Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. J . .1. M 1 N Kli, Mana.tivr. IJRKVARi), THANSYLVAMA COUNTY. N. I’UIDAY. .lANnAllY 19flS. '/Hi.. Xill- NO. -! No. I43,K. ofP < ’ i-:i i n ^ » -t i 1 . I. I 'l'. I, ”., l\ l.:i ■ ill-:-. ,\ wI':c(line !<• V i> I.!)’.' :il ;«! M itiio. iI . I i \S: i. r. C. Rear Admiral Evans Can Call Up Each of His Sixtesn Bat tleships by Wireless Telephone—A $600,000 Coal Bill For Uncie Sam—When the Oregon Rushed Around Cape Horn Brevard Telepiicne Exchange. ti^ i;s: Daily T ;i. ni. i'> 1<* |'- ni. Suiiilav ^ til ;i. ni.. 4 t<> ]>. ui. (.'I'litral < M.'Mitin 15'ock. i Professiorio! Cards, W. B. DUCKWOR.TH, ATTORNLN' A i LAW. UuDin- 1 -■ ” ■ • GASH GALLOWAY LAW Y HRS. Wil l i I' a : 1 t tif roiH-ts. K.i.iri" •* i !''• nuick. D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER 11 II-. 1:2 M;'M Inti {>:i>rk. };i!!:v.\i:i>. X- ALLEN, Jr., DENTIST. ofv.'ision. Whoii tho bnttloshif) f)r(‘jcoti caino aroniv.l tlio Ilcrii on lu*r faimms fri[< to K<*t into the Santiago irii'S s!u‘ made only attout an av<‘rat':*' of nii;(‘ knots an hour, actual sailia;; owinii to the noccssity k:‘oi)i!ii; in toufli willj lior coliitM's, whidi west? nan t it -a 1 si o wj »okes. In ll'.is crnise Admiral Kvnns' siiips will 1.0 arconinaniod by coalin-.^ wsscls r.'iTxinfX h'Uiiplies of fuel in cx<t.ss of tliat stoivd in the hunkers of hni- tlfships tli‘,-niselvfs. 'riu' colii('rs v.!!' lo.-'.d nji witii coal as iiecdc-.l I'roni time to linu* Jit tho several ports whorostoiis will be made. Supply sliips also ac cotn[)any tho tloot. carjjood with canned moats and other foods. Frosh sui>p!io‘^ of i>rovisions will be obtained at the stoppin;; i)!aco.s. '1 h(» solociion anti Iinr<-h:': (; of thoso supplii's will t(“st tht' skill of Uncle Sam’s nav;i! comniissary otticers. It will bo a now oxporionco \ \ W Bl(} (iUNS OF TllK KKNTT ('KV AM> UXK (JF IlFK IMI’OSKK Tl’iiKKTS. SI FEi N. C. HKNDHPSONV lll-H, A - rfwii Ibr i^^-LOC an<l u{*. , , rhitc> ()t‘ :ill kiii'l at n'usoJuUdc priios. , Ail v-fi'k ‘^iiaranloed; --ati-tacliun or ;i<> l*ay. 'ret'th t‘Xi 1-acU‘il witiiout pain. Will l»<“ u"la>i to hav(* you call and ins})Oi‘t niv olVict*.'^, work ainl }»iic*o> The JEthelwold BrovaniV New fTitlc’ -Moficrn Ap- pointnicnts ail tho \f;ir The patfona'ic <•!' Uu* traveling: publi'’ fts wtdl ututiuT 1 (>ufi>ts i.-'Stilicitoii. Opp. ( 'oui't ilou.>^t\ iircVtifd. N.(.. IM-P-A-X-S Tuluiles l>uctors find A irood pres^-riptioii j'\)P iimnkiiid The I'Hi k*-; N fiHir.uti lor usual o('c;i‘;ions. Tn<* funiiiv liotlU' 'tiit i i ut'- i a supp'j (or a V'.ar.' All sell them. H. G. BAiLEY, G. E. CORRECT SURVEYS MADE Maps, Plots and Profiles Plotted. Onlv th.‘ fin.‘Si nf'jnsttMl instru- llK‘lltS .\ aCi T7v;iCY. p. O. Brevard, N. C. v<ru.c» \ Write at once and learn why we secare best positioELB, and best salaries for our graduates. OltlWrt In tho fltiite. Busl- ShortSianti. TyfKjwri- tlni?, I’e n in i; ii s li i p, ftfiil K iJ n H li \ >^00 frru<iu&T(;A in Half f»r more of you: n^il- road furt? paiil. i'iV'.iiy <sf 3<>ttrd .'iAi.»i’V..r»0 V><*r wtM'K. N«» V. 1* Kuter any tune. ‘ r«^ur.’if by liiaii if y«^u for it. In“TlielJ-uJ of tho Bky ' ^ear ttc Goauu> iTiitv JlSJISVITJ.E. k. t II I] wintt'r cruiso from tiie Atlan tic to tho Facil- ic of tlu' ;.;roat tloot of sixtoou iiattlosiiips and lliidr altonilant vessels will "oat lip” appro\i niately .Sciio.'ioo worth of coal This will bo I 111' bi,i;"est itt‘:n of oxponsi* i!!