ct Burii0ft sdwlthili W»e lijht y ^0 9l»e r bright iberty itetflis Alp-Tlghl On-TlghI old by L£ Extra the best E iastine? w what it ed to take 'er to show yo]Lir walls B economic- e beautiful lave before. Coating TiNE IIS » FcrtilS- 5 here to ind wMI as long ted to give more eiir- than any ONLY NEWSPAKI IN J.J.II«£R.aiKKER ANB lUUfAC^ aXiTj home print VOLUME»XIV , BREVAEO, NOETI CimiM, JULY 5>3.1909 IJUMBER*30 CEBBIA j^HANOED Black Hand (^es To Death Id Louisiana. STORY OF BJS CRIME MONEY GONE—KILLS 8SLF. Hanging of Recalls Orw^ of the Most iFeai^ul Black Hand Outrages Ever Recorded In the ^te of Louisiana. / New Orleans—Leonard Qebbfa was hanged at Huhnville, the parish seat of St Charles parish, for the crim« of murder. In which ten-year-old Wal-. ter Lamana was the victim. - Gebbia*s death on the gallows recalls one of the most fearful Black Ha&d (eases on record in New Orleans, a case that stirred the whole state of Louisiana. He alone has pand the death penalty, his .accomplices es caping with seotences of life impris onment or succeeded In making their escape altogether, with the exception of his sister, Nlcollna Gebbia, who, however, has had her death sentence commuted. . The crime was committed in the month of June, 1907, more than two years ago. It was on the night of June 8 that little Lamana disappeared from the neighborhood of his parents’ home on St. Philip ^street. In the .heart of “Little Italy.” !The father, Peter Lamana, engaged In the undertaking business, was believed to have amass ed a fortune by .the plotters, who sent him letters dfem;iiidlrig^ ^6,000. ran som, assuring, him the lad was safe, but unless the money was forthcom ing he would be killed. TJie matter was given into the hands of the po^ lice, and a - great movement was launched whereby It was hoped'to re cover the boy unharmed, prominent Italian citizens working In conjunc tion with the authorities. Elvery clew was traced as for as possible, subjects being arrested right and left, until finally it was learned that the boy had been taken to St Charles parish. Gebbia gave this in formation, his story being corrobora ted by his- sister. The officers found the body of little Lamana In a pool of water, hidden by a clump of wil lows. It had been placed there sev eral days before. The child had been murdered w'len his father failed to heed the warning of the Black Hand. “I have no confession to make. *I have nothing to confess.- Hy only wish Is that those who have made m? suffer will feel what I am going through.** Thei^e were the last words spoken by Gebbia. Suicide Efids Gay Career of Once Wealthy Young Cuban. ‘New York—Suicide ended gay ca reer of a wealthy young Cuban when Juan Balsinde shot himself in his ap artment in East ^^ourteenth street Kearly two hundred seat chtcka from' theaters^ some-memoranda j^nd a let ter Indicated that he had been Infatu ated with an actress and had foUow- ed her from place ta- place In Cuba and in tills country. Kfe killed -him self^ it Is believed, because his money had given put and Kls love affair had lost Its interest. Balsinde, who was 26 years oli, had been attending a school at Pough keepsie. The clerk at the Hotel America told the police that Balslnde’s father was a member of the firm of Balsinde JBrothers, owners- of extensive sugar plantations. Louisa Von Oeston, the actress with whom the youj^ Cuban was in fatuated, called at the morgue, ^e knelt beside the body, kissed the;nps repeatedly and cried: “Qh! Why did you do this? Why were you so foolish?” Becoming hysterical, 'she was led away. Sloop Carrying Pleasure Party Bay. MRS. HAYCS DIES. Healthy Currency Report. Washington—A healthy.^ condition of the national banking business is shown in the resume of the sports sent to the comptroller of the curren cy issued as the result cf the last call. It shows that on .June 23 there were, the following increases in the principal . items since April 2Z, the date of the last preceding reports: Loans and discounts.....! 72,772,047 Individual deposits ..... 72,516,311 Surplus and other profits ll,^93;f26 Bue from banks i4,l72,2ri Capital stp<^ S,624,ll» Government deposits .... 