SYLVAN VALLEY NEWS Annual Statement psylvaiiia Coiinty, Year Ending Dee.I, '07 The foilovcing amonnts have been pjuil The county commissioners for flieii’ scrvices: T BrooliS, inc. Jan. 14, ’OO $12.00 Henry, “ “ 12.00 jnoCDeaver, “ “ 12.00 \V Brooks, to May 1, 1907 14.00 Henry, 16.00 jjio (■ “ “ iG.OO L \V Brooks, 2 days insi^ecting ,4cck-law fence 4.00 Henry, “ •“ *’ 2.00 Tlie number of days each has jiiet with the Board is as follows : jj \V Brooks, 27 ; W M Henry, 28 : jno C Deaver, 23. Milos traveled by each, 0. Xo unverified accounts audited. I^orth Carolina, Transylvania Co : I, M. W. Galloway, register of deeds and ex-officio clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of sakl county, hereby certify that the fore^?oin" is a correct statement of the amounts audited by the Board of Commissioners to the members thereof, and also a correct state- nient of the number of days service rendered by each, and that said statement is in compliance with the requirements of section 1326 of the revisal of 1905. This Nov. 30, 1907. M. W. GALLOWAY, Reg. of D. TRUSTEE’S SALE. By virliie;;of the power given the undensignefi tnisr*>e in a certain deed of trust executed by Lad^on and wife. Jane Ladson; to Welch Galloway, trustee, on the 3d day of l^e- ceinber. 190(5, to secure the payment of a certain note oxei uted by sa'd Mar.«.hall Ladson and wife, Jaue Ladson, of even date therewith for the>ura of Two Hundred and Eighty dollar>; payable to the Brevard Balling Company on the 31 d ’ y of Decern be r, j 907: Aiui wherea>, >-aid note hos been assigned to W. H Fauikuer by said bank and the f>arae is now pa't due, and default having been made in the payment th» reof according to the con ditions set out in said l>< en giveu required in said Dted of Trust, and the said W H Eaulfc »er, the owner and holder of said Deed of t rust and the Note secured thereby, having made application to the said trustee to Sfll the la.'d described in s«aid Deed of Trust for the purf»ose of satisfying said notv, interest, cost and expenses, now therefore, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at tht; Court House door in tt\e Town of Brevard, Trdn- sy:vaniacouj»ty, on Monday January thirteenth at twelve o’clock M., all the following de scribed tract i)f land, situated in Brevard Town- ^hip, nesir the north west cornorate limits of the Town of Brevard, bounded as follows: Adjoin- i- glan<"sof P. S. King, T. H. Hampton and otht r. Ik'giinitg O'l a Black O.'ik, Kings corner and runs s i9de:^ W 12 1-ii poh s t<> u stake at Kesorvolr street then N 2l detf W ]2 ik) es to a stake, the south east c»»r;ier of a three louith :.cre lot. tlien With Keserv<*ir street, N 3.' deg VV It jKjles and 17 links to a stake, Laoson’s somh Wtst corner of a 1-a acre Jot; then N 4fi 1-2 ock E 14 poles to a sto^e on the so ili side of the roa«i; then with the road S deg E 5 poles and 2i links to a St ike ueiir three White oaks. Kings corner; then H 31E l4 poles and 20 Jinfc', to the bepnming, coiitai nng 2 acres m -le or le s this bound »r.» of lai d t inbraciiig thv^ five pan els of land conveyed by T H. Hampton and other-'10 Mareha.l Lao- son, as will appear by reference to the records of iJeeds in the Register’s office of Transylvania county. This sale is made subject* to one mortgage deed and note In the amount of ?i0i).00 and interest on same, wh;ch note anship on Bear Cam.' creek, Coley’s crcek and water- of Hor'iepa.sture river, and known as the lands of J. E Revis,sr., bounded and descnbe follows, to-wit: First Tract—Beginniug on a b ack oak and runs 8 45 deg E 127 poles to a stsike; them e S r>0 dfg W l;i7 ijoles 10 a stake; thence N 50 deg W 127 poles to a stake; tht nee N 50 deg E l5i7 1 oles to the beginning, coutaining 101) acres more or less. Second Tract—Being State <»rant No. 82, Be ginning at a Black (ium, corner of the J. E. Kevis tract and runs W 100 po es to a stake; then N 200 poles to a stake; then S 38 deg h pfjles to a slake; then WOO poles to the begin ning containing 100 acres more or le^^s; lynig •ju Coley’s creek and known as the Mary Revis Trac . Third Tract-Lying on Coley’s creek and known as State Grant No 83 to J. E. Revis. Bc- giuning at a large maple on the South Carolina line, below the Uodgen Path an>i runs N 5 deg W 170 poles to a Make; thence S 5 deg VV 135 {•oles to a stake; thence to the beginning, con- tainiiig 25 acres more or less Excepting from the above described lands a lot of land, contaitiingoneacre, situated around the grave of J. E Revis, sr., beginning on a white oak, one jiole we't of the rond leading frnra the J. K. Revis pla« e to l^ke Toxaway and runs N 13 poles to a stake; thence \V 13 pel s to ! stake; S 13 poles to take; thence E13|)o'esto the beginning, w'hich tra« t is ex cepted and dedicated f r the us s of a public graveyard, together With a roau^ayof not less t iiiU i4 feet in wnlth eading from the present road over and throu h the tract of land out of v/hich the said gi'aveyaro ha^ been excepted. Lands sold by vi'tue of the order mtwer ve^ted iu the under- f^igiifii, W. W Zachary, a-TfU^t^e, in ji certain •leed of trust bearnu date tea Utti diy of Apri., executed bv William Whi.mire ainl wiJe, Lorena Whitmire', to the said Tru'^tte, to securc the sum . f »5o.00 to W. H FuulkiU;.