Sylvan Valley News Pf In tt J.J. MINER, Msr. BEEVARD, TRANSYLVANIA CO., N. C., FRIDAS, OCTOBER 16,1908. TOL. XIII. NO. « D D m RIOTERS ARE fOllEDi waterway endorsed Abortive Attempt to Lynch at Spsrtanburg, S. C MILITJA PROTECTED PRISONER Infuriated Mill Operatives Make De termined Effort to Lsmch Negro Who Assaults Young Lady—Depu ties and Oflacers Exchange Shots and Several Are Wounded. Spartanburg, S. C., Special.—In the heart of Spartanburg with its 20,000 po]^ulation, a mob of infuriated citi- jzeus, at times numbering a thousand or more, fought Saturday and Satur day night with the military and civil authorities for the possession of John Irby, a negro who is alleged to have attempted to ravish Miss Lillie Demp sey earlier in the day while the young woman was on her way here from Saxon Mill village, three miles away. Four persons were wounded, one of them seriously, and John Sparks, a restaurant keeper, was arrested and held without bail on the charge of shooting Sheriff Nichols^ who was slightly wounded in the exchange of shots between the mob and the au thorities who were protecting the prisoner. Beginning about noon the crowd, sullen find bent on vengeance on the negro, roamed about the court house square, approaching at times the ver>' gates of the high wall enclosing the jail. Late at night the situation be came alarming. The crowd was nngmentod by 500 people from Green ville. There was some shooting in the street and the mob moved inta tbo public square. The first shot eame from a window of the jail and it was followed by others from the s.ame quarter. An answering shot was fired from the crowd. This broke a window in the jail and slightly wounded Sheriff Nichols. Sparks was accused of the shooting and immediately taken into custody. His attorneys offered $1,000 bail but this was refused. Second Day of the Great Waterwray Conference Addressed By Colonel Bryaji and Others. Chicago, Special.—Addresses by William J. Bryan and Gifford Pinchot ■>he latter being chairman of the na- donal conservation commission, the reading of a letter from James J. Hill, short addresses by delegates, ind a big reception at the Coliseum it night were the features of the sec ond day of the convention of the Lakes-to-the-Gulf Deep Waterways Association. Mr. Bryan, who spoke ►arnestlj^ in favor of deep waterways, aot only from the lakes to the gulf but in all other parts of the country, iv'here increased transportation facil- ties were needed, was an enthusiasti- jally received, as v/as William H. Taft when he opened the convention ,he previous day. Mf. Bryan’s Address. In addressing the convention Mr. Bryan said in part: “You cannot give the people too ?ood facilities for transportation of :heir merchandise. If you tell me y"ou want to improve the Mississippi [ tell you that is all right, I will help V’ou improve it just as far as you please, and make the canal as wide is you please and as deep as you please, and when you get to improv- ng the Mississippi I will start out all ilone if necessary to improve evei-y river that empties into the Mississip- Di, Water transportation is the nat- iral tranj'.portation. God made the rivers, man made the railroads. When >"ou finish a river sufficiently deep for commerce, or a canal upon which ^oats can i^oat, you make it possible for a man 'vrith small capital to act kvhile the railroads make it possible for men with large capital to act. Where there is a river any man who ;an build a boat can engage in trans portation, and if he cannot build a Dig boat he can build a little boat and if you have a large number of little boats the big boat will have to meet the rate that the little boat fixes. You will find ii much easier to regulate rates on water than on land because competition can be much more active Dn water than on land. We arc an ?xpoi*ting nation. We send our agri- 2ultural products to foreign markets, and when our Avheat or our cotton reaches the LoKdon market its price is fixed there by the competition which it meets. If a bushel of wheat sells for a dollar in London and it takeg fifty cents to get it from the farm to London the farmer gets fifty cents a ASPECTACULARFALL Aeronauts Cxpenence a Drop o, Two Thousand Feet LAND WITH BUT SLIGHT INJURY ^erican Balloon Conqaeror Bursts at the Height of 4,000 Feet, Precip itating the Aeronauts to