Alta & Macfie’s Drug Store is the place to have, your medicine compounded. We realize the seri- • . ousness of putting up prescriptions, and - only a registered pharmacist is allowed * to handle them. Come and see us. WelGome to all. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. J. M. Zachary and wife of Cal vert were in town this week. Wash Galloway of Bosman was on a visit to Brevard last Thursday. A. M. Newton of Canton visited his mother, Mrs J. A. Ownbey last week. Mrs. T. S. Wood, who has been ill for some time is considerably better. Miss Bessie Martin of Pisgah Forest is visiting relatives in Greenville, S. C. Miss I^ila and Paul Brooks of Bosman were the guests of Mrs. W. S. Price, jr., this week. Wade Patton, who has been at tending Christ school at Arden, returned to his home at Pisgah Forest last week. Bev. B. G. Tuttle preached an excellent sermon to the congrega tion at Laurel Grove chapel last Sunday afternoon. We are glad to learn that Clar ence Glazener of Bosman, who has been dangerously ill with erysipe las, is much improved. Miss Martha Boswell returned last week from Staunton, Va., where she has been attending the M^y Baldwin Seminary. Rev. W. H. Wihls presiding elder of the Waynesville district preach ed morning and evening at the Methodist churoh last Sunday. Mrs. Lizzie Vaughn and sons, Wade and Earl, of Canton are visit ing Mrs. J. A. Ownbey and Mrs. K. C. McCall of Brevard this week. George A. Matheny and son Woodburn, of Sarasotel, Fla., who spent last summer in Brevard, have returned for this season also, and are at Dr. Wallis’. There will be a quarterly meet ing at Little River chapel the fourth Saturday and Sunday in this month, and Misses Reba and Leslie McGaha will be baptized at 10 o’clock Sunday morning. Let everybody attend. More frosts in May. Those who got up early on the morning of the 11th saw the unwilling visitor, and Wednesday morning showed a sim- lar occurrence. It.was three years ago that the freeze in early May killed all the fruit, and even bliglited the forest leaves. Perry Grant, who lives in King’s creek glen, met with a painful acci dent last week. His foot slipped in crossing a log and he fell, so injur ing his leg that he had to lie help- less. Fortunately he was not far from the house, and assistance was soon brought*' A fall to one of Mr. Grant’s age is dangerous, but it is hoped that the effects of this injury will soon be recovered from. There will be a Sunday school workers’ meeting at Rocky Hill cl^urch on Friday, May 28, intended for the special benefit of the offi cers and teachers of th^ Rocky Hill Sunday school. All Sunday school workers of the county, however, are, invited to be present. J. M. Hamlin, Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Owen Rev. and Mrs. J. K. Henderson’ and perhaps other leading Sunday school workers, will be there to give instruction on special features of Sunday school work-. Mrs. J. R. Withers of Davidson is on a visit to Brevard.' W. S.__^ Boswell of Waterbury7 Md., visiting in Brevkrd. Mrs. W. J. Puette returned Wednesday from a visit to the farm. ^ The board of county commission ers are settling with the sheriff for the taxes of 1908. / Rev. J. R. Owen left in the early part of the week to attend the Southern Baptist convention at Louisville, Ky. Rev. Robert King will preach at the Presbyterian church next Sun day, and also the remaining Sun days in this month. The house on South Caldwell street occupied by Leon Gillespie has recently been painted, which adds much to its attractiveness. ’ Tuesday ,night Drs. English and Cheatham were summoned to see Conductor Wakefield who had been taken suddenly ill at Lake Toxaway. f Work has been commenced on the Episcopal church yard for pre- This will be quite that part of Main paring a lawn, an addition to street. We are publishing this week “An Act” of the last legislature “to prevent hunting dogs from run ning at large.” We are notified by the State Audubon Society that their patrolmen have been notified to execute the law without fear br favor. Those who have bird dogs should read the law and act accord ingly. Three bright white lights in Alli son & Macfie’s drug store dazzle the eyes of the beholder. They are gas lights, but not the old yellow kind that used to flare and flicker on the street corners in the olden 0 nights. The gas is generated by gasoline under pressure in a tank '\j?hich communicates -with mantle- equipped burners by wire tubes. The room is flooded with a brilliant light. St. Philips Church, Rogation Sunday, May 16, 1909. The Right Rev. Junius M. Horner, D. D., Bishop of Asheville, will visit St. Philips church next Sunday, the 16th. Morning prayer, confirma tion, holy communion and sermon by the Bishop at 11. Evening prayer, holy Baptism and sermon by the Bishop at 5 o’clock. Offer ings at both services for district