SHa Sfe MYSTERY _____— .y By Stewart Edward White And Samuel Hopkins Adams Copyright, 1907, by McCJore, Phillips & Co. [CONTINUED.] take enough stock In my report to tell me to withhold anything,” said Ed wards, with a trace of bitterness in his voice.' “It’s nothing that I believe my self, anyhow.” “Give us a chance to believe it,*' said Ives. “Well,” said the ensign hesitantly, "there’s a sort of atmosphere about that schooner that’s almost uncanny.” “Oh, you had the shudders before jou were ordered to board.” bantered Ives. “I know it. I’d have thought it was one of those fool presentiments if I were the only one to feel it. But the xneQ were affected too. They kept to gether, like frightened sheep. And I beard one say to another. *Hey. Boney, d’you feel lll^p pproe one was a-buzzin’ your nerves liiie a string?* Now\" demanded Edwards plftifltlvely, “what right has n Jackie to hnve nerves?” ^ “That’g strange enough about the compass,” said Barnett slowly. “Ours Is all right again. The schooner must have been so near the electric disturb ance that her instruments v/ere perma nently deranged.” “That would lend weight to the vol canic theory,” said Carter. “So the captain didn’t take kindly to your go-look-see?” questioned Ives of Edwards. “As good as told me I’d missed the point of the thing,” said the ensign, flushing. “Perhaps he can make more of it himself. At any rate he's going to try. Here he is now.” “Dr. Trendon,” said the captain, ap pearing. “You w’ill please to go with me to the scbooncr.” “Yes, sir,” said the sur"Gon. rising froiii his v.ith such ak’.t-ilt:; as from T’^;: '^om- menl; “Wfiy, 1 actually believe old Treii- don is excited.” For tw'o hours after the departure of the captain and Trendon there were dull times on the quarter deck of the Wolverine. Then the surgeon came back to them, “Billy was right,” he said. “But he didn’t tell us anything!” cried Ives. “He didn’t Olear up the mystery.” “That’s what,” said Trendon. *‘One thing Billy said,” he added, waxing un- osually prolix for him, “was truer than maybe he knew.” “Thanks,” murmured the ensign. **What was that?” “You said ‘Not a living being aboard.’ Exact -words, hey?” “Well, what of it?” exclaimed the ensign excitedly. “Y"ou don’t mean you found dead”— “Keep your temperature down, my boy. No. You were exactly right. Not a living being aboard.” “Thanks for nothing,” retorted the ensign. “Neither human nor other,” pureued Trendon. “What!” “Food scattered around the galley. Crumbs on the mess table. Ever see a wooden ship without cockroaches?” I 4 “Captain Parkinson wishes to see you in his cabin, Mr. Edw’ards," said an orderlj’. coming in. “A pleasant voyage, Captain Billy,” said Ives. “Sing out if the goblins gft yer.” Fifteen minutes later Ensign Ed wards, with a quartermaster, Timmins, the bo’s’n’s mate and a crev,-, was heading a straight course toward his first command, with instructions to “keep company and v.’atch for signals.” and intention to break into the brass bound chest and ferret out what clew- lay there if it took dynamite. As he boarded Barnett and Trendon, with both of whom the lad w:is a favorite, came to a sinister conclusion. “It’s poison, I suppose,” said the first officer. “And a mighty subtle sort,” agreed Trendon. “Don’t like the looks of it.” He shook a solemn head. [to be continued.! State of Ohio, City of Toledo, } gg Luc.^s County S Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senioF partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney A Co., dointr business in the city of Toledo. County and State aforesaid, and that fiaid firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Fraisk J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my pres^ncej Oember, A. D. iS8(>. (Seal.) • A. W. Gleason, Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, and acts directly on the blooc^ and mucous surfaces of Ihe system Send for testimonials free. F. J. Chexey & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Taku Hall’s Family Pills tor constipation. TO FORM FAIR CIRCUIT. In-' North Georgia Counties All Much terestod In the Prospect. Calhoun, G*., Feb. 11.