Our E.E.M. Tobacca for Catarrh. 9 \ SEE IT GO. Ji fiine tine of Cigarettes, Tobacco and Cigars always kept on hand. J. B. PICKELSIMER, PL G. - Druggist and Pharmacist MAIN STREET PHONE 851 Everything best in Drugs* Sylvan Valley News Subscription Price of the News For three months 35c For six months For one year $1.25 PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY j. .T. MINER, owner ana Managrer. W. E. BREESE. Jr.. Editor. A. B. RILEY, ii.ssociat8 Editor. OSIE M. MINER, Bookkeeper and Collector. FORMS CLOSE—Thursday Noon Friday Morning, Nov, 6, 1908. SUN. 11 MOW. 2 TUE. WBDi 4 5 FRI. 6 SAT. T 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 IT 18 19 2Q 21 28 gs 25 S7 28 29 30 1 Fourteen years ago today (the first Friday in November) the Sylvan Valley News first saw the light. During all these years it has never missed an issue nor changed its publication day. It has continually used its influence for the progress and prosperity of the county and town, and will hereafter be found strenuously advocating improvements and betterments. It wants the name of ^very householder in Tran sylvania county on its list of sub scribers, and there is no valid reason why any citizen should not join its baud of readers—your children need it if you do not. * Our campaign subscribers to the number of 200 will be drop ped from the books next week unless we hear from them to the contrary. We earnestly hope that some will remain with us as permanent subscribers. There is no valid reason why every democratic voter in this county should not take his county paper. The price next year will be fl.25. 65 cts for six months; 35 cts for 3 months, and the price must be paid in advance in order to com ply with the postal laws. Come in and join forces with the News for the progress and develop ment of Brevard and Transyl vania county. Brevard Institute Notes. as they expected of him. He did all he could for the whole Demo cratic ticket, from the highest to the least important office. He was followed by Mr. Felix Brnnot, whose oratorical ability was not unknown to some in his audience. He referred in a hnmorons veiji to some of the statements of the pre vious sj^eaker and nsed some tell ing arguments as reasons for the support he intended to give the Re publican candidates. He is espe cially to be congratulated on his self possession and good humor in the face of a considerable demon stration from some of his political opponents. Miss Emma Brannock followed, advising those who as pired to a prosperity of taters and gravy rather than bacon and corn bread to be sure to vote for Taft. Miss Mary Kirkendall and Mr. Jones followed these humorous ad dresses with a more or less serious presentation of the aims and pur poses of the Prohibition Party, and they w'ere given close and respect ful attention throughout. The campaign closed with the singing of I)ixie by the Democratic party but as only one or two knew* the words, the chorus was hardly a success. Ballots of both the old parties had been kindly provided by the officials and the election was con ducted according to law as nearly as possible. The office was used as voting place and voters were per mitted to enter two at a time. They were checked off on the registra tion list (Mr. Jones’s roll) and then allowed to vote. Ballots were counted as soon as possible and the count showed a landslide for Bry an. The vote was Democratic 57; Republican 18; Prohibition 9. DEATH OF MRS. M. A. BRiCE. Editor Sylvan Valley News: Election day was a tempestuous day at Brevard Institute. As sev eral girls said, society rivalry was not a circumstance to it. It was announced early in the day that the real election was to be in the chapel in the afternoon, though the country would be ex pected to ratify the result in the election booths everywhere. So there was more or less discussion all the morning, but at noon Miss Williams joined with the Democrats in locking the Republicans in the parlor, where they were holding a caucus. A jumping rope had been found to be rather unsatisfactory as a means of holding them in. After an interruption of an hour given to some utterly unimportant recitations, the whole school came together in the chapel and a typi cal political meeting was in prog ress for another hour. The Repub licans were late coming in with their speakers and after keeping everybody waiting as long as they wanted them to wait, they marched in led by a band of three musicians all provided with haircomb instru ments. This started a Democratic procession before the program of the afternoon was entere^ deg east 51 poles to a locust comer; then still with his line north 48^ deg west 50 poles to the beginning, containing 152 acres more or less, l^ing a part of State Grants No. 40 and No. 1963. Sale to be made upon the following terms: One-half of the purchase price to ®^1®> the remainder to be paid within six months, purchasers to give approved security for deferred payments* purchaser to have option of paying all cash and receiving deeds on confirmation of sale. This 23d day of September, 1908. R. L. GASH, D. L. ENGLISH, Commissioners. Savings Talks Every person has a desire to share in the increase of wealth, bnt many want greater prosperity than is afforded by the rate of interest paid by the banks. The news papers carry many schemes that promise great returns from few dollars invested, which influence the small saver to with draw his earnings from the banks to invest. We advise cau tion on the part of all who contemplate such a move,. There R are only a few exceptional cases ^vhere small sums are invested safely, and which pay more than a reasonable interest return. The bank is a convenient place for keeping your savings; it is a safe place for funds, and the interest rate is consistent with safety. Your money earns a stated amount of interest; this is paid at regular times. The bank stands behind the guar antee of four per c*nt interest. Brevard Banking Co, BR.EVARD, N. C. PILES - ITISTTJLA. POSITIVELY NO MONEY Until you are perfectly well is the guarantee which any of these prominent men will tell you is as good as a gold bond. Vashington Candy Man Cured of His Mind Affected by Sufferin Washington Candy Man Cured of Piles and Fistula—Never Felt Better in 'His Life Than ‘" ,' at Present. Washington, D. C., Jan. 16, ’07. Drs. Tlioryiton & Minor: *De%r Doctors—Print and say to the world if you wish.