•scriliais S1.25 In Advance y^'!^ J. -f. MINKK, M:in:mvr. ’i- p^. I y I'f .jalM'is in vvhicii ..I.' \v;: ..; t ( ’ ■:]. •< f’.iu r; i at \v!:i:c I’l'n; s';,'I' in c-(n'.i• ■.-! (-‘f !’;■• :>v;; f-ir ncrncr an>l ■ r H(;kf Siiiilh f<'i' n i.v ovi a.- h ‘ I’.as -M. M lUil .;r r an I lir-n railed. I'l’, n i 1 I' l’iiii-s iia.< '.vi'!! i)V( 1' liis - S:!;-'h. a Vv'ior- vira-ir (-f but ilirou - l!ov:u n!l pans r.f t')o stato indica'i- i(a!iy. Im v. ;;;] a (ioubT. that J-'So:’); M. Brown ’i:;' lift n no'!U- Inaf- ! t ir • r;;i r by a r. aj'U'ity proxinKUii'i; vot; s. 'F'ais vicTi'ri-us swr-. n I’f tl'io s’aV* avf'r his .-iijjioixnit i.s sfiuc’what <)f a Huprist' v\ii']. I'v n !n Fuli>);i. th>.' liomo cor,i;iy of hi? n:>- Iiont-nr, Mr. Thrown is a'^crfiitrii wiiii a :iiaj’ nf 1.72" votf’s, also rarryinir sovr*n of tV;(» olLiht ward? ( f 'h<‘ city of Atlanta, inolndin.L: his i';>!i''n( n!'s own •ward. In fact, all of tho laruo coun- ti< s of Th'‘ sta:(‘ iiivp iri'T*- or Ic.'S ma jorities for l^rown. Sketch cf Mr. Erown. “l..ittle .Tot” TJrown. who v.'as cho.stn Uy the sov^rci.ixn votc'r.s of vernor. In po!i;ics !;<■ is a democrat; In re ligion a H:-;;iii.= t. He is (!e.'Cend<'d from ^cotch-Irish I’rotc-stantp, who cainc to this country in the sevonteenlh cei’.iury His an- cestor.s weri' hardy. hon( st and true men. His father wa? a contempor ary of such ilhi.stiions (Jeorpians as LnciuL- Q. r. I.aniar. Thomas R. R. Cohh, I'.enjaniin Harvey Hill, Rf>bcrt G. Harpt r anti Linton Stephens. .ens. H<‘ has: had a taste of almost every fielii of busine3s activity. He is «i 7)rofoiind student, an author, a busi- T\Gs.s mar and a farmer. Of an ex- tr3.nley nifn, hi.=; vr.iious activities were not ■widPly Known until the present re- markabV campaign for governor. It is Inevitable that in a hot and spirited j)oliticr.l ftnif^L'le. a man’s accomplish ments will l)e discredited by the op position and his abilities called Into question. This is tlie fate that met Jo.seph .M. Thrown. Mr. Hr*^)wn was born in Canton, in Cherokee county, on D(‘cember 28, His father was Senator .Tos<‘ph K. Urovvn. and his mother, Klizabeth Grisham Brown f f1 f'' J"* E! T’ 'T'> ^ j r- ? .T I ft •• usj dlii ^44 4 M b > ; "(1 I Exslrsifii! Cn::i.r T.: Ff.’-p 3 Nrf* W t i ’>V k. ?c> t p I. e, (d 1...^ fe ■ ><> \fy;? j r^^'U u1111f i 11 i 1 i f u I i \n •, i\ \ I;f iiHTTtTv\’(lITl i’i I iTli; J. —Kessler in St. Louis Republic. E. P.. I.ewis w:;s u !'( • 1 in th ■ third district by Dnd’ey Ai llu”hf.-^. ''i'lns will be the only chan;4(* in tr.t' present (Jeorc^ia deI(\uation in con- .eress. Ci)!onel h F. T.ivinpston was re- elecK'd in the iit'T'a district ovct- .las. L. A!::-n. In the sixth, tht* indications are tiiat .lud.:;(- ('har’es |, I'.artlett i.- suc cessful. bur the raco was extremely c!ose. O. H n. Uloodworth won in teveral counties. In the ninth T. M. He’! carried every county in l;is race f.e retina of the left eye wliic.h i;f sepin’atod fnjiii the optic nerve. Returns indicate the following elec tions for congressmen: Charles Gordon Edwards elected in the first district, defeating B. K. Overstreet and W. W. Sheppard. Judge J. M. Griggs won hands dcwn in the second district. To Complet'3 Continents! Hall. 'W’a.'-hin.s^fon, .Tune —(’ontinental hall, the home of the Dauuhter.s of tne .Vmerican Revolution in this city, will be rushed throu.nh to completion a k)an of $2o0,000 having been ne gotiated. The money is to be repai. Ba’tiniore. Ju;;.