the Boof of a House in a Berlin Suburb. LAKES TOW PLAN A Great Infand Transport^ion Scheme Projected JUDGE TAFT SPEAKS ON PLAN after the commission of his crime and close to the scene of his attack. He was captured by mill operatives, was taken before the young Avoman. who immediately identified him. and was then carried into the woods. His captors were about to lynch him when mounted police arrived and wrested him from the crowd, not. however., before the negro had been badly beaten. The negro was taken to the jail and almost immediately the storming of the jail began. Sheriff Kichols swore in a number of deputies and the militia was ordered out. The mob tried to gain ingress by means of step ladders, but that, too, was in- efreetual. Sunday and Sunday night passed off ouietlv with nothing in the wav of a disturbance. Girl Identifies Negro. . , , ^ i Ti> T T , , . 1 1 ^ XI bushel for his wheat. If you can so Irby’s arrest was effected shdrtly i^p^^ve transportation that the far- mer can get his wheat from his faiTn to Liverpool for twenty-five cents you have added twenty-five cents to the farmers’ prices for this >vheat. It is a fact that is admitted that the rail road canno- carry freight as cheaply as the boat can, and therefore every farmer is interested in establishing wa ter communication wherever water communication is possible. Believer in Waterways. ^‘I believe in improving the walor- ways everywhere, no matter whether these waterways are the rivers that run down the mountainsides into the ocean and the West or the waterways that converge in the Mississippi val ley and carry their floods to the gulf. I believe that it is the duty of those charged v*^ith the business of govern ment to develop these things upon which a nation’s prosperity depends- ^‘If the work should be done, and 3 believe that it should, then you peo ple who believe it should be done should a|;ree upon the best methods by which to do it. But I repeat that you must not be frightened because it may require an'investment. At St. Louis last falj tliev resolved that $500,000,000 spent in improving the waterAvays of the Mississippi valley would bring an interest in the way of decreased cos^ of transportation amounting to >.$180,000,000 a year Why, my friends, if it only saved $50,000,000 a year it would be ten per cent, interest on the investment. <‘I believe that the plan should be commenced now. I believe that it should be a comprehensive plan, that it should deal with the entire sub ject and that it should be a perma nent plan; that we should begin now to lay the foundation for the future greatness of this country, in the development of these natural re sources, these God-given water courses of ours.^^ K C. & St. L. Detective Killed. riinttanooga, Tenn., Special.—T. J. ^'^-•rihaney, special detective for the ville, Chattanooga & St. Louis was shot and killed early Siindpv while on duty in the yards of ti)o raih-oad company at Cravens, two milos from the union station. W. S. wl’.o vras until recently em ployed as a detective for the road, is in jail charged with the crime. Blood hounds were put on the trail and tracked Smith to his home. The men, it is said, had been on bad terms for some time. McElhaney Ifeaves a wife and seven children. Qi’iet in the Near East. Lonrlon, By Cable.—Belgrade, the '■^tonn center in the present Balkan ;-'itnation, has ouieted down. After a long secret session, the National As- '('n'.bly has taken no definite action vith regard to making war upon Aus- Ina-Hungary. The city itself has f;uieted down, the people apparently J't'olizinj? that war would mean the ^e- slyaction of Servian nationality. Berlin, By Cable..—The internation al balloon race which started Sunday Prom the suburb of Schmargendorf, was the occasion of a thrilling acci- ient, two American aeronauts having i miraculous escape from death. The A.merican balloon Conqueror, the only American built craft in the contest, having on board A. Holland Forbes and Augustus Post, less than two min- ates after the start burst at an alti- ‘ude of 4,000 feet. For 2,000 feet it shot down like a bullet, and then the torn silk bag assumed the shape of a parachute, thus e-hecking the rapidity af the descent. Coming close to the Barth, however, the basket smashed into the roof of a house, but the two nen escaped with but slight