EVERYTHING .Z FOR CHRISTMAS CAN BE FOXJND AT ALLISON’S DRUG STORE. Handsome boxes Lowney^s Candies from $5 down* Thermos Bottles, Perfumes, Fancy Stationery and Cigars, A large line of Xmas Calendars and Cards* UGAL PARAGRAPHS. Subscribe now—the News for ISeSonly $1.00. J. M. Bromfielcl is putting up a laailding noai* tlio depot for a laun- dsy, ■Wonder if onr Town authorities Tulyb forgotten that Croad. street a sidewalk. J. F. Hays, general agent of the t£bnthern railroad, was a Brevard xcitor Tuesday night. Jim Forsythe is laying down ma- for a cottage on the Forsythe South Caldwell street, near Main. Work is progressing nicely under soctTol of Leroy Ball’s force of ittemb^rs on the ^thelwold steam plant. We not« considerable inprove- ment in our electric light street jervice since the night watchman 'Sent on duty. It pays any town to ieaTe a night policeman. C^nnty Chairman W. M. and Mrs. SEnry left Wednesday for a visit at Henry’s old homo in South i!!B?olina, and will probably stay Abroad during the holidays. A musical delegation from the little River section entertained Mr. IGlpatrick’s family and others liv- the depot part of town, w-ith smmt very fine singing last Sunday. W. S. Ashworth and family have accently moved from Grange to ■Shexrbeautiful cottage on Whitmire and are once again, after jerveml years absence, full fledged ritizens of Brevard. jB^vard is growing, of course it w. There have been installed dur ing: the past year four steam heat- aa^ asystems and three hot air fur- waacGS. All of which proves that Srerard is growing. M- J. Glazener & Son of Rosman *ppcar to be spreading over the -akole ni)i)er end of the county. We learn that they have recently pnrchased the ^business of W. B. .^laderson at Quebec. Onr numerous book agents are l^iiing ready for their annual mi- to unoccupied territory im- ^ae^ately after the holidays, and it looks now as if a larger quota usual would be in the field. Two car loads of water-wheel and vtber paraphernalia for the Cas- Power Co. were side-tracked PtMsrose Monday, and will be un loaded at that point for shipment overland to the power i)lant on river, A recent letter received by Irn'uds of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. De- ■Yane contains the following infor- mf^tion: “If nothing hajjpens we ' eat our Christmas dinner in ^reTard.” This is good news for iJaa-ir many friends h^re. Among the Christmas entertain- at Brevard Institute, will be ft jrrrenile Christmas Cantata, Sat- Dec. 19, at 8 :00 o’clock ; Re cital by first year music pupils Dec. :iiO. All friends of the In- rtitnto are invited to the Cantata, jTiid all who love music to the |)n- Recital. Persons having samples of miner- ci Ore from any section of this TOftbty are requested to place them aa siie- hands of the Southern Stock 4ir Fiirniinj? Co. for dis})lay. It may rv. /rrt^at l)cnofit to the county to fe-.Tt* its minerals knovN'n, and C. M. r-j'o is in a position to exhibit to advantage. T! • Christmas Bale at the Rec- < -.y till Monday, Dec 7'tli was a hap- vy r Tcc'ccss a7id gladdened the hearts ot tho members of St. Philip’s iKrdi''?. Thanks to all kind friends v'-y thoir presence and pur- v^ontributed so generously to Mipc'i'ss, The net result was seventy dollars. Get in before Jan. 1 or pay $1.25 for the News next year. Mr. and Mrs. Desa Young are spending the holidays with Dr. and Mrs. Brooks of Rosman. Preaching at Greenwood Metho dist church next Sunday at 3:00 p. m. by Rev. R. G. Tattle of Bre vard. Miss May Brooks of Rosman has returned after spending several weeks among friends in South Car olina. A write-up of the Teachers In stitute came in too late for publi cation this week—it will appear next week. There is to be an entertainment at the High School building to night (Friday). Admission 10 cts and everybody invited. The county commissioners met last Monday to settle with the sheriff on his collections of taxes on unlisted property, which in cludes licenses, etc. An oyster supper Wednesday night given by the Woodmen in the vacant store room next to the post- office, ^s well patronized and was a huge social success. Rev. J. M. Pickens of Jupiter and Rev. Larkin Roberts of Madi son were on a visit to Dr. McLean the past week. They expressed themselves as much pleased with onr valley region. Two car loads of machinery for the cotton mill have arrived, and six more are expected in the near future. Evidently the cotton mill people intend to be ready for the electric current as soon as the Cas cade Power Co. can supply it, The county statement for the year ending Nov. 30, 1908, w’ill be found on page 7 of this issue. This is an interesting document for all tax payers, as it shows the in come from all sources, the bonded indebtedness, and how the money has been paid out. Confederate pensioners are noti fied that their state x>ensions are now in the hands of Superior Clerk T, T. Loftis. They are early enough this year to add materially to the good cheer of Christmas in many homes in the county. Come in and get your pensions and be happy. Married, Sunday last at 10:30 o’clock a. m., Miss Emma Tinsley and Rufus Conley, at the residence of R. K. Ballard, Rev. Wm. P. Chedester officiating. Immediate ly after the ceremony the newly wedded couple retired to the home of the groom’s mother, Mrs. K.