ORAPES, from thwmost fiealtli- nil properties, give kOYAL its active and principal isigrddient f&wsiep jAS^soIutej^J^s» - It S8 cconomy to use Royal Baking Powder* It saves labor^ health and mcney* Where the best food is required no odier baking powder or leavening agent can take the place or do the work of Royal Baking P'pwder. Buck Forest items. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. North Carolina—Transylvania County. In the Superior Court—^B*efor« the Clerk. T. B. Summey, Administrator of John Sum- mey and Nancy Summey, deceased, vs. Amanda Bums, Lewis Summey et al. Notice of Service of Summons by Publi cation. The defendants. Street Allison, John Allison, Mi ch Allison, Mary Gresham, Rob ert Gresham, John Summey, Louisa Cisson and George Summey, in the above entitled action will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commenced in tlte superior court of Transylvania, before the Clerk thereof, for the pilose of selling certain real estate belonging to the estate of John Summey and Nancy Summey, de ceased, in order to make assets with which to pay certain debts of said John Summey and Nancy Summey, and costs and charges of administration, there being no personal property belonging to said estate with which to pay said debts and charges of I administration, I And said defendants will further take' notice that they are required to appear at, the office of the Clerk of the Superior, Court of Transylvania county, a^ his office i in the court house "in' Krevard,* N. C., ,onl the 30tlrday of* Apil, 1909. and.'an?^r;qi? demur to the petition of trie plaintiff filed in this action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded therein. - T. H. GALLOWAY, Deputy Clerk Superior Court. This 23d day of March, isfo9. m26t4 Entry No* 2544* North Carolina—Transylvania County. M. N. Moore enters and claims 10 acres more or less of land lying and being in Catheys Creek Township, said county, on the waters of the north fork of French Broad river and on the west side of what is known as the Big Ridge, adjoining^the lands of G. H. Moore and others. Begin ning on a chestnut tree comer of the lands of G. H. Moore and runs various courses for complement, so as to include all vacant land contiguous to this location. Entered Feb. 24,1909. B. A. GILLESPIE, Entry Taker. Taft’s First Fbrmaf Dinner. Washington. D. C.—President Taft brought representatives of all the Warring factions in the lower house of congress together at the first for mal dinner he and Mrs. Taft have given at the white house. Chance tor News Readers. In order to test the News’ great circulation and its superior adver tising value, we have made ar rangements with Allison & Macfie, the popular druggists, to offer one of their best selling medicines at half price to any one who will cut out the following coupon and pre sent it at their store: COUPON This coupon entitles the holder to one 50c package of Dr. Howard’s spe cific for the cure of constipation and dyspepsia at half price, 25c. We will refund the money to any dissatisfied customer. Allison & Macfie. TV/ENTY-F!V£ CENTS > -, Dr. Howord’s specific for the cure of constipation and dyspepsia is not an unknown remedy. It has made many remarkable cures right here in Brevard, and so positive are Druggists Allison & Macfie of its great superiority in curing dys- j)epsia, constipation, sick headache and liver troubles that we will, in addition to selling at half price, refund the money to anyone whom it does not cure. If you cannot call at their store cut out the coupon and mail it at 25 cents, and a 50] cent box of the specifCc will be sent you by mail, charges paid. ml9-26a2 You can buy your shoes anywhere you please, of course; this is a free country, and your money’s yours. You-buy shoes where you think you get most for your money; maybe here, maybe some where else. One thing we’re'sure of; if we once sell you a pair of Selz Royal Blue shoes you’ll realize that for the first, time you ever had real, great big value for what you spend; and you’ll never weai; any other kind as long as yoii^'can get these. / Experience proves it; $3-SOy ' En'gla.nd.’s Store Editor Sylvan Valley News: Left over from last week. Hello, there beautiful. Come again. Luther Couch from Penrose spent Monday night at the home of M. C. Morgan. J. J. Thomas was visiting at Grange Sunday and reports a jolly good time. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Allison si>ent last Sunday at the home of their aunt, Mrs. F. L. D. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Morgan spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. F. L. D. Thomas at this place. We learn that Uncle Henry Ball of Grange is quite seriously ill. We hope for him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McCrary' of Grange passed through this locality Sunday enroute to Cedar L^ountain on a visit. B. M. Jones and wife passed through this burg Sunday after noon enroute to their home in South Carolina. ^ J. R. McCall and family from Greenville, S. C., are moving back to their old home at this place. We gladly welcome them back. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fletcher from Pleasant Grove spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hooker c^f Buck Forest. Rev. James Gray was re-elected as pastor at Laurel Creek last Sun day. He will conduct services there the third Saturday and Sunday in each month. The box supper given by Mrs. Leona Saltz at her home at Loftis on Feb. 28 proved to be quite a success. Several of the young folks from this village attended and report a most enjoyable time. Peach Blossom. Pilie Grove Paragraphs. Editor Sylvan Valley News: We understand that^i^yerar fam ilies in Gloucester have the measles. Mrs. Z. I. Henderson is on the sick list this week. We hope she will •soon recover. John C. Whitmire was in our community Monday. Uncle John is as lively as ever. Rev. Sitton from Jackson county preached at Pine Grove school house last Saturday. Jim Smith has been “swapping” horses again. Jim didn’t get left in his swap this time. Some of the cordwood men on Diamond creek will be jurors at the spring term of superior court. Jim DeVore has moved to Ros- man. We hate give him and his family up, for they were certainly good neighbors. We understand that little Frank Galloway, who had his legs broken some weeks ago, is doing well. We hope he will soon be up and going where he pleases. Rev. Mark Osborne preached a very interesting sermon at Pine Grove school house Sunday last. We hope he w’ill come and preach for us again in the near future. We presume that Millard Gallo way is going into the fruit indus try by his taking up such a lot of fruit trees Monday. Much success in your under taking, Mr. Galloway, if such be your notion. Jack Smith has sold his team and now says he is going to fix for farm ing, although he says he must build fences, pile brush and plow before he can plant much corn, many beans and some pumpkins. Pansy. Brevard Institute Notes. been a truly welcome visitor in the school building. / ^ At a business meeting of the Y. W. C. A. last week the following oflS.cers were elected for a term of one year: President,' Miss Bessie White; vice president. Miss Viola Doub; corresponding secretary, Miss Inez Orr; treasurer. Miss Es ther Gray; recording secretary, MisslVlatilda Gray. These officers have already taken charge of their various responsibilities. There are about ten vacant seats in the chapel and room for about four more seats in Miss Ruther ford’s department. There have been several applicants for admis sion for the remaining seven weeks of the school year, and there may be others who wi«h to enter. Tui tion fees from April 6 to the end of the term. May 25, will be $2.65 for those in the first five grades, and $3.50 for those in the higher grades, fees positively payable in advance. No one is advised to eni'oll, how ever, who does not intend to study and to conform strictly to regula tions. The institute cannot afford at this time in ^le year to disorgan ize its methods for anyone who is not in earnest. • Up Before the Bar. N. H. Brown, an attorney of Pitts field, Vt., writes: “We have used Dr. King’s New Life PiUs for years and find thena such a good family medicine we wouldn’t be without them.*’ For Chills, Constipation, Billiousness or Sirk Headache they work wonders, 25c.—Allison & Macfie A CARD To the citizens of Brevard: Please allow me to extend thanks % to you for the municipal honors you have from year to year con ferred upon me. I have been a cit izen of Brevard for 18 yekrs, 14 of which I have been chairman of the Board of Aldermen and Mayor of the city. ^And now, as 1 retire as Mayor on" the 10th day of ^ay, I wish to thank you again for your kind support you have always giv en me. I have no reason to doubt that the pre^nt administration will be succeeded by wide-awalj,e, public- spirited gentlemen, and you can rest assured that* I will be shoulder ♦ to shoulder with them in continu ing to build upbur,little tomi. Yours very truly ^ T. W. Whitmire. * Swept Over Niagrara. This terrible calamity often hap pens because a careless boatman ig nores the river's warnings—jjrowing ripples and faster current—Nature’s warnings are kind. That dull pain or ache in the back warns you the kidneys need attention if you would escape fatal maladies—Dropsy, Dia betes or Bright’s disease. Take Elec tric Bitters at once and see Backache fly and all your best feelings return. “After long ruffering from weak kidneys and lame back, one^ $1.00 bottle wholly cured me,” writes J. R. Blankenship, of Belk, Tenn. Only 50c at Allison & Macfie’s. i a s lOwT" iJi Wml REO. IJ.S3 PAX OFF. SlIAMPEDON AUTHATARE GENUINE w-conrnwwT hsisisa last as long as the building itself and never need repairs proof and storm-proof, making them just the ideal roof J suburban or country buildings. And if they’re not genuine, you don’t want them, because they won’t last as long as Cortright and therefore will not prove as good an investment. Ccrtrig'ht Metal SMn^les. . Then they’re fire- for all kinds of city, MILLER-DEVANE SUPPLY CO., Agents Spring Opening OF MILLINERY Sff “■ I April 7 and 8, AT (LAZEMER’S, Rgsman, N. C. REAL ESTATE A. M. VERDERY, Agent. Eiditor Sylvkn Valiev News: ' Principal J. C. Lewis, of the Sue Bennett Memorial School, London, Ky., is visiting the institute this week. The entire institute community regrets the return of Miss Horne to her home in Missouri. She has If you don't buy a tot from Verdery you lose money, and so does Verdery. Here is a Chance—12 acres good bot tom land, 7 acres cleared upland and about 26 acres well wooded land, with nice com fortable 6-room house, 2^ miles from Pen rose, about 8 miles from Brevard. Price for a quick purchaser $1,000. TERMS EASY. Another Chance—A nice, well built 4- rocm cottage on 11-5 acres of land, about one mile from Brevard. Cheap to a cash 1 buyer. See me at once. A Few Choice Lots on Bread street. Prices reasonable. i If you want to buy “see Verdery.” He always has something good to offer you. If you want to sell “see Verdery.” He always has enquiries on file. For Rent—^An eight-room house on Main street. Water and bath in house; also electric lights. For Rent—Store-room in Fraternity building, next door to post office. Rents and collections looked after. Out of town property owners will save them selves trouble by listing their property with me. OVER C. M. DOYIE’S STORL

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