Sin 1.25 Sy I van Yalley News Ilf II Can*f Keep Dofce^n a Totitm; Let*s Together. JJ. MINER, Mgr. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA CO., N. C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2«, 1908. VOL. x'lll. NO. 39. w NORTH STATE HAPPENINGS Occurreckces of Interest GleoLfied From All Sectious the B\i»y Ta.r Heel SMe SELECTING SEED-CORN LARGER YIELDS. FOR Korth Carolina Agricsltiiral Experi ment Station, West Raleigh—O. B. Williams, Director. The practice of selecting seed-corn irom the barn late in the spring costs the farmers of North Carolina, in de- oor shape and those having ker nels not up to the proper type it is wi.-^hed to use for planting. Select from tlie field three to five times as nnieh corn as it is expected to be needed, so that a veiy rigid selection ot the ears may be made during some winter day. Make selections from J^'alks that not only bear two well* 'l(‘veloped ears, but from those that have a good leaf development and huire root system. Select ears that rre borne at a uniform and conveni- may be a little doubtful at -the value of this extra effort, but grive it a fair trial and we fell sure that you will never go baek to the old and less profitable method of selecting seed- com from the barn. Opening at Ellzabetli. Charlotte, Special. — Thursday moming saw one of the most success ful openings in the history of Eliza beth College. Students began com ing in three days ago until now all the professors and students have ar rived and are ready to begin work. Mr. Henry J. Zehm, of the musical department, opened the morning ex ercises with an organ selection, which was followed by an impressive prayoi offered by Rev. G._ D. Bernheinx Rev. C. B. King, who presided, then introduced Rev. W. C. Shaeffer, Jr.. the principal speaker of the mornin? who, in a powerful address, expound ed his system of Christian philos ophy. The outlook is for the most prosperous year in the history oi this splendid institution. Accused of Wife Murder. Durham, Special.—-The most sen* sational homicide this county has known since the crime for which John Hodges was hanged, the murder of his wife two Tears ago, took place three miles from Durham, and W. H. Tilley is held without bail. His claim is that he tried to shoot a dog in the yard, snapping his Winchester three times at JJie dog, and on the failure to fire he struck the gun with his hand, when it exploded, shooting hia wife. The relations of husband and wife were not pleasant, and the theory of murder is generally be lieved. State News in Brief. ''fr. J. D. Elliott, of Hickory, has awarded the costract for the rn w building to be erected at Win- College, Rock Hill, S. C. Trinity High school in Randolph < 'Uiity. opened Tuesday with a good ■'M'ndance, nearly one hundred be- ' ~ < nrolled the first day. The pr03- for a good scholastic year are A fair for High Point is being agi- tat:rl for 1909 to become a perma- Vifiit fixture. The plan is to organ- '' n stock company and build race iii' ks and buildings and other things ^ Iful for a successful fair. 1 he special prizes of $250, $150 and ' for the oest county exhibits in V"’oc'tion with the State fair to bo ’ prooress October 11 to 17, is ex- to make these county exhib- ^ ' decided features in the contest. nionias Nelson Page, of Virginia, deliver the annual address before ^ ' e Xortli Carolina Litera^’y and His- ' ’f'al Association at its meeting Kaleigh in October. Big Fire at High Point. High Point, Special.—Fire Friday moming at 3:40 o’clock was dicoy- ered in the Sapp block on North Main street, and before it was subdued gutted the building, destroying the goods of Clark Shoe Company, valued at $10,000, and insured for $6,000: the High Point Clothing Company, valued at $10,000 or more, with in- Buranoe of $8,000; Moore Book Stor« valued at $2,000, with $1,200 insur ance. Several people lived up stairs in the building and lost about all they had. Fire Destroys Seven Stores. Springhope., Special.—Fire at 2 o’clock Friday morning destroyed the postoffice and seven store buildingi in the heart of the town. The loss is about $5,000. The buildings were all of wood and an eyesore to th€ town. No insurance was carried on the Droperty. North Carolina Agricnltnral Experi ment Station, West Raleigh—0. B. Williams, Director. Occurrence in North Carolina.— This disease occurs in very destruc tive form throughout the Piedmont and eastern sections of the tSate, though it is possibly less destructive further west. In a recent trip thro’ the middle section of the State, the writer saw dozens of orchards ruin ed by this rot which, bat for the presence of it, would have yielded largely. In many of the orchards visited, the trees were in fine condi tion, showing suitability of soil and climate, and they bore an abundance of fmit, but closer examinatron showed that the ground under the trees was completely covered with rotten apples and that the apples still on the trees had numerous specks of soft, brown rot. In many villages and towns all apples offered for sale in stores were affected with this rot. The facts as stated above show the very destmctive prevalence of this disease in this State. This rot has been known in des tructive form in the United States since 1867. It is estimated to have done $1,500,000 of damage in four counties in Illinois in 1900. In the Middle States the losses are estimat ed to be from one-half to three- fourths of the entire crop. The Ppresident of the National Apple Shippers Association estimated the damage in the United States in 1900 at $10,000,000. Description of the Bitter Rot.