y(.f( j-T:> r^.q ,t ■' r- i! n :> ,’r-5»n>*‘i ■^•'i .no'l V;n /A<>0-^ SfOjr; (iri'v) y.'.'-Kf '} J -‘‘J “?*> n :r/()dj nl . >4^ y, iiL’ii jiij/;!!.) vl ? •hr'. s\ ;;t> o^i lni!V--‘fff Ji' j'. MINER,'mfiagen *•/«.» ..«■. C0UTO:/M, •HIDi.Y. DECEMBER 5i7,1907 {(:■ k y- •‘vMili Hj; nTrnrni i!?:Y No. 143;K;dfP: :'■ •;() " • •«;»■ i) V -•/ V'li -I’ . •. , j JV^eeU.XuQ;^^ ay ^ vrenings. ; , *8.30:, eastl'e Hal!; "Fra il^ ternity building-, r. * ;h^arty WQlqqmft tprj; visitors at a.11 tim.es. JiUil iw;i sul'l J r.iJ ‘iijj;.U‘i .V, .6»va(d;T8iep|we* ' r. -j;} ^-iir.HpURS'./ii -i nj;’> uu/ i vDaily—T 10:p. m,,,: . , , ] Sunday—8 io 10 a. m., 4 to 6"prin.' ' Central Office—MeMiflri* Blobfe^ /i T7iiUK^[unTr. n:< AO li fd n> i '>h5ll bli^q {: HiVV Professional Cards. fJ'nhd ’>:ij ? ?•</ 'lif»y; w. B. DUCK\y:pRTHt AT7C).RNEY-AT-lLl!i:W. ■ i\ -_' i'.- ?.'• i ■ I ■ Roe>ms’ 1 anti -2, Piekel-sHaaer Building. rrr^ » t f ir T’ r;> -rt r' ., f * V 51 f, C >, ) J I: ^ 0 ^ t j i 11J V/ i I 3 Will practice in all the courts. Rooms 9 and 10, MisMihri Block. 7 j fr^rr :< ctoJ)r‘>V7 . hi^TT’lf' pj:r[ ^)iere^s'a’;^own^ of -h' hvr^t *j^-'We*b|^utito of the Skyj;yj<,]f^ /iO. ;)r.m U.u 0 \ .H .T ii ,iiu \v'laftti& ^htit^o4it’ the cold Norttf w^ v>p|>^gi|. t)^oWtrom^ ^he fiyd^.Qf gnr)w;|^ ,\ < j <L :(hi ■ Sun dothhis brightest.b§am?i; ". r L rl ,.., t :• :i '■( i Y ■;■'■■• • ■ * ‘ ' ' ' . ■ . . ■ . ; , •• • • • • ., • • 1 ,.. ._. I • .-. xji * ■ " ^ Oq the fields aridT6r<^st;sJb^low^ v M r =r :L ;iiWhe^ th,e^ WjOwn,ape fair;‘and the tid^ are true; - i)i y|:;/} oWheare:.a^l‘laaiWiandrOr^er regard; , v . , Where the air'iis pur.e^where’th.e/Skies^a'r6^^^ In the “Gem of the Mountains.”—Brevard. i .rf f (O.!?.»?? 7 f»< f buildings, ct tesidenOQis, bam$jr^areK i houses, stores,. elo»i to notioe-; thef J bnSy j.;00W' itO'<3 D. L. ENGLISH o ?':> ''■'5 ■js 4alAWY«il J:x Rooms 11 and 12 McMinn Block ElHi^4^i|-iS0T2 M A, ii ni.ki.1^1 ' ;T'1 J)ENTIS^^ ( Bailey Bloc )'; ■^ HENDERSpNYILLE, M i.H ! J > In N. C A 4> ol(l cro\ih ,^r ||§ Transylva|$|^^^ounty. attd .upi*,. , Plates of all kind at reasonabh prices. All vyo^^aran]|eed; sa||5Cactioi k if ie^^h^ex^cteil- • r-4 i inspect my oflBces, vvofk ana prices The aho've is an attempt, by one wlx&iloves Transylvania and Bre- Va¥df to express his j>^nion of our ■:V sftction and prompts him to go deep er and portray, if ;pO^,ble, to the outsider, as weJJ'^ the reasons so. And it is join '^ith , him in last as fonn- 4^jons are biSIt of Isylvania they bppes - or the fut^^3^i^k? *''" '; 'J And" by p •writer* say %ss'M the :;jeat aTe one'&iMjJ^j^^ rlvania coniit j-' is. dependent on evard and J^e^acd is det0n(S^t -rivalry'‘ between -^ tkem.. -JTlia. growth of the one insures the Tl0WRthetwold Breva Hotel—Modern A,v Ja ' ii poii^m*^^^^© all the year The patrojd1^ge^;^,ft.. travelincr pu^^ as Op^ ^ • ^' u. Va Thf 5-QI Tah faJJwijf^y fora^ ,ual ocdasiops. ains a supply f'.iiv MADE ^ itg p^i^o^s hintj^rl ^e^ty ft p^Tperons to ‘ nd the corrolary is just as true— ‘r.Hat‘n^5 eonfetry snceeeds jtmleesiit ■‘ft g'dodi^taowaa in'its mid^./;.r«^f/;i. £ u'i o ^^^mhsylmraa eo'untfy andj Bre?