bruises. The race, in which twenty-three balloons participated, representing jreat Britaint, France, Germany, the Qnited States, Switzerland, Italy, Bel gium and Spain- started at 3 o’clock Sunday afternoon in the presence of at least 80,000 spectators. The first balloon sent away was the Ameri ca II,” under command of James C. McCoy, who was accompanied by Lieutenant Voghmann. The balloon was decorated with the Stars and Stinpes and it sailed away to the southeast at a rapid pace, the oero- aauts waving their hats. ' Dramatic Occasion. A representative of each of the o^h- 2r nations followed the American balloon in succession at intervals of Lwo minutes, the national hymn of the respective countries ringing forth as the ropes were cast loose. The second batch of eight balloons -.vas led'by Forbes in the Conqu^^ror, w’liich reached a high altitude- in an ir;CJtdibly short period. t!.-e basl*ei SAvi’ving viole'.'ily. TMer. almost in stantly a cry of horror arose from the crowd who ^aw the silk collapsc and shouted; ‘*Vhe balloon ii riftping Officers of tke Lakes to the Gulf Deep Waterway Association, Which Met in Third Annual Session Wed nesday in Chicago, Believe That Some Day There Will Be a Deep Cha&nel From Lake Michigan to the Gulf of Mexrco. IS HE LEPER OR NOT? Early Declares He is Being Held Without Just Cause HIS WIFE MAY STAY WITH HIM Big Mis3ionary Convention Holds Mass Meeting. Kgw Orleans, Special.—At a mass rneeting in the Athenaeum Cephas Sholbourne, of Dallas, Tex., preached to a great audience attending the in ternational missionary convention of the churches of Christ. Mr. Shel- ^■nurne tf>ok as his theme the fjct that an inscription was written on the cross of Chri«t in three languages and developed from this incident an ar- gnmont showing how modern churchef of all creeds are pushing aside denom- iwatioiTOl barriers in favor of more in timate relations with each other. Russia Getting Her Fleet Reader. St. Petersburg, By Cable.—Fearful that Austria intends to take advan tage of the commotion in Servia to deal the boldest blow of all—annexa tion of Servia—the Czar has ordered the mobilization of the Black Sea fleet. Russia still insists upon an in ternational conference to completely revise the Berlin treaty, while the lat«st word from England is that she has not receded from her position that only existing issues must b« considered. up/' The who hud gathered thrre stood foj a moinent petrified. Some turned away faintins’, as they saw the balloon falling with light ning rapidity. At the same time, srov.^ers of sand and appurtenances of the balloon shot downward with equal rapidity and then dayhght was seen through the envelope, >rreat rag ged edges of the silk showing on eith er side. “They are killed,’^ went in a hush ed whisper through the crowd, bui: shortly the remainder of the envelope appeared to take, first, a triangulai shape and then was transformed into a sort of parachute at the top of the net and the progress of the wrecked balloon was considerably arrested. It came down slower and slower, mean while being swept bv the wind, far to the southeast, and finally disappeared from view behind a block of houses. The suspense among the crowds was terrible. But a few minutes later a telephone message was received from Frienenau, which announced^ that the men had landed and had not been seriously injured. The other bal loons were sent up, after a brief de lay, without farther accident. Terrorising Negroes. Montgomerj’^, Ala., Special.—A spe cial from Tuscaloosa, Ala., says; A negro ‘Baptist church and lodge hall located at Spring Hill, Ala., were burned Friday night by unknown persons. A band of horsemen al leged to have been organized with the intention of driving the negroes out of the community, are said to have set fire to the church and hall. Chieago, Special—A picture of days when stately ships shall carry the rich producis of the central States frem the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico through a deep waterway, returning with products of no less ville & Nashville and the Big Fo«r Railway. They will be heard beforei the full commission. The State is noft a party to this suit, which is biongiilr by the Corporation Commission tha* the Governor took some aetion in re gard to appointment of eounseL Th* following are the attorneys for Hi* Corporation Commission: Tillett ik Guthrie, of Charlotte; Mannii^ ft Foushee, of Durham; Justice'& Broad- hurst, of Greensboro, and Herbert R. Norris, of Raleigh. The attorneys for the railways are: Edward Baxter, for* the Louisville & Nashville; J. Do ran and L. H. Cooke, for the NcHrfolk & Western, and R. W. Moore, for aS the roads. Besides these Davis ft Davis and Douglas, Lecky & Thorny son appear for the Virginia cities e»- eept Lynchburg, the latter not having gone into the fight. The other Vir ginia points are fighting any rcdae- fton in rate. Fire Destroys the Sonthem Pacific Rowd House. Beaumont, Tex., Special.