-. whkh amount is due «nd unpaid, and having been re- que.ied to sell ihe laud dc‘scribed m M'e said deed of truvt, f i the p».ipv' e 01 «ollecti. g tin s*nd indebtedness. 1 wtil. on Mo iday, i»tc. oOth. 1907. at lio’clo.*k m., at court hoU'C door ill the Town of Brevard ? ell to the highest bid der for cash, the f»d owing des ribed tract of land; l>j'ing and being in Hoi^back Township and county of Trant.ylviinia, adjoinii>g ihe lands of Merrian Whitmire, Ra^-sey Whiimire, Mark V. hitmiie and other , being the same land tleeded by c. J, Henderson ai d wife to William Whitmire and wife byoeed dated Feb. the lSih, W9, and recorded in Book 8, p ige476, in the ofticex f the Register of i»ceds of Transylvania county, rt feresice to which deed is hereby made ^iill dt'scription of the said laud. Ihe proceeds of the said sale will be applied; iirst, to the co'>t and expenses of the said sale; second, to the discharge of the said iudebred- iiess, and the rem linder. if any, to be paid to ‘he said William Whitmire. '' W, W. ZACHARY, Trustee. Seiica Items. Editor Sylvan Valley iS'ews: jSTever mind. Van." I’ll put a stop to that, Baxter. Dealer McXinna left Sunday for South Carolina. Bob Miller spent Sunday evening at T. H. Grogan’s. Van Waldrop called at Tom Gro gan’s Sunday afternoon. Those pins are locust, but they have to be to last always. Lewis Hamlin made a flying trip to Davidson River last week. Our little sheriff, Tom, was very busy looking around last week. Capt. Gleason and wife took din. ner at Joe Boren’s last Sunday. George Hamlin visited friends on Davidson River a few days ago. That fellow on the old gray mule is getting very familiar with them all. Glady Branch church has elected Rev. Asher O. Allison as their pastor. Brance Tinsley and wife, from Brevard, were in this section last Sunday, Gleason and wife spent a few days at Nicholson’s and Tinsley’s recently. J. P. Wilson and others took a trip to Asheville and other places last week. The panic is about over for I saw Rufus Barton loading a car two weeks ago. Bill Singleton from Davidson River spent Saturday night at R. H. Osteen’s. Our little friend Robert Miller spent last Sunday evening at Thos, H. Grogan’s. Riley Wilson was in good busi ness last week—he was snowballing with the girls. H. t). and E. B. Barton and oth ers killed three deer last week on Cathey’s creek. Miss Gertrude Wilson, from Cul- lowhee, is visiting friends and rela tives in this section. H. C. Barton and Tom Garren were in Brevard last Sunday look ing after their income. Ruf Searcy and Ida Barton call ed at B. N. Alexander’s recently and report a jolly time. P. C. Hamlin and wife spent last Sunday with his father and mother Mr. and Mrs. Eli Hamlin. We don’t know who killed Har rison’s hog but we know who eats it when the captain is near. R. H. Osteen went hunting Satur day and out of seven shots he kill ed six rabbits and one squirrel. Riley Wilson says they can be lieve what they want to but he did not go to New York to stop the panic. What day were the mules shear ed? Never mind, Duff, I’ll see Baxter and give full particulars next week. M. R. Gleason says he will gay for lands the first of January. We believe it is just talk, not a fact, though he could fool us. Lewis Hamlin and Harkless Bar ton are shacking on Ivy Branch, cutting wood. I think they will keep boarders next Summer. P. N. Alexander was hauling corn to Seiica station last Saturday assisted by Lewis Hamlin. He will ship the corn to Ben Dunn at Lake Toxaway. Judson Corn, our Sunday school superintendent, has taken his let ter from our church. We are sor ry to give up as good a Christian as we think Mr. Corn is. The old schoolhouse was repair ed Saturday for John Perry to teach school. John is suited, for he al ways loved the house. He is get ting on fine with his school. Rev. Jesse C. Owen was to preach at Cathey’s Creek last Saturday. He failed to be here as it was a cold rainy day but several people were at the church expecting him. What is going to become of Cath eys Creek church? There has not been a sermon in the church since Rev. F. M. Jordan resigned. Rev, Holtzclaw, vyho was elected a^ our pastor, disappointed us. The old church is like a lamb without a shepherd. We will have