*55®^ SYLVAN VALLEY NEWS 9 St. Philips church, 4th Sunday after the Epiphany, February 3, 1908. Morning prayer, holy com munion and sermon at 11. Sub ject, “The Epiphany of the Fu ture.” Sunday school at 3:45. Evening prayer with address on Friday at 4:30. On Tuesday night the K. P’s. had a very interesting meeting, confer ring the rank of Pago. At a called meeting Wednesday officers were installed. Work in rank of Esquire next Tuesday night. Transylvania Lodge has a reputation for its work in rank of Esquire, and we under stand quite a delegation from Ashe ville will l>e here to see Transylva nia Lodge put on the work. A “Hot Time” is expected (for the candidates.) WEDDIMC BELLS. Marriagfe of Miss Florence Duck worth to Mr. J. L. Hawkins. While living in Brevard I had the honor to be the pastor of Miss Flor ence Duckworth, the accomplished daughter of Mr. Joe Duckw'orth, whose i>leasant home is situated near Town. Since I have been pas tor in Raleigh Mr. J. L. Hawkins has been the “lucky number” to win the heart and hand of Miss Florence in matrimony. She paid me the compliment which I highly appreciate, of sending to Raleigh, N. C., for me to tie their nuptial knot, which knot I tied at her resi dence at 2:30 p. m. last Sunday, as tight as the law-s of God and man can make it. It is my deliberate opinion thatsfiid “knot” w’ill stand till the Judgment Day; I don’t know exactly what will be after fiat. It was a beautiful wedding. A happy company of relatives and friends assembled in the handsome ly decorated parlor of Mr. Duck worth where the ceremony w’as performed. A splendid dinner awaited us in the dining room and no complaints were made that we did not do it ample justice. Some time after dinner we journeyed to the home of Mr. Hawkins where a warm welcome awaited the bride, and a good supper was spread for the happy guests. Surely it was a day of feasting, and if I don’t get anything more to eat for a w’eek I think you will still hear that I am alive. Nothing can beat the hospi tality of these Western North Car olinians. God bless them. Miss Florence is a sincere, genu ine, accomplished, Christian lady. Mr. Hawkins is intelligent, indus trious, sane and sober. If this don’t make a good match, what will? They have my best w'ishcs for a long, hapi)y and useful life. P. G. Elsom. Broad Valley Notes. Editor Sylvan Valley IMews: T. D. Clayton has been very sick for quite awhile. We wish him a speedy recovery. What is beinfi; done to better the public roads in Boyd township? Ask Charles Clayton. Mrs. Rosa Frady and children of Asheville are viisiting relatives in the Broad Valley sections for a few days. Miss Bessie Lyday will leave for Dalton, Ga., in a few days, where she will complete her course in mu sic this spring and summer. Rev. M. L. Jones, our eflScient Sunday school superintendent, has been very sick for some time, but we are glad to note that he is rapidly impi’ovin". Our wide awake superintendent of public schools was circulating amongst us last week. Bro. Hender son is always willing to work in sea son and out of season for the best interests of the schools. Ptev. S. C. Owen will preach at Enon first Sunday in February and Saturday before. There will be ni^ht services if the weather is fa vorable. Let the membership of the church attend these services, especially on Saturday. Mrs. Marguerite T. Ivitchens, aa ageU aud highly respected lady of the Davidstm River section, died of pneumonia on January 1st at the sood old age of 88 years and 2 days. She has been a very consistent mem ber of^ the Presbyterian church ever since childhood. Rev. w. H. Davis conducted the funeral services at her home in his solemn and im pressive style. James W. Clayt^Hi of Penrose, a pioneer aitizen of Transylvania connty, died at his home on January 19 at 2 a. m., at the age of 85 years. His body was laid to rest in the Da vidson River cemetery on the fol lowing day. A large crowd of rela tives and friends met at the ceme tery to pay their last tribute of re spect to the departed brother. The funeral services were conducted by Revs. Tuttle and Davis. Sallie. The Pure Food l^aw. Secretary Wilson says, “One of the objects of the law is to inform the customer of the presence of cer tain harmful drugs in medicines.” The law requires that the amount of chloroform, opium, morphine, and other habit-forming drugs be stated on the label of each bottle. The manufacturers of Chamber lain’s Cough Remedy have alw’ays claimed that their remedy did not contain any of these drugs, and the truth of this claim is now fully proven, as no mention of them is made on the label. This remedy is not only one of the safest, but one of the best in use for coughs and colds. Its value has been proven beyond question during the many years it has been in general use. For sale bv O. L. Erwin, Rosman. TRUSTEE’S SALE. By virtue of the power of sale given the under signed in a certain deed of trust executed by T. E B. Justice on the 26th day of March, 1906. which deed is recorded in book of mortgages No 0, at papre M et seq. of the