>'i.;c!i: to tho cruiso Tito ir>.(KM) moil on board tlio ships will oat no more than the.', iit> on ttiluT duty unless it should hapi)e]i tliat tiio stiiilh CAT MASCOT RAT.t.’TI.N'O. . , , orn an- shonid enhance their afi[)0tiies. 'I'lu' ft>od slip ply bill, tlu*rofi>ro. v.ill not l/o app!t‘ci ably hir;:or than it woulti bo wore tho shii»s lyhi'JT in iK»rt or ex('rcisin,i: ur> jsnd (iov.n the .Vtlunlic coa.'^t. Anoflier c<»n Piderablo item of cxfjonse will bo that of pilotaf^o. Tlio fleet must jtass throus'!i the strait <»f Mafjeilnn, a <lifticult feat, and will put into five strani^e harbors on the voyaKe. For safe and t;ai'.o conduct throu^b the strait and in and out of harbors experienced local fiilots miiBt be hired. As to the ooJil bill, this Item will be much smaller under the conditions iin posed upon the cruise than it would be If the fleet were taken around to San Francisco on rush orders. The Bhips will proceed at a leisurely «ait for the most part. It Ik understood that a unlft^rm speed of twelve miles an hour or less will be adhered to. though the battleships are car-able of from eighteen to twenty-two miles on from the preneral pattern of recent tjRhtln.^ ships of the tirst class. These BhipH carry superimposed turretB. guns beiuff operated In two storie.s, a small er turret restinR upon the larjier one Each turret holds two jjuns. Three roar admirals accompany the fleet to the Facilic. First in Impor tance is the commander In chief. Hob- Jey I). Evans, senior rear admiral in the navy and the hifrhost ranking: otli- cer In actual sea service. Admiral I)ewey beinf^ his only superior. Hear Admirals William II. Emory aud Charles M. Thtcnas command divisions of the fleet. 'I'he captains of the six teen battleships as assifjned for this cruise are: Connecticut (tlafrship of Admiral F^vans), IIui;o Osterhaus; Louisiana, Richard Wainwri^jht; Kansas. Charles E. Vreeland; Vermont, William 1*. I’ot- ter; Georgia (flatjship of Admiral Em ory), Ilenrj' McCrea; Virginia. Seaton Schrooder; New Jersey, W. U. H. Southerland; Rho<le Island. Joseph B. Murdock; Minnesota (flagship of Ad miral Thonias), John Hubbard; Ohio, Lewis C. Heilner; Maine, Giles B. Har- ber; Missouri. Greenllef A. Merriam; Alabama, Ten Eyck D. W. Veeder; Illinois, J. II. Howyer; Kearsarge, H. HuicbiQs; Keutocky, W. C> Cowlefl. dt‘ns(f ff(LTS ot)scuro those s!;cti:<ls. so tliat ships almost toiicliiii;,' si.los aro unable tn coniuiunicato with each ot!i or. With the wireless i)hono a foi: won’t matter. The tino tloot. in two s(iuadrt>ns. each squadron c(M!ii)risini; two divisions of four l>attloshiits each, may be n;anii)uh!tod by vocal orders nt will. It is said by the naval wi.'-o less oxi)ert who inve.stii^atod and re- I»orted upon the new wireh^ss tolo Ithono that even in battle it will be possiL-le to talk l»etwoon ships, other nations will Ik.* deeply interosKul in thl.s wireless phone test. Each of those sixteen battleships Is thorou.L,'hIy niodern and up to date in every partictilar. All save two have been built since tho w;;r with Spain. 