-^ infcerdependeiit, J and that? ^f>ihldfc?vhelps*y tbe.'i*one ben^ts- the* iand ^that ■wMcli injiires the W^d^roys t'he other.' 1 k.l hin^^ai ' i * < And'^tliose' good citizens of? jTilaln^ who' point • with pride to t?iic( J l?emarkable . growtfe • and proa-f .')^rftytbf Bf'evafed should Temember tfee ;cil5iz€to^ 'oEf jBrevard-arei *;ib great amount of teildiii|gr/'that }ias ; been- dojae otitside of Brevard> ] ^^ot onl5^; i^;-it:: remarkable - 4o note, the numberofil3jailding&,.bjifc ^tHe kijiwi^ Of iMlditog is ^what r attracit& thei at-. tention of the observer and'i^e i;^ impressed thatrJthls^ i6 « donnty in /which . the' farmfers.jtiOfe only budld for looks but foi* cofiafort and for-stabilityv - Jjiji-fr r it rrThei'growth- xjf ' Ofir tb^ni and eount^; ii dargelyj ithe. work iot r our o way' peoploi^^n, ■; incronaen^ < j ;mad© with*^ mir^- otrh ' brain and) brawn, which, while it tnay: not take-the boomlike tform of; sOm#^ othe^ sec tions,-yet 4si'^ .sure a: sign ,of pep- ple’S'bwn ndtive; that it dti;^ dicates .a^ ST^j^^jj^steady growth under all conditionSi < ^¥e?ahalle®ge any.'Ot^ber itown*. or section to show 4SQ -goo4..r 4i*JiiaiiJy^>udatement.ja& local banks made during the first -i^afiy^'-proiad fofi.t coanty jfcbat Its ^rogi?esB possible.; fnj ; ; ^ The old year‘4s nearly»gone.; ;-Be fore another issue of this paper we I v^% Vear "and it IS 6tttit tfaat sifoiild ^ ju sted instrft^J'' olute acijnradwf^'' P*0.'’Bref||a, N. c. -K.l-Vt'- Wriie ait onoe »W ij»rn ^ best p<>Biti6n8, and best saldri^£^4ii^ graduates. j|,s : ; •■ ii';: ■'■ ' "" j i the state. Biud> rthand, Tyrewrl- mm a n 8 h i p, and g 1 )g h courses. 1800 I in positions. >lf«9flnore of your rail road fare paid. PI good boaf ■ _inter' any; fliin^r. '8i»ecjal course by jpail»if j[gu ask for it. •- jx J.. 4.-'-.: In “The Land of the Sky.” Kear the Sapphlre^?oii|(itr7« * iS ness, w Ji mwf jrroiasrthfpf^fthe otherj^^^o town-.^j^ljfew|^»y^ in Do^i^ber. Shc^^^j ^^"^**^-“’i'*:'witlioutT a good ^3&re S^^^li^eased Spring i^^^t fearfiiM stri^e^y—^JmkJbtlivSh our small population, with but two| /fcorporations banking here, we havej M>^.two banks nearly $150,000 on! dasposit. It is a cau^e of ; pride for us to! baH the attention of the j^utsider to| th2s condition of 'out-bai^ks. Not! onjy does it sHaw th0 abi^dance ofj H?on^TO-th^ butiit shows! whal^'T^* a b^tte]^; a*feet^^amely :| that the peo^e ‘ of haf^e confide^^ in vt^ir bankersj anfd business Jnen, y£<|\\being an in-j f.herently hon0feti| piojJl^ they trustj other men. jdrfdii i$ ^11 a valua ble possession £^d{*c8^,^t be used; in business ]4^r^ p|ini(^)^^^o panic.