Daily Papers and Magazines Charleston News and Courier Atlanta Journal Augusta Chronicle New York Sun All Standard Magazines FOR. SALE AT Allison’s Drug Store LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. Rev. W, P. Cheilester left town Tnesday for a visit of a few clays to relatives in Asheville. Miss Martha Boswell left Tuesday for Staunton, Virginia, where she will enter the ]Ma.ry Baldwin Semi nary for young ladies. On Monday, Ijefore the board of county commissioners, the sheriff filed a bond as tax collector, and the tax list of 190S was delivered to him for collection by the board. Editor Breeso has had his thoughts and emotions divided this week between nghting the political battle and welcoming the advent of a new son, who arrived Tnesday. Tommie D. Clayton v/as in town Tuesday, still suffering from his lame foot and hobbling around on crutches. He says his trust is now in \hree things: “God, three B’s and a low tariff.” Preaching at the Methodist church Sunday at 11 a. m. and S p. ni. It is probable that services will be- continued thtough. the entire week with music directed by a splendid singer and lessons in the life of Christ by the i^astor. The criminal docket of court was soon disposed of last week, and the rest of the time was taken u":) with litigation, which was finished last Monday. Judge Murphy proved himself fully equal to filling the position to which he was not elected. A post card from B. H. Scadin, who desires to keep in touch with this county through the columns of the News, informs ns that he has decided to locate in Amherst, Massachusetts. Mr. Scadin and family have our best wishes for success and happiness in their new home, and we hope that the Tran sylvania magnet will draw them again on visits in the future. Hon. W. W. Kitchin, democratic candidate for governor, will be in Brevard on Thursday, Sept. 17th, and will address the citizens of the connty. It behooves all voters, no matter of what party affiliations, i and all interested in public affairs, | to be present at the court house on that occasion, and get acquainted with the mun who will in all proba bility be governor of the state for the next four years. Mr. Kitchen has a reputation as an orator as well as of a parry leader. At the last meeting of the board of county commissioners Graham’s ford bridge was condemned by the board and the roads leading to it discontinued as public highways. This bridge is a short distance be low Pisgah Forest, over the French Broad, and has been unsafe for a long time. About the only sup port the bridge has is one good lo cust sleepe:^ One road leads to it from Mrs. Ric3 s, between Pisgah Forest and Davidson River station, and the other from the main road just opposite the tannin plant. The timbers of the bridge will be sold to the highest bidder on the 19th of this month. St. Philips Church, 13th Sunday after Trinity, September 13, 1908. Early Celebration at 7:30. Morn- ing prayer. Litany and sermon at 11. Subject, “The Morality of Words.'’ Sunday school at 4. Wednesday, Ember day. Friday, Litany with Address at 5 :30. Sat urday, Ember day. The lesson for the week—“The service of God.” The Gospel—“The Good Samari tan. The Fioyal Law—“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and thy neighbor as thyself.” The Epistle-“A11 are under the Law and all have sinned. Ail are under the Promise, and through Christ all may be saved.” The Collect—“That we may so serve God in this life as to attain Els heavenly promises,” Chester Tinsley is now at Salis bury engaged in the meat business. Miss Jennie Hodges of Merritts- ville, S. C., is visiting her sister Mrs. J. E. Cox. Chas. B. McFee has been quite ill for several days and unable to be at his place of business. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Lewis and daughter Mary went on a visit to Asheville last Saturday. Dessa Young of Lake Toxaway, the former postmaster at Brevard, was in town during the week. Miss Sadie North and Mrs. C. B. Currie made a pleasant trip to Lake Toxaway, returning Monday morn ing. Air ad changes must be brought in by noon on Wednesdays if changes are desired in the week’s issue. tf Jeff Tinsley has moved his black smith and wood work shop to the new building on South Caldwell street ownpd by A. H. King. Misses Gertrude Loftis and Edith Kilpatrick ‘returned laiit, Saturday from a week’s visit to friends and relatives in Knoxville, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Rand and five daughters, of Longwood, Florida, who have been spending a month at Waynesville are stopping at Dr. Hunt’s. Henry W. Tinsley, a well known former resident of this county, but now living in Pelzer, S. 0., was in town this week circulating amongst his friends. Last Monday, Labor Day, was ob served by the patriotic banks and no less patriotic postoffice. Laborers generally went about their work much as usual, hardly knowing they had a holiday. At the court house last Sunday afternoon Rev. J. C. Owen made an address on the “Supreme question of Trade,” in which he laid down some principles of right conduct in business and denounced the viola tion of thosc^ principles. Wednesday’s excursion