til' ti I' |i (',' ' k Calvert Breezes. Editor Sylvan Valley News. i^ne weather for good health. Strange that yon fellows would miss that still. Come and get that pig out of our yard before we eat it. Lewis offers his red chickens for one dollar—they are worth, any way, fifty cents. Tom Meece has been sick but is now able to eat bear, deer, fish and take his tea clear. You should have seen Uncle John and the Captain catch a hen. Keep your coops locked. Uncle John is feeding five bush els of com and rye feed a day* to his beef cattle besides hay—fine lot. Mrs. Mark Wilson was trading at the Calvert emporium last week. She loves to take the Captain by the hand. Mrs. Ellen Moore and Mrs. Benia called on us last week. She had $10,000 in Confederate money:—^but she is not an Indian. Mr. Silverstein has bought all the tanbark on or near Diamond creek. He is having hauling roads built to move the bark on. The way they are now to vote on the fence law will cause every real estate owner that is liable to this fence tax to pay over $12 a year. Miss Ardella B. Gleason shot at a deer last week, missed and hit a tree and the Captain and Baxter Owens on the bosom of their pants. There was a stag dance at Selica a few days ago. Joe Boren fur nished the music with a Jewsharp. There were several invited who de clined. QMrs. Susan Morgan and family have all been on the sick list. Hamilton has been doing the house work night and morning and runs the store. A select party from Toxaway, Gaffney, Ellijay, Calvert and Bre vard to be held at Asheville next week. 'W'ill report it later. What about the railroad? Milford Moore has built several stalls for his cattle—drove the cat tle into them and had to tear out the ends to get his cattle. He wa- always a great child—so says Huston. Samuel J. Tinsley sy.ys he would take the hide and feathers off the next boys 16 years old who comes to his house and offers him a drink. That boy should be at home and tied down. Nicholson sings to Mark, “Tommy come tickle me, you know why?” Harrison has fractm’ed three ribs. He is under the care of his closest friend, Dr, Jeems Wilson. Nichol son will get 5 cents gross. Some one said they never killed anything ;nore than a rabbit. Why, Miner, when yon and I this spring want fish we will give them a lesson. We can catch and buy both —and sell them—the fish. Sweet Little Pee wee called on us to consult about being one of the pebbles on the old Peedee. What a pleasure it is to knowPeewee and to know she can smile and enjoy life as sli(^ presents it to all. John Southern has been sick and has lots of time now to tell fish and bear yarns. But then, John, when Gast(m makes a call on Sunday evening don't try to help him keep company—bless you, go to bed. Alexander Vv’ent to South Caro lina to s^^e his father-in-law a few days ago, his name is MahaffV and is 111 years old. He is in good health and years ago he caught Alexander stealing a^^ples—^and his daughter. Cull and ebb Galloway's vragon broke down with a load of live hogs last week. Income unknown The hogs got loose and ran over Cull. In the general mix he lost his pants in t wo pieces. He got up a tree while Webb sewed theiii ux^ vrilh whang leather. The Highland Forest Co., United States Steel Co. and Vanderbilt— who can be called the sam©—are buying lands in Jackson and Macon for $2 and $2.50 an acre. Those that do the most talking own noth ing and are renters, and would like to read the Sylvan Valley News and not pay for it—and vote for panicky Teddy R. Time Exposure. Connestee Items. STLVAN VALLEY NE^ W editor Sylvan Valley News: Will Hunt has moved to South Carolina. W. A. Tinsley has charge of the Puette place. We are having some fine weather for January. Hattie Wilson is on the sick list this week. W. L. Mull is going to farm some this summer. Mrs. J. C. Mull is having her house covered, We are all anxious to have the stock law here. ' F. Henderson called on U. E. Wilson one day last week. W. P. Mull is farming this year on the widow Mull’s place. J. A. Lance has moved to the place known as the Billy Moore farm. W. S. Ashworth of Grange vis ited 'Mrs. V. P. Wilson not long since. Misses Rachel and Carrie Mull visited Mrs. V. P. Wilson Thursday of last week. We are sorry to learn that Bony Whitmire is sick. We hope he will speedily recover. Jeff Lance called on his sister’ Mrs. Hattie Wilson of this i)lace, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. U.E. Wilson visited Mrs. Sallie Mull on Sunday last and had a nice time. W. T. Foster is building a barn on T. H. Galloway’s jilace near the Island Ford school house. Rev. J. F. Starnes will preach at Connestee church the first Sunday in February at 3 o’clock p. m. Misses Rachel and Carrie Mull, who have been visiting in Green ville, S. C., have returned home. W. H. Hogsed’s house caught on fire last Saturday, but he managed to put it out before much damage was done. The school at Island Ford has closed. It was Sure a good school this time. Miss Hattie Aiken knows how to teach. W. S. Lankford has moTed into the John Summey house. W. S. Ashworth