—Fire late Wednesday destroyed the Southern Pacific round house and master me chanic^s office with a loss to the com pany of about $200,000. Nine engines which were in the round house were consumed together with three freight cars. “Judge” Croft.s, a colored host ler, was so badly burned that he wil die. Several other railroad employes were burned in trying to save proper ty, iKit none fatally. The fire wasi caused by the explosion of a trnk o' ©if. Hearing Shippers* Appeal Atlanta, Ga., Special.—^An appedi from the decision of Judge Ptjrdee, granting a supersedeas in the case of! certain Georgia shippers against the Southern Railway and other lines, al lowing the railroads to put into ef fect increased freight rates was ar gued before the United States Circmt Court here. When the increased ratea went into effect the shippers seeurcd an injunction from Judge Speer re straining the roads from advancing' their rates. The railroads then car ried the matter before Judge Parde^ who granted a supersedeas, setting aside the injunction granted by Judgft Speer. Counsel for the shippers ar gued that when Judge Pardee granted, the supersedeas he was out of his jur isdiction, being at the time in Ashe ville, N. C. No decision was render ed. Will Chsdlenge (xrand Jury. New York, Special.—John F. Mc Intyre, attorney for Captain Peter CL Hains, Jr., and his brother, T. Jen kins Hains, the former held for th®t murder of William E. Annis, and tha latter as i\n accessory to it, has served notice on District Attorney Darrin of Queens county that he would chaJt- lenge the array of the grand jury ciBb- paneled to pass oA the cases of his clients. server. Fifihlng Schooner Destroyed by Fire. Pensacola, Fla., Special.—The fish ing schooner Ida, owned im this city, was destroyed by fire in the Gulf when gasoline, which had escaped from the tank, ignited, causing an ex plosion. The vessel was an auxiliary yacht of large size. The boat was about twenty miles at sea and the crew took to the small boats. They were picked up and brought into port later. Ten thousand pcauds of mack- rel which composed the cargo were destroyed. Killed in Family QnarreL ' Philadelphia, Pa., Special—^J. Cla^ ton Erb, captain and regimental qoaiv termaster of the Third Regiment, Na tional Guard, of Pennsylvania, wa* shot and kille*d at his summer homft near Village Green, Delaware county, Tuesday night. His sister-in-law, Mrs. Catherine Beisel, is under arrest in the Media jail, charged with the murder. The woman admits that she did the shooting during a family quaip- rel. Russian Robers Murder Twelve. Tiraspool, Russia, By Cable.—Rob bers have committed a revolting crimta in the neighboring village of Slobodze. They entered the house of a Jewisk family named Cohen and killed twelve persons in their efforts to get away with the small amount of loot. The murderers v/ere arrested. Quarantine Against Havana Raised. Washington, Special.—Recent im ports having failed to indicate th® presence of yellow fever in Havana, Cuba, the public health and marine hospital service removed the quaran tine which was established against that city a few weeks ago. The €|uar- antine against the province of Saa» tiago still remains intact. Presidwit Caetro Serioosly HL Willemstad, By Cable—^It is report ed here from Venezuela that PresB:- dent Castro is seriously ill and that the government of Venezuela probab ly soon will have to be turned over to the vice president of that republic- The illness of President Castro wa» confirmed later in the day by passen- gers from CaracavS, who declai^ him to be suffering from an affection « the liver and kidneys. His physa.- eians have not been able to agree whether to perform an operatM>n