—'Efforts are fcoinfi: made to form a north Georgia fair circuit with, the following lairs and dates: Northwest Georgia fair. Chickamau- ea, Ga., Oct. 6-10. Whitfield County fair, Dalton, Ga., Oct. 13-17. Gordion' County fair, Cedartown, Ga., Oct. 20-24. Polk County ISalr. Codartown, Ga., Oct. 27-31. Gordon County fair, Calhoun. Ga., Oct. 20-24. By arransin* the circuit better at tractions can be B'ecured' and the fairs all along th© Jine be benefited. A force of hand-s has been at work on the ftiir grooinds here for som^e time. A ■boulevard has been built around the grounds by United States road experts and tho ®x>un'ds thor oughly drained. •The ba&eball gponnds are being re built and lumber is being placed for the new grandstand. The fair neit fall promises to be the 'best one ever held in this county. Large premiums will be offered oad a poultry building added. REPRIEVED ON GALLOWS. Negro Had Juet Delivered His Fare well Speech When News C2tfne. Greensboro, N. C., Feb. 11.—Fra zier Jones, a ncijro, condsemned to be huBg here Saturday for wife mur der, reprieved at the last njcmer.t by Governcr Glenn tor ter days. Great :;rcssTi’'e had bef^n broivght to beJ’r on the gmxrnor for a commuta tion of life imprisonment a month afo and the daTe Jn .Tflnuary wa/;; c::- tende^l to Feb. 8. Jones perfectly resisaed to ’die, and had delivered his farewell to the w'orld when the sheriff received a ’phone message at the la&t moment which delayed the execution ten diaj-'S. Jones upon being told of this, exclaim ed: “God is working for me,” and collapsed. His coffin W’as' taken back to the undertaker’s. RIVAL TO MONTE CARLO. London Hotel Syndicate Is Negctiating for Concessions at Madeira. Lisbon, Feb. 11.—A London hotel syndicate, of which M. Ritz is the head, is negotiating with the Portu guese government for a concession at Maderia which will enable them to es tablish luxurlou&ly appointcrl oaslnoB as a rival to those at Monte Carlo, as w'ell as new hotels and other improve ments. The syndicate is underetcod to be willing to pay the claim of $2,■500,000 demandrS^d by Germiany as inKiemnicy for Prince Kohenlohe's syndicate, which acquired certain ris'hts in Ma deira from Portugal, but which was afterward's refused a gambling license. LOCAL OPTION CONTINUES. South Carolina Senate Kills Prohibi tion Measure. Colunibia^ J5. C.| Feb. 11.—-Perhaps th^ fiios-t Itiportaht matter acted upon by the state senate dJuring the week w'as the killing of the prohibition bill by a vote of 24 to 13. thus inauriu« ths continuance of the county dispen sary system, or local option law. known as the Carey-Oothran act, for rt least anctcer ye«r. Probibi^ton had previously met defeat in tho house by a vote of G2 to 51. There is, however, a proposition to soibmit the question of prohibition to the peo ple in the primary next summer, a resolution to this effect havlnj? alr^adv been adopted in the senate. It is now up to the house and will be, o:jn- sidered early next week. Another im.portant matter that thf senate has acted upcn is a bill pro- vldinf^ for a limitation of the hours cS work of railroad employees. As adopt ed the measure is practically the same at t-he newly enacted federal law, which provides that railroad employee's shall not work more than sixteen hours out of twenty-four. \Vjll boon Return Hcmft. New Orleans, La., Feb. 7.—It was announced here Friday that Cardinal Gibbons, who Is paying his annual visit to this city, will leave here on his return home Feb. 13, arriving in Baltlmor© Feb. 15. Efforts were made to Ind^^ce the cardinal to remain here until after the mardl gras festivities were over, but It was found impossi ble for him to accept the invitation. Before his departure, however, he will figure prominently on many occasio;.:^ ether than those identified with his churoh. Blue Laws Are Modified. Birmingham, Ala., Feb. 11.