takes charge of the Lank ford farm and has rented it to Francis Blythe and son, from Hen derson county. They are prepar ing to cultivate the farm, and it is one more jol . Scratch. Fever Sores. Fever sores and old chronic sores should not be healed entirely, but should be kept in healthy condition. This can be done by applying Cham berlain’s Salve. This salve has no superior for this iDurpose. It is al so most excellent for chapped hands, sore nipples, burns and diseases of the skin. For sale by O. L. Erwin, Rosman, N, C. » to onr village and is now a ]|^sman- ite with the rest of us. Long may he remain among, us for we need such men. Onr townspeople have b^n hav ing considerable to talk about late ly, owing to the family quarrels oc curring here. Too bad though, even if it does give us something to joke about. W. F. Decker, the new superin tendent for Brevard Tannin Co., paid a visit to Rosman Saturday evening and Sunday, being enter tained by J. S. Silverstein. The latter and Mr. Decker have been friends for many years. What might have been a very se rious fire, occurred at the Tannery on Tuesday, but owing to the he roic efforts of the employes and the precautions taken in rebuilding, after the fire of four years ago, no very great damage was done. It is fortunate the fire was no greater, for with, nothing doing eCt tpJe Tan nery Rosman would be pretty dull, as fully ninety per cent of the male members of the community are em ployed there. Reporter. A Kis:lier Health Level. “I have reached a higher health level since I began using Dr. King’s New Life Pills,” writes Jacob Springer, of West Franklin, Maine. “They keep my stomach, liver and bowels working just right.” If these pills disappoint you on trial, money will be refunded at T. B. Allison’s drug store ; 25c. Three hundred million tin cans have been ordered by the Cali fornia Fruit Canners’ association. That looks suspiciously like rush ing the can manufactures. Buster Brown Says: Therefore be it Resolved, That I wilt hereafter take all of my money and deposit it in the People's Bank of Brevard^ C., and receive a time certificate for same, which will draw 4 per cent, interest. This is a good resolution for every one to make, and the time to do it is today. Start your bank account at once. Wishing every one a prosperous New Year, we are, Yours very trulj^ 4% People’s Bank 4 SOLID AS A ROCK PPC CR.EAT Rosman items. Left over from last iceeJc. Editor Sylvan Valley News: Have you grown accustomed to j writing 1908? I We are having lovely weather, , but lots of sickness in spite of it. j Last week Mr. and Mrs. Silver- j stein entertained friends from New ! York. j It looks now as if Mr. White's new home and the school house ; would soon be making their appear ance. Lumber is being laid down for both buildings. ! Elmer White, recently of High Point, X. C., has moved hi> familv $100 Reward, J^IOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn thnt tiiere is at least one dreaded disense that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that Is Catarrh. HalPs Catarrh Cure is the only positive < ure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis ease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foun dation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and a'^sisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer one hundred dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. Cheney & Co , Toledo, O Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for con stipation. lihamberlain’s Cough Remedy Cures Colds. Cr^Nit) iind Whooping" Coujjh. ASSIGNM^T SALE! ENTERS STOCK OF Furniture, Pianos, Organs and Housefurnisiiing Goods CARRIED BY Williams & Weilt Furniture Co. must be sold immediately for cash at great sacrifice of prices regardless of cost* Business must be closed. Iron Beds, $1.75, $2.50, $4.50 formerly $3.00, $3.25, $ 5.00 Mattresses, 2.10, 6.00, 8.90, felt formerly 2.50, 7.25, 11.00 Dressers, 6.00, 6.75, 9.15 formerly 6.50, 7.50, 10.50 Chairs, .45, .50, .75 formerly 50, .85, .90 STOVES AND RANGES. No. 8—$5.00, $8.00, $13.00 formerly $6.65, $13.50, $17.50 Princcss Range, $27.00 formerly $35.00 W. LESLIE BROWER, Assignee Brevard and Hendersonville, N* Ask to see this Machine, hear it play and learn full particulars. Hear the specially prepared records of Bands and other instrumental music, son^n stories and recitations a 1 assure yourself that this is the best o ire red. Standard Talking Ma chine Records are fa mous for their tone and quality. Ask for Coupons wlili Each Purcliase. Save them, they are worth money. THIS MACHINE GOES FREE WITH EVERY GASH PORGHASE OF $35.00. These Machines are worth, in cash, $15.00 each. >We have the very latest records at 50c each. Main Street T. W. WHITMIRE Brevard,N.C. 0 1—» CD 0 Oi p CD p <! CD • p- t/3 P CD V I—* CD B 0 I-mI 0 V 0 p w p- M* zn CD CD 1— • •“3 a 0 ►3-* CH CD B 0 0 H—* 1—* 0 CD 93 CTQ P 0 W ►-> P « C/l xs fW- 2D Zfl 'c 0 r-* c crh (..y-i CD OP C r“ c5 tr c- p- r* 6 b C" d CD W 0 < r-^ a u r a r H- C a a C Q (T M

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