4,082,902 Total resources 102,^48,820 The total resources since July 15, a year ago, have Increased $757,668,- 263. 13 SAILORS PERISH. Daughter of Confederacy’s Chief Parses Away. Colorado Springs, Col.—Mrs. J. Addison Hayes,^ daughter of .Jefferson Davis, president of the .Confederacy, died at her home, after an Illness ci six months. Mrs. Hayes was the wife of J. Addi son Hayes,*~prej8ldent of the -First Na tional bank of this city. ■ Many messages of Inquiry were re solved recently from friends through out the country, who had-gained the impression that Mrs. Hayes was suf fering from cancer. _ The cause of her death as an nounced by the attending physicians, was a complication of diseases. Mrs. Hayes, the last ai the family of the late president of the Confede**- acy, after the death of her sister, Miss^ Winnie Dftvis^ at Rlchmmi^ Va., made a tt^ sout^ a few years ago, when she was made a Daughter of the Confederacy in her sister's stead. Her mother, widow of the southern president, died in New Yoric about two years ago. British Submarine Sent to Bottom by Collision. Cromer, England.-^The British sub marine designated as C-11 was sunk by .the cargo steamer EMdystone at a point four and a half miles morth west of the Hansborough lightship. Thirteen members of the vesseFs crew went to the bottom wl^h her, and only three were saved. The cruiser Bonadventure, with a flotilla of eight submarines, was pro ceeding in a .flouthernly direction when the EJddystone ran in among the vessels and collided with C-11. The submarine C-16 and"C-17, in en deavoring to avoid ~a collision wit^ the freighterj ran into each other. C-17 was damaged, but there were no fatalities on board either craft. SUDDEN SQOALL CAME Captain of thet^i««el and Twelve Survivors Wer^. picked Up Linder Great DifficuitifS In Rough and > Chopi^ 8«a. New York^Sixtl^ persons, five of them women; havll _ met death by drowning in the .filters, either sur rounding or->in t^ Vicinity of New York. - ^ T^n of the victims" perished afte? the capsizing of tiie excursion sloop Eoxana, carrying twe^tyrtwo pas sengers, which w^ dtfiick. by a sud den squall in lower New York bay, midway between Coney Islaikd point and Hoffman lsla|]kd. Of the suiVlv- ors, one woman, Mrs. C. iCnudsen, of Brooklyn, Is . in such a serious condi tion that she problUily will die. Her two daughters were/* drownvsd. ' The other ■ drownl^s, with but one exception, were swimming accidents. The captain of the Roxana and;;5^he 12 survivors wert picked up und^* great difficulties l|i a rough and chop py sea by the tuj Lamont. ^ - FATAL STREET FIGHT. Miss Saylef Will Do Everything to Avenge His Death. Watseka, 111.—Golda Sayler, the. seventeen-year-old daughter of J. B. iSayler, the Crescent City (111.) bank er^ slain by Dr* William L. Miller, de- elaxes she will do everything in her power to avepgC het. fatlj;>r’s death, although her mother, who ft in a cell here as an accomplice in the killing, may be one of the greatest sufferers t>y reason of the prosecution. This^ is the first public announcement Miss Sayler has nade, although friends of Mrs. Sayler have declared repsatedly that the girl would aid her mothsr. When the banker’s private drawer n the safety deposit vault of the bank was opened they were confronted by facts which showed that the slaia t>anker knew a crisis in his family affairs wars coming and evidence said to be damaging .to the cttse of Dr. Miller and Mrs. Sayler. Added to this, it Is said, was the development that Sayler had planned to leave , his wife and live alone. Peeling against Dr. Miller and Mrs. Sayler continues at high pitch. A possee is continually on guard at the JalL ‘ . Comer Calls Extra Session. Birmingham^ Ala.—Governor Co mer's message calling an extra ses^ slon of the state legislature asks for constitutional^ r{»rdhlbltion, new ooAn- tles and a tAennfol session legislature. Mamm^ I^avol Dlsptay. London.~iii^don*s^iia'\^ parade, in which 160 'Wanships IooIe'part cm the Thames, was favored by fine weather and was an entire siiecess. The whole river was ea fete. Editors EfSet Officers. Douglas, Ga.