> 1 J i y; I'i I- EVERYTHING Z FOR CHRISTMAS CAN BE FOUND AT ALLISON’S DRUG STORE. Handsome boxes Lowncy^s Candies ffom $5 down* Thermos Bottles, Perfumes, Fancy Stationery and Cigars. A large line of Xmas Calendars and Cards* LOGAl PARAGRAPHS. Henry King Jias returned from a M»iness trip to Virginia. There will bo preaching at Oak <>JOve Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock, also at the reirulaj: tiuio on the fol- l&whig Sunday. Miss Gertrude Chubbuck and Miss Anna Froeley, of Hamburgh, N. Y., 3kre spending the winter at the God frey residence on L'road street. il. H. Glover left yesterday for his winter home in Florida. Those who have finished pictures not delivered 'Will find them at the News office. S, L». Earle arrived from Jackson- viHe early this week. We under stand he will build a residence in Sforth Brevard in the near future. T. W. Whitmire is keeping up his reputation as a shrewd business man !>*_y giving our readers a full-page ad 4o peruse at their leisure. Read >ftge 7 without fail. We learn that Fitch Taylor will soon be assigned to half-time in the ^nk. He has been a faithful and »usted employe for several years, amd deserves a less strenuous job. W. M. Bradley accepted the posi- of night watchman at the raeet- of the Town council Tuesday Bight, and entered upon his duties Wednesday. We are glad the town 3feas a night policeman. The county statement has been in ^iie hands ojf the News force since Monday’, but owing to an extra run •f ji»b work is not ready for publica tion this week. We do not approve ♦f making a continued story of'it, so at will appear complete and correct JL, our next issue. Congress met for its second session 2ast Monday, and our paper tins w’eek «ODtains the president’s message—at ^jfeast it contains the principal points the message. No matter what jour political preferences may be, ^he president’s recommendations to •ingress are always interesting read- jog. T. T. Loftis has taken a position with the Brevard Banking Company, »iid has employed T. H. Galloway as deputy clerk. A few term? of «ourt like the last and all our county officials will have to take outside Jobs or starve. Wonder if it might moi be policy to give whisky another sbanee. Sunday mails will hereafter be a^rved to Breyard patrons by a pouch ttkade up in Asheville. The mail alerk on the Toxaway trains will Sake a day olf. Part of the mail ^ue here from the south may pass Brevard and return here for delivery 31onday morning. It will be well ;S>r patrons of the postofiiee to bear this in mind and call for mail on !Monday. Man*ied, Nov. 22ud, at the Baptist jarsonnge of Pelzer, S. C., by Rev. E. L. Kugler, Mr. Marion Glazener M> Miss Malissa Looper. Mr. Glaze- *er is a prosperous young man of gosman, N. 0. Miss Looper is a tjlaoghter of Mr. G. B. Looper, form- fily of Dacusvill, S. C., who now re- tfdes near Pelzer. The bride and ^room left Monday, Nov, 23rd for Roeman, N. C., their future home. "Their many friends wish for them a jong and prosperous life.—Easley Progress. Bt. Philips church, 3rd Sunday in a«?vent. December 13, 1908. Morn- piaytr, holy communion and, aermon at 11. Subject, “The Real.” ! Sunday scliool at 4. Tuesday, Wo mans Auxiliary at the Rectory at 4. "Wednesday, Penitential office with | Jttidress at 4:33. Friday, Litany with ,*»««« *♦♦! Kon. from Soi a letter to the “I ^’al dysuepi hate lit a .•■itorfi IHtlci \cotide}\ gsjod foil C ATARI rect a Orilv ai\ aa Penirm] Pcruna Ask y« ruiia Aln^ Pei imaj gist, l^ir RE^CO^Di Corrupt bonesly.- from whatJ iQUuetiiatell 25c.. and *^I noti the big, ‘ ^ Yes; of each “Are ‘‘She they are. stand bii to take to every TJ Presidel sailed foi ration foi The hcl days ovej felt for Speakej CcngToss of tariff Every casioii (o vent som| cause of the natioi thousand, things pi is a smj pellet, w| finger hoi picture oi may he. tabiet.s hj hotels anJ CA| Gooii i>i| Indigos] comforts tain to foi per food. Tho;vo bust are that, aa stone aw: heavy, ^rj loss of apl Fortunj enough t< the princj their dail: an wiitcsl “Sonie ble from rich food, dige.^t sea cinc3 scp “A friej Kut.