THE GREAT FALL DATING Assignment Sale Begins Saturday, Feb. 29, at 10 a. m., land will be repeated MONDAY, MARCH 2, at the same time. HOURS OF SALE: TO *pni? 11111 juii 1 lilJu STOCK of Furniture and Kitchen Needs of'Williams & Weilt, now in the hands of a receiver, will be sold to the highest bidder on the following terms: All amounts less than $10.00 will be Cash; $10:00 and upward will be payable Nov. 15,1908, with note and approved security, 6 per cent interest. We will take alsc for securit^v some good chattel mortgages. This sale is for everybody. Ladies most cordially invited. The greatest line of HOUSEHOLD AMD KITCHEN . Ever offered in the Town of Brevard. Everything brand new at your own price and until fall to pay for it. Now is the time to supply your house for summer visitors and have the run of the season before paying for it. Those living in the country should not miss either sale. Bring your wives and your wagons and be here on time. Jl persons buying $50 worti! and upward will have their railroad fare paid anywhere on Transylvania R. R. The Following Are Only a Few of the Articles we Sell: . Toilet Sets, Souvenir Goods, Lace Curtains, some very fine Comforts, Blankets, Bed-room Sets of Furniture, -ookcases, Sideboards, Chiffoniers, Ladies’ Writing Desks, Washstands, Iron Beds which sold from $2.50 to $18 |each a swell line. Bed Springs, Pillows and Center Tables of all kinds. large liRe of Go-carts (rubber tire), Chairs, Good Cook Stoves and vessels. S. CradlfiS Onrnfm^+cj i i \ -r-- j _ , ^ ^ • ^ : \ / 7 / Cots, Cradles, Comforts (the very best grade), Hammocks, Window Shades, Express Wagons—3 sizes, two good ce King Refrigerators, Rustic Chairs and Seats, Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos. ^ T. .H GALLOWAY, Manager. T. W. WHITMIRE, Auctioneer.