* And in tention to^ country’s^^Q^ll^ ,year 19Q^^|(W ^ixth ^ i^l*evar :p?ip-fi%;5egthyj^n4 M have^ecreased ou^ td^es., Thi^4s ai i^^^dfa:^kable condiii^V’andifi^iJoixdi-j I r sbOT^d ,appe^3L\ ‘b^T^W^s mail.'''; *■. * ,. ./(JjQmpare; the . colnn^iis ,! ■cOlin^,. newspaper*; witb ] iSiose dthei* counties and: notipe how fe^ sales of property under Mbii^ga^ appear it^iimiripapeis ^dl^^ a4vertisejb^entslof j^les of propeJ|yl f or taxes and see wh^i a fi^ eentage Ihere is. ^ These a that can ■ be ascHjrtaihM' . “ -1 ?!•-■■•: /T'.;*CVF • nian, and;t^0y urfe aisO :a trt^^^ dard by i^Mih Wvjudge^ perity, iiibii^si^, of a we &e, and^jghbul^ proud ofi|)nr ^r^qri in tjmt > QQwon nisi-^£ln<^7*fi ^ 'V : v?;?^ rlasee! ibvefc • t^e past0[^rfa.r^4l see^ ; •ivba't i) impi!Q.vements .; lhaye :«add ando.what iprogre^ has beenj dui»:d^i!^gi9(y7^1 ;/;• r;t: lr:i> ,.:.voo , Golil6Ctiyely?; ^»d)as ra comi^ni^^r ^e,'^of ^ratisylvania^comii^j.itave tyiSfe^h^e^^ I' rei^ an^ jprd^ beeijt |)^j- wiio^iuay^ spifered and happe:^^ tP: misforttine dt is* libp€^ ithat tl^ey mil f 0T%ef their pak tro'dbles' and? look forward with confidence to the ft. ^y' thV "liii^fir^s oeMiiitte^ iduring the.li^8t ye^, ,. r.:::;; t . ■ferief^re^nie of our materi al progress is in order when one is 'atteinpting td^ set^ • 6tkt the C^6ts in regard to the remarkable grbwtli and prosper!^'of Wtti*^"T6wn "and eonhty‘and^ a liiniteS s'^tfetoent bf^ what improvements' have' tifeeri mad^ iii thetn’^ffi ibe In Or To enumerate..; specificajly- ©apb and every improvement would be a task so burdensome Dotn to tne ^yiijfeij^d generM-; i^ties!. will r jalo^ie ij^e'^ealt:wj^^,; and not each specific improvement. #0 se^^5 n as well ^-^thers. ^ Pp reader, o^ s tp’^yn wiIIl the p<^ of '"Vard th^4 " x^i\T>\ su v5[>?a^Vv> 52 adam stWet'iea^'^ ftom (fe^oP sjlvania county. me facts, yy ^n#| to be proud of my county and of my jBT tW^rteF-^'pnttt^e' that ttie^motrtMy^' towir^ -h^sxauscd nro ta tiiink: thatt- peauty and bounty anoT of man s bonesty, morality and ability. Per- througli tlj^l^ain ^igess ^r|ions of it? Kn(jite^ anothS'l bf any siz^ Itliati »ur4 jwater piped over its entire limits— ianalysis: «e made^byitlie .statS" chsisti- jisfe /sHaws -it' itoiv .be ■ an u aljsolutel^ ;pui?eiTyater?:i Itovyiou k’Hr<bw Jiiiipthent jtown th^t ihas>: eo ioozkipiete i a sew-^ i s^ystein^or -one "that is^ better vThi^ on :the^-v thS&s *•-S . w. w Wii *V, v;.;- ^ >i . ^ ^ W ind j!^pu will then be proud of our town—be proud of the cp^t^ seat of Transylvania county. '' Compare 6^^-^ ^res' ^htfse |fbnnfd i-in j otherqandx il^rger * to^ns land you will not feeliaahattiedi lare so good that even the niost fasr, j . \) /-r’V • ;'vii ryiitj 'tidious need not send away for ieiihei’ ' rtedesgitii^ "* 6r ''delidacites. jOur ''^omerf f oik-caii^do’^he5r'^b|i/ ptngiat^homei wd l«tMs- sert t1iat:oar:imports>are vei^T^' smali as Qomparejd with other, towns. '};Lpo^,.