train showed a considerable falling off in passengers. The resort season is drawing to a close, and the people are again seeking their winter quarters. It was a really chilling sight to see the other day a dray wagon moving toward the depot piled high with trunks. Mrs. W. T. Bosse and children, Ernest and Karl, left Monday morn ing for a visit to Piedmont and other points in South Carolina. They were accompanied by C. L. Bosse, who returned to his home in Spartanburg, and by Mrs. Row ell and daiighter. Miss lone, who returned to Piedmont after a pleas ant visit here. A letter received from J. J. Min er written from Kansas City Mo., informs us that he has been taking treatment in a hospital at that place. As a result of treatment, he has been confined to his room, and therefore had little to say about the sights and doings in Kansas City. He expects to be there at least three weeks longer. The printing force misses its head, and will be glad to see him back safe and whole again. MR. PiCKELSIMER RESIGNS. Chairman Executive Committee can Party, Transylvania Co., N. C: Dear Sir—In as much as I will be compelled to be away this fall, not even being here to vote, I deem it is for the best interest of the Repnb lican party in this county, that I withdraw my name from the list of candidates for County Commission er, which I do at this time. Please take due notice of this withdrawal and govern yourself ac cordingly. Very truly yours, 1 R. J. PiCKELSIMER, DEATH OF C. P. CLAYTON. Charles P. Clayton of Penrose died Wednesday, Sept. 2, and was buried the following day at the Davidson River cemetery. The funeral services were conducted at the grave by Rev. Elijah Allison, who spoke effectively on the life and character of the deceased. Mr. Clayton was nearly sixty years of age. He was a brother of William, Romulus, Overton and James Clayton and Mrs. Columbus Lyday. He is survived' by his widow and four children, two sons two daughters. He was a man of exemplary character, and com manded the respect and esteem of his neighbors. In business rela tions he was straightforward, and as a farmer he was successful and substantial. As a citizen he was public spirited, taking especial in terest in schools and education. Mr. Clayton’s death leaves a vacancy in the republican candi dates for county commissioners which will have to be filled by the executive committee. Magic and Poison Rings. The ring bej^au when man thrust his finger through a hole in a pretty shell and later learned to make rings of jet. The ring Is very magical. Lord Rut^ven, who helped to kill RIcqJo, gave Queen Mary a ring which was sovran against poison, and she gener ously replied with the present of her father’s wonderful jeweled dagger, of French work; no longer is existence. Whether Euthven tooled with this magnificent weapon in the affair of Riccio or used a cheaper article is un certain. At all events. Mary based on the ring that was an antidote to poi son a charge of sorcery against Ruth- ven. The judges of Jeanne d’Arc re garded with much suspicion her little ring of base metal, a gift from her parents, inscribed with the sacred names Jesus Marie. It was usual to touch the relics of saints with rings. Jeanne d’Arc said that her ring nad touched the body of St.k Catherine, whether she .meant of the actual saint or a relic of the saint, brought from Sinia to Fiorbois. ' The ring might contain a relic or later a miniature. I fear that I do not be lieve in the virtues or vices of poi>".on rings. Our ancestors practically knew no poison but arsenic, and Carthagin ian science can scarcelj’ have enabled Hannibal to poison himself with a drug contained under the stone of a ring.—Andrew Lang. Business Locals. Mitchell & Cox. Don’t order. See Dovle. Remember Mrs. Norton’s Opening Thursday and Friday, 17 18. Sports will do well to read our ad this w’cek.—Miller-DeVane. Clean seed Wheat and Rye at reasonable prices. See W. K. Os borne. a21t4* Ready to wear hats for ladies and children just arrived.—Kilpatrick & Loftis. Don’t wait too long—buy your coal now while it is $4 a ton.— Bromfield Fuel Co. tf New line of Ladies’ Misses’ and Children’s coats just received at Weilt’s Cash Store. Canning season will soon be over. Mason’s Fruit Jars, all kinds of stone and earthenware jars at Jim Aiken’s. Don’t buy your fall and w-inter hats before you see our opening which will be announced . later. Kilpatrick and Loftis. The Robertson new two story residence, in North Brevard to rent. Terms made reasonable. Apply to W. K. Osborne, or W. P. Whitmire. tf. Dr. J. H. McLean, D. D. S., will will be away from Sep. 5th to 25th. All who are in a hurry for dental work had better call at once. s4t3 New line of corsets—the latest styles—just received.—Kilpatricii & Loftis. Lost-^Lady’s Gold Watch with black leather fob Between Allison’s Drug Store and Cooper’s Hill. Liberal reward if returned to Alli son’s Drug Store. * The soldier, rough rider, miner or ^ny follower of the strenuous life are “easy on shoes” compared to the average boy or girl. Try “Eterni ty” shoes on them at O. L.Ei win’s. For Rent—Large, well-lighted store room with warehouse in rear, in Fraternity Building, Broad St., Brevard, N. C. Apply - to Dunn’s Rock Bldg Co., H. B. Brunot, Treas., Brevard. For Sale—A good farm of about 40 acres, th^e miles from Brevard on the Island Ford Road. Has two dwelling houses, one good barn, and a fine orchard.