— There are many different types of ap ple rot, some are hard, some soft, some wet, some dry, some of one col- 3r and some another, etc. The bitter rot of the apple, sometimes called the ripe, rot, is a soft, wet, mellow rot, 3ceurring usually as circular spots on the fruit. These spots, of which there may be from one to twenty or more on each apple, enlarge rapidly, mn together, and the whole frait becomes a soft, rotten mass. The dis ease usually begins while the fruit is still hanging on the tree, and as the disease progresses, many of the ap ples fall to the ground below. Cause of the Rot.—This rot is caused by a fungus, known as Gloeo- sporium, the spores of which fall up on the apple, grow, penetrate it, and cause the decay. The spores are produced in immense quantities in small pustules, which appear upon the rotted surface. In many instances, the fungus passes the winter in can kered spots on the twigs and bark. Treatment.—There are two forms of treatment, both of which should be follow’ed. First, inasmuch as the fungus is known to winter in the canker on the branches, it is important when the leaves are off the trees to carefully inspect the orchard, hunt out these cankers, cut them out and burn them, and thus remove the most dangerous source of spring infection. Second, the trees should be spray ed with Boredeaux Mixture in order to kill all spores which fall upon the fmit or twigs. Sprayings should be applied before the buds begin to swell in the spring, just after the blossoms fall, and every ten or fourteen days thereafter until the fmit is almost ripe. These two treatments combined will to a veiy large extent, serve to con trol this very serious disease. F. L.‘ STEVENS, Biologist. Gircal Meeting of the Worid’s Most Learned ^Specialists CONFERENCE ON WHITE PLAGUE Every Important Commonwealth of the Union and Forty-Six Foreign Countries Represented by Thier Most Distingnished Savants and Hmnsnitarians. m MECMURG PAIR I broke ALL RECORDS This Year Promises to be a Record Breaker From Every Point of I Wilbur Wright Makes a Long ^ . I and Successful flight Charloute, Special.—All arrange ments are about completed for the great Mecklenburg Fair, which be- [SPECTATORS FAIRLY GO WILD gins October 20th,' and closes on the 23d. The special days will draw im- | Presence of 10,000 People Kick Fractures Sknll. Statesville, Special.—Mr. Washington, Special.—Enemies of the white plague from every civilized nation of the earth and from every State of the Union assembled in Washington to begin a • Avorld-wide warfare that is expected eventually to result in the wiping out of this terrible scourge of humanity. The fifth'international Congress on Tub erculosis, convened Monday, repre sents beyond all^ doubt the largest aggregation of scientific and educa ted humanitarians ever gathered in •a single city. Backed by the medi cal and sociological science of the age, with unlimited funds at its dis posal and a definite object in view, it seems hardly possible that the con gress can fail of attaining its end. I The convention opened Monday, to last until October 12, will likely be a historical event and will be re membered when other more spec tacular events are forgotten. Every important commonwealth of the JJnion has sent committees to the congress, and the nations of Europe and South America are represented by their most distinguished physi cians, savants and humanitarians. Upon his return to W^ashington, President Roosevelt will take an active interest in the congress and will probably preside at some of the sessions. Representatives of forty-six for eign countries are here and there is eager competition for the honor of securing the next congress. Ad dresses will be made by some of the most prominent scientists of Great Britain, Canada, France, Sweden, Gennany, Holland, Russia and Latin America. The list of papers to be presented includes contributions to scientific re search on the subject of the cure and prevention of tuberculosis by the following distinguished savants: Dr. K. W. Phillip, of Edinburgh, founder of the first tuberculosis dis pensary. Dr, Theodore ^Villiams, of- London. Dr. Arthur Newsholme, health offi cer of Brighton, England, director of King Edward’s sanitarium. Dr. C. H. Spronck, of Utrecht, Holland. Dr. Turban, of Davos-Platz, Swit zerland, the originator of the scheme generally follow’ed at present for the classification of tuberculosis. Dr. Gottholdt, Pannwitz, of Ber lin, secretary-general of the Inter national Conference on Tuberculosis. Dr. Emil von Behring, of Mar burg, the originator of the diph theria antitoxin. Dr. Calmette, director of the Pas teur Institute at Paris, France. Dr. Letulle, of Paris, secretary- general of the last International Con gress on Tuberculosis. Dr. S. Kitasato, of Tokio, Japan, director of the Imperial Institute for the Research of Infectious Diseases. The congress is divided into seven sections, every section being under the direction of