-C. McCall, where a good dinner await ed them and a number of invited friends. On Wednesday morning at 8 :30 o'clock at St. John’s church, the wedding of Miss Lira Dancy, and Mr. Alfred Erastus Hampton will be solemnized. The bride will be married in her going-away gown and will be attended by her sister, Miss Alice Dancy, as maid of honor. Mr. Hampton will have his brother, Mr. Charles Hamilton as best man. No cards have been issued, but the contracting parties w^sh all their friends to be present.—Jacksonville Times-Uuion, Sunday. St. Philii)s Church, 4th Sunday in Advent, December 20, 1908. Morning prayer, communion and sermon at 11. Snbiect, “The Real.” Special offering for “Domestic Mis sions.” Junior Auxiliary mission ary meeting at 4. Monday, St. Thomas day. Wednesday, service at 4:30. Friday, Christmas day. Early celebration at 7 :30. ^lorning prayer, communion and sermon at 11. Subject, “The Christmas Lesson.” Otfering for the widows and orphans of deceased clergy. Children’s Christmas on Saturday at the rectory at 4 o’clock. * The advent boxes will be brought in. J. L. Bell returned home last week. W. W. Zachary went to Calvert Tuesday. F. Ramsaur returned on Tuesday from Marietta Miss Norma Glazener w’as in town on Monday. E. E. Lewis spent last Thursday in Hendersonville. Henley Chapman returned Tues day from Arkansas. Mrs. W. H. Davis is visiting in Asheville this week. Mrs. T. J. Neely is in Asheville on a visit to her son. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Allison went to Asheville Tuesday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Chapman, on Wednesday, a'girl. J. C. Deaver returned Sunday from a three days hunt at Fairfield. W. F. D^ker went to Lake Tox- away Sunday and returned Tues day. F. E. Shuford has returned to Rosman to take charge of Erwain’s store. ^Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pickelsimer, of Virginia, are on a few weeks visit to relatives. Beverly Trantham has gone to Rosman to do some painting for J. S. Silverstein. Hume Harris came up from Hen dersonville Tuesday to assist in England’s store. Miss Bertha Pierce left on Tues day for Houston, Texas, w’here she will spend the winter. Mr. Buchanan of the Asheville Lumber Company is taking up lum ber at Pisgah Forest this week. Coss Paxton of Cherryfield is as sisting S. C. Eaton on the Biltmore Estate lumber yard for a few days. The Brevard Tannin Plant, after having been closed down ten days for repairs, is now’ running full time. Last week Ziphy Nicholson and bride passed through Brevard on their w’ay to Tryon, their future home. H. P. Clarke has moved into town for the wintor and occupies Ernest Black’s residence on Main street. It is intoresting to try new’ ex periments. Let all the curious con sider this ; “It is more blessed to give than to recQive.” Mrs. M. J. Orr returned home last Thursday from Mills River. She has been on an extended visit to her father, who is in very feeble health. Business Locals. Don’t order. See Dovle. Don’t miss the Farewell Sale Saturday. Mitchell & Cox—The home of good coffee. Good things in the Miller-DeVane Supply Co’s. ad. Today and tomorrow will be the big days of the Farewell Sale. The largest sale of 1908 will be the Farewell Sale Saturday. Don’t miss it. 40% off New Royal sewing ma chines next 30 days—Miller-DeVane Supply Co. New goods arriving daily which go right into the Farewell Sale at farewell prices. Santa Claus left his pack of use ful presents with us.—Miller-De Vane Supply Co. Oranges, Apples, Raisins, Cocoa- nuts, Candies and all kinds of Low Down Christmas tricks .-Jim Aiken. You don’t need to “break in” the “Patriot” shoe. It feels comfortable and fits ^ight from the firsf. See them at O. L. Erwin’s store. * Santa Claus has arrived in town and made Mrs. J. Norton’s head quarters for ruchings, novelty belts and bows, sash pins, jet necklaces, holly ribbon in three widths, Gib son and directoire collars in beauti ful boxes for only 25 cents. Come in and see them. Notice!—Bids will be received by the Board of County Commissioners, up to the first Monday in January, for keeping the County Home for year 1909. Bids will be opened and contract awarded at Board Meeting first Monday in January.—W. M. Henry, Ch’mn Board Co. Com'rs. 4 This Is Wortli Reading. JL,eo F. Zelinski, of G8 Gibson St., Buffalo, N. Y., says: “I cured the most annoying cold sore I ever had, with Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. lap- plied this sal ye once a day for two days, when jevery trace of the sore was gone.’ Heals all sores. Sold under guarantee at T. B. Allison’s drug store. 25c. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. North Carolina—Transylvania County. In the Superior Court. Before the Clerk. H. L. Allison vs. Henry Wilson, William Wilson, Ora Mor gan and husband Luther Morgan, Bessie Wilson and Katy Wilson. Notice of Service of Summons by Publication. The defendants, William Wilson, Ora Morgan and Luther Morgan, in the above entitled action, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Transyl vania County, before the Clerk thereof, to sell certain lands in Transylvania county, belonging to the plaintiff and the defend ants above named as tenants in common, for partition, which lands are located in Dunns Rock Township, and known as Lot No. 7 of the Wilson lands. And the said defendants will furthur take notice that they are required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of the Supe rior Court of Transylvania County, in the court house in Brevard, on Monday, the 18th (Jay of January, 1909, at 11 o’clock a. m., and answer or demur to the petition and complaint of the plaintiff, or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded therein. Dated this the 15th day of Dec., 1908. T. T. LOFTIS, dllt4 Clerk Superior Court. Gel Ready for Christmas y A big assortaent of National Biscuit Oj.'s Cakes and Crackers NutSt Cocoanuts, Plum Pudding, Dates, Raisinst Candy, Bananas, Figs, Oranges, Fruit Cakes, Mince Meat, Malaga Grapes* NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS. North Carolina—Transylvania County. In the Superior Court. G. W. Wilson, administrator of Elizabeth Fowler, Plaintiff, vs. T. W. Fowler, M. H. Fowler, M. E. Fowler, P. M, Fowler, G. T. Fowler, Nancy Mc- Gaha, Maggie Sims and husband David Sims, Lottie Morgan and husband M. L. Morgan, W. H. Girwood, Sallie Allison and husband Marshal Allison, Abbie Rhodes and husband William Rhodes, Georgia Cole and husband E. V. Cole, Defendnnts. Notice of Scrvice of Summons. The defendants above named, G. T. Fow ler, W. H. Girwood, Lottie Morgan and husband M. L. Morgan, Sallie Allison and husband Marshal Allison, Abbie Rhodes and husband William Rhodes, Georgie Cole and husband E. V. Cole, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Tran- sylvBnia county to sell real estate to pay debts, and the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of the Supe rior Court for Transylvania county, at his office in Brevard, N. C., on the 18th day 6f January, 1909, and answer or demur to the petition of the plaintiff in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in his said petition. This 3rd day of December, 1908. T. T. LOFTIS, decllt6 Clerk Superior Court. W. B. Duckworthy Attorney for Plaintiff. We hope you will have no hesitancy about coming in. We wiD be glad to see you. MITCHELL & COX BUY USEFUL GIFTS Miller-DeVane Supply Company Cordially invite you to inspect their line of Christmas Gifts And especially desire to call your attention to the many good things they have, including Art Squares, Rugs, Lace Curtains, Rockers, Library Tables, Water Sets, Lamps, Carving Sets, Keen Kutter Safety Razors, Pocket Cutlery, Scissors, Manicure Sets, Rochester Percolators, Asbestos Sad Irons* See Our Stock Before You Select Holiday Gifts The Year 1909 Will Soon Be with Us. Why not renew your subscription to the Sylvan Valley News? SPECIAL VALUES ) That are Really Extraordinary % When the Weilt^s Cash Store makes such an assertion as the above it means it, and can give absolute proof* We do business on a more economical basis than most stores* We can live and thrive on a smaller margin of profit than most stores, and you may be sure we take full advantage of the opportunity thus offered us to under sell* Our stock contains many other offerings just as noteworthy as the following: Great Attraction in Goats Ladies’ long: win.ter coat, worth Ladies’ long- winter coat, worth Ladies’ lonor winter coat, worth Ladies’ long- winter coat, v.orth Ladies’ loLt? winter coat, worth Ladies’ long coat, worth $14.00 for 12.(30 Ladies’ long- coat, worth 818.00 for 14.00 5.00 for ...$ 3.85 6.00 for ... 4.20 7.00 for.... 5.40 9.50 for.... 7.70 10.50 for... 8.40 These Ladies^ and Misses Coats are all of the latest style form fitting back, very stylish looking and of the best shades* Unequalled Skirt Values. New style Melton worth $1 25 for $ .75 New style Franklin Tweed worth $1.50 for... 1.00 New style Panama worth $4.00 for 3.00 “ “ - 5'.00 for 3.50 ‘‘ “ 7.50 for 5.00 “ “ 9.00 for 0.50 “ “ 10.00 for 7.50 Mohair 7.00 for 5.00 “ Broa,dcIoth 6.00 for 4.00 A Big Gut in Men’s and Youllis’ Clothing. ^ Come and Get Prices. Men’s Overcoats worth $ 6.00 for $ 3.50 “ 10.00 for 8.00 “ “ 18.00 for 13.00 “ 20.00 for.. L5.00 Youths’ 4.50 for 2.95 Boys’ “ 3.50 for 2.25 This sale starts on Saturday, Dec. !2th Jind will continue until the 24th Inclusive, 1908. TharJ^g you for ycur kind and substantial patronage in the past, hoping v/e may n i merit tne same in the future^ and wishing you the compliments of the season^ we are Respectfufly, W. p. Weill’s One-Price Spot Cash Store

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