Rates to Subscribers $1.25 per year In Advance News Sylvan You Can’t iC«4^-0iM0n j? Working TtyeKi; Let’s pull together. V ■ » J. J. MIISTER, Manager. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. N. C., FRIDAY, MAY 22.1908- VOL. XIII-NO. 21 Onijf Newsjiap Id TraBsytfanIa . County Snininary of a Week’s News of tbe World. CULLED FOR BUSY READERS 1 Condensation of TWegraphlo Dis patches for the Ready Perusal of Those Too Busy to Read the Longer yicccunts. S. C, Peters, recently a pay clerk I on the cruiser Rainbow , was arrest ed at Manila for alleged embezzlement I of ^3,000. The house has accepted the senate amendments to the bill prohibiting race track gambling in the district of dolimnbia azMl thuis finally passed it With Instructions to vote for Secre. tary Taft, four delegates-at-Iarge and alternates were selected for na tional conrention by the re^blican state convention at New Orleans, La. Night riders have 'burned the bam of George Wail, a farmer, residing 10 miles from Cumberland Furnace, in Tennessee. Loss $600. This is the first time night riders have invaded Dickson county. Governor Smith, of Georgia, has re fused to interfere in the cases of Har ry E. Lyles, of Waycross, white, and Porter Cooper, negro, of Sparla, ^both of whom are sentenced to be hanged for murder. The recommendations of the prison commission were adverse in both cases. Mrs. Van Renselaer Cmger, daugh ter of the late Thomas Wentworth Storrow, of Boston, Mass., was mar- iiied at her residence in Washington ito Wade Chance, formerly of Canton, \o., and now of London, E?ngland, Mr. ind Mrs, Chance wil sail shortly for igland, where they will reside. "The" All&n, for years widely 'Itnown to the sporting fraternity, died suddenly at his home in New York. Allen Gard, governor of Lanao, is dead, the result of bolo wounds in- flcttd by Moros. He underwent a se ries of operations, from which he graadually sank, and never rallied. William C. Wallace, republican, has teen elected senator from the forty- seventh New York district, receiv ing a plurality of 248 votes over Henry A. McMahon, the democratic candi date. The annual convention of the south, ern branch of the National Dental association 'began in Birmingham, Ala., with more than one hundred and fif ty delegates from various parts of tho south in attendance. Oxford university has conferred the honorary degree of doctor of science on Professor William James, the noted cducator, who was professor of phil osophy at Harvard university from 1S97 to 1907. Seo^nd Lieutenant Arthur R. Ehrn- heck, corps of engineers U. S. A., is missing from his station in Mindanao. He left Pintar alone one month ago, and has not been heard of since. It is feared he is dead. Prohibition MAY 1908 Several district republican conven tions in Louisiana lhave instructed ^or Taft. N’otice of the figlit to be waged ^sainst trading in cotton futures was served in both branches of the Louisi. ana legislature. A fall of n^ck an-d coal in the Pros- ^ct colliery, of the Lehig^i Valley Ccai company, at Midvale, killed four ®i‘iie-workers and injured three others. Twelfth annual state convention Alabama United Daughters of Confederacy was held at Blrming- Ala., with a large attendance, fbe governments of Sweden and ^nmark are at present negotiating a treaty which will provide for the ar bitration of all questions between the countries. ^nsul General Benjamin H. Ridge, of Barcelona, Spain, who was re- ^ently made consul general at Mexico ^*ty, is on his way to his new 'post. ^0 is accompanied by his wife and 'daughter. A riot over the possession of the for the republican congressional c-onvention occurred at Baton, O., which four policemen were roughly handled by armed men of the Bieser” faction. General D’Amade, at the head of ^hree columns, conducted a raid on tribesmen living in the Mk-dkra ^^untains. He razed their crops and ^estroyed several camps. The FYench *^d six men wounded. The revolutionists in Yunnan prov- Qce have had a set-back. The second ^Inmn of insurgents, the one .that was advancing on Meng-Tsz^ has been re- A vote “Against the manufacture and sale of intoxica ting liquors” is a vote for sobriety, morafity, decency, ed ucation and progress. This is Transylvania’s history, it has always been on the side of Progress, and our voters will never go back on its record. Don't fail to read Page 7---Lefs win the Banner pulsed. The other column was turn, ed ub* Nations. Address all orders to SYLVAN VALLEY NEWS, BREVA<;D UNJVERSir/ G3LLE82 ! OF MEDIOiNE I STUART McGUIRC. M. D . Pocstog^-. I TA/s College conforms to the % fixed by law for Medicnl Educaticn. 3viui.l{;c'd Bulletin No. 11, which tells about it- X Three free cataloz^es—Specify DepariwtvfL, .i' IMEDICIHE-DENTISTRY-Pt!flnr;AAG?g ^atsrsexsa^^. THE AND CURE the LUNCS WITH Discovsiy FOB Cgffis"* AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. I GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR MONE? REFUNDED. PIUM COGAmE AID WHISKEY Habits cured at mj Sanatorium in a few weekfi. You can return to yoar home in 30 days well, free and happ?. I have madt these habits a special tr for 25 years and cured thousand. POFC Book on Home Treatment ePDt rHUb Address 1>B. B. M. 'WOOI.I.Bir, 102 N. Pryor Street, Cliamberlain’s Cough Remedy Cures Colds. Croup and Whooping Cough.