—The following are the newly-elected officers of the Geor gia Weekly Press Association chosen by the convention: held^ at Douglas, Ga.: A. S. Hardy, of. the Gainesville News, president; C. M, Methvln, of th^Bastman Tlmes-joumal, first vice- president; L. E. Heath, of the Coffee 'County News,, second vice-president; Berry T. Moseley, ^f the DanlfTsvine Monitor, treasurer; W. A. Shackle ford, Of the Oglethorpe “Eeho, secre tary; H. M. Stanley, corresponding secretary; J. M. Freeman, of Douglas, honorary Mf^ member. .AmeHcus was chosen for the next convention. Dispute About a Cow Results In a Tragedy in Mississippi. ■ Union; Miss.—One old cow, which would nc^t have brbusht fifty dollars on the market, Cai»<^d a bloo^ pis tol battle in the streets of this^little town. It resulted In the filing ol two men; the fhttd lajjplag of nwre, -^nd the serious wcfUndfng of still an other. The fight was between the two Me-. Donald brothers on one side and Jos eph Miller and Cornelius Chrlsholm on ^the other. Bad blood had existed between some of the men for years the dispute over the ownership of a cow, it Is^sald, brought about the shootlikg which resulted as stated above.^ The town was ^rown Into great excitement It was thought that troops might have to be called out to pre vent further trouble. All the parties were prominent In this section of the state. Killed By. Bee Sting. Mason City, Iowa—Killed -by the sting of a bee was the fate of Mrs. Mary J. Buck, a resident of Garrl son. A hive of bees belonging to a neighbor had .swarmed and lit on a tree on th^ Buck premises. Mrs Buck was sitting on the porch of her residence n^hen one of the bees stung her on the right temple. She called for help and was carried Into the house. Physicians were sum moned, but before they could reach her side she was dead. V In fUes for GeverndrsHI^^ Nashville, ^enn.’H3«®®^*Mi Harvey HsUmah, mem^i&r x)f th^ state rtllroad i^mnalssidn, and former adjutant gen of the state, has announced for the democratic nomination for gov ^nor. Mr. Hannah has the dlstlnc ■ tlon of having spoken in every court house in Tennessee, and has-, a wide reputation for oratory^ Woman^s Brave Defense. Lake Chartes, La.—^Attacked by a negro burglar at her home h^e, Mrs^ Alice Lon« finally succeeded in break- iMMte ^m her assa^nt aadv^^^ ing hlm. She then fainted. »It is he- the •'ironiM' ^he negro-re* ^Iv^ ^^as a m^rtaripne, because the ^reat amount Of blood discover^ on the floot* of the room and t^slaw progre^ he apparently mad©: iif e®* caping. ■ Fall of Ba&ti^e Celebrated. New Orleans.—The Fourleenth of July society, compos^ of patriotic Frenchmen, has celebritted the anni versary of the fall of the BastUe with a festival Owing to 4he large num ber of French people in -New Orieans and the fact of V New Orleans' early French settlement, this ocpasioa is always one of note here. IH Health Causes Suicide. JJ^pnia, Ga.—^Mrs. Mattie SinqUe- 'M4 was found dead at her^ home by Q. M. Sinquefield, her fi^sband," giranite cutter*: It Is si^^sed she committed suicide by shootJfng her self In the right temple. Ill health is said to be the cause. , $525 for Persian Cat. London—^A record price for a cat been paid by Mi9. L3TMias,~"pi! _£3ii<ago, who^has Iwught the cham pion male Chtncffla Persian of Eng land; fiby vK/ fer |5^ ‘ Mrs. Lynnas* ^ttrchase goes tQ Arnica on the .Maj^tic. 7 ' ;-|H»ip's Crew ba^-^Brrol, bound from Soath Anaer- ^*iMH4Wton on June 18, and tl^ 'capti^ hts wife an^d 18 of the crew .peHd^ed- ' . TRUE TO HER FATHER. Comity Govemmeiit«. Bepresentative—G. W- Wilson- Clerk Superior Court—T. T. Lof tis. Sheriff and Tax Collector—C. C. Kilpat rick. Treasurer—Z. W. Nictiolls. Rcfi^ster of Deeds-^B. A. Gilkspie., Corpwr-Dr. W. J. Wallis. • * Commissioners—W. M. Henry, Ch’n; G. T. Lyday; W. E. Galloway. Superintendent oi Schools—T. C. derson. ^ Physician—Dr, Goode Cheatham. Attorney—Gash A^Galloway. Tovra Govemraent*. SHAH DETHRONED. Crown PPlnce Sultan Ahmed Mlr::a Proclaimed Regent. Teheran.-^Mohammed AH, shah of Persiaf lias been dethroned and the crown prince, Sultan Ahmisd Mirza, has been proclaimed shah the na tional assembly, composed of the chi^ Mujtehids and the lecfd^s of nationalists forces,presence of an Immense crowd' Jn parliament. Mohamnre^ Alf hae*-taken refuge, at the tlussian legation at Zernade The new shah Is yet in hla mlnor- it3^, and Azad tJI Mulk, one of the most active leaders of the movement, has taken office as minister of war and governor of Teheran. Three Hundred Earthquake Victims. Athens, Greece.