10 SYLVAN VALLEY NEWS' / MODEL VILLAGES. Excel’ent Plan FollowscJ by a Mining Csttlement In France. Consul H. Albert Jolinsoii iu a from Liege .^xives details of cor.l min ing eiitcrpiif’es in Beli^r.iin. cC? Oi which is planning to establis’j a motlel mining viUagc, and has enr'aged ay manager an engineer in charge of a mining plant at Bethune. in Lrancr, concerning v/liich the consul vri'itos: “These Frcnch mines em;)Ioy a force of some 8,000 workmen. They possess 2,000 vrorkmen's dwellings, that are rented to the miners at from $1.15 to $1.54 a month. The house?, with gardens uttached, are arranged In attractive villages, with broad streets and boulevards. Churches and schools have been built. The Vv*ater supply, sanitary arrangements and the electric light plant are all of the most modern and up to date class. “xV visit to Bethune proved highly satisfactory to the oincials of the Lim- bourg region and has tended to strengthen their determination in building up their new organization to follow as- closely as possible the model set by the French mines. Thus, ac cording to the^lans, this new mining settlement in the Campine will be a most beneficial innovation, and instead of the hitherto insanitary conglomera tion of hovels, plied one against the other, without either symmetry or de sign, the new mining village vrill pre sent an attractive and orderly collec tion of neat cottages, grouped on well laid out and broad streets, with a plen tiful supply of good water and the most advanced system of electric light ing and sanitary appointments.” Saving the Bnit. “Fishing!” said a man who lives near us. “Why, I went fishing in Scotland and caught the biggest string of eels you can imagine. “TJhere is the tandem cel that you Lave all heard of. When they go down or up the stream from their quarters for the winter or summer they go in Bangle file, one behind the other, like the primeval man. They leave exact ly six Inches of space between their noses and the tall of the eel in front. When an eel sees that the fellow ahead is lengthening this space, he springs forward and, seizing tlie tail of tho of fender in his mouth, piiils him back Into place. I droi^ped my hook down right in front of a string of tandem eels, and the bait was accepted, and I jerked out the eel. The one behind, peeing that the fellow ahead was run ning away, obeyed his instructions and seized his tail to pull him back, and so did the one behind, and so on to the last one, and I pulled them out hand over hand till I had a great mass of slippery eels about me.”—Strand Mag azine. Our First War VesGsIs. The outbreak of the Revolutionary war found the patriots without a navy. Congress had to create one. Four iT?er- chanhneu v»ere first purchased, hastily equipped with guns and sent to sea as ciniisers, but their defects as war ves- bgIs soon became so apparent that con gress determined at once to set about the building of a navy. On Oct. 3, 1775, congrcss ordered two cruisers built, and on Dec. 13 the order was in creased to five thirty-two gun ships, five twenty-eight gun ships rnd three twenty-four gun ships. They were to be ready for the sea by the following April. The names given to the thirteen vessels v/ere Boston, Congress, Effing ham, Delaware, Hancock, Montgomery, Providence, Raleigh, Trumbull, Vir ginia, Warren, Washington and Ran dolph. These were the first war ves sels constructed in the United States. The first commander in chief was Eze kiel Hopkins of Rhode Island, a j^oung brother of Congressman Ste|;iien Hop kins. He was appointed to this high office on Dec. 22, 1775. fct. liOuis doctor sets sixty crazy women to shopping as a cure,” she read from the paper. “S’pose when they can shop all day VN'ithout buying anything he* 11 regard them as cured,” he commented. Her only rejoinder was a look of contempt.—Philadelphia Ledger. Sticking Up For Him Subtarfugs. s amams This is the cigarette fiend that prom ised his parents that he would never allow another cigarette to touch his lips. Exceptional. “It’s strange,” said the impatient man, “but I never seem able to get any answer from that telephone oper ator.” “That’s so,” answered Mr. Meekton. “She is the one woman in my experi ence who hasn’t seemed to enjoy talk ing back.”—Washington Star. Revenge, or the Cast Shoe. Quick Sale. Clerk—So your little boy wants a drum, eh? W^eil, here’s a bargain in one that’s hard to beat. Nervous Papa — The very thing! That's the kind Til l)uy him at any cost.—Kansas City "rimes. No Takers. Geraldine—I hear that you made a bet tiiat I would accept you. Gerald—I tried to, but I couldn’t find any takers.—New York Press. Christmas eve is celebrated in Span ish homes by a family party and a supper chiefly of sweetmeats and wines. Instead of hanging their stock ings the children in the country hide their shoes find slippers in the bushes, and they find them filled with fruit and candies in the morning. Don’t Talve tlie Risk. When yon have a bad cough or cold do not let it drag along until it becomes chronic bronchitis or de velops into an attack of pneumo nia, but give^it the attention it de serves and get rid of it. Take Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy and you are sure of prompt relief, From a small beginning the sale and use of this i:>reparation has extended to all parts of the Uuited States and to many foreign countries. Its many remarkable cures of coughs -and colds have won for it this wide rep utation and extensive use. Sold by O. L. Erwin, Rosman. Chickamauga. The word Chickamauga, like a great many other proper names of places in this country, is of Indian origin. It is ^said to be a Cherokee name signifying “the river of death,” and, according to a legend which had floated down among the Indians, the streams re ceived its name from the accidental drowning of the people of a village by a sudden rise attributed to a cloud burst. Mrs. McSpatt — Isn’t it remarkable how many men mysteriously disap pear? Mr. McSpott—Oh, I don’t know. Most of ’em are married. lisiiik Foolishness. “When attacked by a cough or a cold, or when your throat is sore, it is rank foolishness to take any oth er medicine than Dr. King’s New Discovery,” says C. 6. Eldridge, of Empire, Ga. “I have used New Discovery seven years and I know it is the best remedy on earth for coughs and colds, croup, and all throat and lung troubles, ily chil dren are subject to croup, but New Discovery quickly cures every at tack.’ Known the world over as the king of throat and lung reme dies. Sold under guarantee at T. B. Allison’s drug store ; 50c. and 5)1.00, Trial bottle free. FOR ALL AT ff DON’T FAIL TO CALL ON , Brevard, N. C. Opposite Court House iEthelwold Building If you do, buy what you need from us. We sell Groceries, Clothing, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, and we still have some Hardware and Furniture that we will sell you at your own price. We are head- quartern for low prices. Try us. INSUR ANCE FEELING UVER-ISH This Morning? TAK2 The Best Fire Insurance that any country building can have is a Cortright Metal Shingle Roof It cannot burn. ^It cannot leak. It never needs repairs, and makes the handsomest long live^ roof on the market. Insurance Companies recognize its advantages and are glad to quote lower prices where it ?s used. Drop in and see them. MILLER-DeVANE SUPPLY CO., Brevard, N. C. A Gratle Laxative And Appetizer