(a;t j t^jtbftildi^gs, .m .qj^- 6itiek ^ o t* iui* |)P§t&tai:;e to Brevard and better than m‘any fptit!^ ifc^eitiby haviiig' our |yO^)tAa^ni^'I'OO'Jr through our county knd iobk at‘ou»sfebool‘ :b«msej8 cQme ^>Bd’e- r^irdi aiid-locJk* at «u^= ?gr4ded? &cOa®o§ and the Brevard Institute'and) you w:ill feel that we are ahead.of pther towns and, counties of even, larger ■ TliS,.ri, .,i f, jwv*'';4 r pc^ulatiqn ,.... ^ ^ ^^ ^rj, GtO with the ministers of the gos- P|el to the many churches iti ‘ the bbuhty'aMd‘^ iii' an^ 'see ’6Miitiful’^"’feti’ud '^aVe^^'%eeh erected for the worship of Alr&igiit^ tSijridraM Jbee liowrfvif^l/ attended; are | the *si6r^dd0s,': the oi)rliy^jtrfmeeting^'i: tMe Sanday.-schppls,'atid‘i.wliat»;}bet^! ter evidence do you need oj [a ieotirt-: : jjA;n4/We.are?i^Q indiisy! .trialiprpgr^s, -fgr . dipi^g .the .year • in[ ad(JJtion to theivery rtogej[ JTan^ ninJ]5:tract plant„at Pisgah Forest' ^^i}d 'tiie* ^^ai^nery ' at^ * ti.o$mVti, ' we: rTjrTVf.-Tjf 'T''a‘ > ' ■ ^i’-* ^ have bu4t 14 BreVard' a cotton piill; tiiat wiireniplpy a' larg0‘ nuinber‘ ‘^f people and^ wiir add several itoti-i sattd^of d.oliHrs* per'month to the I -mbne:5H jjaid otft ‘ as> wa^s^ini^the ^uritj'^ ;' The cottoB:' imill wirll be in! 6peratiPh‘^Ek^ly in* iFebrttai’^i ^ ^ | There is one kind of factor^‘th!£t| sJjtpuM:' be built, hefe»• and; that, iB a^ -Itirnitur.e; manufactpty.- Theye is; /no. s^t^oji ! tjioreJ i amply'' pfoyidedi ,^tlt tiftibem .of :all/;Mnds^>iv\jith" w^-> ter power in abundaij^ev ^a^d • thel .railroad wijl gi ve,, such rates as-will- J lit'i.n Tifif} :>;. jj->}? v.\-»=^ place ^ne^ output a factpr^^^ hpre rOn bn ey^ry hami,: whose mightyimaj- |esty^impr>eiss^|)oajPTli* ipower ^andf whose iiSublimQI iNa^F ;por:tray to, . ^ His dimp^B ,loy^ With such, enyironments bad .men. j >:i.* ijJi/ "-'tyi iare made .gpod and good men are. f .; I rV (7 jci jyiiiJl JjiJ ?' /jJ{: ‘ made better. Here in truth “The ifule'^of‘iife'i&^to^V*'V.^^^ ■'' ' ‘Por'in Ui1s‘!a^(f df HejkVen s jiecuUaTi^^e^^ 'TJl6'^herltage.of;Natarte^B BooO ! K a, : • I ^ ■ ^ A deafer, sweeter sjpVt^aii ali ^e feit.'^’ .hO‘S:^.;^jy>r h)0:trfirOi(' ..:—: ■ ^ Trfft ’ 4s ■ ed - *fo r h(>m ebfu t his ’ boo lii h'M^ed fai? |hb wpod &• -<•-.1 ir,j yj:i> Ji o) y-.} J ri4 Gqupie^. Jpurpal^, th^j.Pe.r^px^rat^iQ, party is composed of a lot Ofj;^i^^ a: 11 -ijoiforrq J :> i 7^j^!y -^ffefV . Ilu ivd ^ 1^1 iRfeward- for iiny efise ^ha^ e^rifidt'W cbred by' HaiP^' Catairfh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Gbiv^Oledov^Ol We, the undersigiM^f F. J> Cbeo^y ^®d bfiUyo 4^nn; perfe9tiy ,h9^pn^;?.t.ra{n^acjipiw finaijcfallyabki.to ciW'ry put any obli- gatioa^nja^ by hie firiu-i ftn ^ ^al,dii\g, Kinr^n & Mary in Whpiesafe bruggi^s,* i ‘ “k • ' I. ? ‘ i • ‘ f r- ^ * * and mucQus surfaces of ’ (‘lie systenr. ^'(^s f i rii b h j a 1 s‘ s^n t' *. fpee ;• 'Pricey' 7 56 ^er bottid;^ ^Soid by «ll ?r/ /I fercpj^ stipatlon. .,,,,,J 11^ • -«i^- — to ‘'•pilie Aiap in ’ ^ Foraker is' bi*itig- iW^ bii¥’Gh t ^o A* ‘.