a box supper -at. our new school house near Seiica i Monday night before Christmas, ' Dec. 23. Everybody invited, young j and old, nien, women, girls and' boys. Girls, bring your, box with j your name inside it Let’s have a jolly good time once in our lives. Remember the time, Monday night before Christmas. Crab Apple. International” Tailoring Co. Rosman Items.' Left over from last loeek. Editor Sylvan Valley News: Jordan Whitmire went to Ashe ville last Friday- Dr. Whitfield Brooks has moved down to Neal’s hotel in this city. Vessie McCall, of East Fork pass ed through Rosman Sunday after noon. On the night of Nov. 29 the school at Rosman gave a nice en tertainment. Toxaway Tanning Co. have fin" ished putting up their new 90-foot smokestack. * Morris Morgan has left his old job of hoisting and gone to running liquor for the Tannery, Misses Martha and Ruth Brooks and Lucy Smith took a pleasant walk to Calvert last Sunday even ing. Ernest Paxton has returned from a pleasure trip to Jacksonville, Fla., and is spending a few days in Rosman. Jordan and Pickens Whitmire went gigging last Thursday and killed 24 ijounds of fish. They both came'back smiling. ‘ ’ On last Thanksgiving Day we laid aside our work and went to qhurch. Rev. Chedester of Bre vard preached to us. Pierce Morrison, of^Williamston, S. C., spent a few days recently with his relatives and friends at Calvert and Rosman. H. E, Morrison happened up with a painful accident last Saturday night. He and his cousin were re pairing a crib and a hog trough flew up and struck*him on the jaw bone wounding him very badly. The Rosman Sunday school is among the best that was ever known in this part of the county. It was organized by Miss Lucy Smith, one of the be^ school teach ers of the eastern ^|>art of North Carolina. ,)./ Two boys were asked one day while fishing in the beautiful French Broad what they had seen that day. The reply came back, “Seven redhorse, 24 hog-suckers and 32 wild ducks.” We have heard the wind blow before. Little Pee wee. 1 H:>w’s This? We offer One Hundred Dollar’s Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by HalFs Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and belive him perfJsetly honorable in all' business ' transaction.s, and financially able to cArry o«t any obli gations made by his firm. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wliolesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hairs Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly opon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall’s Family Pilis for con stipation. mm • Ho Fought at Gett.ysburg:, David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y., who lost a foot at Gettysburg, writes: “Electric Bitters have done me more good than any medicine I ever took. For several years I;, had stomach trouble and paid oqt much money for medicine to little purpose, until I began taking Electrrc Bittters. I would not take $500 for what they have done for me.*^ Grand tonic for the aged and for female Great alterative and body builder, sure cure tor lame back and weak kidneys. Guaranteed by T. B. Alli son druggist. 50c. The name Interactional is all you need to know about a suit. It signifies Corredness, Dignity and VsLtue and a// ifidt goes to make perfection in Ma,de-to-Measure Clothes^ ^ A call is necessary to convince you of their enormous facilities tice yoa are looking for. All the newest modes and the biggest line of samples are awaiting your inspection. ^ ^ ^ M. J. GLAZE NER & 3 ON HOSMAN. N. C. Leaders in Fine Clothing BE r O RE Y O U B U Y Holiday Gifts See our display of Cutlery, Scissors, Mani cure, Desk and Embroidery Sets . V, • -■ HOLIDAY Sets —AT— MILLER-DeVANE Supply Company H. REBWOOD Sr CO. ASHEVILLE, N. C. Dealers in Fine Dress Goods, Staple Dry Goods, Fancy Good« Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Ladies’ Suits, Skirts, Waists, etc. Men's and Boys’ Suits and Overcoats, Hats, Furnishing Goods, Umbrellas, Trunks, Bags, Suit-Cases, Fine Shoes, etc. Sheets, Pillow Cases, Towels, Napkins, Table Damasks. Cur tains, Portieres, Floor Rugs, Mattings, etc. Butterick Patterns ^ \ MML ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED y Rebuilt Typewriters* Reminstons, Smith Premiers, Underwoods, Olivers, at a saving from 35 to 60 per cent. These Typewriters are thoroughly rebuilt being re-enameled and re-nickled, new type, new writing cvlinders, aod old parts replaced with new parts. They are as good and look as good as a nev machine. We will ship one of these machines to responsible firms on approva* and if not as represented we will pay express both wayj3. Will also send S2^le of work on request. Typewriter ^^change Department J. M. HE^RM CO. Battery Park Place JMHEVtLLB, M. C