rff i wm. I s Cool Weather Has now come and Colds and Coughs will be plentiful* Remember the B* D* C* Cold Cure will prevent (if taken in time) as well as cure a cold* POSITIVELY GUAR ANTEED. Price 25c* For sale ONLY by Allison’s Drug Store LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. Isn’t Broad street entitled to a sidewalk? E. W-. Blythe returned last week from a collecting tour in Georgia. A. K. Orr of Asheville was in Brevard during the week. John Newton of Canton is visit ing friends and relatives in Bre vard. Roscoe Nicholson is acting as assistant postmaster in the absence -of Carl Case. The big bottom fields are being stripped of the ears of corn by the busy farmers. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. LeRoy, ac companied by Miss Letha Heath, left Wednesday for a few months’ visit to Florida. We are glad to see L. N. Town send on the streets again after a'' Brevard in attendance on her^ath- long confinement from an attack of rheumatism. There will be preaching at the Presbyterian church next Sunday morning as usual by the pastor. Ybu are invited to be present. Wonder if that million dollars which was to be spent in Transyl vania enterprises “if Taft was elected,” will now materialize—or was it a bluff? Wouldn’t it be a good thing for ihe Brevard Board of Trade to get x)ptions on the river valley farms around our town—at least to learn what they can be bought' f6r if prospective buyers should wish to know? We believe that there are several enterprises which are looking towards Brevard for a location, but they are not yet ready for publicity, ^he great lake project in Hender sonville was killed by premature publicity. W. T. Bosse returned last Friday from Spartanburg where he had been summoned to the bedside of his father, C. L. Bosse. He re ceived the message too late to see his father alive, as the latter died early on the previous Wednesday morning. The first real winter day was Thursday, November 5th. Up to that time we had a mixture of spring, summer and fall with frosty indications that winter was nigh at hand. But there was a something in the air of Thursday morning different from all the mornings that had gone before it. The 226. Sunday after Trinity, November 15, 1908, St. Philips church. Morning prayer, holy communion and sermon at 11. Sub ject, “Religious Well Pleasing or a Life of Well Pleasing to God.”— Isaiah 2 :5. The Junior Auxiliary will hold their regular monthly missionary meeting at 4. Litany with address on Friday at 4145. The lesson for the week: The brotherhood of man. The gospel: The inhuman fellow servant. The epistle: Fellowship in the gospel shown by doing good. The collect: The church, God’s household. The third monthly meeting of the county teachers’ association was held at the graded school building last Saturday morning, Superintendent Henderson presid ing. The program was short, but well discussed. The schools were pretty well represented, though «ome of the teachers were absent. Prof. Estes of the graded school led in a discussion of the subject, *'Method in Teaching.” His re marks were suggestive and practi cally helpful to teachers. The sub ject “The Teacher as a Factor in Civil Government,” was opened by Prof; J. B. Thorne of the Broad Valley high school in a very thoughtful address. Both subjects were further discussed by different members of the association. Eugene Loftis of Tocoa Ga. came in this week on a visit to his par ents. Mrs. H. C. Jenkins of Asheville is on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jenkins. Miss Orin Godfrey left last Sun day morning for a short visit to Washington D. C. W. W. Waters made a visit to Morristown Tenn., last Saturday, returning Monday. F. L. Wilson left this community Tuesday for Spartanburg S. C. on matters of business. Chester Tinsley, who has been for some time in business at Salis bury, came to Brevard last week. Ellen Allison, daughter of H. L. Allison who lives at the Clough place, has been dangerously ill with pneumonia, but is now improving. Mrs. M. J. Orr is absent from er, Wm. Kimzey of Horseshoe, who is slowly passing aw’ay with creep ing paralysis. The last news from his bedside is that his death may be expected at any moment. Wouldn’t it be great if Brevard was situated on the banks of Lake Toxaway ? And what is to hinder its being so situated? It wouldn’t cost so very much more to build a lake here by damming French Broad than it did to dam Toxaway river. King John’s lake is once more an accomplished fact, and numerous specimens of the “bream” family are to be turned loose io stock it. There will be a boat on the lake so that summer visitors who enjoy fishing and boating will find an op portunity to enjoy themselves. Ike Bailey, a well known colored citizen of this community, died at his home in the W’est suburbs last Sunday and was , buried on the knoll nearby w^hich contains the family burying ground. Rev. Wilson, colored, conducted the fu neral services. Ike was a son-in- law of Ned White, -and it was at his home that the old negro spent his last days. A party of hunters from Brevard and other points spent Thursday, Friday and Saturday of last week tramping over the hills and through the thickets of the Sapphire region in quest of deer. The Brevard hunters were A. K. King, Kay King, J. E. Clayton, J. L. Aiken, T. L. Snelson, J. S. Bromfield and W. L. Wiley. They were the real Nimrods, as all the deer killed were brought down by their guns. Eight fine animals were brought back as trophies of the hunt. The colored people of W^estern North Carolina are warned that unless the “Western North Caro lina Baptist Convention” and “Mud Creek Baptist Educational Union and Sunday School Convention” take away from this office and pay for their last year’s minutes, print ed by the News, we shall institute 'legal proceedings against the two organizations. Placing the money to pay for the printing in the hands of dishonest and irresponsi ble agents does not release these so cieties from their obligations. Be warned and save costs. Prof. N. W. Walker of Chapel Hill, state inspector of high schools, was in this section the latter part of last week. In company with Supt. Henderson he visited the high school at Broad Valley, and went to Selica and Rosman, where he made a personal inspection of the claims of the two districts to the location of a high school. Af ter looking over the ground Prof. Walker returned to Chapel Hill where he will make out a report and submit it to the state board of education‘at Raleigh. On this re port as a basis the board will de cide the place for locating the high school. Hendrick Witmer left Brevard Wednesday for Bessemer, Ala., where he will be engaged in busi ness. Mrs. H. L. Steele of Asheville spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jenkins, last week. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Henry left Thursday morning for a few days’ visit to relatives in Henderson county. While playing ball with some other girls a few days ago Grace Whitmire had the misfortune to have her arm broken. The first renewal subscriber for the year 1909 comes in this week from Quebec. We would like to see 400 renewals b^ore Jan. 1. Annie Fred had a fall from Lewis Summey’s wagon which stands on the edge of the -^school house grounds, and had and arm dislo cated. We iiave been informed that Rev. F. M. Jordan is suffering from/a severe attack of rheumatism, which renders him practically helj)less. The attention of well-wishers and the church is hereby directed to the condition of the enfeebled minister. The Rev. Irl R. Hicks’ Almanac. For 1909, ready Nov. 15, 1908; best ever sent out, beautiful covers in colors, fine portrait of Prof. Hicks in colors ; all tho old features and several new ones in the book. The best astronomical year book and the only one containing the original “Hicks Weather Fore casts.” By mail 35c, on news stands 30c. One copy free with Word and Works, the best $1.00 monthly in America. Discounts on almanacs in quantities. Agents wa,nted Word and Works Pub., Co., 2201 Locust Street, St. Louis, Mo. Every citizen ow-es it to him self, to his fellows and to Prof. Hicks to possess the “Hicks” fore casts—the only reliable. It is announced that Senator Tillman has been converted to b^er as the solution of the whis ky problem in South Carolina. Durin" the recent financial strin gency and industrial depression the identical solution was forced upon a large numljer of tbirst ior vestigators. Seven Years ot Prooft ‘•I have had seven years of proof that Di*. King’s New Discovery is the best medicine to take for coughs and colds and for every diseased con dition of throat, chest or lun;»s,” says W. V. Henry, ot Panama, Mo. The world has had thirty-eight years of proof that Dr. King’s New discovery is the best remedy for coughs and colds, lagrippe, asthma, hay fever, bronchitis, hemorrhage of the lungs, and the early stages of consumption. It’s timely use al ways prevents the development of pneumonia. Sold under guarantee at T. B. Allison’s drug store. 50c. and $1,.C0. Trial bottle free. A Texas woman has named her recently arrived triplets William, Jennings and Bryan. We sus pect she is a good house keeper and knows how to make a good thing go a long way. Mind Your Business! If you don’t nebodv will. It is your business to keep out of all the trouble you can and you can and will keep out of liver and bowel trouble if you take Dr. King’s New Life Pills. They keep billiousness, ma laria and jaundice out of your sys tem. 25c. at T. B. Allison’s drug store. Election predictors can now take a long rest—and give the rest of us one. Business Locals. Don’t order. See Dovle. For new acid C. Doyle. Mitchell & Cox—The home of good* coffee. Cotton rope 20c lb. Three kinds and 12 sizes of cross-cnt saws.