Sl2o A. YEAR BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNtr, N. C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 28,1908. VOL. XIII. NO. 35 ^ SnQESABbBETTETi <lA Shoe for* Every' Member sf the Family' Tlie leather is chrome- tanned box calf. The bottoms are of the best sole leather. ^tfie" fs't^^ mills qap cupgly. 'They are 'speMally re inforced and can not rip. They are guaranteed to be honestly made. The prices are reasonable enough for anyone. Over T^ee Million people are wearing them. Men’s, $2.SO to $3.00 Women’s, $1.75 Rffisses’, $1.35 Children's, $1.10 to $1.35 These shoes are made by Roberts, Johnson & Rand Shoe Co. of St. Louis, who stand behind every pair and guarantee them to be honestly made from top to bottom. We want you to come and ex amine “Our Family** line. Try one pair and you will want another. Bring the children to us and let us fit their young feet right. Our stock is complete. FOR SALE BY O. L. Kl\WN TBAWSYLVAHIA MHIOM. To be held with the Oak Grove Baptist church Aug. 28-29 30. PROGRAM—Friday. 8:30 p. m.—Sermon—F. M. Jordan. Saturday. 9 :30 a. m—Devotional—A. J: Manlj Church co-oDeration. 10 a. m.—(1) In making the Asso ciation—J. M. Hamliu. Geueral discussion. 11 a. m.—(2) In forming pastor ates—(y. ]\1. Gallimore. General discussion. 12 m.—Intermission. 1:30 p. m.—(3) In providing sala ries—C. C. Duckworth. General discussion. 2:30. p. m.—(4) In providing homes and locating pastors—W. H. Duck worth. General discussion. 3:30 p. m.—Intermission. 8:30 p. m.—Sermon—J. R. Owen. Sunday. 10 a. m.—Sunday school rally—J. M. Hamlin. 11 a. m.—Sermon—J. C. Owen. She Likes Good Things. Mrs. Charles E. Smith, of West Franklin, Maine, says: “I like good things and have adopted D.r King’s New Life Pills as our faniily laxative medicine, because they are good and do their work without making a fuss about it.” These painless purifiers sold at Allison^s drugstore. 25ct8. Backache Snch agonies as some women suffer, every mooth, Irom back* ache! Is it necessary? No. It can be prevented and reUeved, when caused by female trouble, by talc* log a medicine with specific, cttra* tive action, on tke female organs and.fnttctIocs,''wkkh sets'by re* lie^g the congestion, stopping the pain and building the organs sad functions up to a proper state of health. Try. WINE OF WOMAN’S RELIEF **I suffered for 15 years,^ writes Mrs. Mallnda A. Akers, of Bashm, Va., **with various female troubln» I had such a backache that drew me over, so I could not stand straight. The doctors could not help me, so I took Cardul, and now I feel like a new woman.** At All Dru^sts WRITE FOR FREE ADVICE, statlncr age and describing symp toms, to Ladies Advisory Dept., The Chattanoogra Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. B 38 PLUMBING Gas and Steam Fitting Sewer Building, Tin and Sheet* Iron Work, etc. Cook Stoves, Ranges, Tin and Enameled Ware, Builders’ Hard ware, Sewer Pipe, Plumbers Sup plies, Galyanized Guttering and Spouting kept in stook. Screen Wire, Gasoline, ^Machine Oil, etc. W. E. BISHOP CLdVER*S STUDIO Open for the Season 1908. Good Photo Work a Specialty. Rosman Itm CARDUI It^s a good time now to get your work out of the way be fore the summed fush* Editor Sylvan Valley News: Rainy weather again. We are having a good meeting at Old Zion church. ' Miss Emma Bagwell was in our section last week. Tom Melton has been on the stck list for a few days. Miss Olivia Whifcmire is now teach, ing school at East Fork. ^; J. R. Meece, of Pickens, S. C„ in Rosman last week on business.. T Tilden Hill, of Henderson conrjt^, is now an employee at the Tannerjr. The carpenters are building jjhe vats and also the new part to ihe Tannery. Charlie Brooks and wife of Green ville, S. C., are spending a few days in Rosman. ^ The freight train wrecked last .Sat urday but no one was hurfc. ^he passenger was delayed. ^ The new Tannery boiler is going up fast. It is hung and the bfick masons are at work this week. ^ Dr. English and wife of Breijard were welcome guests at the hom^ of Mr. and Mrs. Silverstein last week, Jordan Whitmire, who is aii em- ployee at tfie Tarmerj^ ha^ ^^n tajiiiig a 'le w d.a^'s the past wfek, Ernest j^ixl^riir'nf Can spent Suiidi|i^Wd7M^ with his old friends in Rosman. We W0re all glad to see him. i Jesse Love and wife left here last Fridny morning on the 5:30 train for White pine, Tenn., to see his father. They will spend a few days there* Some little time ago two girls and boys came very Lear losing ;itheir lives on the trestle just above Ros man depot by the approaching train No. 8. Boys, gfrls; keep ’yourselTBe»L from off the railroad track near train time. Little Peewee. Calvert News. Editor Sflvan Valley News: Left over from last week, J. W. Zachary went to Pisgah For est IS^Dnday on business. Thjt echool taught by R. O. Self at Ml. Moriah is progressing nicely. Visitors from South Carolina to iJiife “Land of the Sky” have been many this summer. ^ . Atiother protracted meeting has gun at Rosman to continue some eight or ten days. Rev. F. M. Jordan left Monday morning for Lake Toxaway where he wil* spend a few^days. Rev. Asher O. Allison was seen passing through our town on Tues day last from Rosman where he is assisting in the meeting. ' Mrs. J. M. Zachary, while sewing on her machine last Tuesday, turned to notice one of her children and one of her fingers slipped under the nee dle* The needle w-ent through and broke off leaving about an inch of it in her fincrer. J. G. AV. Editorial Snapshots. □ We wonder how our old home- raised Transylvania republicans feel when a stranger writes in a Henderson county paper and tells them to vote for a Jackson coun ty man for Transylvania sheriff. To us democrats that looks like going a long way round to get home. * * •* Will some of you good geogra phy students tell us if “Canada” is not an English province? Seems to us as if it must be for we notice that the “English” and people from “Canada” are mighty good friends; so good that the “English House of Lords” give good nominations to a certain man from Canada. ' ♦ * ♦ Say, you good old rock-ribbed radicals; you who have “fit and bled and died” for your party in Transylvania for the last forty odd years, how long is it since you got so old and feeble that you had to get your instructions from a Henderson county paper as to how you should vote for a Jack son cotinty-Homiv'for. sheriff of Trans^lvuni^^,^ - • Looir say yon believe in high tariff because it protects home-made goods and keeps out foreign goods. Now why aint you consistent? Why don't you protect our home-made, home-grown Transylvania men and give them the nominations in your party instead of going to Jackson and getting your candi date? Granclated Sore Eyes Cured. “For twenty years I suffered from a bad case of granulated sore eyes,” says Mavtin Boyd of Henrietta, Ky. “In February, 1903, a gentleman asked me to try Chamberlain’s Salve. I bought one box and used about two-thirds of it, and my eyes have not given me any trouble since.” For sale by 0. L. Erwin, Rosman. East Fork Facts. Editor Sylvan Valley News: Miss Dollie Masters has had her school put off till October on account of her brother’s illness. The school is progressing nicely under the management of Mi.'ss Janie Gillespie at Greentown. Thomas Masters is very low with typhoid fever. The doctor almost gave him up. He id on the mend now. J. M. Garrett of Piedmont, S. C., was the guest of Miss Dollie Masters last week. He was perfectly carried away with the scenery of the moun tains and the good water w« hiwe. He visited Rosman while here and met with some of his old friends from Piedmont. Junissie. was “I didn’t know your mother seriously 111/* said the neighbor. “She Isn’t,” replied the dainty daugh ter. “What made you think that?” “I saw you washing the dishes this morning.” And now they never speak as they pass by.—Detroit Free Press. If you have an ambition to be pop ular, don’t tell people about yourseif. Let them talk to you about themselves. —AtchisoD Olobe. . **I am going to bave my photos taken. I hope they will do me jus tice.” “I hope so. too—justlce tempered with mercy.”—.7udge. “Did you have to help him out when he proposed?” “No. Papa helped him out”—Lon don Answers. New Zealand has l)een called by Its Inhabitants “the Fortunate Isles,” “the Star of the South” and “the Wonder land of the Pacific.” How’s This? We offer One Hundred Dollar’s Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney *fe Co., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and belive him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obli gations made by his firm. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, AVholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh (Jure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall’s Family Pilis for con stipation. An American was boasting of the terrific speed at which trains traveled in his rushing country. After telling an impossible story an Irishman said; “An’ sure, do you call that rapid? Why, only last week I booked third class for Dublin at Belfast an’ got there In a second.”—London Mail. What* Is Best* for Indigestion? Mr.^A. Robinson of Drumquin On tario,' has been troubled for years with mdigestion, and recommends Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets as the “best medicine I ever used.” If troubled with indigestion or constipation give them a trial. They are certain to prove beneficial. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. Price, 25 cts. Samples 1 free at O. L. Erwin’s Rosman store. (Jet the Most Money Out of Your Lands by making them yield the biggest possible crops. Grain must get the nourishment that makes it grow out of the soil —and the more plant food there is in the soil, the quicker and bigger and more plentifully the grain will grow. But you must first put the food into the soil by libefally using Vuginia-Carolifla Pertilizerd Then a big bumper crop is as sured, because these fertilizers contain the necessary elements ‘ required by the soil to prop erly and fully mature the grain. Farmers invariably find that the more Virginla- Carolina Fertilizer they use, the bigger is the crop, and the greater their profit. Have you gotten the latest Vir- ginia-Carolina Year Book or Al manac, the most useful and valuable book any farmer or grower can read? Get a copy from your fertilizer dealer, or write to our nearest sales office and one will be sent you free. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. Richmond, Va. .Norfolfc, Va-^' * . Columb^,^ C. . saTaa&w. tik. . Meirphte, T«in. Shnvepoit, La. m irCtiei i 'A I Durham. N. C. Ckutesttm, S.. C.*' Baltimore, Md. £olumbus, G*.. -' 'Montsomeryi'Ala.. - % ' I?' •' ?* ^ ■' Best of InstroGlion 8t LOWEST COST FALL TERM BEGINS SEPT. 3, 1908 In Six Departments 1. ACADEMIC—Elementary and High School. 2. NORMAL—Lectures, Recitations and Practice Teaching. 3. BUSINESS—Book-keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting. Commer cial Law. 4. MUSIC—Piano, Hand Culture, Voice, Tone Placing. 5. BIBLE—Recitation Talks, Mission Study,Christian Association 6. INDUSTRIAL—Domestic Science, Dressmaking, Millinery Photography, Printing, Agriculture, Carpentry. PURPOSE—^To Offer Preparatory Education that Young Pea pie Need at a Price that Anybody Can 'Pay. For full information address C. H. TROWBRIDGE, Brevard, N. C. ^ MISS M. WAVE LONG’S ART PARLORS New line of Souvenir Post Cards* Souvenir Novelties in Silver, Leather and Wood* Stamped and Finished Goods. Silk and Cotton Embroidenf Floss BLANK D££1>S FOR SALE at the NEWS OFFICE

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