- ’liie futrir./ tlie iron industry oi this ciuintry iti the soirh.’' wols the stateni(>nt made !)v ter of F*ltt.lpg onditifnis rec^'i'.iiy with i)u‘ M;ir.ulac- turei’s’ Rec<.rd. In I'.ointing Out re asons for his fai!!i in th(* .iM’cat futuvi* of s(>utherr. iron in': rf'st:-• Mr. Snyder said that within six y< ars the sliiptvient? of lake ore.s will reach us ’.unc'.- .is t/i /M.hi to:'.-5 a y- : :’. and., in coimcetiim with ri !'- (•r<':iC(> io il'.o lapid >h'pl. (ion of tiie l^ako Su]>»‘ri*)r supplies undi r this tre mendous drain, he spoke of th.e very great devt‘iopnK>nt which is taking place in the south based on the iron or',- and coal resourct^s of tliis scction. 'I'lu! heavy sail.s 01 iron at Binnln.g- ham for ftiture delivery, amountiirj; during the past two weeks to proba bly .'■)0r»,0"0 tons, indicate the sti>ady expatision at that point, and the an nouncement. made at the ceh'bration of the opening of the Ilanois Central's line to th.at city, that that road had .given a cnntract for 40,000 ton? of Birmingham rails, is a significant illus tration of l’.(jw railroad and industrial dev(dopm('nt in the south .go hand in hand and is su.ggestive of a turning toward revived industrlnl activity. I Jensen, Great Spec'aiiEt, Treats Two j V'/^ifs cf ti'.e Ten'^rn2nts. o, .lun: — --'i.nming tho go-1 , of uilliicuiaires. Dr. Allien Jansen, of jlkrlin. oi!“ of i‘..e g'. eali t've and ouL oi i>uie nil rv'v and wiiiioul piice uu i..v; uj;{'*riv»iiits of the teU'.- i inenrs. : The skill of the farnoti.-^ curgt’on, for I which the wealthy men and w(;nien I (if Chi(“ago have in vain bt sr.'d an.l ' i';'.eaii d with '.fr'ers of fortv.ne.s and w!’.:ch at lasf was i^lvcn for nothing, jn'suMi'd in tv.o cui'ci. 'I'lie chihlr(-n. . who Lad bi.o;i (leaf, were made to i hear. I Dr. .lansen came across the t;ea to ' attend th»‘ recent sessions of the i .Ai)3e!’ic;;n Medical associ ition. The ! c!iih;ren ui)on whom Dr. .lausen 'jp* i erat(>d and to whom he r^:?tor<‘d th(;ir I hearing, are Willie Simpson, eight i years old, and Marion Siuliler, thr(.‘e : j'eav.s <,1,1. i It was impossible for the fathers and the mothers of these children of I poverty tn gain an audience with tli^" ; world-famons lierlin surgeon, but they I wrote him two j)athetic letters in j which they told him of the .great af- lliction that 'liad befallen th^Mr little ones and begged him to euro tht>ni. GATHERI^JG OF VETERANS. STRIKE OF SWITCHMEN. Ovation to Fleet. Victoria, B. (’., June fj.—'Mail ad vices from Australia state that &reat preparations are being made to re ceive the American battleship fleet. There will be a round of banquets, bails, picnics, regattas, cricket and baseball matches. Sydney anti Mel- hourne oropose to spend $250,000 each to entertain the fleet. China Refuses Request of Japs. Pekin. June o.—'Clilna has refused the request made by Japan for per mission to station twenty m(>n In Chi nese territory, over the Korean bor der, for the purpose of apprehtnuiing leaders of the Korean insurgents seek- in4^ to make their escape in tnat direc tion . Dam Broke, Much Damage Done Enid. Okla., June 5.—Mosier’s dam, one mile west of MJnid, broke, driving 200 people in the neighborhood of En id from their homes and flooding re.si- d(*nces. A heavy rain preceded the breaking of the dam. Fifty bridges were w^ashed out in Garfield county. All Those Employed by N. C. & St. L. ! Are Called Out. Atlanta, June <'>.