—Three^ hundred or more were killed by the earthquake which devasta,ted the province of Ellis, accjording to advices just received frcSn Pyrgos, the capital of^ the pro vince. Thirty bodies have been re covered so fur. While the dispatch says that the estimate of -dead is in the neighborhood of 300, it adds that this Is merely an estimate, and that conditions in the stricken district are such that many hours must elapse be fore definite details can be expected. The earthquake was of volcanic ori gin. Fou** Triannrien Killed. » ^ Hoyal, £ii.—Four trainmen were killed, several persons were seriously Injured and the lives of forty passen gers Imperiled wh^n the St. Louis Flyer, from Chicago, on the Chicago and Elastem Illinois, southbound, ran into an open switch, opened, accord ing to railroad officials, by train wreckers, an^ collided with a north bound passenger train near here. Ail was rushed to the scene of the acci dent from nearby towns. Mayor-W. E. Breese, jr. Bo^d of Aldermen—^T. H. Shipman. J. M. Kilpatrick, T. M. Mitchell, A. H. King, E. W. Carter. Marshal—^J. A. Galloway. Clerk-and Tax Collector—T. H. Gallo way. Tcpasurer—^T- H. Shipman. Health Officer—Dr. C. W. Hunt Attorney—W. W. Zachary. Regiilar meetings—First Monday night in each month. Profesdonal Cards. W. B. DUCKWOR.TH. A.TTORNEY-AT-LAW. Eiooms 1 and 2, Pickelsliher Building. GASH (& GALLOWAY LAWYERS. Will j^acfcice in all the courts. Rodms'O and IprMcMInn iBlock.' ' SOUTHEHN RAILWAY COMPANY. TransTlvanji^ RaiUo^d. SUMMER SCHEDUX.E Effective May 30, 1909 Time Table No. 5 d'S 25 Si — ' *■ Eastern Standard Time • I^T STATIONS w/ gs P M A M A M IE* M 3 50 8 05 Lv_: Asheville Ar 9 (» 6 15 4 55 0 10 8 00 5 10 5 16 17 48 5 ax 8 9 26 ^7 44 84 54 5 26 £ 9 SI f7 89 U 49 S 9 40 fi7 }W 84 43 f5 41 f 9 4«> Biantyre 17 S8 14 81 hb 47 s 9 52 8? 21 s4 S8 f5 5.^ ftO 00 f? 18 f4 23 s6 00 810 05 Fisgah FortKt.., T 10 S4 £0 s6 10 SIO 5 Ar Brevard Lv ‘7 Oft 84 15 f»5 -J4 flO 99 ffi 4ft f3 58 fG 3i flO 37 cherry field 1C 42 13 33 fft 35 flO 40 38 f3 48 s6 41 RlO 46 kR ?W §8 43 k6 '9 fll 04 l 6 50 -f3 30 f7 00 10 b7 2> 811 £5 t6 02 83 13 7 25 11 a9 Ar...Lake Toxaway...X^ 6 00 3 10 “f ’ StopoufeiguaU ‘V’ Regularatop. Mrs. Eddy's 88th Birthday. Boston—Mrs. Mary Baker G. Eddy, founder and leader of the Christian^ Science denomination, passed he? 88th birthday at her residence in Chestnut Hill. According to cnstom the anni versary passed without any particular observance. Members of Mrs. Eddy’s household said that “the mother", as she is known, was in splendid health and attending tO- her affairs With her usual vigor. • Death Rather Than Arrest. Charleston, S. C.—Rather than be arrested for tr^ng «o chloroform two dau^ters of the Morris Island light house deeper, Ludi^g Jacobsen, as sistant keeper, blew the t<^ of his head off, wh^ called to surrender by a sheriff’s jkjss© . at the door of a locked room. H«b wai? in love with the daughter of the keeper, but his advances were refused. Fowr Klllsd, Twenty ln.^Ar^ persons were tore tiM twenty Injupsd, and a >dozen ^others injmred dko rMiitt of ^e eia)lo«M niOto^ a l^ it dn* '^ng a -^cle race at the Old Botanical Qardena. E. W. CARfER, Ag’t. J. H. WOOD, Dist. Pass. Ag’t, Afiherille, N C. Summer Excursion Round-Trip Tickete Now on sale via Sonthem Railway. Week-end to Asheville $1.^5—-On sale all trains Saturdays and Sun day mornings. Gocd returning Mondays. Summer excurMon to Asheville $2:05.—On sale daily. Good re turning October 31st. Other points On application. J. H. Wood, D. P. A. E. W. Carter, T. A. Chaige is Huiffiig of IlHijihis-AsteAlc SfeeiMg Car Llie. Effective Stmday, June 20th. Under new arrangement leaves AsheviUe westbound daily 2:05 p. m., arriving .Meniphis 7:30 a. m. Eastbound leaves Memphis daily 8:15p.m., arriving Asheville 1:86 p.m. ^ ME W YORK » TMC«l»ATCaT TI^TBU^ J Slow um WORkO. ^PWYMr. ro Ofc 18SUlh> ^NIPl.B <eOPV FSi^ ntMHc QUEER nn. CO. J&iBBBr/.mtQL PUKUsSBBSt 4TW.»m a».,K*wlr<Wt

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