—The blue laws, which have been so rigidly enforced in Birmingham for several weeks w'ere in a measure mod-Ifiod on Saturday by a decision of Jufligs Wea ver of the criminal court. Ho ruled that the law against Sunday golf play ing is unconstitutional because of de fects in the way it is drawn. The de cision is the result of a friendly test suit brought by members of tho Bir j mingham Country club. go Neij^liborliood Favorite. Mrs. E. D. Charles, of flarbor, Maine, speaking of Electric Bitters, sa^’s: “It is a nei«rbborhood fav<irlte here with us.” It deserves to be a favorite everywhere. It gives quick relief in dyspepsia, liver complaint, kidney derangement, malnutrition, nervousness, w’eakness and general debility. Itss action on the blood, as a th(yrough purifier makes it especial ly useful as a spring medicine. This grand alterative tonic is sold under guarantee at T. B. Allison’s drug store, 50c. $40,000 Fire at Clinton. New Orleans, La., Feb. 8.—A fire at Clinton, in East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana, Friday destroyed 540,000 v/orth of property. The fire origin ated in a grocery store, and besides that building, an office building, meat market, drug store, tnree residences and the Belmont hotel were destroyed. *'Dr. Trendon, you will please to with me to the schooncr," “Never particularly investigated the matter.” “Don’t believe such a thing exists,” said Ives. “Not a cockroach on the LaugMih^ Lass. Ever know of an old hfddker that wasn’t overrun with rats?” “No, hot any one else. Ijsot above ‘water.” '‘^Found a dozen dead rats. No sound or 'sign of a live one on the Laughing Lass. No rats, no mice, no bugs. Gen tlemen, the Laughiiig Lass is a charnel ship.” “No wK>udet "Billy’s tender nerves ■went wrong,*'* said Ives, with irrepress- able flippancy. “She’s probably haunt ed by cockroach wraiths.” “He’ll have a chance to see,” said ! Trendon. “Captain’s going to put'him In charge.” way of apology, then,” said I ^t. “That’s pretty square.” Four Entries for Msyoralty* Rome, Ga., Feb. 11.—Saturday was the last day for the entry of candi dates for mayor and c iuncilmen in the primary which occurs on the 18 bh' in stant. Four candidates, three of them with full aldermanic tickcts, have qualified', and are in the race. This makes the most unique municipal contest in the history of Rome. Never before have there been four candldiates for mayor in a city election. Shot by IBif'bther-ln-Laww Bimi'n^ha‘% iV\a., Fieb. Knight shot and 'dahgcroft'sly in- jUiS?^ by his brother-in-law-, Sam Mor- 'at Bessemer S'atxi’tday. Knigbt ^d' 3ust stepped tfSm a street car wiien. fired upoa., and several shots were exchange. Family differences are said to fcave caused the trouble. Sentenced to Twenty Years. ChattanoG(^a, Tenn., Feb. 8.—iRoy Hale, at Bristol, Tenn., was Friday morning sentenced to a term of twen ty years In the penitentiary for '4he murder of Irby Davis, brother of I-dily Davis, for whose murder Ack Hale is av/aiting trial at Johnson City, Tenn. New Year FOR ALL AT THE HUB” STORr DON’T FAIL TO CALL ON M. FRED, Brevard, N. C. Rates to Subscriiiers $1.25 per year In Advance ^thelwold Building Opposite Court House J EEP TACT toTfoui'S'tocl' in Choice 'Sdjectioit Of Gra.xn. (K "Wilkes’ Good Goods” on the outside of a sack is an absolute ^ {(uarantee that the grain on the inside is clean and sound. Our cleanini^ process removes all trash and grit, and our careful inspec tion insures qu&lity. Sound and clean grain is as impor tant to the health of stock as good food is to you. ^ We h&ve been selling good grain nearly half a century, and the quality has &lways been the best. All mer chants know this. You can buy "Wilkes Good Goods'’ at general stores. Sound grein means sound stock. kbllthe couch and cure the LUNCS WITH Ofc King’s New Oisemry FOR 0O-UCHS ALL PRICE - 50c & $1.00, . OInDS Trial Settle Freel THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. IGITARAN rSED SATISFACTOBl MONEY B.EEUNDED. 