— Val Fitzpatrick, I vic(* grand master of the Briitherhood i of Railway trainmen, has sent orders ; to all the switchmen and yardmen (Mn- ; ployed by tbc Xashvillo, Chattanooga and St. Ivouis railroad ordering them ! to strike Immediately. He said that I about -100 men would he affected. The j order followed a telegram sent to .1. I \V. Thomas, president of the road, i This tele.gram read, j “Unless you reinstr.te a!I men v/ho left the service Tuesday and tho.-:e i who were discharged for being mem- . hers of the Brotherhood of Railway i Trainmen, strike will be extended to ; yoTir entire system. Answer by G I o’clock.” Ev2ry Train Carrying Crowds to Bir mingham, Ala. Birmingham, Ala., Jtiue H.—'Many veterans and visitors are arriving on evej'.v train for the confederate re- un.ion here next week and the; indica- union here next weeii, and the indica tions now are that the attendance will be the largest at any reunion ever hold. Th-e decorations of the city already covcr several bloclvs and one hundre^I nten are at work putting up bunting and the pictures of genorala and hun dreds of little flags. The pv>Hco department has placed men in citl/:cns clothes at the depots to meet all incoming trains to keep out or catch the light-fingered gentry if possible. Peddlers will be arrest ed except they have a jear's license. Hotel Gordon at the fair grounds will open M-nday. Was Given Fifty Years. Andalusia, Ala., June 5.—'After be ing out twenty-four "hours, a jury re turned a verdict of guilty, second do- frrce, against Henry Howard, and fixed his punishment at fifty years in the penitentiary. Howard shot anJ kill ed George W. Bagley at Andalusia last summer. Called to Atlanta Church. Mobile, Ala., June R.—A special from Solma, Ala., says that Rev. A. A. Little, pastor of the Broad street Presbyterian church of this city, haiS been tendered a call by the West minster Presbyterian church of Atlan ta, Ga. Dr. Little has been the pas tor of the Broad Street Presbyterian church for the past six years. Dropped Dead of Heart Disease. Detroit, Mich., June 6.—Hon. Peter i White, of Marquette, one of the most prominent men in the upper peninsu la of Michigan, dropped dead here in front of tile city hall. Heart disease is supposed to have been tli(r cause of death. Howard Carried to i^lontgomery. ^iobile. Ala., June 6.—'A special to th Item from TJongomery, Ala., say? that Kinley Howard, the .voung man who killed George liaigley, of Andalu sia, claiming defense of his sister, and who w'as at his recent trial at Anda lusia sentenced to fifty years’ Impris onment, was brought to Montgomery and lodge','! in the county Jail. How ard will remain in Montgomery until his attorneys take their case to the highest courts in their efforts to free tbeir client. Howard, since the sen sational killing of Bagley, has been on the second floor of the new jail in Montgomery county, the sheriff of Covington county being afraid that mob violence would be attempted. Steam Pipe ::: ; . ■ ca,.Jj FrCiCuro, ivi:. . ' ' juring Ten Cti'.cr:—Guven'ir.'ent io Invesii;jit2 Acc'det t Sa:i i'< V ■■ •• . b’e r.-i... :;i. e;-. , . Vi.itcd I . ■ e 1'i'i .It.