‘ 1 i--if/r:'i /r rPl. ,:t .GoQ^l^rs,4^^9r lia.ti^ve b!$.s;qess att^cd<^4?'tp«{ ’ noiibeenj^or^ med i D; W^sbingtoavi Tom JobnsPn" ‘ntiw ■ ba^‘ 6rfedi€^'tfot'0&iy'of ^Wavitig^^jkiefeat- ^d^ 'B iVr tbft 'aad' 'R5o!^4veit/,^ b ut ' of fikHi ri'^ rt»-a‘(¥e kii aito^hty hol6 ■ in '"'-I "‘’f i_>fV/ fcijij’ .-; V. ? ■-■‘-1*.{ ! r J He JFotigrJU'iatiCJ^ittysbiirfi.Jo ' 0aVid^P«i:ker,' ^ FayetteV Ni 15i, Who lost a fi^ot at Gfettysfeu writes: “Electric Bitters have done lue m()be .ffp()d.1,haii‘ any-; med1<^i ne I ever ^k. Fori sevet&l, year^^ I ' ha4 ■ stp^ii^ati ipents as ‘Breyard? mii^ji any tp?wTi tliat has walks oB ; :all < i ts I principal Jstri&d^ towns. Timber is-th^: natural pro-* duct of this country 4hd bui* forests 4>e ^ a!rid’^^‘ *1^ in| ■^e^neai^ftittif^:^ omi • QO'mfe ^Vet farther a^ vestiy^kte^ ifr addition to ^hat we have, those thin^ %hicto we ha^ jBj^t.v, L^t_ rq^|;r;exajmine:;the r-^prd^ ,of t&ejjC^^rt-arHii ^e^feojw, fewjerto-j 4^eii;:Qa^S; appear on Oi^ docket:} so ii^^jfactj,; ov^ coorte dp nptf take up si??i,^^« ’j[%{tl^:^tire,year with ^e trial pf- ifhem j so. ,feW crimes' that gvel*^^; j^udge who' held cpurtla^^ comn^nted bd jfclie rem^kabl^ freeabm from iprimej wfucK Tm^hsylvanial^^ coiiLhty eijjoi^ and of the'iii(iicafibns^ of'a high-i >^ade and vetry *naora,lciti»vng1^ip. ! ; i'7 And in the tsown-'and coimty ^eire ■feinot <>ke brdfhel or bttwdy hopse j ;e-| I no bMnd tigers-D][? J iioles in» the- wall w3ierefwlii^ey' c*n b'oiight* -aiidi ? ' Have'i y6n iij itjie . rea£p;r^ ,fof, IJiis, that publip i V l Ji-k.2 ' ^pst, .powerful pf ^IL- ^^^npe§,, 4^ jSo , istinctly. fpij gc^ ^ ;tj^ .vCp^unty'that ..the ^Op4 peoplp |Wi}), , Ap,t Jb^ bc^gaon takios ; Elecirie : rBitt|ers*r;?f wouUi’not’take^$5Q0 -rwljat/:th]^ havfe doifefor tpoiiirJPty the aKedktiucl fpr.female we^kpea^ses. !(irr^at aftpi ative . and sure cure for'iAoije bf^ck* and’ ‘weak kidneys. Guaranteed b3^ T. Bi AlH- spn dri^gisty J50c- .. '‘J. ‘^ ^ The"<^|:ir6sident'si^y's it 1 wrong &-b&Vii‘:ffibriey?'^;rt‘ isfalso;^irf- pbssjble.at this time of yba^/ (f you waiit jti teep yourseft in gbp^ stUp^ipgjj^ith t^e.l^rajj(y^, Those - New: Jersey? <5squirrels that liAed their dests whb chew- ^tip fragiment'Pf ^ thirty ??20' bilU, h'^ve 'b'utbd'’ btfp p«S-’sohy of' tbb fear .that banks are not kafe! Here’s G6o<i' AdVfc'e. O. .S. Woolev^f^ one PC the bi^t known j^erpfhants ‘of LeKaySvife,’ Y., say:^ “if you are evey'trotibi^jd with pil'es^ apply Burk leu’s ‘ Aftikia Salve, 'tt coVed nie of^them’Tdr good' 20-^ye^ ai?cx.»»' Coi^ enPeiir fior^,;wound,,iwi> or • abP:9^iQfl. Bi 4|UisQ0’fJ, d»M» s;pre| ^^ ,

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