—Apply to W. H. Duckworth, Brevard, N. C. s24* Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitution al remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining oftheEustachian Tube. When this tube is inflaiued you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ing, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result, and unless the inflamation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal con dition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Nine cases out of ten are Caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused' by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circu lars, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for con stipation. She—Do you admire dark hair or golden? He—Dark. Yoai can always see It quicker in the butter. Fish Roe. SALE OF LOTS FOR SIDEWALK ASSESSMENTS. North Carolina—Transjdvania Counjty. Town of Brevard. By virtue of an execution issued to the Chief of Police and Town Marshall of the Town of Brevard by the Secretary of the Board of Aldermen os this Town, dated November the 10th, 1908, I will, on the 5th day of October, 1908, sell to the high est bidder for cash, at the court house door, in^ the said town, at 12 o’clock M., the following described lots to the depth of 132 feet, for the purpose of satisfying the amount set opposite the description of each lot, which amounts are still due and unpaid on sidewalk assessments and lien against each lot. The description of each lot and the amount due for the assessment thereon are as follows: Dess Young—Lot No. 9, Southside Whit mire street, $14,36. The preceeds of said sale, is first, to be applied to the costs and expenses of .sale, then to the satisfaction of a lien against said property, and the remainder, if any, to be paid to the owner of the property. J. A. GALLOWAY, Chief of Police and Town Marshal. TOWN TAX SALE. North Carolina—Transylvania County. By virtue of the power vested in me as Tax Collector of the Town of Brevard, I will on Monday, October 5th, 1908, sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door, in the Town of Brevard, the property of Dess Young, lying and being on the south side of Whitmire street, being lot No. 9 on the ofiicial map of the said Town. Said sale being for the taxes of 1906 and 1907, as follows; 1906, $5.62, and 1907, $5,53. This the 10th day of Septem ber, 1908. J. A. GALLOWAY, Town Tax Collector. Something good for .Breakfast 20c Can MITCHELL & COX Brev^d Institute. Best of Instructiiin at LOWEST COST FALL TERM BEGINS SEPT. 3, 1908; In Six De^rtments . % -t s' ^ y?y.^ Notice* All parties owning ptoperty in the Town of Brevard against which sidewalk tax assessmant has been levied are hereby notified that if said tax is not paid on or before Sept. 25, 1908, said property will be advertised and sold for the payment of the same pursuant to law. Done by order of the Board of Aldermen. T. H. GALLOWAY, Clerk. 1. ACADEMIC—Elementary and High School. 2. NORMAL—Lectures, Recitations and Practice Teaching. 3. BUSINESS—Book-keeping*, Shorthand, Typewriting, Commer- i cial Law. 4. MUSIC—Piano, Hand Culture, Voice, Tone Placing. ^ 5. BIBLE—Recitation Talks, Mission Study,Christian Association 6. INDUSTRIAL—Domestic Science, Dressmaking, Millinery, Photography, Printing, Agriculture, Carpentry. PURPOSE—To Offer Preparatory Education that Young Peo ple Need at a Price that Anybody Can Pay. For full information address C. H. TROWBRIDGE, Brevard, N. C. Always Ahead! —THAT’S WHAT THE— WEILT’S One-Price Spot Cash Store is—always ahead. We have so many Good Things to offer to the people, we hardly know what to mention first. F AMERICAN BEAUTY Style 626 Kalamazoo Corset Co.> Makars qjupfon brand Our Fall Dress Goods Fall and Winter Clothing, Furnishings for Men and Women % exciting the admiration of the people and the envy of our competitors^ and the thousands of things in our other departments are equally as attractive as these* In price^ as well as in style and in quality, you will find The One-Price Spot Cash Store always ahead* We make every dollar do the greatest possible service in our buying, and exceling in this we ^turally excel also in the selling, our customers getting the benefit of our cash buymg—a saving for you* We buy for cash only, while most dealers buy on lone time eredit and sell the same way* f competitors, and though it is hard on them, it's a ime thir^ tor our customers* Don't yotrisee? W. P. WEILT’S ONE-PRIOE SPOT GASH STORE Dealer in Dry Goods, Clothing, Ladies’ and Gents’ Furnishing Goods. BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA Greatest Store To Kec Barring force, nat chicken There is n sume thatf brood shal not be soJ and manaf all.v. It ij the wild b| hve in ni hundred; posed to tl of young Outln'io, Houst( Iiere declai ^klahonit viding se|i separate sJ State. Most of the BEST for the LEMT

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