- ii.: - \\ . .._ .. ; j was sli auiiiiLi: at i ;■ : trial off Poinr, I'lunerie. Va!.. s'-.a:;i 1 ipe in l;a' s:..; '" m li : o-;; iiurst ui: ^ , ■ ;. ■ , 1- of I he in li ii*C. The <-xj)!*;si('n, tlu- era.-.j ;'f wi.i.-'; is w!!, :• . ••• . _ u: .■ a :';e: AT ■.., ■ r. tiiln I''. 1!. ilowa.',] i\:] ; t ; . t ili.. 1- nt'er iio’-f-rt-(.n | roi)i:i on a fcitr of iiisj;(.'c: ion. Fon; • f ti:e men were i'’--. :”.y ed and t '.vo . >f , >■ (. 1 t.» (II ■, ii<-ar A(ii;;ira] K-'mh es caped u‘ ti;e fatal bla 'I : :: .’ .ii-e - i- in the '-n::'!:;.- r- ^ r-‘ room witli ('a;. f i-ltu’ine' ’ K.T;* I’l and Cai)iain i'o'v'r-:’ Mis i;r-t i Uiaik;!! vif \'iA- i;'i:-.>iy v. : - .. mounted the la'l.' '• and a h:-'''- 1 ^evere s.— l.ls S I f :i'. C.irecMi V, (>■ »! :. ; M"!'!! J :it 1 ; o't ; at r: M.i;. I.i ■ ir" .l. -r, i-x. ill : >■ I'i.'fU. '.I ."i II',-.-, . , cl.^- . . . ■; T- r. !•. ':k Wa^hini •ti. fr I V , , f- th(> aeeirlent on t];o Ten.;;* SM><‘, in w’iieli ’•;iil(.*d and a ni:::.ber Viv t'le •. r' a > tn? V* SSI ; a.-' coast. \vi:; l... ... into b.\ a lioard of iiiv court of irMiniry to !-e Admiral S< I ree. Fv' i: 'i'. this ir.(]uiry will ihsend the whether a:i>' e-f the ofli.-er-: ai slble for tiie acri ient na : serve as a l)a?i'. *'ir .n!-'-- !;nn in tlie nKichinery n.■ ry •: a repetiticn of i.‘ie accl irr.;. Sfbrce ha-; t'’‘le;.ra; Ik Ing that tl'.e acrid o’clock in the in-'raiitH:. wMle ‘I;-' ves sel was under full p.r(;:.'n C iuntri;,?. e a a. •- e of cr;:i,-,-r ; . , , • -ma.: 1 ter ll-,'. iJ "\i.. la> >»f .-v.-iy in. at' ' : : Ui. rni'sed Davit!: tn Ri% er PiCn* W. IF. l-a- i', l a-t.ir. kc-i:',-• • S.ii;-i.e> at : 1 i'h : U'fidii a . /.I a-; n or . • • tr< ii.t'vi i,‘\ >t. I'i .l a! ■, I’ : rVufil. t; • ■ ■sal:--, of 111,Hi. mi. ,-!- r i!i c!::-!;:. , .1 . : t ; if-- que,- • re;pon- . V . .-'.iii'i ; ;t ! 1 »i' clo- k, o'l'lofk. i holy cnaiau:!:'.!’-, .■ tllin! S ;- a..' ‘ t.!' the l.i* ' ■ . • r~: V I . ] . ; r ‘ * >vri;.t r.: ■ . I- V li-.a. l'a\^.' ■ 1 ^ ■ ( ■ * ; ’ T" ' . 1: T’ ‘ 1 Ada i-al . i;! i ■: ■ \\ 1;.:. • ; : ‘-1, , . ,, ■ ■ ■ ■ ' ar 1 ' report sp,y- t o''cnrr‘'d at 11 M,a Kri'la •r\ .(•! FOUND DEAfJ IM HIS AUTO. o'vlnMc. '1'!k-'A itn.Mi'> Auk;' (III !!.■■ rue"i1:iy ai: rtr. ti!-.- ! i;i* nif'.-liui; i.;i i!.v‘ iiiit‘1 .-uiiday *>i' Profession:^:! C.:-rn; >ck Death Strikes Alabama Specialist While OtJt Riding. Birmin,j:liani. Ala,, .)un:,' , Hr. V. E. Holloway, a 'Specialist here, drop- pfd dead in his iiutc.niobib- whil-,' on a s])in out in WoodJa.wn. a suburb. Heart \Ii?ease was the caust* <'f hi- death. Tile man’s foot slipped <>ff a pedal of the autom )blle when la* received the attack which caused ti;e machine to bark up a.gain.'t a. <’onc;- al(?:ig;.-id'' ! heri-c<‘iitv'»' ia-tiseiun!-bnn,I, Cmm< . . K, C de Castellano, pointing out that her income now is only $6,u00 per mouthy ’ heartii'ul ”ol»l crdvvii ior > t.e'* and that it would bo impossible to pay i'txl up* such a large sum inimediut('ly. The j I’lates cl iill kind at reusxiiiiiitii' court consented to the payment of $6,000 each tnree months to the' j;iruaiitce;?r -a;s-iaition singer. * Tooth o.xtrnotod wifhoiit r Will bo }^hui to have .v<*ij (‘;\]j jjinl Pistol Duel at Mobile. inspect iny offiees, work oli^*es Mobile, Ala., .Jtme C.—In a street duel in the “rostricted districts" Fri day night. Thomas Barry, a river pi lot, was shot threo times, -ance seri ously, and Pete^ JackjB