men of distinction in their particular fields. mense crowds and the exhibits will be larger and more varied than those of any previous fair held here. The racing includes entries of hoi’ses • of national fame. The free attractions will eclipse anything ever offered before. Mr. Charles J. Strobel will be here with his mamoth airship and will make two 10-mile flights daily. On the opening morning he will ride into the city, circle around and accompany the procession back to the grounds. This airehip is not a balloon, as some might suppose ,but a real heavier- than-air contrivance, similar to the modern aeroplanes which are excit ing so much comment. Mr. Strobel manipulated his machine at the Jamestown Exposition last year and excited no end of favorable com ment. The Bickett family of five—three ladies and two gentlemen—has been secured for four daily open-air acts, two nevelty laddesr stunts and two trapeze exhibitions. Thomas Quinley Wllbtir Wright Establishes a New World’s Record For a Heavietr Than Air Machine, Stasring in the Air For One Honr, 34 Minutes and 51 Seconds, During Which Time He Covered a Distance of Nearly^ 61 Miles. Sunday School Association. Charlotte, Special.—The indications are tkat there will be a large attend ance at the convention of the Meck lenburg County Sunday School As sociation. This is a convention of Sunday schools of all denominations and meets with the Sugar Creek Pres byterian church Saturday and Sun day. Rev. Dr. A. L. Phillips, of Richmond, Va., Mr. J. B. Robertson, State Sunday school secretary and other prominent Sunday school work ers will be present. Noah Sloan, a young farmer, is in a dan gerous condition at his home in Con cord township as the result of a kick from a mule. He was in the act of unhitching a team of mules from a mowing machine Thursday afternoon when one of the animals began kick ing and Mr. Sloan received a heavy blow on his head. Bad Fire in East Spencer. Salisbury, Special.—Nine dwell ings were destroyed by fire in East Spencer shortly after midnight Mon day night, entailing a loss of $10,000, with but little insurance. The fire originated in a meat market and the high winds operated against the fire men. This is the worst fire in the history of East Spencer. Tar Heel Items. The cotton crops of Scotland coun ty are proving to be very-short. This is caused by the extreme dry weathei a few weeks before the recent heavj rains, and then the floods made mat ters worse. Cotton has suffered great ly from -the excessive rains; much oJ it was open and during the rains sprouted in the burrs, and is noi* giving a product classed as storm cot- \ ton. With a short crop and short prices, and that coming after a failure on the watennelon and cantaloupf propostition, things are not what they were a year ago from the farmers standpoint. Shot and Killed by Brother-in-Law. Monroe, La., Special.—A. L. Shel by was shot and instantly killed by his brother-in-law, T. 0. Wilder, in a local dry goods store. The tragedy, it is said, was the result of family troubles which have existed for some time. Immediately after the shoot ing: Wilder was arrested. Burglar Shot and Captured. Greenville, S. C., Special.—Two young white men attempted to burg larize a drug store in the Brandon Mill village Sunday night. The pro prietor of the store was notified by a passerby and he fired upon the two burglars. One of them was- shot in -the elbow and was captured. The other was shot, it is thought, but got away. Lemans, France, By Cable.—In the presence of the officials of the French Aero Club of Sarthe, the American ambassador, Henry W^hite, General Bazaine-Hayter, commander of the fourth army corps, a large number of French and foreign officers and aeroplane experts, and a wildly cheering crowd, numbering 10,000, Wilbur Wright, the American aero naut, Monday afternoon captured the world’s record from his broth'cr, Or- vHle WMght, with a flight in his powerful machine of one hour, 31 minutes and 51 seconds, covering in that time an actual distance of 93 kilometers, or nearly 01 miles. Owing to the recent accident at , , , 1 , 1 I Fort Meyer the day’s trial for the has also been engaged for his shal- I, ,. i ^ , - I Michehn cup, tor the greatest dis- low-water high-dive act, which is I \ , ., ^ , tance covered by an aeroplane m said to be very sensational. ^ i i „ • T ■ XI -XI 1 11908, and the aero club prize of $1,- On the midway there is to be only I i i x i i. I 000 for the longest flight over an en- clean attractions, and no games of I, ■, j . ’ ^ . I closed ground, attracted intense in- chance will be tolerated wherein there is not a fair and equal chance terest. The wind was too hi«:h in the to win. An automobile race is being I morning to permit of a flight and talked of and will doubtless be when it fell at 4 o’clock in the after- one of the drawing features. Ex- noon AVright made three false starts, cellent music will be furnished I Finally at 5:1: the aviator got throughout the fair by the Wood- away nicely, sailing majestically np men of the World Band, a fine musi- 1 the Field. cal aggregation of this city. Special After roundinp- the upper turn railroad rates will be given and I Wrigt swept baek and began des- special trains run. ' | cribing elipses. On the thirteenth round