—No man on earth sutTered more (jhan I did with Piles and Fistula before coming to see you, and now after four years and twelve hundred miles away I am glad to tell you I never felt better in my life, never weighed, more and never haye had any of those troubles since you cured me. Yours resnectfully, H. hTCASSIDY, 1007 G St., S. W., Manufacturer of Candies. Telephone Main 36;0. Suffered From Fistula—No Symp toms of a Return of the Dis ease After 18 Years. Washington, D. C., April 22, 1904. Drs. Thornton & Minor: Gentlemen—1 had suffered about three years with Fistula, when friends who had been successfully treated by you advised me to go to you for treatment. I am happy to state that your treatmejit of my case was success ful and in every way satisfactory, and now, after a lapse of eighteen years, there have been no symptoms of a re turn of the disease. I shall be grate ful to the friends who advised me to go to you for treatment, and can con scientiously recommend your method as a safe, scientific and satisfactory one. Very truly your friend, W. N. IRWIN, U. S. Dept, of Agrriculture. Suffered with Piles and Contrac tion for Twenty Years. Staley, N. C., April 16, 1907. Drs. Thornton & Minor: Gentlemen—I suffered with piles and contraction for about twenty years, and during that time tried al most every remedy that was recom- mendedy but the piles gradually grew worse. The fall of 1S05 I went to your office in St. Louis, Mo., for treatment, and in three weeks I left for home a well man. One cannot make a mis take in placing their case in the hands of Drs. Thornton & Minor, as they are gentlemen of the highest type and phy^ians of the greatest honesty and skill, and will guarantee a cure or no pay, and you don’t have to pay till you are cured. J. W. COX, General Merchant. His Mind Affected by Suffering from Piles, Fistula and Fis sure—Restored to Health. , Jefferson, S. G,, Jan. 28, 1905. Drs. Thornton & Minor: Gentlemen—I am always willing to help any one in the fix I was with Piles, Fistula and Fissure. I can say to all who might be in the same fix, go right to their office and be cured, for I had that troublesome disease for about twenty years. I got so that I could not do my own work and it seemed that my mind was affected at times. When I would go to stool the blood would come out in a stream about the size of a knitting needle. I lost so much blood that sometimes I would almost as soon have been dead as liv ing. I saw an advertisement in the Commercial Appeal, which is printed in Memphis, Tenn. I wrote to them and they answered me at once and I corresponded with them about a year before I went. The only thing I hate is that I did not go sooner. They wrote me that they had a branch office in St. Louis, Mo., and could cure me there as well as in Kansas City, Mo. I wrote them that I would start on the 19th of September and for them to meet me at St. Louis, Mo. So I start ed on the 19th of September and I ar rived at St. Louis, Mo., on the 22d of September. About* an hour after I jjot there Dr. Minor met me and the doc tors examined me and told me that my case was a serious one, but they could cure me. I have had more pain in one action of the bowels before I went there, than I had from their treatment. I took treatment for a lit tle over three weeks and they said I could go home. I was walkinsr about all the time I was being treated. I ate just anything I wanted. I could not ask anybody to be more kind to me than they were while I was with them. When I came home I weighed one hundred and forty pounds; when writ ing this testimonial I weighed one hundred and sixty-one pounds, and feel like I am twenty-five years younger than I did when I left home to be ti^ated. Yours respectfully, G. R. COOK, General Merchandise. I take pleasure in endorsing all that others say regarding the Thorn ton & Minor treatment. After 15 years of suffering from piles and ul ceration I feel that four weeks at their sanitarium has cured me. Enquiries will be cheerfully answered. J. J- MINER, > Editor Sylvan Valley News. Ad4r^^ oil Coiumunications to The Thornton & Minor Sanitarium Wm. E. Minor, M. D., Phyucian in charge OFFICES: 1004 OAK STREET Kansas City, Mo. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. : North Carolina—Transylvania County, In the Superior Court. Dunns Rock Building Company vs. The Williams & Weilt Furniture, Supply and Mfg. Co. and W. P. Williams and W. P. Weilt Notice of service of summons by publica tion. The defendant W. P. Williams, above- named, will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Transylvania county for the purpose of collecting the balance of rent due the plaintiff by the defendants, for rent of a storeroom in the To\^n of Brevard, and for the further purpose of having applied to the payment of said tent certain funds now on deposit in the Bre vard Banking Company, at Brevard, North Carolina, in which the said defendant, W. P. Williams, has or claims to have an in terest. The said defendent, W. P. Wil liams, will further take notice that he is required to appear at the term of the Supe rior Court of said county, to be held on the twelfth Monday after the first Monday m September, ’08, at the courthouse in said county, in Brevard, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the coirt for the relief demanded in said com plaint. Dated this the 21st day of Octo ber, 1908. T. T. LOFTIS, * Clerk Superior Court. Entry No. 2538. North Carolina—Tronsylyania County. Z. E. Galloway enters and claims 12 acres of land more or less in Catheys Creek Township, said county, on the French Broad river, adjoining lands of J. A Gallo way, M. M, Bryant and the Browu heirs. Beginning on a stone on the bank of the French Broad river, in the Brown heirs line, and runs with the Brown heirs line to J. A Galloway's comer; thence with J. A. Galloway’s line to M. M. Bryant,s line; thence with M. M. Bryant’s line to the Brown heirs line; thence with the Brown heire line to the beginning, running so as to include all vacant land in said boun dary. Entered Oct. 17,1908. M. W. GALLOWAY, * Entry Taker. I, M. W. Oalloway, Entiy Taker for Transyl vania ounty, certify that the foregoing 1« a true copy of entry made, as will appear by reference to the entry book in my office. M. W. GALLOWAY, Entry Taker.