'J'hey have been almost continuously In conunlssiou since their launching and have been overhauled and put in Bliipshape for this iiartioiilar cruise with a view to the utmost etficlencj’. With an aggre.gate displacement of more than li‘J3.0(j0 tons and with more than 350 guns of four inch caliber and above, the flwt is the most powerful and formidable ever assembled by Uncle Sam. In the manner of arma ment only two of the battleshij)s. the Kentucky and the Kenrsarge. difTer that the press of the United States will enjoy from time to time sorae interest Ing stories of shore leave i».*anks Tho commanders oi the ships no tii.Mibt will tind It necessary to emi)loy their pow ers of discipline anti tlii»lt)niacy to tho utmost in ordi»r to keep .lack from bul> bllng over with enthusiasm when lie goes ashore in considerable grou[)s to get his laud legs. While at sea Jack wtli have plenty of business to occupy his attention, though it is bj ..o means all work and no play aboard ship. The men of each vessel have mascots with which to amuse tliemsolves In otY moments. Sev eral goat.s. cats, parrots, monkeys and dogs will make the cruise around the Horn, sure of regular meals and abun dant attention from their admirers. oiH- cers as well as enllste<l meti. While tho ships are at sea it ought to be a comparatively easy matter for Ad miral Evans to liandle his forces, for on this cruiso. for the first time in the history of^o world, the wireless tele phone will 1)0 used for communication between the ships of a groat naval fleet. Every battleship lias b>ocn fitted with wirok'ss teU*{<!ione devices, a won derful invention but recently perfected. From his station in the emergency cabin of the flagship Connecticut asi ofiicer serving as the fleet’s "hello boj’,” so to speak, will be able to call up at will the officers of any other ship, even though ten miles of brine aud wireless distance may intervene. r>y the wii'eless phone messag('s by word of mouth may be sent from ship to ship with the accuracy and ease of wired teleplione messages from room to room in a modern hotel. Tlie value of such a system under the circumstances Is self evident. Here tofore intership signaling has been done by means of flags or by “wigwag rrcQUtiuUy it Ih&t CAPTAIN SICATON SOIIUOHUEU. for them to provide the mess for suoh a large force of luni':;ry sear.ieu, large ly from markets with which they are unactinaintod. Another now experience which the oflicera must undergo is that of keei>- Ing their official eyes nj)on tlie jolly Jack tars while the ships lie in South American harbors. Extended stop.^ will be made at Trinidad, liio de Ja neiro. I’unta Arenas. Callao ;uul Mag dalena bay. At none of these [torts heretoft>re have T'ncle Sam’s se:’.:nen to the number of more than S(.H> ever gone ashore. With nearly twenty times that number of men to handle, all of them pretty lively spe<-imens of huinnnlty. it may bo taken for grantiMi BEAUTIFUL WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. Brevard as seen by Rev. J. E. Hicks. [Rev. J. K. Hicks, editor of th(' 1 Jaj)tisl t'otirior of Danville, Va.. was a ^njc.sl of K. \V. Cai'ter soiin* weeks u^'(» and al'U'r his return he wrote the followinir (Kiitorial for