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica- ttonsatricily confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest neency for securinpt patents. Patents taken throucb Munn & Co. receive vpeeial notice^ without charge, in the Scientific Unterlcdm A handsomely illnstrated weekly. I.arfrest cir- ^ulation of any scientific journal. Terms. Jo a •'ear; four months, Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.®«’®"»'"“’ New York Brancu 0«lce. C25 F St.. Washlnsiu... r. WILKES :|QQD EOSDS Hasbtosz Txm' uHiViiKbrre OF MEDICINE RICH ; VIRGINIA STUART McGUIRE. M. D , Pbesiofnt. ffiv This College conforms to the Standards ' fixed by law for Mediccl Education. Send for ^ BuUetin No. 11, which tells about it. Three free catalozues—Specify Department, MEDICINE - DENTISTRY-PHARMA^ Don’L You Like Reason Eiitliroiied. Because meats are so tasty they arp consumed in great excess. This lends to stomanh troubles, biliougness aii.l constipation. Eievise your diet, let reason and not a painpered appe tite CJ^ntrol, then take a few (loses of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Ijiver Tablets and you will soon be well again. Try it. For sale at O. L. Erwin’s, Rosman, N. C, Samples free. Ask Yotti‘selt‘ the Question. Why iiot use Chamberlain’s Pain iBalitt Wheb you haye rbeumatism? feel sure that the tesuU will be ^roni^t arid satisfactory. One appli cation reireVeS th^ pain, and inanV have been perwi'iinently cured by itB use. 25&riti -^0 cent sizes. For sale by 0, Li> l^win, Rosman, N. C. Mrs. =Lapslmg was exhibiting to the calier the latest addition to her stock e(f household remedies, j “I have a good deal of faith in this ipiedicine,” she averred. I got it from the hypothecary himself, and he said he’d never known it to fail.”—Chicago i Tribune. Save Money For That Terrible ItcUiiisr. Eczema, tetter and salt rheum keep their victims in perpetual tor ment. The application of Chamber lain’s Salve will instantly allay this itching, and many cases have been cured by its use. For sale by O. L. Erwin, Rosman, N. C. We sell and If you do, buy what you need from us. Groceries, Clothing, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, we still have some Hardware and Furniture that we will sell you at your own price. We are head quarters for low prices> Try us. COTTON MILL STORE .A: m MM wm i, REES Elected Bishoi of ' ELECTION M Dr. Reese Will I Diocese of G< Known as the Will Be Two E Augusta, Ga., Frederick F. R Christ church, ttlecte'd bishop cese of Georgia assembled lu an l^aui’s church. A The stronjjest Ihe delegates s 45trong, of Sava has been cousis the last ballot, was made unan Dr. Reese wi a ranger «tate and for y Christ church a popular not on •but all witii w tact. He left Muco: snip of Chris Tenn., where where ho is gre At the recen llie Kpiscci^al mond. Dr. R( sionary bisho northwest, but fthe advice <;f 1 dared that Mrs in good health, climate. Dr. and CO years c and scholarly From this o bishops of the Georgia, rte sta into two dioces Dr. Reese w iilocese of Ganr lis the Bishop is the see o>f th Bishop C. K new diocrrie w vided, thereby Bishop of Ceorj for fifteen yea of Atlanta—.\t! the name of th QUIET A But Precaution Guard Ac Seattle, Was cable t.) tho Fairbanks, Ala Mar.'^hn] Per] the follcwirg f Justice: Fairbanks. ?.le protect law-abi tenderness to ment exijccis y energy to pres the leaders in dation. Thos taust bft arre.=^t necessflry ro a (Signed} Everything \ Special dcpu to b.nnr’.s of t 4of3ns t-iil] ^*en arrivinj molestation on Tlie chambei Arctic Hrr>the approval of ilie In ordering tr WOMEr Suffragists Pr £«curity f Ix)ndon, Fe >. the well laiow CTjffragiEts, an( the organizatio Thursday, \vh« niake a derron commons, ail v>i ■term of ^ix sureties for thi ^ Charged v/ Montgomery Jones, one- r.f r Hrownaville, cha-.:::e'l >y I ch.^rgr<I wi ’i i moui- n- Hun srrved a Term ;ng a conce:il tjrought out of ( Revolt ' Ouaya(4;iil, E Terolutionary 3)een nipped- in of the garrison ccrtain inc i 'fciri' iiTriiilMitfhr .

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