Sylvan Valley News you Can't Keep "Dottfn a ViorKin^' Tobun; JLet's “Ptxtl To^elher. J. J. MINER, Mgr. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA CO., N. C., FRIDAY, JULY 10,1908. VOL. XIIL NO. 28. I Jn Session at Denver, Colo., This Week. Proposed Bryan Platform With Resolutions Committee. MAKES ROOSEVELT AN ISSUE Wants “Predatory Wealth” and “Swollen Fortunes” Dealt With— Contains Anti-Injunction Plank— The Convention programme. Denver, Col., Special.—The Ameri can eagle and the Democratic roos ter have vied with each other in giving Denver one of the most lurid Fourth of July in its strenuous ex istence. Throughout the day streets were ablaze with color, an incessant din of cannon and crackers has mingled with the enthusiasm or ar riving political delegations, and long William J. Bryan. trains have crept over the prairie from every direction adding their thrones and the clatter of firework-'?, here. At night the State Capitol and ciher public buildings loomed out of dai^kness in living fire with every outline marked by myriad lights, the ^streets pulsated with convention thongs and the clatter of fireworks; the hotel lobbies were filled with pol itical leaders, delegates and onlook ers from every section of the country. It is estimated that 20,000 strangers are already here and 60,000 more are «xpecteci in the next two days. The arrivals included the Missouri delegation headed by the tall gaunt form of Senator Stone; part of the North Carolina delegation headed by Governor Glenn who promptly retired his candidacy for the vice presidency, and straggling advance guards of many of the other delegations. These ith Judge Parker, the Democratic * has been in session here since Monday morning. The in stitute, under the management of Rev. J. B. Carpenter, field secretary- and Rev. J. K. Roberts, schools in Fayettevile Presbytei^, is by far the most successful and instructive that has ever been held. Rev. Messr^ Carpenter and Roberts are experi enced and expert in Sabbath school work. -