moitRaKe records of Transylvania; (ounty, which instmmetit was snven to secufe the payment of four certain note^ of even djvte with said deed of trust, jriven for part pt^ynietit of the purchase money for ihe land described herein; Arid whereas, it was provided in said notes nnd ih*' deed of trust that if the maker should fail or refuse to pay either of said notes as tht same became due, such faihire or refusal would make all of &aid notes instantly due and pay able : And whoreas, the maker of said notes has failed and refused to pay the first one of sa<d notes which w»«s dne and payable on the ^t> day of Dec. 1907, and the payee of s^aid notes W. A Simpson having made application to th« under-^igrned trustee to advertise and sell saM land for the purpose of satisfying said notes, in- tere.st, co‘:t and expenses. I, Welch Galloway, Trust*^e, will, on Monday. March 2nd, 1908, a' 12 o’clock M.. sell to the highest bidder for cash at the court hou«e door, -in the Town of TJrevard, N. C.. all the following de'crib^"^ t’actsof land, situated, lying and being in Lit tl'' River Township. Transylvania Connty, N r First Tract—Being known as lot No. 2 of the Alex McCall land, besrinning on a stone comer «nd runs N 37 deg W 32 po1.^s to a sarvis; then S 77 deg W 8 poles to a stake; then — 30 deg W poles to a stone; thf>n — 70 desr W 5i poles to »• stake in the Merrell line; then E with said line 31 T>oles and 17 links to a stone corner of lot No 1; then with same to the beginning, containing 25 acres more or less. S ond Tmct—Beginning at a stone, corner of lot No. 5, and run>« E 105 pol^s to a stake in t’ e Han line; then N 9 poies to Hart’s corner; thon \V 4 poles to a stak", the Tia-k^ey corner; the>» with Racklpy’s line N deg W £4 polos to a strike; then west 8f) pole^ to a stake in the oJd line; then S to the >‘eginning, cont.>ini g I5 acr -s more or less. Sale made for the purtose's above set out. Jim.aoth, ,5 WELCH GALLOWAY, Trustee. Notice is hereby ^iventhat all debts and accounts due the estate of L. G. Siniard, deceased, must be paid to the undersigned, and all debts due by him must be presented for payinent within three months, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This Jan. 10, 1908. C. M. SINIARD. NOTICE. Having qualified as executor of W. R. Moore deceased, Jate of Transylvania county, N. c.' this is to notify all persons having claims againet the estate of the said deceased toex- ^ undersigned on or before the lOthday of October. 1908, or this notice will be plead m bar of their recovery. All per ons in- rt^otGu to tli6 sdxcl estutG will pl6asG tpafc© inmie- »iate payment. September 30th, i9n^^ . , V. C. MOORE, T^^TfinutornfW- R. Moore. decea.«ed Entry No. 2522. North Carolina, Transylvania county. L. M. Glazener enters and claims four (4) acres of land, more or less, in Eastatoe Township, Transylvania county, on the waters of Summey’s mill creek (or Brown’s creek), adjoin ing the lands of L. M. Glazener. Be-^ ginning; on a white oak in said Glaze ner s line and runs various courses for complement. Entered Dec. 28th, 1907. M. W. GALLOWAY, * Entry Taker. Entry No. 2521. North Carolina, Transylvania connty Ruanna Breedlove enters and claims 50 acres of land, more or less, in Hog back Township, on the waters of In dian creek, adjoining the lauds of the B. W. Breedlove estate and others. Beginaing on the northeast corner of iNo. 57 and runs northward with the line of No. 57 to its north corner; tnence various courses for comple ment, so as to include vacant land. Entered Dec. 19." 1907. M. W. GALLOWAY, Entry Taker. I, M. W. Galloway, Entry TaKer for Transyl- rama ounty. certify that the foregoing is a. true copy of entry made, i s will appear by reference the entry book in my office. M. W, CALLOWAY, Entry Taker. Executor’s Notice. North Carolina—^Transylvuiia County. Having quftlilied aa executor of the last will and testament of Mrs. G. c. Shufoni, deceased, late of the said coun^ of Transylvania, this Is to notify all persons naving claims against the estate of said deceased to ezhilHt t;.emtothe undersigned on or before the first day of Nov., 190S, or (his notice will be plead in bi^ of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate .will please mace immediate payment* This the 12th day of October, 1907. C. A. SHUFORD, • Executor of Mrs. C. C. Shuford, dec’d. Administrator's Notke. , Having qualified as administrator of James M. Glazener, deceased, I hereby notify all persons who are in debted to the said James M. Glazener to come forward and make immediate payment. And those who have anv claim against said estate will file the same with me within the next twelve months, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, rhis Dec. 28th, 1907. T. M. KUYKENDALL, l-.