I got a cousin vot was drovrnded only his life was saved by a hero.” Say George, don’t make such a loudness, you scare der boarders away. The Survey lines set by Hardin last week between Thomas and Moore was a loss to Thomas. He loses his buildings. Some one said “Like an Indian he was going to take to a tree. J. J. Miner’s Editorial in tl e Sylvan Valley News of a former is sue, on “Our Financial System” of the government is a pure and sim- le gathering of facts and should be read by all. Mount JMoriah students had a i^rand time mountaineering on Thanksgiving. Under the tutelage of Miss Davis the school is in ad vance of any school ever taught at Mount Moriah. Sign the petition folks, and the post office at Calvert will be doub led up with the crossing postoffice. On the 15th of Jan. 1908, tho old station at Cherryfield vrill be moved to the crossing. The honor roll of Pine Grove -chool for the past month were: Phoebe, Allen, Coleman and Carrie McCall, ]Norman and Fred Moore. J bet a little strap oil would have helped the boys. It was great sport last week to see Rev. F. M. Jordan and wife, W. H. Nicholson and wufe and Capt. M. R. Gleason and Vvife hunting rabbits. They got 15 heads. Great luck, but then these old gents have voung wives. Remenibor the Sylvan Valley News this Christmas. Pay up and subscribe for another year. Most people say you can’t read or write when you don’t take your county paner. Maybe you are stingy and read your neighbors’. We hear that a gentleman from a distance is going to give the Gar ren heirs and relations $300,000,000. There are about 600 heirs and each of them must give the gentleman $10 a piece, theri'he will order Lon don,>England sold, and if the Lon don people won’t do that why then the gentleman will have the United States declare war. The Captain says for you Garrens to x^ut your spare money in the Brevard banks and stop chasing—well let London alone. Time Exposure. Here’?i Gocid Advice. O. S. W^oolever, one of the best known merchants orLeF{a.ysville, N. Y., say: “If you are ever trou!>led with piles, apply Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. Tt cured nie of them f«>r good 20 years ago.” Cures every sore, wound, burn or abratrion. 25c at T. B. Allison’s drug store.