— Miller-DeVane Supply Co. ^ All persons due me for Fertilizer are expected to come at once and make settlement.—J. E. Clayton. Remember Clayton don’t worry you often reading locals, but don’t forget his store when you want bargains. See his shoes and cloth ing. . A newiline of hats, velyets, satin i / t ribbons, ladies’* belts, hose, hose supporters, baby caps, etc., just arrived at Misses Kilpatrick & Loftis. The Knoxville Sentinel is East Tennessee’s lejjding newspaper. If you desire to keep informed on this prosperous section subscribe for The Sentinel. The subscription rate is $*1.00 per year, $2.25 for six months. The Sentinel is the recognized adver tising medium of that re.i>ion. 30o3m Wanted—By T. D. England, corn, potatoes, eggs, butter and various other articles, as he can use them ; and if any of you owe him any thing he wants that, and he wants it soon. He wants you to know also that he is still doing business at the old stand and in the old way, and that, means accommodations to those who deserve and appreciate them and cash to those who don’t. Notice.—I ’vv'ill retire from the Register’s Office on Dec. 7th, 1908, and wish to say to those having papers on file in the office with fees due to please call before that date and make settement. . I shall carry out of the office all papers on which the fees,have not been paid, and you will possibly save considerable inconveninco by looking after this matter before I retire. Respect fully, M. W. Galloway, Register of Deeds. Nov. 10, 1908. nl4t2* Sales Agents Wanted.—^SG.CO per week or 4C0 per cent profit. All samples, stationery, and art Cata logue free. We want one permanent agent in this locality for the largest picture and frame house in Atnerica. Experience .unnecessary. W’e in struct you how to sell our goods and furnish tl^e capital. If you want a permanent, honorable and profitable position, write us today for narticU; lars, catalogue and samples.—Frank W. Williams Company, 1214 W. Taylor St., Chicago, III. o23t4 F0R BREAKFAST HECKER’S Buckwheats Floiir —AND— Maple Syrup MITCHELL & cox T. W. WHITMIRE The Ready-to-Wear Merchants EVERYTHING you are looking for in the ready-to-wear line* Don^t buy till you see what ; we have to offer you in the very latest sty-Ies of i V ■ ‘ Ready-to-Wear Garments Stetson, Steadfast and Biltrite Shoes* Ladies^ Coat Suits, Skirts, Waist % and Underskirts* Our ready-made line of Clothing, Overcoats, etc*, are up-to-date and of the very best material* Stetson and Ghesterfield Hats for Men and Boys | We purpose in less than one year to have the ready- s to-wear business of the town* Why? Because we = intend to devote our entire tim^ and attention to that = line* Respectfully, ' . = T. W. WHITMIRE I = Cooper Block Brevard, N* C* = %iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit# Colds and Croup in Children. “My little girl is subject to colds,” says Mrs. Wm. H. Serig, No. 41 Fifth St., Wheeling, W. Va. “Last winter she had a severe spell and ^ terrible cough, but I cured her with Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy with out the aid of a doctiJXj and my little boy has been prevented many times from having the croup by the timely use of this syrup. This remedy is for sale by O. L. Erwin, Ro.sman, N. C* “ •" — — ^ Postal savings banks would guarantee their deposits, but it would be perfectly ridiculous for other banks to do the same thing.' It is deliciously palatable, agrees with the weakest stomach, contains the most soothing, healing, strength ening and curative elements. Makes you well and happy. Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea RRFVARn 13 or Tablets—Allison’s Drug Store, Early Showing of Fall and Winter Goods WE HAVE BEEN for some time almost daily receiving new Fall and Cold Weather Goods, and you will find our prices as usual much lower than what you will have to pay else where for the same quality of goods* Now young man as to your SUIT* We will not mention any particular Suit here* Just form an ideal Suit in your mind, come here and we will show it to you From $10*00 Up* 100 Ladies’ and Misses COATS \ just in* Latest and snappiest to be found anywhere* Remember you get the latest style here* Shoes, Underwear and Hosiefy^ Woollen, Silk and Cotton Dress Goods, Blankets, ComfortableSf Flanilels; Outings and Cantons—every line brought from a plen tiful market at lowest cash prices* Your money will go the farthest and buy most here at <SiFrpN bran MADE Louis W. p. WEBLTS One-Price Gasli Store an “my give “i cioui folio petit not thani “I wan^ had trifl( vloh the exer< “II but If I eat m year, Grap agali ble ever,} tlon to hel Creel Weill Ev4 new They 1 bi

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