^-t6* Administrator. TAX SALE PURCHASE. Notice is hereby given that at a sale of land for taxes made at the court house door in the townof Brevard, on the Cth day of May, 1907, by C. C, Kilpatrick, sheriff of Transylvania county, one tract containing twenty acres, in Little River to\tnshlp, fcnown as “Clanton lands, listed for taxation in the name of Clan ton heirs, was s<Jld to P. S. Shuford for $9 80 (nine dollars and fifty cents) and unless redemption is made on or before the 6th day of Mav, 1908, the purchaser will apply to the said sheriff for a deed to the said land. This Jan. 10, 1903. * P. S. SHUFORD TAX SALE PURCHASE. Notice is hereby given that at a sale of land for taxes, made at the court h( use door, in the Town of Brevard, on the Cth day of May, 1907, by C. C. Kilpatrick, sheriff of Transylvania county, one tract of land containing thirty-eight acres, in Little River township, listed for taxation in the name of J. H. Lyman for the year 1906, was sold to the undersigned for ($2.03) two dollars and eight cents, and unless redemption is made on or before the 6th day of May, 1908, the purchaser will apply to the said sheriff for a deed to the said land. This Jan. 1, 1908. I. S. KILPATRICK. TAX SALE PURCHASE. Notice is hereby given that at a sale of land for taxes, made at the court house door, in the Town of Brevard, on the 6th day of May, 1907, by C. C. Kilpatrick, sheriff of Transylvania county, one tract of land containing 50 acres, in Catheys Creek Township, listed for taxation in the name of Mrs; Malinda Garren for che year 390§, was sold to the undersigned for ($2.27) two dollars and twenty-seven cents, and unless redemption is made' on or before the 6th day of May, 1908, the purchaser will apply to the said :'heriff for a deed to the said land. This Jan. 13, 1908. * JOHN GARREN. TAX SALE PURCHASE. Notice is hereby given that at a sale of land for taxes, made at the court house door in the Town of Brevard, on the 6th^ day of May, 1907, by C. C. Kilpatrick, sheriff of Transylvania county, W. J. Reece’s interest in 7.5 acres in “Kuykendall land” in Dunn’s Rock township, transferred by county commissioners to me for $8.09, tax, cost and interest on same, and unless redemption is made on or before the 6th day of May, 19D8, the purchaser will apply to the said sheriff for a deed for the said land. This Jan. 1, 1908. G. W, REECE. TAX SALE PURCHASE. Notice is hereby given that a sale of land for taxes made at the court house door in the town of Brevard, on the 6th day of M«y, 1907, by C. C. Kilpatrick^ sheriff and tax collector of Tran sylvania county, N.C., 4-10 interest in the *4ime kiln' * tract of 50 acres more or less, on Toxaway rlTer tributaries, and listed in the name of T. B. Reid and others, for the years 1906, was sold to the undersigned for S3.70 (two wdlars and seventy cents), and unless redemption is made on or before the 6th day of May, 1908, the purchaser will apply to said sheriff for a de^ to said lands. This Jau. 10th, 1907. C. GRIMSHAWE. Ciiamberlain’s CoHgh Retnedi Cares Colds, Cronp and Whoopins Cooi^ cholera and ^namperiain S Diarrhoea Remedy. Never fails. Buy it now. It may save life. m/ ^ Big Crops M Mean Bigger ^ Profits rV Big profits from cotton, tobacco, and such garden crops as corn, tomatoes, cabbage, >ttuce, beets \ and all other vegeta- bles and fruits depend upon their uniform • and growth. Big- ger crops and quicker and larg^er growth are positively assured through high fertilization with Viigioia-Caroliina Fertilizers S’lp^rior to any other fertilizers is proved by t le experience of Mr. D. M. Grittin, D. I). S. of Plant City, Fla., v'hp says: 1 was trucking on a small scale, and decided I would try a few sacks ot your fertilizer, as it was cheap and said to be good. I put it' un der some tomatoes by the side of some other high grace fertilizer whicii COTt me $15 a ton more, and in tha same proportion per acre. I don’t think I exaggerate in the least in saying that the yield where 1 used V irgima-Carolma Fertilizers was three times that of where I used « brand of so-called high-grade fertilizer.” pnvate authorities, will be found in bur new Farmers’ Year Book or Almanac. Get a copy at your fertilizer dealers’, or write to our nearest sales office. It is Free. I Virg^nia-Carolina Chemi /leal Co. Richmond, ^*a. Norfoll:, Va. Columbia, S. C. Atlaata, Ga. Durham, N. C. Charlestoa, S. C. Baltimore, Columbus, Savanttah, Ca. Montgomery, Ala. I^emphis, Tean. Shreveport, La. A Great Clearance Sale ! $5,000 worth of Up-to-Oate Merchandise TO BE ALMOST GIVEN AWAY. Sale Begins Feb. 10th and Ends Feb. 20th, 1908. During these ten days we will sell our entire new stock at Cherryfield, N. 0., at nearly your own price. Lookout for our posters ! Greatest bargains ever heard of. The “Great Slaughter” and “Doomed Sales” are left in the background when you compare them with our Clearance Sale, in price. Be present promptly at 9 a. m., Feb. 10th, and if you are not convinced that ours are the lowest prices you ever heard of, we will pay you for the time you take to investigate. Reiiiember the Date-Feh. 10th, lasting 10 Days. “First come, first served,” is our policy. If you miss the best bargains of your life we are not to blame. Yours for fair dealing and low prices^ Whitmire <fc Hamilton CHERRYFIELD, N, C.

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