his ]);‘.per. \V(‘ are certain it will intert'st many of our roaji ers.] It was iny ]>leasure tt> s l)ri»'f vacation of two w»H‘k vard. X. 50 inilos w»'st villt‘. Brevard is a be modern littU' town, situ very lu'art of th(‘ fainons: (’onntry.” Altlion^li town, it lias all the ])rovenienis and faciliti city—wat(‘r works, S(‘ teni, electric li.i^hts, iV'C lin iloti‘1 is one of 7 found Hnywlien\ onr ])(‘0])lt* S])end tin tliis d<-lii:htful and cliinatt'. with tlic air from tiu' iiionntains bn.'vard is in tlie c(‘ and ])rodnctive far Many of tlic farmers and live in elof^ant h If one is so(‘kinj' well as rest, Brovti resort, for nowherti, natural scenery .snl)]iiii(> tlianhe ist of the Uni his best worJ jiaintings are' nionntuin, va and snnset, a picturo intU liiTiirH.-f'Tc'tf flirn \v}io )i,‘!s i);;in1<‘d it. It w<is mv I'lca-;n.rc Id iz'i on eral Tni>nntMin tl?'ivcs. K'.r t'.ii miles w(' ]ilnr.ir( tl (!i>!']ii‘r anil dee];- er into tlie ln‘a?-t of tin- r’l'/ifd m Mintains. atid tln-n tahitiLra tTriil W(' cfnni' to Lo< )kimr-(Falls, madt' by a inonntnin strt'am jtonr- in!j: over i* bi'.rli rock. Tins a niiniatiirt‘ XiaL’’ara. and J:’>i as icrand. Anotli.'i- diiv<‘ 1» h r.s to <'< iiHieslct' Palls, till- lu'c-t htai'Ji fill in all t bat coiinl r.v. Horcont^ s(‘t‘s a nni(|ne ]ibenoi>icnoii. 'i'wd streams flowitiir in (“xaetly oo])ositt^ dirf'ctions ]>onr down ovt'r falls and tb-n unite into t>nc rlivib- mie. .‘-i)V'-i'inLC bi'i'ok. rr.sbin'.r tlown Ube mountain ixtn’!jr{‘ until it buds jits wav into tbi* beautiful [-"I’en -’n Brt»ad river. This se;-ne i.-- .^U'.rLre.->; ;ivt‘ot'a s]»iritual truth. .Man and (lod are miiviim in t)]>])o;~Iif tiiivf- tions until they n'.e(‘t in rbri.-^t. In Him tbt“ divint' and iiuman wills j blend int<) t»n(\ aiul a nt'Vv* lift' re suits. lieavinir tlb-se bivelyand I'i--*^!!- resijue falls, a tbvt'-'-n'.ib' ;n ive took us to Dunn's Roek. >-n to]) ot the mountain, from wben<-(! one u:ets the T>it).sf ma.irnitieiMit view tb(* human eye can heboid. Kii;hlt'en hundretl ft'et below tla* li»*ck st?'t‘tflit‘s out in verdant bi’auty tht^ matchless vallf“v of tiie Fn'neh liroad. tbroU'_'b. the midst of \vbi<-]i the w indin;.:. sib‘nt i-iver Hows on fort'Ver. Risini; from tlie valb-v ar(‘ the low foot bills. In tl;e far- tlier distanc*' tlie blut' n;ountains ris . (»ne abovi* anatb'er, ]>re.si‘Htii':-r th(‘a;<])earanc(‘ of conL'ealed (iee.an waves, nntil the bln<* of the mojin- tains is mimrletl with tli<‘ i)lui' in tbs' sky. ai’d beav«‘n anil carrb are ; :>:<'n>b*d. 'Pbis vitnv I shall nev.-r I forLret, and 1 left thr ]>laee Vvin're mint‘ eyes had sei'Ti tlie material vision with a new and broadt'r s])iritnal vision. I lookeil beycml natur»‘ and belield nature's (x-.d 'I’bat vision will t‘Vi‘r lin;-’’ev with nu>. I turned my back u])on tl;** scene a bt'tter man. with ambitii'n> ri'aebiu'-r hi^b'-r, and \vitli ])nr])< nobler. (ioin^ dov.-n the mountain we saw tlvt‘ evi'niiii' sun di'oj) btdiind the hori/t^n. atid such a sunst't I liad n«'ver .st'en Ix'fore. As we de- s;*end('d into the valb'y a?\d tho twili,L:lit be^an to setth* down, tlu* afteru^low from the setting .sun be- .^an to tint thi^tf||||yM^ky in (*ol- rich S^ >7UU

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