Wright Traveling Men’s Day at Mecklenburg I ^^ter almost skim ming the earth. * In the gathering darkness the At a conference Saturday night in j aeroplane could no longer be the Selwyn Hotel of the officials of seen at the farther end of the field the Mecklenbure Fair Association and disappeared in the -1 TT -i. Sfloom like a white phantom. Only and officers of the local council Unit- sound of the ceaseless chum of ed Commercial Travelers it was de- the propellers told the multitude that cided to set apart Thursday, October I Wright was still in the air. Matches 22d, as Traveling Men’s Day at the j were lighted to keep watch on the annual Mecklenburg Fair, which will fleeting minutes and night had fallen be held in Charlote October 20, 21, when at the end of the 33d round 22, and 23. This will be by far the Wright came lightly to the gi-ound. biggest day of this big event as at I W^ith a mad cheer the crowd rush- this time the best horses and the ed forward, only being prevented largest crowd of the occasion is ex- j from hoisting the American triumph pected. on their shoulders by charging eav- The U. C. T ’. in Charlotte have a | airy, very strong organization and the of fleers are leaving no stone unturned to get all of the traveling men of this section, many of whom are mem bers to be here on Traveling Men’s Day. Municipal Election in Alabama. Birmingham, Ala., Special.—Muni cipal elections were held all over Alabama Monday in accordance with the provisions of the new code. The contests were practically all between factions of the Democratic party, al though Dr. W. T. Masterson, Repub lican, made a good race against F. P. 0 ’Brien for mayor of Birmingham. He is the first Republican to enter a contest in city affairs in many years’. O’Brien’s election was assur ed early in the night. Birmingham also voted to issue $35,000 in bonds for extensions and improvements of the school system. Night Ridters in North Carolina. Shelby, N. C., Special.—Mr. J. P. Jenkins, the manager of the Sonth- It is expected that not less I era Cotton Oil Company at this than 500 knights of the gnp will be place, received a letter Saturday no- on hand to enjoy the festivities tifying him that if he continued to this gala event. The exercises will ( . ^ , i- consist of an umbrella parade Thurs- j cotton in the face of the de^jlin- day morning, to be participated in ing niaiket night-riders would bum by every U. C. T. in the city and a j his gin. Not knowing Avhether this special programme, which is now be- I notice was genuine or a hoax, he ro- ing arranged, will be carried out on q^esled the local papers to make no the grounds. The traveling men will j publication until he could submit it have a special booth in the exhibit the Charlotte office of his com- hall to entertain all visitors. | pany. In the meantime he has in structed his night watchman to Gocds Roads Proclamation. j shoot any person found around the Raleigh, Special.—Governor Glenn premises at night. The original let- issues a proclamation in the interest Charlotte of- -• fiee and only two or three of Mr. of the State Good Roads Congress, j jgnkins’ intimate friends were in to be held in Greensboro October 13, j formed of its receipt. Under this in connection with the centennial j situation less than a dozen people of this place have any infonnation or ,. , , • XI. 4.^ I knowledge of the matter and Mr. ties and towns in the State to send approached about it, delegates. The proclamation f(^lows: g^^ted that he had nothing to give To the People of North Carolina: j out as he had referred same to the Whereas, a Good Roads Congress Charlotte office. No other ginner of has been called to be held in Greens- this section has received such notice boro October 13, 1908, for the pur- so far as can be learned and there pose of encouraging more general in- j is a difference of opinion among the terest in the building of good roads | few who have heard of the notice throughout the Southern States and j received by ^Ir. Jenkins. Some the advancement of education and j thmk it to be irenuinc, while others upbuilding of the agricultural and j think that possibly it is the work of industrial interest of the South, and I some personal enemy. whereas, I deem it of the greatest importance to our State that every county and every town in this State Big Strike ir. England. Manchester, England, By Cable.— should be represented at this <=<>"- Ull hope of avoidin? a parlyzin- vention. I hereby issue this procla- I i i. i 1 mation, urging county commissioners j strike in the cotton indnstiy and a- of every county, and the mayors of I lied trades was abandoned Monday, every town to appoint seme of the j when four hundred cotton mills did finest and best men of their respec- I ^ came as tive counties and cities r,s delefrateS rejection by 130,- to this convention. And do urge said I •’ , delegates, when so appointed, to at- 000 cotton mill employes of the pro tend this convention as in my judg I nosal of five per cent cut in wages, ment it will tend greatly to advance 1 It is estimated that the total nura- the material interest of our State. | ber who will be thrown out of em- Respectfullv, R. B. GLENN, Govemor. plovment as a result of the stiiKC will reach one million two hundred thousand.