missions. All are welcome. Come and hear the Bishop. There will be an informal reception at the Rectory on Saturday evening from 8 to 9 :3(k A splendid opportunity is being offered to Brevard people to attend the Musical Festival at Asheville on Monday, May 17th. By taking a special train in the afternoon one can go and return the same even ing at very reasonable rates, and a special concert ticket of $1 h^ been secured. It is not often that an opportunity of listening to some of the best singers in the country is afforded to people in this section. The Pittsburg orchestra alone would be well worth extra effort and expense to hear. Already quite a number of persons have signified their intentioii of going, but in order that the car may be secured, all who desire to take the trip should see Miss Wave Long not later than Friday evening, and doposit money for tickets. Prof. E. E» Sams and wife of Franklinton, K. C;, are visiting E. M. Allison at Davidson River. H. Q. Robertson of Franklin was in town on lousiness during the week and-: stopping at the ^thel- wold. ' ^ Already a new “influeace” can be discovered in work on our streets. Foot crossings have been raised to a level with tJie sidewalks. Business Locals. Don’t order. See Dqvle. Mitchell & Cox—the home of good coffee. tf For Sale—Fresh Jersey cows. Apply to M. P. ahd J. L. Hawkins, Brevard, N. C. tf Potato Slips—Will be for delivery next Friday, May 21.—C. M^ Sinard. ml4t2* For Sale-—A yoke of fine red wo^k cattle.—W. R. Kimzey, Da vidson River, N. C. • ml4t2* Wanted—Experienced white girl for general house work. Good wages paid. Call or write Mrs. J* S. Silverstein, Rosman, ^ C. 2t A fresh lot of the Hand-Painted Platinum Prints by tlie Scadins, of Blue Ridge scenery adjacent to Brevard, al} Miss Wave Long’s Art Parlors. jyl* ^ Sweet ready Hot weather" is coming and you will want I0E TEA. Try our “Emperor Blended” and you will “wear that smile that won^ come off.” Words to Freeze-th^oul “Your son has consumption. His case is hopeless.*^ These appaUing words were spoken’to Goe. E. Bie vens, a leading merehant of Spring field, N. C., by two expert doctors— shown the wonderful power of Dr. King’s New Discovery. “After three weeks use,’* writes Mr. Ele vens, ‘‘he was ps well as ever, 1 would not take nil the money in the world lor what it did for my boy.’’ Infallible tor Cougrhs and Cold&; it’s the safest, surest cure of desperate Lung diseases on »»arth. 50c. and f 1.00. Guarantee sati action. Trial bottle fr^;e.—Allison & Macfie. MITCHELL & cox Watches that keep time all the fime. —“Rockford.” World’s most popular.— Elgin and Waltham. S A good, cheap watch.—“New England.” S The bost dollar watch.—“Ingersoll.” S See the, finest American-made watch.—“Howard.” S A nice assortment to select from in all grades and ~ prices—^from $1.00 to $55.00. Come in and see them. i I C. B. MoFEE - ’ I = THE WATCH MAN OUR CUSTOMERS SAY WE'RE ALWAYS FIRST. Yes^ tnank you. <a.OfHES ifw«a«>rrfBe New things are always shown here first. They appear on our counters as early as they do in centers of fashion —Linens, Lawns, Batistes, Mulls, and also the finer Silks and soft Satins in the correct shades and stripes. There is no lack of variety for your choosing. You can replen ish your summer wardrobe here for less cash than any where else in the country. Our pricas prove this. Warm Days are approaching and you must plan for that new gown. You must start right and get the CORSET that will make the gown fit right. The Corset we want you to get is the American Beauty. There is style in every outline. It 13 a very dainty creation and will give you great satisfaction. Our other departments are equally able to supply your wants. Gentlemen^s and Youtfc^s Correct Clothes Fashions. Appearances go a great ways. Clothes make the man. There'is in dress something independent of mate rial and even of the individuality of the wearer—there is a spirit of caste. A prosperous appearance is,an intro duction to good society. - The Clothes Beautiful of the clothes world are here for your inspection. They are designed and made by the celebrated tailors Griffon & Bro. and Jos. Klein & Co., of New York City and Balti more. , 'vf Wha ever se fourth COR'; And AL S some ] buildi] pairs, the m: put 01 What’ cheap MiUe W< Send: free re Howt Paten AMERICAN BEAUTY Style 1326 Kalamazoo Cortat Ca., Makers FURNISmK6S--lta newest and latest HATS ready for your inspection. • V* and Oxfords MADE ronU5 In Peters’ High Grades we offer you a line of exceptional foot-,J wear, designed* for men and women who. are fastidious. The hi<^ tone and classy character of these goods will at tract the most exclusive; MAOE roR us 5HoeCa Wm. P. Weilt s Gash Store OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. BREVARD, N. C. C THI iu 8i ALBR ^ M

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